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Love and Chemistry

Page 2

by Cheryl Dragon

  “You needed something?” Minny asked.

  “Close the door and take a seat,” he replied.

  A momentary look of confusion crossed her face, but she went along with it. As she sat there in a red checkered dress that came only to her mid-thigh, he wondered what she had on underneath.

  “It’s come to my attention you are attending sorority parties.”

  Her jaw dropped. “No, not really.”

  “Perhaps it was a frat function. The point is it’s not really appropriate to mingle with the students on that level. I realize you’re support staff, but if the department head found out, it wouldn’t be good for you.” Colin watched her closely.

  Her hands trembled. “I know. It’s not a regular thing. Honestly, I was invited. I didn’t go to college, so I missed out on some experiences.”

  “That isn’t the responsibility or the fault of the college employing you. Nor did attending the party, which probably would’ve gone unnoticed, require you to enter a wet T-shirt contest.” He glanced at her assets. She deserved to win, but what he liked more than the generous cleavage was the balance in her form. Her hips were every bit as full, giving her the hourglass shape. There was nothing scrawny or fake about her.

  “At least I won.” She smiled. “Are you going to report me?”

  He cleared his throat. “You’re good at your job. I think you like it. So no, I’m not going to report you now. But after further investigation, I think there might be a better solution.”

  “A solution?” She crossed her legs and bounced her foot in a red high heel in the air. “Don’t go to the parties. Got it.”

  As she stood up to leave, he pushed back from the desk slightly. “No, I think your posting on Masters Wanted said it all. Come here.”

  She turned and looked at him while disguising her shock well. “How would you know? It’s anonymous. You’re good at chemistry, but I’ve had to help you every time they update the computer system.”

  “I’m no hacker, I admit it. The blog owner personally referred you to me as a potential fit. Now come over here.” His voice went to a stern tone and demanded her surrender.

  “You’re a dom?” She grinned and walked over.

  “Do you want to try it, or continue to put your job in jeopardy for the attention of men too young and beneath you? Someone else will see you and might report you. All the women around here are jealous of the attention men give you.” He caught her wrist and guided her closer.

  “You read my post? I’m not a good little sub.” She looked him over.

  “I read it, and I’m not sure you’ll like me. I’m certainly better than frat boys who don’t know what they’re doing or will go too far. That isn’t what you want.” He moved her in more, and the scent of her perfume pushed his arousal into high gear.

  “No, but I missed so many things. I wanted to go back a bit.” She pressed her red lips together.

  “Going back does no good. You need attention.” He grabbed her ass and tipped her off balance in those heels.

  She gasped and landed over his lap. The wiggle of her feminine curves made Colin hard, but he’d take this slow.

  “You like me,” she said in a sultry voice.

  “I’d never have called you in here if I weren’t willing to fulfill your needs.” He slid up the thin dress and found a thong underneath. “You like to show off your body.”

  “If you got it, flaunt it.” She lifted her bottom.

  “You have it. Do you want to try subbing for me and see if that keeps you from flashing frat boys your tits?” Colin stroked her fleshy rump.

  She pressed her pubic bone to his thigh and opened her legs. “I’ll try anything once.”

  “No playing with anyone else,” he said.

  “I’ve got no one else or I wouldn’t have placed the ad,” she said back in a snarky tone.

  Smiling, Colin slapped her ass. The rush hit him hard as her body flinched. Minny moaned and stuck her rear up again.

  “You may be onto something here, Professor. Sex at work, anywhere. Anytime. I can be bad and get it good.” She reached for his cock.

  He grabbed her wrists and pinned them at the small of her back. Holding them with one hand, he gave her two sharp swats on each cheek.

  “I’m yours to play with, too, here. Feels as if you’ve got a good size dick to ride.” She rocked her hips.

  Nelson was correct in his assumption. Minny needed a lot of attention and release. She yearned for discipline in a way that made Colin smile. “You assume you’ll be allowed to get off every time. That may not be the case.”

  “I can play by your rules. Limits have to be respected though. No weird extreme crap or cruel stuff.” She shuddered.

  “Never. I’m not as cold as people think I am.” He rubbed her rear and slid one finger down between the cheeks over the thong to tease her pussy.

  She pushed back, he felt her dampness and need.

  “I know you’re not cold. Your cock is pulsing and hot on my arm. I can get you off now. Let me show you what I can do.” She turned her head to look at him.

  Colin saw the need to please and show off swirling in her eyes. She wanted approval and to be desired. Complicated and sexy. A dangerous combination Colin had never had. There was a lot more to the admin than he’d imagined.

  He squeezed her ass cheeks and smacked them again. Then he stood her up. He rose from the chair and caught her as she tried to kneel. He held her upright, he liked looking down at her, but she wasn’t going to get anything she wanted just yet.

  “You want to play? You’re not new at this. Tonight, my place at six p.m. sharp. These clothes are fine. No playing with yourself or anyone else. We’ll discuss any further limits tonight,” he said.

  He let go of her and wrote down his address. When she didn’t take the paper, he slid it into the cup of her bra. “Be as bratty as you like. I have an extensive collection of floggers, crops, paddles and restraints. I never leave an experiment unfinished. You may go.”

  She frowned in confusion again.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I can’t leave you like that.” She nodded to his erection.

  The true sub in her had finally shown itself. He smiled, stood up and caught her chin. “A few minutes with you at your desk, and I’ll be back to normal. You like having that effect on men.”

  She blushed. “I don’t leave my doms unsatisfied.”

  “You don’t get anything here and now but this.” He kissed her mouth softly.

  A muffled moan and sigh from her drew him in. Not meaning to, he extended the kiss and caressed her neck. When she palmed his cock, the moment was broken. He slapped her hand away and pushed her toward the door. “Go now.”

  “Sorry, you need to be clearer, Sir.” She strutted to the door, checking to see her skirt was down. “See you tonight.”

  For a split second, Colin worried he’d made a mistake. She liked the game, but how many layers would he have to peel back to get to the true sub inside? Minny might be out of his league.

  Chapter Two

  At five minutes past six, Minny found herself seated at a very neat table in a very orderly little cottage house not far from campus. She’d been on time because she wanted relief. Instead, she was in for a healthy dinner and conversation.

  She’d been in an achy state of need all day, and he’d leave her like this? Fine. Colin wasn’t some sexy rock star or actor. He was good looking, clean and neat. Buzzed military haircut and a good body underneath that lab coat he frequently wore. His ass was firm. She’d looked at all the men around. She couldn’t help herself. Colin was the best of the men, leaving out the college athletes who were still boys.

  “Your family didn’t mind you moving up north?” Colin asked.

  “No, I really don’t have any family. Just me.” She shrugged it off. No way was she telling him all the gory details on their first night. Most doms loved to pin her need for discipline on the lack of a father. But plenty of kids grew up
without a father in the picture these days.

  “I see. Well, it must be hard working at a college when you didn’t get to go. But if you want to keep your job, I suggest avoiding the keggers and sorority houses.” He cleared the table, and she wasn’t sure if she should help.

  He wasn’t very verbal. Most of her old doms had constantly told her what to do for their amusement. They had had to prove they were in control all the time. This one was different. Colin just seemed so confident and at ease. Yet his home was so pristine, just as it was at work, it annoyed her. He couldn’t be perfect all the time.

  “What about your family?” she asked.

  He stood over her. “You don’t really want to talk now, do you?”

  “Not really, but you’re the boss.” She shrugged, even though she actually wanted him to share something.

  He held out a hand. “Come with me.”

  For a second, she felt as if she were in that “Pretty Woman” movie her mom had loved so much. She didn’t know what Colin really wanted, but she was here to give it to him. The anticipation coursed through her body. He’d promised a big collection of kinky toys, but until she saw it, she couldn’t really believe it. The guy was dependable, kind, firm in a no-nonsense sort of way…not a kinky sort of way.

  Colin flipped on the light in the bedroom, and as soon as she entered, she froze. The four poster bed had rings all the way up. The headboard had leather padded cuffs on chains. One wall was nothing but floggers, crops, and paddles. All hung very straight. The mirrored dressers had jars and bottles lined up. The nightstand had a large black box filled with condoms and a pump bottle of lube on it.

  This guy was so very much not joking! Her pussy went wet at the possibilities.

  “I don’t care for the disarray of a dungeon. I tried it; I learned a great deal. But I prefer the safety, order, and cleanliness of my own playroom.”

  “I like it. Do you really sleep here?” she asked.

  “There are two other bedrooms. One is for sleeping, and one is a guest room. You may explore.” He nodded.

  She opened the drawer in the long dresser and found it lined with cuffs. The next drawer was full of sex toys, all lined up like little soldiers awaiting orders. What would he use on her?

  Turning to him, she slid out of her shoes and put them carefully out of the way. “I’m not sure I’m up to your standards, but I can try.”

  “You’ll learn if you want to. I don’t expect graduate-level performance from an undergraduate student.” He removed his shirt.

  Was that a dig at her lack of schooling? She wasn’t dumb despite her high school grades. She tugged off her dress and removed her bra before sliding her thong down to the ground. Folding it all neatly, she tucked her hair behind her ears and waited. “I’ll do my best.”

  “You look very nice.” He led her to stand in the middle of the room a foot from the end of the bed. He walked around her and inspected her body.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You have a safe word you prefer?” he asked.

  “Red is good.” She nodded. Basics were safest, at least at first.

  “Fair enough.” He nudged her legs apart. “You want to submit and play with me?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Say it,” he said sharply.

  “I want to submit to you and play. To please you, Sir.” She bowed her head and folded her hands waiting for instruction.

  She heard his pants and belt hit the floor and closed her eyes for a second. His cock had been hard and large earlier. It wasn’t her imagination or fantasy. She longed to see him but kept her eyes on the floor.

  He guided her forward and wrapped leather cuffs around her wrists. He hooked them to the ring high on the bed. “Just stand there.”

  When she tried to see what he was doing, a blindfold appeared, and her world went dark. Moaning, she tugged on the cuffs. There was some slack in the chain but not enough to kneel or sit. He smacked her ass with his bare hand, and she knew he was testing her.

  He nuzzled the back of her neck, and she relaxed as he kissed her shoulders. Finally, his hands cupped her breasts and relieved some of the desperate ache.

  “Did you think of me today?” he asked.

  “All day, Sir. I needed more.” She pressed her ass back and brushed his cock.

  “You need discipline first.” He pinched her nipples then his touch was gone.

  “I’m sorry, I need both. It’s been so long.” She hated being without attention.

  “How long?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Does it matter?” She didn’t want to think now.

  A flogger brushed her ass gently. “How long?”

  “A few years. Doms always grow tired of me.” She rested her head on the bed post.

  “We’ll see about that. You want to be spanked? You understand you’re not to attend college parties?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir. I need to be punished.” She never dreamed last night at the party she’d get a flogging for it.

  “Your safe word?” he asked.

  “Red. But please work me over now.” She arched her back and offered her ass.

  He swung the flogger expertly. The stinging impact grew slowly, and he covered her ass fully. The throbbing between her legs persisted, but the sweet shame of wanting that tool won out.

  “You think you deserved to win over those girls?” he asked.

  “I did win,” she said.

  “Did you play with any of the men there? Even a kiss?” he demanded.

  “No, Sir. I swear. I got out as soon as I won. I needed to know I was sexy.” She gasped as he snapped that implement harder.

  “What of the other girls? Younger, less confident women who might’ve needed that ego boost?” He stopped the flogging and ran his fingers over her ass.

  She gasped and moaned. He hadn’t been gentle for a first play session. Thank God! “Please don’t stop,” she said.

  “What about the other women?” He pinched her ass.

  “Oh God.” Her pussy ached for relief, and the pain sank into her with a familiar rush that satisfied and tempted her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about them.”

  “You were selfish. If you need attention, you know how to get it. Instead of being patient, you took the easy road.”

  Damn! He was right. Not just a kinky guy who liked to fuck and spank girls. “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, I didn’t think about it that way.”

  “You won’t do it again,” he ordered.

  “No, Sir. I swear I won’t. Does my body please you?” she asked.

  There was a thud, and it had to be the flogger hitting the hardwood floor. She loved this room already. Big bed, properly equipped. Simple wood furniture and everything they needed for kink. It was wonderful, but what if he didn’t want her? He hadn’t even let her suck him off in the office.

  He pressed his body to her side and caressed her ass. “You’re somewhere else. You don’t really care if I like your body?”

  “I do! I’m sorry, I was just thinking.”

  “Thinking. About?” he asked.

  “How much I love the room, and I want to see it and your body.” She rubbed to him for the heat of his hard, muscled form.

  “So you don’t care if I like your body?” He flicked her nipple.

  “More, please. I do care, but I can’t change my body. I hope you appreciate it, but what I’m willing to do for you is more in my control.” She licked her lips.

  “I see.” He slid his fingers between her folds and gently massaged her cunt.

  The relief and torment made her knees give. The chain caught her, and Colin’s strong arm held her waist.

  “Oh, please, Sir. Fuck me. I need it so badly. I’ve been thinking of your cock all day,” she begged.

  “You like sex. That’s a good sign.” He chuckled. “You also like showing off your body.”

  “I won’t dress as if I’m a nun.” She braced herself for conditions. Some doms were so possessive they stifled her.

  “I wouldn’t want that. But teasing college boys isn’t nice. When they’re drunk, they are unpredictable. I expect them to be responsible for their actions, but you’re older. Smarter. You don’t need to get off on their attention then leave them horny and frustrated. You can get what you need without them.” He eased one finger into her cunt.

  Part of her brain realized he was worried she’d be attacked. There was zero tolerance for sexual assault on campus, but it didn’t make it easier on a victim. She was playing games those boys weren’t fully able to comprehend. Even if they were adults, they weren’t in the lifestyle. They didn’t have the control or the experience to play safely. The reality hit her, and she was thankful a better outlet had found her.

  Her body tightened on his digit. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to win. To feel sexy.”

  “You are sexy. Every straight man on campus would love to be where I am now. Don’t you dare test anyone but me. You understand?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir. I like this so much better,” she moaned.

  “You do. I like your ass. It’s nice and pink already.” He blew on her rump.

  The sting made her tense. “Thank you, Sir. I love it. Please. My pussy really needs attention.”

  “And I thought you wanted my cock.” He plucked off the blindfold.

  She squinted and saw his beautiful, hard body for a few seconds. The view of his erection made her insides ripple. His member stood long and thick, a perfect, straight dick she could ride for days. “I do want your dick. Fuck me, Sir.”

  “Not just yet. I think your pussy has been ignored too long.” He knelt down in front of her and grabbed her thighs. Slowly he spread them and lapped at her slit.

  “Please.” She rubbed her cunt to his face.

  Then one hand grabbed her ass, and she froze. Sweet pain and stimulation were the perfect tools to control her. Colin seemed so confident and at ease, she gave in. His tongue worked her inner folds as his thumb fucked her pussy.


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