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Love in Electric Blue (Westlake Enterprises)

Page 12

by Marie Harte

  This was the first time in a month he’d have some time to himself, unobserved. Then again, with the cameras all over the place and random guards—there went one—patrolling the halls with Tasers and side arms, he wasn’t that enthused about doing anything to attract undue attention.

  Test subjects showing poor health mysteriously vanished, as did their frustrated lab techs. Anyone who complained had special sessions with Carter before leaving the Institute. At first, David hadn’t wanted to hurt his grades or his chances of getting decent employment when he left. But after seeing so many questionable practices, he had to tell someone what he’d seen and suspected. Especially after the information he’d accidentally stumbled on to in Mike’s locker.

  Holy shit. Murder, unethical practices, psychic nonsense? He’d wanted badly to talk to Mike about it, but finding that stuff in Mike’s locker, and knowing Mike knew but still fawned after Carter, left a very bad taste in his mouth.

  No way could he count on Mike for support. In hiring Mike, Carter had taken on a miniature version of himself. A scary thought.

  Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to act naturally and walked to the office. He grabbed an apple from the refrigerator and snacked as he moved to the computer. Knowing he’d be monitored, he dug in the drawer for the small electronic jammer he’d also confiscated from Mike’s locker, to disable the office’s hidden cameras he wasn’t supposed to know about.

  A glance around the Spartan room with its metal floors and whitewashed walls didn’t inspire confidence. But the place was clean. It had a computer.

  And David had Mike’s password to access the Net.

  He stood and subtly pointed the jammer in the direction of the security cameras until he felt sure he’d deactivated them. Hurrying now, and praying the scrambler had indeed done its job, he typed Mike’s code into the computer and immediately accessed Mike’s mail account.

  David typed a message, giving all the information he could, knowing he had little time. Using Mike’s log-in code would only work so long as Mike didn’t suspect he’d been hacked. He didn’t have much time and needed to make every second count. He could only pray his older brother would make good use of the information and relay it to his boss at the FBI. He attached a few files, sent the email, then deleted it from Mike’s account.

  And he prayed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Days later, Remy stared at the ceiling, wishing she’d never agreed to this. Hiding out with J.D. while the others played detective annoyed her to no end.

  The small house had charm, she’d admit, but living it up in the country while other people decided what part she’d play in the skirmish with Carter didn’t sit right. The only thing making the situation somewhat palatable was that they’d stuck J.D. in with her.

  Banned from interfering, he was just as frustrated. More so, because she wanted time to deal with the new “them” before she consented to sleep with him again. They’d had sex so quickly into their new relationship, and her attachment to the man scared her.

  Mr. Sexy didn’t like her taking the reins, but too bad. She’d made a decision. She wanted J.D. in her life. She loved him. But they had to base their future on more than sex. He shied away from talking about his feelings. Yes, they’d talked about that dreadful night over a decade ago. She knew the things he liked and how he spent his off-time. But they didn’t truly communicate about things that mattered.

  He refused to discuss his family. She knew his mother had died when he was young, and that his father had passed away. He had no siblings, only ties to his friends from work. He had no problem discussing the latest television programming but, damn it, she wanted more. How did he really feel about her? Did he envision ever getting married? Having kids?

  J.D. seemed to have no problem practicing the art of procreation, but talking about living, breathing children seemed beyond his parameters.

  Desperate for something to end her boredom, she decided to dangle a carrot in front of him. Since he seemed to want sex so much—and not that she could blame him, because she wanted him right back—she figured she’d use it to get what she wanted. Some answers.

  Narrowing her eyes at the television, she turned it off with her mind.

  “Hey, I was watching that,” he complained.

  “A cartoon sponge? Really?”

  He grinned. God, he was so sexy. No man should be that good-looking and amazing in bed.

  “I’m at the end of my rope.” She groaned. “How about you let me ask you some questions, and if you answer me honestly, you’ll get a small token of affection?”

  “I knew I’d wear you down.” His sly grin should have annoyed her. “You throw in cooking and it’s a deal.”

  “Fine. But you can’t lie. I’ll know.” And she would. She’d been studying him, and she thought she’d detected a slight spike in his energy when he fibbed.

  “Whatever. Ask away. I’m hungry for some tongue.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  “You’re such a perv.”

  “Takes one to know one. Honey, you were a virgin in name only. I mean, who knew you could talk dirty and move like a pro after that first time?”

  She chuckled despite her blush. “Shut up. You’re not helping your cause.”


  Damn. Her nipples refused to go down around the man. And she felt all tingly. Determined to talk, she ignored her raging libido. “You ready?”

  “Not yet.” He moved closer to her on the couch and pounced.

  Before she could move, he had her in his lap, forcing her to straddle him, face-to-face. She didn’t need to look down to know he was hard. She swallowed.

  “Oh yeah. We’ll get to that, most definitely. Now ask me a question.”

  Remy blew at a strand of hair that had gotten in her face and stilled when J.D. pushed it back behind her ear. Just his touch made her hot.

  I can do this without forgetting myself and jumping him. I can.

  “Tell me about your life, J.D. Like, what happened between the time you left the Institute and the time you joined up with Jurek Westlake?”

  J.D. grinned. “That’s big money. Like, blow-job material.”

  Her mouth watered. “Just answer the question.”

  “You prepared to pay up?”

  She lowered herself over his thick erection. “Yes.”

  “God, I hope I can last.” He blew out a breath. “It’s no big secret.”

  “Then spill. I want the full story.”

  “Yeah? Well I want my money’s worth when I’m through,” he said, staring at her lips before returning to her eyes. “You know Jurek took me from the Institute. I was in a bad way for a while. Though you didn’t do too much lasting damage, I was shaky. I didn’t trust authority.”

  “I can’t blame you. I still don’t trust it.”

  He rubbed her thighs. “Jurek got me out, but I didn’t want to be around anyone who knew what I could do.”

  “He knew I was powerful, but I’d told him you were just a side project, that Carter had really been after me.”

  “Yeah, well, he sees through bullshit with those eagle eyes. He knew right off that I had a strong talent. He told me I could trust him, but I didn’t. While he tucked me in a private clinic in DC to convalesce, I bided my time. One night, when I felt well enough and everyone was gone, I took off.”

  “I’d hoped you might,” she said quietly, imagining how scared he would have been.

  “Like you, I lived alone, moved around a lot. I dipped into various banks to survive. I only took small amounts, and only from people with money to spare. But, hell, it was stealing, I admit.”

  He paused—waiting for her to blame him? She remained silent, and he continued to rub her legs. “I supplemented my income by working for a bunch of different computer-repair shops, keeping my footprint small. I knew people might be looking for me. But the computer thing was an easy gig. It’s amazing how many people are impressed by simple repair work.”

  “J.D., what
seems simple to you is impressive.”

  “True.” He winked, and she liked that he didn’t seem to be having a difficult time recounting his past. She didn’t want him uncomfortable, but she wanted to know all about him.

  “I spent time drifting. I’d never forgotten you, or Jurek. You, I’d curse out a lot. And yeah, I fantasized that I’d find you alive someday, and how I’d get some payback.” He shifted his hands to her ass and squeezed. “But I was surprised to keep dwelling on Jurek. I owed the guy, and it didn’t sit right that I’d left without thanking him, at least. I needed to repay that debt, and I finally felt strong enough to do it. I’d been practicing control.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “After a year and a half, I found him again. It’s odd, but he never seems any older to me,” he said thoughtfully. “Anyway, I found him in a coffee shop near Atlanta and had barely said ‘hello’ when he offered me a job. He promised me a hell of a salary, a lot more than what I’d been making doing shitty repair work. And then he hooked me with that psychic investigation business.

  “People like me, weirdos who didn’t fit in, accepted and prized for their skills? I was leery, but he lured me with money, a new identity and, well, if you want to know the truth, acceptance. I had no other family, and he knew it.”

  “He’s kind of like a father figure, isn’t he?”

  J.D. flushed. “I guess you could say that.” He paused. “You do realize that all these questions I’m answering mean more than a simple blow job.”


  He laughed. “To make a long story short, I jumped in and haven’t looked back since. For the past eight and a half years I’ve worked for him doing what I love. I feel safe working around people with special skills.”

  “Me too,” Remy agreed. “I love working for Max.”

  “The thing is, Jurek promised me I’d never have to use my power in any way. He hired me to work the computer side of things, and I don’t have to use my superskills to work a keyboard.” He quieted. “He tried telling me about what really happened at the Institute, you know. But I always avoided the subject. I’d even threatened to leave if he wouldn’t stop, so he finally did. I wanted all that to be in the past.”

  “I understand.” And she did. She’d had no recourse but to live the nightmare of being on the run. She’d never wanted that for him. “That’s why I let Carter think you were dead. I wanted you to have a life.”

  “And I’m fucked up about the fact that I had one and you didn’t.”

  “Language, J.D.” She tsked him.

  “Yeah, yeah.” He brushed her hair behind her ear again. “I answered all your questions.” He ground her against his erection, which had grown while they’d talked.


  “You’ve been holding out on me. Making me want you even more by flaunting that perfect ass. Not wearing a bra.”

  “I wear a bra,” she argued, feeling faint. God, she wanted to feel him inside her again. “I don’t flaunt anything.”

  “Liar.” He wriggled his hands under her shirt and unfastened her bra with skill. He had it and her shirt off in seconds. “See? No bra.”

  She moaned when he palmed her breasts. “J.D.”

  “Call me Joshua. I love when you forget yourself and moan my name.” He lowered his voice. “Right before I come inside you.”

  She whispered, “Joshua,” and he kissed her breast.

  He didn’t stop there. He sucked her nipple and rocked against her.

  As usual, her panties were wet, even worse when his energy invaded, pushing through her token resistance before joining hers.

  “Yeah. That’s so good. I want in you, Remy,” he rasped. “Right now.”


  “Uh-uh. You made me wait two long days. Four, actually, since we’ve been back and you’ve been so standoffish.”

  “Me?” She gasped when he tormented her other nipple. “I wasn’t the one who suddenly wanted distance.”

  He nipped her, and a thrill shot straight through her body to her clit. “What do you expect? All I can think about is kissing you, coming in you. All the time.”

  “Um, about that… We never talked about safe sex.”

  “You’re on the pill, you said.”

  “Yes, but you… If you’ve been with other women…” The thought enraged her. “Disease is—”

  “Not a problem. I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone but you in months. And we both know you’ve been saving yourself for me.”

  “You and that…ego,” she said on a sigh.

  “No more talking. You owe me. Get naked.”

  She didn’t want to argue, not when she wanted what he did. She loved when he bossed her in bed. She left him to remove the rest of her clothes, mesmerized when he did the same and returned to the couch naked. The winter chill didn’t register, not when she had such a pretty man on display.

  A naked J.D. Morgan, hot and hard and sexy. And all hers.

  “Suck me, baby. Take my cock in your mouth. Let me feel your lips all over me.” He held himself to her, and she saw the pearly tip, his shaft so thick and ready for her.

  She loved going down on him, especially since she knew how much he liked it, as much as he loved watching her take him.

  She put her mouth over him and teased, then cupped his balls and stroked his thighs.

  He moaned and arched up into her. “Remy. Shit. For a recent virgin, I swear you know too much. You get me so hot, so fast.”

  She smiled around him and took more in her mouth. He was so thick, so big. And he fit her perfectly.

  “That’s it. Over me, up and down. Yeah.” He put his hand on her head to guide her. “No condoms for us. I need to come inside you. Filling you up.”

  She felt the same. His energy demanded they join in every way.

  “Yeah. I know we have a lot of stuff to get through, you and me. I’m an idiot for thinking it, but part of me really wishes you weren’t on the pill, so I could make you pregnant.”

  She sucked harder, and he hissed, “Yes. God, that’s it. You like that, baby?” He yanked her up and settled her pussy over him. Then he eased her down and moaned. “I think about coming inside you and I get hard. I dream about filling you. Your pussy, your mouth, your ass. I want to love every part of you.”

  Love, not fuck. She knew the difference. She wondered if he realized what he was saying.

  She rode him faster, encouraging his release.

  “You know why I have to fill you, don’t you?” He grabbed her hips and slammed into her.


  “Because I have to give you some part of me. To tie us tight, together.” He reached between them to rub her clit and kissed her.

  The sensations of touch, possession and love overwhelmed her. She moaned into his mouth and clamped down around him, milking his climax when he yanked her down hard and shuddered into her.

  “Fuck. I can’t stop coming. All in you, Remy. Yeah. Oh fuck.” He jerked, giving her everything.

  After some time, he leaned his forehead against her shoulder and shivered.

  “Jesus, that was so good.”

  She stroked his hair, pushing back the blond strands clinging to his cheeks.

  “You love me, don’t you?” he asked on a breath, hope shadowing his gaze.

  She hated to be the one to break down and admit it first. But hell. Who was she kidding? “Yes, I do.” She had to tack on, “As much as you probably don’t want to love me, but do.”

  His smile was enough to light up the night. “Always have to have the last word, don’t you?” He hugged her tightly to him, their bodies still joined.

  But he didn’t deny it.

  And then he rocked her over him again and jolted her with another burst of energy. “Show me how much you love me.”

  She blinked to see the world in blue, but it was his smile that blazed the brightest. She sighed into his embrace and kissed him, in love, and loving him until neither of them could move.<
br />
  J.D. held her close. He’d finally started to soften and slide out of her, leaving behind a mess. Idiot that he was, he loved filling her up. He wanted so badly to see her pregnant, to have her belong to him so they could start a family together.

  He had to end Carter so they could start their new lives. Erasing the fear and sadness that sometimes settled over her had become his number one priority. That, and making her smile.

  “You know, someday you’ll make an outstanding mother. Caring, compassionate and, man, you’ll have some pretty babies.”

  She tensed and blinked down at him. “You think?”

  “Yeah. Your eyes and brains? That smile? They’d be gorgeous.”

  “I was thinking my eyes and your pretty hair. That’s a better combination. And our smarts, of course,” she said softly, her expression tender.

  “Oh yeah.” His breath hitched. “Our kids would be perfect.”

  “Perfect little monsters.” She nodded and smiled. And he dove headfirst into love.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “He’s asking for help.” Max pointed to the overhead screen, where he’d blown up a shot of the email forwarded by David Bellamy’s brother. “We put out feelers, and this kid is the real deal.”

  Another shot showed a handsome young man on the cusp of his life. David Bellamy looked so young and proud as he held his undergraduate degree, wearing a cap and gown. Remy felt sorry for him. Another casualty in the Carter fallout.

  Her time alone with J.D. had ended, as she’d known it would. But this time, unlike Mexico, they remained close. And, God, the sex.

  He’d had her in every way possible…almost. He teased about wanting inside her ass, but he promised to take it slow. She was still so new and eager to experience sex that he didn’t want to rush her. Or so he said. He seemed to get hard at just the mention of being with her.

  She glanced at him and saw his half grin. He glanced down at her chest and smirked. The jerk. She flushed. Somehow he always seemed to know what she was thinking about.

  Annoying, yet it made her love him even more. She turned her attention back to the screen.


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