A Long Distance Love Affair
Page 16
Oh my beautiful Chariot
Thank you for such a wonderful night (and morning!). I was really tired today but wonderfully happy and at peace. I hope you managed to get through the day.
I had such a happy night with you last night. The sex was just fantastic (as always), and you were making such an effort for me. You lied wonderfully! And I loved the fact you brought the Krispy Kremes...I just appreciated everything you did and said so much. Your hugs are lovely, and your sexual zeal is so exciting. And you are so wonderful to look at and to touch. You are beyond compare!
Thank you for having me.
Your biggest fan,
The Krispy Kreme Girl
Dear Phantom
Great to hear from you and glad to know you still exist! Also glad to hear about your gym joining activity and hope you will be able to find time to go there. I need to get back into the swing of that too. It definitely makes a difference to how you feel and coping with busy schedules.
I've been reading another wonderfully moving book. It's called 'Gilead' which is a fictional place in America, and it's written from the point of view of an old man who is writing to his young son so that his son will know something about him when he's dead. It's a beautifully reflective piece on life and relationships (and religion!) and it makes me think very much of my father who had me very late in his life. When he died all I could think about was the grief it brought me, but this book has made me very aware of the grief and loss he must have felt with his death near and the inevitable separation from all that he loved so close at hand. I had never considered that before. It also made me think about older people and how we assume that their personalities and hopes and loves also fade and age with time, and how very wrong this assumption is- that passion for life and connection can remain just as strong as it is in youth, even though your body ages and changes.
It has also made me think about you and the miracle of you crossing my path at this time in my life and what joy that has brought me and what passion...
Dear Super Charger
You do read a lot and I'm very impressed with that and you read a lot of serious things and you probably learn a lot more than I do from that, but I have always found literature to be so important to me. It has saved me from loneliness and despair many's the time and it is such a part of me now that I feel lost if I haven't got a book on the go. I'm starting to worry now that I will die before I get the chance to read all that I want to. I love to try to take something from everything I read to help me make sense of life and all that happens around us.
I have been desirous of you too today (today...??? Who am I kidding??) I would enthusiastically work towards some battery recharging on that front with you. The problem when we do get together is that it makes me want you even more....
Wonderful to hear from you.
Dear Chariot
I wish I was entering a new era of supercharged, superfit, supermuscly Chariot enjoyment too!
You are putting me to shame. I must get back to the gym....
I'm so keen to test my physical limits with you. Oh how I wanted you today. I kept thinking of your beautiful naked body rubbing all over mine in a very erotic way. Have I ever told you how much I love your feet?? They send me too! As does every other part of you, including your voice. I think I must have been pre-programmed to respond to you so strongly the way I do.
Lovely to hear from you tonight. We were both very polite!
Dear Wonderful Delicious One
I hope you had a good trip back from Canberra and were able to enjoy at least some of the beautiful beautiful day we had here today. Thank you for calling last night. I love talking to you. Love your voice...ohhh I wish your tongue was in my ear just now. It was a pity we couldn't make a rendezvous of it but I trust your judgement absolutely on these things and know that you would have if the circumstances were different. I think you need to start insisting on going down the evening before so that you don't have to get up at 4.00am. And then if you went down the night before well I could help with your work/life balance too! Be happy to! I'd be committed to it!
But I was thinking today about you and how it seems that you appear to have magnetized all my receptors. Think of iron filings and a horseshoe magnet...that's you and me...oh poor me!!
Dear Chariot
Oh what a relief to receive your email. I was worried you were a bit mad at me. I have been wanting so much to be with you today...to kiss you and touch you and be held by you...it's been overwhelming really. Sometimes I'm just suffused with longing for you and there's nothing I can do to lessen it.
I hope you're not working too hard. And I hope you're managing still to get to the gym.
You spoke of being stuck in the ruts...wish you were rutting me! (O that was terrible...sorry!!)
Oh my Lovely Prince
Wonderful to hear from you today. Our phone conversations are a mass of chuckles and not much intellectual exchange but Oh how I enjoy them! I should have asked you more about your Chinese visitors. I get too excited when I answer the phone and discover it's you that I babble too much but I am so very interested in all that you do and keen to hear that you are happy and enjoying yourself. You would be such a gracious host. I'm sure your personality, your gentlemanliness (a new word), and your personal grace will have done much to secure a lot of international deals. I think you are just wonderful.
I've just enjoyed a lovely brandy and am feeling warm and mellow. Wish you could be enjoying me now. I'm getting ready to go out to that musical I hesitantly told you about...don't even think of razzing me about that or you will be in serious trouble. I'm embarrassed enough about going to it as it is.
My table is beckoning you. I would just love to be with you now.
My Lovely Prince
A beautiful email...seems we want the same things really. And you do make me so very happy. I just have to think of you and my heart soars. And then when I get to hear your voice or be in your company it is so wonderful I can't tell you.
Good luck with your search for a date for our next tryst. I hope you can find something. Hopefully you'll be able to come up with something that will suit you.
I polished the table today....
Good night my sweet Prince.
Dear Delicious One
Your call today was lovely too. I try to behave myself a bit more on the phone with you, but underneath - well - if only you knew the desire that burns for you.....I wish I could come down the phone and cover you with kisses (and licks!)
I bought a dress at the weekend that I hope to wear for you some time. I think you will like it. I love to dress for you....love to please you...love to undress for you too and please you again! You please me so very much both dressed and undressed. You are a delight to behold.
I notice the jacarandas are starting to bloom. I think it's one of the delights of living in Brisbane to see the jacarandas so pregnant with blossom that they permeate the air around them with a glorious purple aura. The delight I experience when I'm driving and one comes into view unexpectedly is like the delight I feel for you when I get to see you after a long absence. The sight of you again fills me with such simple pure and happy pleasure and makes me feel so good to be alive.
I do like you so very very much....
Dear Divine One
It was WONDERFUL to be with you today...it was fun and exciting and just plain lovely to be able to get my hands on you! I'm sorry I didn't even offer you a drink...!! I lose all sense of propriety when you are in my sphere. I just can't concentrate on anything but you.
Oh your body is just so lovely!!
I loved every second of it. I hope it was good for you too...I so want it to be good for you.
Happy happy Chariette
Dear Most Handsome One I'm feeling a
bit weary this evening. I've had a big week and I went out last night too to see 'Dusty' which was just great musically - the story line was a bit forced (my son thought I was going to see 'Slim Dusty' because he'd never heard of Dusty Springfield....) The woman playing the lead role had a fantastically powerful voice. Have you seen it yet? She led a pretty terrible life by all accounts full of self doubt and loneliness, and being gay in those times would have been very difficult I imagine.
Self doubt is such a plaguing cancer and there's nothing anyone can do to cure you of it. There have been times in my life I must admit where this has overcome me. But I think the situation of my relationship back then fuelled it out of proportion and now that I'm free of that the self doubt comes upon me less and less. I wonder whether you have ever experienced this, and I can't imagine that you would as you seem to me to be such a confident person with definite views of what you want. But I do remember looking at you those years ago and you looking back at me in what seemed to me then to be a look that spoke of a hunger for connection and a sort of longingness...there was something there in your eyes and it wasn't just sex.
I adore your eyes and all that you do with them. I would very much like to be looking into them just now....
Dear Adored One
It was a pity you couldn't escape today to test out my softness and the firmness of the wall. I would have liked to test out your ‘firma’ myself as well....and the full moon would have made it a particularly intense encounter. Och well we live to wait another day.
I'm on holidays now!!! Oh happy days. I plan to do very little at all with my brain and to pamper my body in ways that will make me delicious for you. Wishing very much you were in on the pampering...
Have a wonderful weekend.
Your Chariette
Ni Hong Go, Dear Chariot (that means hello in Chinese but I wouldn't vouch for the pronunciation)
So good to hear from you both on email and the text message. Glad to know you must be there by now. I hope you've managed to get some sleep on the plane and in the hotel. Wishing very much I could have been a companion to you in the hotel room. How lovely that would have been.
I'm finding it very difficult on holidays not to just dissolve into a terrible state of complete and utter longing for you. At work I can block this out with busy-ness, but on holidays thoughts of you just completely absorb me....and the more I try to relax the more I want you. Oh what am I going to do with myself?? Wishing so very much you were here with me and I could be stroking your beautiful body that I adore so much. I think of your lovely face, the way you walk, the look on your face as we're making love, the way you sip wine, oh just everything....
I hope Beijing is a wonderful experience for you.
Your poor wasted Chariette
Dear Extra Special One
Great to know you're back safely and in fine form. I too would love to be indulging you tonight (any night really...any day come to that, or hour or minute....). I would rapturously partake of all the activities you describe so well. I hope you get to see what tan I have before it disappears and I hope I get to check out your divine form after all your gym work. I am very impressed with you keeping it up (the gym that is...) while you were travelling on such a hectic schedule.
I am very very happy you're back. You're a complete delight to me.
Champing at the bit for you Chariette
My Dear Tempter
Interest levels in your proposition are exceedingly high. I will be able to come home at short notice, if you are able to text me when you are about to leave the airport. I will have time then to suitably prepare myself as per your instructions (which seem to consist largely of disrobing and posing..) I would like you to turn up in just your shirt, but I understand this may prove difficult for you.
I'm so pleased at the prospect of seeing you, indulging in you, pleasuring you, being pleasured by you. It will be just wonderful!
I hope you enjoyed the cricket today. Hope you weren't looking away when the 'action' took place.
Looking very much forward to some of your action.
Oh you wonderful hot dish
Hope you enjoyed your dinner....wishing I was enjoying you just now. You're such a delicious treat. You're so sexy to me (and everyone else too I expect). I just have to think of you fleetingly and my body melts with desire for you. I love to think of you walking - every movement you make captures me. And I love to think of your face and the way you hold your mouth...oh it's such a sexy mouth you have and wonderful lips. I'm dying to be kissing them.
I'm so looking forward to delighting in your nakedness. You're such a feast to me - your lovely masculine chest, your arms and shoulders, your divine divine hands which I adore to touch and be touched by...and then there are your legs that just send me wild with desire and of course your playthings that give me indescribable pleasure to touch and fondle and stroke.
My poor idle hands need you
Dear Chariot
Your email was wonderful! I went to bed a very happy but very desirous of you woman last night. I'm expecting to be going to bed tomorrow night an even more extremely happy and even more desirous of you woman..having tasted your charms I will be wanting more and more and more....
..."My soul is drunk with your maddening charms"
I'm so looking forward to seeing you and being with you. At least this time it will be day and I will be able to see you.....
Your happy, excited, eager Chariette
Dear Very Hot Stuff
It was wonderful to see you, touch you, smell you, slip on/off you, be touched by you, and have you come in me today. You are always more handsome in the flesh than I can remember you to be.
It does seem, however, that we need more practice to perfect our art.... I am willing to devote time to this...
I enjoyed you very much. Thank you for coming (both to my place and in me!) Willing to come for you any time.
Oh Chariot
Oh I just love to have you come in me...it feels sublime. And I love to have your fingers in me too. That was just sensational. Your hands on my breasts from behind was fantastic too.
Oh just everything about you is wonderful
Oh you were a delight to all of my senses today. You felt absolutely beautiful, you looked a complete spunk, smelt wonderful as always, and your voice just completely sends me. You also did wonderful things to me and I loved it all.
Looking very much forward to our next practice session....I am still dedicated to pleasuring you and being pleasured by you and hoping we will never reach the peak of perfection so that practice will always be required.
Your very happy Chariette.
I so adore you.
Dear Elusive One
Oh it was SO disappointing you couldn't make it today. How I was looking forward to seeing you again and delighting in your so lovely, physical delightful presence. Thank you for your calls though. I appreciated them very much.
I am so full of kisses for you and longing for you I will just burst. I don't know what to do to control this a bit better. Tried everything really but still, still you're there haunting my senses, making my whole being alive to you. And the tragedy (for me at least) is that no one else but you will do for me!!! Oh what am I to do?? What am I to do??
Heartsore Chariette
Merry Christmas to you, my best, most beautiful, most special, intimate friend
It has been another wonderful year of contact with you. I love our intimate moments together, our phone calls and emails. You bring me much happiness and make me feel very special with your attention and interest in me.
Highlights for me this year include:
your surprise gift of donuts in Sydney;
the Sheraton (..you were just wonderful! -- and other wonderful sideways, backways positions);
you lying back on the couch another time with your shirt undone, your beautiful chest
exposed and me just utterly delighting in the look and feel of you;
you sending me The Birth of Venus and saying it reminded you of me...you are so lovely to have done and said that;
you sending me a text message from overseas saying 'Keep the faith'
our wicked, wicked 'quickies'