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Saddled On The Cowboy: A Hot Western Romance

Page 38

by Amanda Heartley

  Tommy chatted with the Mayor and his wife, with Annie by his side. Most of the small precinct was there with their wives. Marti slipped over to the bar and ordered a drink.

  “Gimme something to take my mind off things, please,” She knew her smile was fake, but she couldn’t help it.

  The bartender laughed, “That bad? I got just the thing for you right here.” As he pulled out a tall glass and various forms of booze, Marti checked her phone. Nothing. “Hey, aren’t you Marti Odell?”

  “Yeah, do I know you?”

  “Oh man, you don’t remember me? Jason? Jason Billings, I was one class ahead of you.”

  “Billings, Billings…” she thought, “oh yeah, you were on the football team, weren’t you?”

  “Yeah, quarterback. That was so long ago. I own ‘The Bistro’ now. You should stop by,” he said, handing her a large, orange colored drink. “This should take your mind off things. You aren’t driving are you?”

  Giggling, “Oh gosh no, I’m not driving.” She picked up the drink and took a long sip, “Mmm, this is good. Frosty. Thanks a ton!”

  He winked. “See ya around.”

  Marti walked back to the table Tommy and Annie were at and sat down. “You remember that guy Jason Billings from the football team? Well he’s mixing drinks tonight, says he owns ‘The Bistro’.” She leaned in to Annie and whispered, “He’s so fuckin hot, I remember him from High School. He can sure as hell put those boots up under my bed anytime. I can’t believe he remembered me.”

  Annie leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Marti! You are a married woman.” she really didn’t think Marti would go astray, now she wasn’t so sure. “I’m gonna have to keep an eye on you.” She winked.

  “Hah! where is my so called husband?” Swallowing the last frozen bits of her drink. “Probably stuck up in bed with Ellie, I knew that bitch was up to no good.” She walked over to the bar and ordered another drink.

  “Hey, Jason, can I get another one of those yummy, frosty things you just made me? What’s it called?” Playing with the bright red tendrils of hair that fell along her neck, she leaned forward, just enough so he could see the cleavage above her dress. She giggled out a, “this is so yummy” in a little girl, coquettish voice, checking out the way his tux grabbed his quarterback-like shoulders, how his blonde hair fell over one eye. “So what have you been doing all these years? Are you married?”

  “After high school, I enlisted and did a tour in Iraq, another one in Afghanistan. I just recently came back to Mountain View, I stayed in Atlanta for a couple years, bought ‘The Bistro’, never been married and here I am.

  You?” he asked, nodding at the huge ring on her finger.

  She took a big sip of the frosty drink and started. “This?” Looking down at the rock on her finger, all her guilt was in the bottom of the glass. “Well, this was a…probably a big mistake.”

  Her tongue slid out to grab the straw and she sucked down another huge drink. Thoughts of Nick and her marriage were being swallowed, little by little with the frosty beverage. She wasn’t living with him anyway.

  “I get it, not happy?” He handed her another drink.

  “Not really. We don’t even live together. The bastard was supposed to be here tonight and he stood me up. I guess he had better things to do.” She bit her bottom lip. “I don’t really want to talk about that. Tell me about the ‘The Bistro’…”

  “Sure. I’ll be right back.” He made his way to the end of the bar, mixing drinks for a few customers that had been waiting. Marti slid off the chair and grabbed the bar to balance herself. Shit! Oh shit, where’s Annie?

  “Annie?” she yelled across the room, her head was spinning with the effects of the alcohol and her vision was blurred, “Annie?”

  “I’m right here. Shit! girl, how much did you drink? You can barely walk.” “I know, just get me to the toilet please. I gotta pee.”

  Wrapping her arm around her to steady her, she glanced at Tommy and made a face. “Come on girl, no more for you. You are supposed to be dancin’ and having a good time, not drowning your sorrows.”

  The words barely slid out of her mouth. “Shit, that frosty thing hit me hard. How many did I drink? Fuck.”

  Opening the restroom door, Annie walked her to the stall and helped her with her dress and panties. “Girl, you gotta stop. Your drunken ass can’t even find the flippin’ toilet.”

  Marti grabbed Annie’s hand and put it to her breast. “Remember these big titties?” She looked up, her eyes half closed, smiling a half crooked smile. Annie yanked her hand back. “Marti you need to stop that. It’s not like that anymore.”

  “Oh hell, Annie, and you call me the party pooper. She stood up and stumbled, Annie caught her. ”Marti, I think it’s time we went home. Come on girl, get your dress straightened up.”

  Giggling, she said, “You mean you don’t want to straighten it up for me?” Holding onto Annie, her hand went around Annie’s neck and she pulled her in tightly, she grabbed her face and kissed her. Annie removed her arms from her grasp and shoved her away. “Marti! Please don’t do this. This is not funny.”

  Marti let go and flopped down on the small settee that was in the bathroom and started crying. “I’m sorry Annie, I’m so sorry,” Sniffing, she continued, “I feel like a piece of shit. Where is my husband? Where is he?” Her crying turning into sobs and Annie sat down next to her. She pulled her phone out of her bra and texted Tommy. ‘need some help in here’

  “Honey, what’s wrong with you? You’re drunk and we need to get you home. You can’t act like this here. Tommy is the freakin’ sheriff, have some respect. Have some self-respect.”

  Stammering through the sobs she yelled, “What home? No one wants me. You don’t want me, my mom don’t want me. My fucking husband doesn’t want me.” She wiped the snot off her face with her arm, “I shoulda wore my fucking boots.” Kicking her leg out, “Why’d you put me in these fucking heels? Heels are for bitches, I want my boots!”

  Annie grabbed some toilet paper and handed it to her. “Don’t snot up your arm, here. Now come on, let’s go home”

  “Hell, Tommy didn’t even want me. Look at you, you’re perfect. Everyone loves you. Annabelle Gibbons, Miss Fucking Perfect. Shit, where’s my drink?”

  At that moment, Tommy opened the door and glanced at Annie, questioning her with his eyes. She whispered, “it’s okay, no one’s here.” He stepped in. “Come on Marti, let’s get you home.”

  She threw her arm out. “No Tommy! You don’t even like me, fuck you, go away.”

  His deep voice was soft, but stern, “That’s not true, now come on.” He took her arm and stood her up. She tried to push him away, so he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. “Grab y’alls stuff, hon. We’ll meet you at the car.”

  “Put me down!” Kicking her legs and hitting his back. “Dammit! Tommy, put me down!” He carried her through the party, an embarrassed, somber look on his face, glancing to the bartender, and nodding his head goodbye.

  Annie was waiting at the car, the snow had begun falling again and Tommy carefully put Marti into the waiting car and slammed the door.

  Chapter 11

  As the sun came up in the morning, Marti was still in her party dress sprawled across the bed, her cape thrown across her. Tommy and Annie had already woken up and were in the kitchen eating breakfast.

  “You know Marti is a real fucked up girl right now. I don’t know what to do with her, is this what it’s like to be parents? God, I hope we don’t have kids like this.”

  Tommy chuckled, “I don’t know but she can sure as hell drink me under the table. Have you checked on her?”

  “I will. Be right back.”

  Annie ran up the stairs to check on Marti, who she found very asleep, or at least passed out. She wasn’t moving and definitely not going anywhere. But Annie could see her chest rise and fall with her steady breathing, so she covered her up, said a prayer and went back down stairs.
/>   “Donovan.” Tommy said into his phone, it was a little early for phone calls and Annie looked at him cocking her head in a silent ‘who is it’.

  “Okay.” Pause. “On this side?” Pause. “Grab Taylor and y’all meet me down there. I’m on my way.”

  “What happened? You’re leaving?”

  Sliding his boots on, “Yeah, someone spotted something on the highway up on the pass, couple thousand feet up. I gotta go.” He grabbed his coat, “I’ll call ya. Love you.” He kissed her and ran out the door.

  “Uh, okay, be careful, I love you…” her words trailing off. She turned back to the kitchen and started clearing the dishes. Humming a Christmas tune, she was grateful that she only had one Margarita last night. Her friend was paying the price this morning.

  “Did I hear Tommy leave, or was I dreaming?”

  Annie jumped as Marti stumbled into the kitchen. “You just scared the shit outta me! How’s’ your head? Need some Tylenol? Water? Whiskey?” she laughed. She wanted to make Marti pay today. What were friends for?

  Leaning against the door jamb, she started taking the bobby pins out of her hair, grimacing as the pins pulled her curls. She was still in her party dress and looked like a hot mess. “Y’all got any coffee in here? God, my head hurts.”

  Annie grabbed a cup and poured the fresh coffee. “It should after last night. Hope you had fun. You have traumatized me about having kids for the rest of my life.” She giggled, setting the cup on the table.

  She went over to the table and pulled out a chair, scraping it across the floor as she sat down and took a sip of the hot brew. “Thanks.” Shaking her head, feeling for more hairpins. “Shit, when’s Christmas? Is it today?”

  “No silly girl, still a couple more days. Why? Did ya buy me something?” She placed the last dish in the cupboard and sat down across from Marti.

  “My head is pounding. I must’ve drunk some serious alcohol last night. I don’t even remember coming home.”

  “Yeah you were pretty wasted. Take some Tylenol; go back to sleep and definitely get outta that dress. You look like a drugged up drag queen.”

  Marti laughed, “Thanks for the honesty, friend. Glad you don’t hold anything back.”

  “Friends don’t let friends look like hookers.” she laughed. “Tommy is gone for a while, why don’t you go jump in the shower and get comfy. I’ll put on another fresh pot?”

  Marti stood up, “Yeah, that’ll probably help me feel better. Any plans for today?”

  “I was gonna do a bit of last minute shopping, you wanna come with or are you too hung over?”

  “I’ll be alright, lemme go get cleaned up. I might need some breakfast too.” She hinted but Annie wasn’t buying it. “Sure glad you know how to cook.”

  “Thanks,” as she stumbled up the stairs. Today was gonna be a great day. No matter where Nick was or who he was doing.

  She turned on the water, waiting for it to heat up and slid out of her dress, That’s gonna have to go to the cleaners, she thought.

  As she stepped into the steaming shower, she thought about Nick and why he hadn’t called. Maybe he was just another asshole she let into her life. Why are the men I choose to spend time with such assholes? She really didn’t want to answer that. Maybe she was the problem and they weren’t? Or that they were okay and she was just too selfish? Or better yet, they could just slap her around and treat her like shit like her Daddy did when he was drunk? She didn’t know, but it was starting to hit real close to home.

  Stepping out of the shower, she looked at the person in the mirror. Yep, asshole. Things gotta change real quick.

  She slid on some jeans and a sweater and dragged her aching body downstairs and into the kitchen. Annie was at the table, stirring her coffee, in a daze. Marti sat down across from her and stirred her coffee as well. “So I guess Nick is over, huh? He never did call me. Or show up last night.”

  “I’m sure he has his reasons. He doesn’t seem like the type of guy that would just bail and not tell you about it.”

  “I know,” she exhaled. “I just wish he would have called.” She sighed. “You know Annie, am I really that bad? You know ass-hole-ish?”

  She lifted an eyebrow, “What do you mean ‘ass-hole-y? What are you referring to? You’re just hung over and emo. We saved you last night, I thought you were gonna jump on the bar and start screwing the bartender.”

  Marti lowered her head, picking at a loose thread on her sweater. “I know, that was not one of my best moments. I’m real sorry about that. I just…” looking up at Annie, “it’s just, sometimes I feel so alone. You know, like I meet someone and after a few months they are gone. They run away from me. Like I have a disease or something. Am I really that bad?”

  “Oh honey, I haven’t left you. We been friends for twenty something years.” Her eyes went soft, “You aren’t bad. You just have a mind of your own. A very outspoken mind. But that’s you and I love you, girl, just the way you are.”

  Marti smirked, “I know, I love you too. But - I mean, look at Tommy, he left me, and I don’t want you thinkin’ I still want him, ‘cause I don’t. And my dad, he left when I was young, thank God.” She added sarcastically, “Great guy.” She hesitated, sucking in a deep breath and exhaled, “Then you went to L.A., I was here with my mom, trying to figure out my way, you know, my life, my future.” Annie nodded. “Then she married that asshole and got so wrapped up in him, she forgot she has a kid.”

  Annie shook her head. “You’re not a kid anymore. You can’t act like one. You’re an adult.”

  “Okay, so just how does an adult act? Get drunk like my daddy? Screw around like Tommy? Set people up and ruin their lives like you did? How?” She glared into Annie’s eyes. “I mean seriously, how do adults act?”

  “Well,” she inhaled, gathering her thoughts. “You got me there. I know I have done some childish things, but honey, you have to be responsible. That’s what I know. Be responsible and pick your battles. Quit running away from things. Handle your stuff in the most responsible way possible, and then handle the next thing.”

  Her voice rose a little. “Handle what? I don’t understand what you mean. What are you talking about?”

  She took a deep breath and started, “I mean like this Nick deal. You got drunk, irresponsible - wait let me back up…you ran away from here because you were hurt. Irresponsible. You could have talked to me and we could have got things squared away, we’re friends, right? Like for a bazillion fuckin’ years, but you didn’t, you left.” She inhaled, clearing her thoughts.

  “I left ‘cause you were killing me. Annie, do you know how I felt last year when we were together? ”

  “See? That’s the thing, we weren’t ‘together’. We are friends, Marti, best friends… not lovers, not partners, I’m not even gay. After last night on the bar, I can assume you aren’t gay, either.”

  “But - ”

  “No buts, we had fun, that was it, fun. You knew I was in love with Tommy. You even tried to break us up. But what you failed to do was to tell me about your relationship with him and I had to find out for myself. Now that was not fun. That hurt, a lot.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes and she continued, “Do you know how fuckin’ bad I needed my friend to talk to? Or my mom, or even my grandpa? No! Because you were too busy thinking about yourself.”

  She inhaled sharply, grabbing a napkin to wipe her tears. “Do you know I sat here for days by myself while Tommy went out looking for you? Do you even care? No, probably not ‘cause if you did, you would have asked.”

  “I told you, I’m a jerk and that’s why people always leave me. If you are that pissed off, I’ll go pack up my stuff and get out of your hair. I thought we could have a conversation, guess not.” As she stood up and turned to walk away.

  “See? You are doing it again. One problem and you are ready to run away. Stop. Sit your ass down and hear me out. I’m not telling you to leave; I’m telling you how I feel. Okay? Feelings. You get that stuff all m
ixed up. Feelings don’t mean run away, it means you’re alive. Okay, Marti? You are fucking alive. You have to stop running away from them!”

  She stopped to catch her breath. This was not supposed to happen, not today anyway. Today was supposed to be a day of Christmas cheer and last minute shopping. Not Tommy at the station or hung-over emo friends. “Put some clothes on and lets go shopping, it’s Christmas.”

  Marti wiped her face on her sleeve and stood up. “I’ll stay here. I wanna go back to sleep.”

  “Okay. Fine. But don’t do anything stupid. I don’t want to have to go looking for your ass again. I’ve had enough stupid for today.”

  “Oh, so now you’re calling me stupid? That’s nice.” She scoffed.

  “No, arguing with you is stupid. Tommy working today is stupid. The snow outside is beautiful, but the fact that it hasn’t snowed here in years is stupid. I just want to have a nice lunch, go do some shopping in town and come home and enjoy the holiday. No more, no less. Are you coming?”

  Marti stood up and stretched out her arms. “Yeah, but stop yelling at me. I feel bad enough as it is.”

  “Okay, I’ll stop if you stop acting like a baby…now go do something with that hair. You look like medusa.”

  She ran her fingers through her disheveled hair and got up to shower. But as soon as she got up, there was a loud commotion outside. Not expecting anyone, she went toward the door to see what was going on. She could hear car doors slamming and an unknown voice shouted out “finally!” Then laughter.

  Wondering who it could be, she slowly opened the door and saw Nick’s limo. Jimmy, Nick, Lupita and a tall, blonde, handsome stranger were by the car, stretching and talking.

  “Oh my goodness! Where have y’all been? I’ve been so worried!” Her head and stomach still felt the after effects of her crazy drunkenness from the night before, but she managed a huge smile and ran over to hug her husband.


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