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Saddled On The Cowboy: A Hot Western Romance

Page 34

by Amanda Heartley

  Sounds like a good old fashioned fuck buddy to me. Work, my ass. I’ll show that little bitch some work. Right about the time I take her out back and give her a little history lesson.”

  Annie smiled, “Oh my God, Marti! Do you hear yourself? You’ve obviously lost your mind, talking about whoopin’ someone’s ass like a hood rat.”

  The tears started to well up in her eyes again. “I’m not a ho - hood rat, but she’s some fancy schmancy Stanford bitch and she just makes me feel so stupid and he - he doesn’t do anything about it.” She grabbed another tissue and blew her nose again.

  “Annie, what am I gonna do? My life is so fucked up. Y’all are so happy and I just fuck things up more and more as time goes by.” Sniffle.

  “Honey, you’re home now. Go take a hot shower, put your feet up and we’ll figure something out. I’ll make us something to eat real quick. You hungry?”

  Nodding her head yes, sniffling, “And you know what’s really fuckin’ ironic? He owns the fucking cab company that picked me up from the house and I didn’t even know it! Talk about stupid!”

  “Oh honey…you’re not stupid, you just didn’t know. Doesn’t he tell you things like that?”

  She looked down into her glass. “Yeah, he tells me things. Things like ‘suck this’ and ‘si, Princesa, that feels good’ but it’s all in Spanish. I feel like I don’t know anything about this guy and then I get a wild hair up my ass and fuckin’ marry him! I’ll probably be all over the fuckin’ news again. ‘Gold Digger Takes the Money and Runs!’ God. And to think I wanted to be paparazzi. I fuckin’ hate ‘em!”

  “Well, honey bun, we’ll get this all squared away.” She leaned in and hugged her, rubbing her back. “Don’t worry about anything, now go on upstairs and get cleaned up. I’ll fix us something to eat.”

  Marti grabbed her tote and walked across the room, starting up the stars. “Annie?”


  “Thanks, you know I love you,” she sniffed. “And the house looks real nice.”

  “Thanks, hon, I love you too, and don’t worry, we’ll get it all figured out.”

  Chapter 4

  Marti woke up with the sun streaming in on her face. There was a little chill in the air, and a million thoughts were flying through her head. She felt weird sleeping in Annie’s house all by herself, and it really hurt that Nick hadn’t even tried to call her. He was probably glad that she was gone, fucking that bitch Ellie, having the time of his life.

  She reached into her purse and picked up her iPhone and realized she hadn’t turned it back on from the plane trip. She hit the button and as it grabbed a signal she had 27 messages from Nick.

  “Princess, we need to talk. Please call me.”

  “Honey, I miss you. We need to talk about this, where are you, please let me know you’re okay.”

  “Marti this is ridiculous. Call me”

  “Marti, I am going to call the Tennessee state police and have them look for you if you don’t call me.”

  “Dammit, honey. Call me”

  The messages went on and on. She dialed the number to his cell phone, it barely rang. “Marti, is that you, are you okay?”

  Tears well up in her eyes as she heard his voice, “Yes Nick, it’s me.”

  “Oh my God, hija, where are you?”

  “I’m at Annie’s, I need some time to think. I’m okay.”

  “Marti, I saw that you left and I was so worried about you. I’m coming to get you. I’ll be there in a few hours.”

  “Nick. Don’t get me. I really need some time to think about this. Just give me a few days. I’m gonna do what I can to help Annie with the holidays, and I’ll probably go see my mom today.”

  “Marti, I love you, Thanksgiving is in two days, and mi mama is flying in today to spend the holidays with us. I need you here with me.” His voice was steady and a bit demanding.

  “Now you need me. Why the hell didn’t you tell me your mother was coming?” She huffed, “Now she’ll probably think that I am some crazy, gold digging bitch like they portrayed me to be on TV. Thanks a lot! Shit! I gotta go, call you later.”

  “Marti, wait, we need to talk about this.”

  “Bye Nick, I’ll call you later.” She hit the end button and tossed her phone on the bed. She sat there, staring out the window. Fall was in the air and the leaves had already changed color, turning everything to beautiful gold and crimson colors.

  God, Georgia is beautiful in the fall. If You, Dear Lord can make all this beauty, can You fix me, too? Why is my life so fucking complicated?

  She put on Annie’s UGG boots and ran downstairs. UGG’s were the shit. Ugly, but great for a chilly fall morning. Not expecting Annie to be awake, she was happily surprised when the aroma of fresh coffee seeped out of the kitchen. She was even more surprised when she walked into the kitchen and saw Tommy sitting at the big oak table.

  “Good morning y’all!”

  She turned to Tommy “Hey Tommy, I hope you don’t mind, but I borrowed one of your T- shirts, I didn’t bring any jammies and my ass won’t fit in Annie’s.”

  “No problem. Marti, grab whatever you need, except my fiancé.” He chuckled. “Girls, I hope you know how uncomfortable this is for me. I still have the image of you two in my head of that crazy night I walked in on you two doing that girlie…sex thing.” He leaned back in his chair.

  “Annie, I love you and I trust you. And Marti, I’m really sorry for the things that happened between us, I know you’re Annie’s best friend, I forgive you, I forgave you a long time ago. Let’s hope you can forgive me and we’ll get past this.” He let out a long exhale, rubbing his hands on his thighs. “So now that’s over, can I get some breakfast around here?”

  Annie turned to look at him. “Tommy, honey, I love you, too.” A smile swept across her face, she giggled a little. “But you know, honey, you’re either thinking with your dick…or your stomach.”

  “Let’s not discuss my dick at the table,” he laughed.

  “TMI, y’all. Get a room.” Marti giggled as she walked over to the ice box, opening the door, “You know what y’all, I haven’t cooked a meal for months. I’ve had all these folks fussing over me, cooking my food, driving me around, shit, they’d probably wipe my ass if I asked them to. So how about this morning I make y’all some breakfast for putting up with me?”

  Sipping her coffee, Annie laughed, “That sounds amazing, we’ll just sit right here and wait for our home cooked breakfast.”

  “Thanks a lot girl,” she laughed. “I appreciate all the help!!” It felt good to be home again.

  Marti scuttled around in the kitchen making breakfast for the three of them. Bacon, eggs and a side of toast. They chatted and laughed while they ate, and as soon as they were finished, Tommy had to run off to the precinct and Annie and Marti were left alone, sitting at the big oak table.

  “Annie, girl, you know tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we don’t have any plans, yet. Let’s go down to the market and get us a big ole fat turkey and giblets. I’ll cook. You know, just us.”

  “Well I guess we could, I’ve never been a great cook, but it sounds like fun. Let me go get cleaned up and we’ll run over there.”

  Marti stood up and stretched. She ran her hand through her unruly hair, “Me too, I really need to do something with this hair. Be ready in a flash.”

  Annie turned. “Hey, Marti? Just curious. Have you heard from Memphis?”

  “Yeah, he called about 30 times. I called him. Told him I need time to think. I’m fucked up Annie, don’t know what I am going to do about him. I mean….I like him, but you know all this bullshit was just so he could save face. Is he amazing? Yes. A sex god? Yes. Annie, he fed me gold.”

  “What? Gold? Why the hell would you eat gold?” cocking her eyebrow. “At a fancy restaurant in Vegas. There was gold on this weird dish he ordered. Have no idea what it’s called but it had little gold flakes. I mean, the guy is loaded.” She sighed. “Lord God Almighty, what have I done? I married
a man in a drunken stupor who I didn’t even know. We’ve barely been married four months…and I’ve already left. Sounds pretty fucked up to me.”

  “Honey, sometimes we do things without thinking. You and I both know that God will take care of this. Just let him. Come on, let’s get cleaned up and get to the market, I’m dying for some pumpkin pie!”

  They both bounded up the stairs, Annie in her room and Marti in the guest room. Marti yelled from the bathroom, “Annie can we both take showers at the same time? You know, this house is old and I don’t want a cold shower!”

  Annie hollered from her room, “Hell yeah! When I had this house redone, I made sure we got new pipes and hot water heater, a frickin’ hotel could take showers in here all at the same time, and nobody would know the difference.”

  Chapter 5

  They pulled up in front of Robinsons Grocers. It was an older grocery store, built over a century ago, but Mr. Robinson always made sure it was spotless and updated. He always kept it well stocked with the finest fresh fruit and vegetables, and Harry the butcher was always ready to pack up a few fresh steaks.

  Walking into the store, Marti’s eyes lit up. She smiled, “Oh, Annie, it feels like old times. Remember when we were little and came in here after school?”

  “Yeah, how could I forget? You were always running around touching and eating everything. Remember when Old Man Robinson kicked us out when you ate all those apples? I thought Grandpa was gonna beat your ass! He didn’t need to…you were in the freakin’ bathroom for days!!” Annie busted out in a full belly laugh.

  Marti winced, “Shut up! I was just a kid.”

  “You know Gramps came in later and paid for those apples. He felt so bad for you.” She covered her mouth to stifle the giggles.

  “Stop,” she whined. “Don’t make fun of me. That hurt, my butt was on fire.” The girls laughed so hard Mr. Robinson walked over to see what the commotion was.

  Annie looked up, a big smile on her face. “Hey! Mr. Robinson, how are y’all doing?”

  “Oh honey, we’re good, we’re good. Now what’s got y’all so worked up you can’t control yourselves?” he asked, smiling a big toothless grin.

  Marti piped in, “Oh, we were just reminiscing about how things used to be here at the store. You know, when we were kids?”

  “Yep, as I recall, you girls were just about the death of me. Good thing y’all are all growed up. How y’all doing up there at the ranch? And I’m real sorry to hear about your grandpa. Old man Gibbons was an old bastard, but he was one of the good ones.” He took his handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his nose. “Been getting cold around here, y’all better stay warm out there. Anything I can do for y’all, just let me know.”

  “Well there is one thing. You know we had the ranch remodeled last summer? Well Tommy and I were thinking about opening up the little store out there. You know for the tourists who pass through Mountain View?”

  He shook his head, “Yep, yep I remember that itty bitty shop Gibbons used to have. Y’all thinking about opening it up again?” He sniffled again, wiping his nose.

  “Mr. Robinson, you really need to take care of that cold. Why are you working anyway? It’s the holidays and you don’t look very well. Do you need a ride home? I’m sure Annie and I can run you home and get you some hot tea.” She glanced over at Annie, who nodded in agreement.

  “Aww, hell, I gotta be here. My grandson done went and got married; I don’t have anyone else to tend the store. I gotta stay open for the holiday, that’s where I make my best money. I’ll be alright. He looked at Annie, ”You tell that sheriff I said y’all can go ahead and open that store, I’m just about to give up on this one right after the holidays. Man can’t work like a dog when he’s old. I’m just tired. Too tired.” He shook his head. “Now, did y’all need anything or did you just come in here to waste my time?”

  Marti went to give Mr. Robinson a hug. “We love you Mr. Robinson.”

  He wrapped his old arms around her and Annie. “It’ll all work out, girls, it’ll all work out.” He sighed. “Now, did y’all need anything?”

  “Well, sir, if you can point us in the direction of the turkeys, that would be just wonderful.”

  He nodded to the back of the store where the refrigerator section was. “They’re right over there. Now y’all know how to cook ‘em, right?”

  “Yes, sir, Tommy is the best turkey man in town.” Annie smiled and they walked off toward the refrigerator section. She turned around to look at the old man. “Bye bye, Mr. Robinson, happy holidays!”

  Marti sighed, “How sad. This is an amazing little store and he doesn’t have anyone to carry on the name. After all those years right here in town…it’s just sad.”

  Annie grunted as she lifted a huge turkey into the cart. “Yep, people grow up and they move away from this little bitty town. I heard the sushi place is about ready to close too.”

  “I should buy it. How cool would that be?”

  “The sushi place? No one goes there anymore.”

  “No, this store, I could turn it into a little farmers market and you could bring the peaches here to town.” Her eyes were wide with excitement, like a kid in a candy store.

  Annie scoffed. “Marti, what the hell are you going to do with a grocery store? In this town? Seriously? What do you know about running a store?”

  Marti stopped, “I wasn’t gonna run the damn thing, I was just going to buy it. I can hire people to run the store. Duh!” She picked up a few sweet potatoes and dropped them into the cart.

  Picking up a pumpkin pie, Annie turned to Marti and asked “Do you still eat pumpkin pie? And now that I think about it, who the hell you gonna hire in Mountain View that is good enough to run this store like Mr. Robinson does?”

  “Listen to you, little missy bitchy pessimist, you really know how to squash someone’s dream don’t ya?







  …she snapped, not believing Annie could be so pessimistic.

  She hurried to the register, sliding her hand into her purse and pulled out her credit card. Oh well, he already knows I’m here. Marti just wanted to get out of there. Annie was getting testy with her, and she just wanted to drop the whole conversation. Taking a deep breath, she put the groceries on the conveyor at the register. This was not how she wanted the day to go. It was no better than the shit she put up with in Memphis.

  Annie slid up behind her, whispering, “Had I known owning a small time grocery store in Mountain View, Georgia was one of your life’s dreams, I would’ve bought you the damn store myself.”

  Chapter 6

  Night fell and Annie snuggled up in the crook of Tommy’s big arm, grateful for the end of a long stressful day shopping and preparing the food for the holiday. “Annie, you know I love you, right?” His voice sounded worried.

  “Yes, honey, I love you too.” She lifted her head to look into his big brown eyes. They still made her melt every time she looked at him.

  “Being gone all day with you here alone with Marti really had me worried. I don’t like to feel like this.” He pulled her in closer to him, letting out a long deep breath.

  “Oh, honey, don’t worry, we fought most of the day. I mean, I’m worried about her. She said she wanted to buy Robinson’s and I kinda jumped on her. She’s been in her room since we got home.”

  “Buy Robinson’s? What for? How long is she going to be here?”

  “I don’t know, honey, she’s going through a lot. She needs us. She called her mom and invited her over for Thanksgiving and her mom said no. She hasn’t seen her in months, and she told her no. Just like that. I thought Marti was gonna cry. Poor gal. She’s just got so much going on and no one but us right now.” Annie sighed. “And then I jumped on her at the store. Not a good day.”

  Tommy reached his big arm across her, cupping her cheek and kissed her, his mouth gently crushing her li
ps. “God, woman, I love you.”

  “I love you too, honey.” She brought her hand up to his chest, feeling his shoulders contract as he caressed her face.

  His fingers slowly traced her nipple, feeling it harden, his lips never leaving her mouth as he slid his hand to her hip, whispering her name, sliding his fingers down her belly. “Tommy…no, Marti is just over there,” nodding toward the door.

  He scrunched his eyes, “What? I can’t make love to my lady because Marti’s here?”

  “It’s not that, it’s just that she is ju - ” she quivered. His tongue slid down her belly, his lips leaving light kisses brushing the skin just below her navel. Her heart beat wildly, she moaned and wriggled her hips, “Shhh…”

  He slid between her thighs and spread her lips with his fingers and gently lapped at her folds, tasting the sweet creaminess of her sex. Tommy liked to play, a lot. He was very well endowed and never wanted to hurt her small, thin body. He wanted her to be wet and ready…begging for release.

  “Tommy, please….please, honey… Tommy…” Her words were barely audible as he made love to her wet vulva with his kisses, his tongue and his fingers. She arched and thrust her hips into his face; her hand grabbed the pillow, and covered her mouth, trying desperately to stifle her screams. His tongue circled relentlessly on her clit, bringing her closer and closer to climax.

  Licking her crazy as his tongue brought her to the edge over and over again. “Hon - Honey...Fuck me….fuck….” she whispered desperately.

  He rose up putting all his weight on his arms and slid between her legs, positioning himself above her, careful not to squash her. He was huge compared to her small frame. She reached down between them and stroked his shaft, circling her finger around the tip. He shivered. With a delicate touch, she guided it to her pussy and caressed the head onto the folds of her wet sex. She moaned and wriggled. Her loins were on fire, her heart beating out of her chest, her nipples hard and burning in the cool air. She wanted him. She needed to feel him inside her as her body quivered and shook, begging for him. She was ready and she knew this huge, sex-god of a man was about to deliver.


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