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Saddled On The Cowboy: A Hot Western Romance

Page 29

by Amanda Heartley

Cooking breakfast for you!!

  She laughed to herself. He is so freekin’ romantic. Goofy, but romantic. She quickly brushed her teeth and ran down stairs where she saw him standing in the middle of the kitchen, cooking breakfast, in an apron. Just an apron. Her apron.

  He looked up at her with his silly, crooked smile, “Hi, honey! How are you on this fine morning?”

  Scratching her head, she raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Turn around.” She nodded.

  He turned to show her his taut, nut-crackin ass and she giggled. He was so sexy. A hot, sexy, incredible man. Naked. Cooking breakfast in her apron.

  “This is such a Kodak moment.”

  “Don’t you dare.” Laughing, his eyes lit up and he walked over to her, carrying her breakfast plate to the table. Bowing as he pulled out her chair “Please sit, m’lady, your breakfast awaits.”

  Annie replied in a thick, posh accent. “Why, thank you, Sir. Will you be joining me this morning?”

  “Ah, yes, m’lady, would you like a cuppa café to go along with your breakfast?”

  “Most certainly, m’lord.” They both laughed hysterically, “Honey, you’re such a dork!” she teased. They were so much in love, even acting like a couple of dorks was romantic.

  He sat down on the chair next to her and as soon as his bare butt hit the cold wood, he jumped. “Dang! This chair is cold.”

  “Put some clothes on.”

  “Clothes? That would ruin the moment. I wanted to be ‘sexy chef’ this morning. Good thing I found your apron or we might have been eating more of me that we thought!” They laughed.

  Being with Tommy was a dream come true for Annie. He was the perfect man for her. Silly, handsome, funny, southern, soft, strong. She was so in love with him. God had answered all her prayers.

  Taking a bite of bacon, he looked up at her. “Annie, we need to talk.”

  “Talk? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” as she took a bite of scrambled eggs covered in ketchup.

  “I’m fine, honey, it’s you I’m worried about.”

  “Me? Why are you worried about me?”

  “Last night…well, last night when you were sleeping…and I know you were a little drunk, you were crying. You cried out Marti’s name a few times and it worries me. What kind of hold does this girl have on you?”

  “Oh, Honey…I’m sorry.” She stood up and walked over to him. Untying the apron, she straddled his lap, cupping her hands on his cheeks. “Baby, I love you, in fact, just right now, I was praying and thanking God for you. I’m sorry if I called her name. Honestly, I haven’t even thought about her that much. I love you. I want us to get married as soon as we can so we are bound together in Holy Matrimony for the rest of our lives.”

  She lowered her mouth to his, her fingers playing with his hair. Their lips met, gently kissing, their tongues magically dancing along with each other, and without missing a beat, he lifted her up and eased his hard cock inside her. She moaned.

  “I…love….you….” he spoke with each gentle thrust. Kissing her neck ever so softly, his hands tangled in her hair, he whispered in her ear. “Annie”. Thrust. “I.” Kiss. “Love.” Thrust. “You.” Kiss.

  He reached up to stroke her face. His eyes full of passion and adoration. She felt his hardness deep inside her, his heart beating wildly, his breathing getting heavier. But this wasn’t just sex. This was love. Pure, unadulterated love. In the middle of the day, at the big oak table in the kitchen, the exact same place they fell in love.

  She bounced on his cock. “Ahh!” Bounce. “I” Kiss. “Fucking.” Bounce. “Love.” Grind. “You.” She gently ground her pussy on him, his whole length deep inside her. Her nipples rubbed against him, pebbling as they slid across his chest. “Tommy,” She panted. “I can’t stand this slo-mo. Fuck me. Honey, make me cum, make me fucking cum all over you.”

  With a moan, he grabbed her hips, plunging his manhood deep inside her. She wrapped her legs around the chair, rocking her hips, taking him all in. “Yes, honey, yes, like that! Fuck! Tommy, you are gonna make me cum, like-” she bucked wildly, “right - ” bouncing uncontrollably on his lap, “fucking - ” she arched her back, grabbing his hair, grinding her clit against him and let out a loud “Noooowwww!”

  He grabbed her tight; her pussy pulsated on his cock. He gave one final push, letting out a deep guttural grunt as he erupted inside her. His ass tightened hard against the chair, his chest heaved, the sweat dripped off of his brow.

  He grabbed her head, plunging his tongue into her mouth, crushing her lips as he passionately kissed her, sucking her breath into his own. Jerking violently as the final bursts of his hot come shot deep inside her. “God, Annie, I love you.”

  They sat there, panting, sweating, holding each other for a few moments. Reveling in the feel of naked skin against naked skin. She sat up, his cock gently slid out of her. “I love you. We gotta stop this. We are never gonna get anything done” she smirked.

  He kissed her again, “Okay, baby, I got something else to talk to you about…”

  “More? Is it good or bad? Did I do something else?”

  “Nope, it’s not you. It’s us.”

  Annie’s heart sank. She had heard the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ conversation a few times before. “Well, then what is it? What, Tommy?”

  “I’ve been thinking about the money you have in the trust and it really concerns me. You need to know I love you and I don’t want your money, your ranch, the peach groves. Nothing like that. But we do need to talk about our future. We need to set a date for the wedding, figure out where we are going to live. Here or at my house in town? Are we staying in Mountain Grove? What are the plans for kids? Jobs? I don’t even know if you want kids. Honey, I know you know this is important. We need to both be on the same page.”

  A feeling of relief washed over her. She could do this. She cupped his cheeks and kissed him. “Honey, I would live with you anywhere, have all your babies and work if I need to. Yes, these things are important, but we have each other. You are all I need. All I will ever need.”

  He pulled away, his voice a little harsh. “Annie, I’m serious. We aren’t getting any younger.”

  She sighed. “Okay, honey, I’m all ears. What do I need to do? Call someone? Honey, what? What do you want me to do?”

  “Well… we could start with getting dressed.” He smiled and got up from the chair. Annie sat back down and picked up her iPad that was still on the table from before,

  He sprinted upstairs, yelling out “Be right back, honey bun!”

  Chapter 12

  Marti slowly walked through the casino with Nick, her eyes darting from poker tables to slot machines, taking in the ambiance of a real Las Vegas casino. A smile slid across her face. “Oh, my God, Nick, this is incredible! What are we going to do first?”

  “Whatever you want Princesa. Are you hungry? Do you want something to drink? Eat?” he walked over to a dollar slot machine and slid a few dollars in. he pushed the button and the machine chimed and flashed.

  Her face lit up as she watched the slot machine spin and then come to a stop. “Don’t you have to pull the handle thingy?”, pointing to the lever on the side.

  “No, not really, but you can if you want. See? There is this button right here that makes it spin or you can pull the lever. Go ahead and pull it down.”

  Nervously, she grabbed the handle and pulled. Ding! Ding! Ding! The slot machine spun and it landed on 3 cherries. Two one dollar coins fell into the tray below.

  “Hey! You won!” he chuckled. She picked up her coins and put them into the coin slot.

  “Now what? Just push this button?”

  “Yep. Let’s see if you win again.” The slot machine took the two credits and she pushed the button. The machine lit up, making noises and stopped on a bar, a bear and a seven. Nothing.

  She shrugged. “Oh well,” pulling Nick by the hand. They walked over to a roulette table and watched. The wheel spun, everyone held their breath. It landed on 19 red. There
were a few chips on 19 red and the dealer paid out a man and his girl with more chips.

  “Do you know how to play this?”

  “Yes, Peach, but I am not much of a gambler. Do you want to play?”

  “Can I? Will you show me how?”

  “It’s easy, just put your chips on your lucky numbers. If the ball stops on your number, you win.”

  He pulled some cash out of his pocket and handed it to the dealer. There were six people at the table and all eyes were on Marti. She placed her chips on 19, 27, 36 and slid one more chip onto 7.

  The dealer yelled “No more bets!” and spun the wheel. Everyone was whispering their numbers. The ball came to a stop. There was total silence around the roulette table.

  “18 red!”

  “Dammit! Come on Nick, I’m no good at this!” giggling, she pulled him over to the slot machines again.

  A waitress in a sparkly blue leotard and fuck me heels walked over to them “Can I get y’all anything?”

  “Sure, I’ll have a scotch, straight up and a cosmopolitan for my lady.” He smiled, threw a twenty on the tray and winked at Marti.

  “Ooh, we get fancy drinks here, too?” She asked, a bit surprised that he addressed her as ‘my lady’.

  Sliding his hand around her waist, he gazed into her bright green eyes. What he felt when he was with Marti was something he had lost a long time ago. He never thought it would ever come back. His heart pounded. He knew was almost twenty years her senior but she had so much life in her. “Anything you want, Preciosa. Tonight is your night.” He bent down and lightly kissed her lips. “We can do anything you want.”

  Marti shivered. “Ahhh….you are the preh-see-oh-sah, Mr. Nick Vargas.” Her Spanish was lacking but at least she tried.

  The waitress returned with their drinks and Marti sipped her cosmopolitan while Nick gulped his down. “Peach, I know you want to play these hungry machines, but my stomach is telling me otherwise. Let’s go find a nice dark corner booth in a quiet restaurant and eat something.”

  She giggled, placing her hand over her mouth, batting her eyes teasingly, with her thick southern accent, “Oh silly me! You want me in a dark corner? With you? Oh, Lord! Pray tell…what am I ever going to do with you?” Laughing out loud, Marti finished her drink and they walked out of the casino, onto the Las Vegas Strip.

  Marti shivered, “It’s a little chilly out here.”

  ”Do you want to walk or shall I call the car?”

  “Oh, honey, let’s walk. Cold ain’t never bothered me before.”

  The Strip was packed with people from all over the world. Marti smiled at passers-by and some smiled back, some didn’t. She thought it was a bit rude with her background. In Georgia, everyone smiled as they passed, or at least a nod. “Is everyone rude here? Some of these people don’t even smile.”

  “Different cultures.”

  “You’re a different culture and you’re not rude.”

  He smiled, slipping his arm around her waist, “Yes, Peach, I am a different culture, but I could never be rude to you, Mad Dog!!” he laughed, remembering her face when they met just a few days ago at the café.

  She smacked his arm, a girly smirk on her face. “Hey now! I was having a bad day!”

  “Who’s to say all these people aren’t having a bad day?”

  “They’re in Vegas! Who could have a bad day in Vegas?”

  Chapter 13

  Walking into the restaurant, Marti gasped “Oh my God, are we eating here?”

  Nick wrapped his arm around her and nodded. “Yes, Princesa, you’re hungry, aren’t you?”

  “Uhm, yeah!” Squealing like a little girl, she couldn’t contain her excitement. This place is incredible.

  The hostess smiled at Nick. “Hello Mr. Vargas, Your usual table tonight?” He pulled a bill out of his pocket, smiled and handed it to her. “Please.”

  “You have a usual table here?” Marti was flabbergasted. These people knew him and treated him like royalty.

  “I eat here every now and then,” He coolly replied.

  How can he be so calm? This is freakin’ amazing!

  The restaurant had an Old French Provincial look and feel and it was completely decorated in plum, purple and gold. The ceiling was immense, reaching over two stories high. The gold colored moldings accentuated the ivory colored walls. Every one of the tables glowed with candlelight.

  Most of the guests were in black tie and Marti felt a little out of place in her sundress and flats, but walking with Nick and the way people stared at them was fascinating. She giggled and stuck her nose up as they walked through to his ‘usual table’. They were being watched like they were Hollywood stars.

  They sat in the corner, in a velvet covered booth, candlelight glowing, away from the crowds and activity. “Oh my Gosh, Nick, this place is amazing. How do you know about it? Am I allowed to be in here like this?”

  “No worries, honey, you saw how they walked us in here. By the way, do you speak French?” he snickered.

  “No, smart ass, I speak redneck.” She blurted out a little too loud. “And sex!”

  “Shhhh!” his eyes widened as he tried to quiet her. “You’re crazy! Talking like that here. They are going to kick us out before we get to eat.” He laughed.

  “Sorry,” she giggled. “What are we gonna eat? First, let me tell you…I don’t eat frog legs or anything I can’t pronounce.”

  He shrugged. “You can’t pronounce anything here, so let me order for both of us and grab a bottle of champagne. I won’t make you eat anything I wouldn’t eat.”

  “Thanks a lot,” she replied, rolling her eyes.

  The waiter brought out another course. “Wow! How much food did you order?” As the waiter sat her Sault Farrow in front of her she whispered “Is this gold? What the hell, Nick? Are you feeding me gold, now?”

  He laughed, “Princesa, its gold leaf. Just eat it. It really has no flavor, it’s just for effect.”

  “Okayyy? Now I’m eating gold. Whooda thunk?”

  Moving on to her Sautéed veal chop, she was amazed at the taste and texture of fine dining. I could get used to this. After all the meat, potatoes and pasta she knew so well growing up, her penchant for fine food surprised her. Nick really knew how to treat a gal and she was ecstatic to BE that gal.

  Before the second bottle of 1997 Cristal was gone, they were both giggling like old friends. Marti told Nick about Annie and the sexcapades, her new step-father, what happened when she was dating Tommy, and Nick shared his life and told her about how his family came to America and built the shipping empire from the ground up. His past loves and how he didn’t have time for romance, now his mama thought he was too old and he was going to be ‘the most eligible bachelor’ for the rest of his life.

  It was getting late, the restaurant was about to close, so they stumbled to the door, Marti was happy, singing and slurring her words and Nick wasn’t feeling any pain, either.

  “Princesa, I called the car. We can’t walk down Las Vegas Boulevard like this. It should be right outside.” He gestured towards the door, seeing the limo parked outside. “Ahhh, yes, here it is.” The driver was waiting, ready to drive them back to the hotel.

  “Is he drunk?” She pointed toward the chauffeur.

  “Is who drunk? My driver? Jesse?”

  Glancing over at his driver, “Jesse, are you drunk?”

  “No, Sir. Not at all.”

  “Can he take us for a ride?”

  “Sure, where do you want to go?”

  “Anywhere, I want to see the city that never sleeps.”

  He helped her into the limo, sitting her on the plush leather seat and slid in beside her. “You okay, Princesa?” reaching up to turn on the music and then pouring two more glasses of Champagne.

  She gulped her drink down and leaned over onto him. Her hands went to his broad shoulders, tracing the lines of his biceps with her fingernails. “Nick, you are so fuckin’ hot! And dinner was amazing, thank you. This has been
a real experience.”

  He laughed, “Hold on Princesa, slow down.” Setting his glass into the cup holder, he reached over and pushed a button, the dark glass behind the driver slid up to give them some privacy.

  He turned to her and unclipped her hair, running fingers through her unruly curls, crushing his lips to hers, his tongue tracing the sweet wetness of her mouth. He nipped a little too hard and she flinched. The white heat ran through her mouth, down her chest, through her tummy and landed smack in the center of her clit. It pulsed. She moaned, breathless and squirmed under him. “Fuck me, Nick. I’m so fuckin’ ready, fuck me…”

  He raised her dress and slid his fingers down to her lace panties. They were soaked. He pushed them aside and slid his finger between her lips, searching out her tender pearl. She rotated her ass, trying to grind her clit on his fingers.

  “Fuck, Princesa, Que me estas haciendo?” He whispered.

  His cock was hard. Rock hard. And looking for an escape of the confined space. He pulled her lace panties off and threw them to the side. His hand fumbled for his belt and unhooked it, quickly unzipping his pants. His cock sprang to attention, he couldn’t wait for his Princesa. The champagne was working its magic on both of them. Fuck! I got to get a handle on this! What does this girl do to me?

  Gently sliding his huge cock into her wet pussy, she grabbed his hips and cried out. “Fuck me, Nick! You fucking gorgeous man. Fuck me!”

  He moaned as he plunged his cock into her, rocking his hips, and thrust again. The movement of the limo, and the champagne, made him a bit dizzy. He grabbed hold of the seat back to steady himself and pounded into her. She cried out. He thrust again. His Princesa wanted him and he couldn’t stop now.

  She wrapped her legs around him, taking him all inside, grinding and rocking her hips, feeling the base of his cock beating on her tender clit.

  “Nick, Fuck me! I love you! Fuck! Fuck!” her fingernails buried deep into his back, he pounded into her, her hips grinding and bumping, taking in all of his manhood, the frenzy taking hold of Marti as she exploded into a mind-blowing orgasm. Convulsing with each thrust, she came and hollered out “Ahhh….Ni-…Nick! Fuck! FUCK!”


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