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The Earl of Windermere Takes a Wife (Lords of the Matrix Club #1)

Page 29

by Jen YatesNZ

  Jassie began to tremble, as if she would melt all over again in the blaze of their combined regard.

  ‘Naked,’ Dom demanded. ‘Let’s get her naked and then we’ll show her how we keep our promises and what you can do for her with your cock. I really appreciate a woman who knows what she wants.’

  ‘That’s my Jass,’ Rogan said softly, leaning in to press another burning kiss just below her ear, as if he simply couldn’t keep his mouth away from her. ‘Keep us focused on the goal.’

  His fingers immediately began loosening the laces of her corset while Dom attacked the ties at the front of her chemise. There was scarcely time to draw breath before she stood naked between them.

  ‘Now you two,’ she said imperiously, determined to show no shame at her nudity. ‘It’s your turn.’

  They needed no second bidding and before she could properly appreciate the beauty of their fit muscular bodies, one whipcord lean and strong, the other broadly muscular and powerful, Rogan swept her into his arms and carried her across to the huge tester bed where several successions of Earls of Windermere had been sired.

  None so unconventionally as the next could well be, Jassie surmised, as Dom circled the bed and landed at her other side.

  Rogan kept waiting for the deeply ingrained possessiveness he’d always felt towards Jassie to overtake him. He expected the ugly burn of jealousy to curl his fists when Dom looked his fill of Jassie’s naked bounty.

  Instead, he was oddly shaken by his inordinate pride in the elegant perfection of her, from her beautifully rounded tip-tilted breasts, slender waist, femininely curving hips and her strong horse-woman’s legs, lithe and shapely.

  She was perfection and he wanted Dom to appreciate that too. But more than these strange and confusing thoughts, he just wanted to cherish her, make love to her delectable body and clever mind. Dom’s presence and participation in all of this just seemed right in some odd and unaccountable way, especially when he considered it wouldn’t be happening if it weren’t for his cousin.

  Holding her naked form in his arms was like something from a dream. He’d always known Jassie would be as honest and open in her loving as in everything else. This knowledge had added an extra edge to the purgatory that had been his life for the last sixteen years. As he laid her on the bed, he was aware of Dom moving round and climbing up beside her from the other side. For a moment they just sat and stared at the perfection of her then their eyes met across her and Rogan saw his own excitement mirrored in the deep smoky green of Dom’s eyes.

  ‘Ours to pleasure,’ Dom said, stretching out a hand to cup her breast and roll the beading nipple between thumb and finger.

  ‘Ours to love,’ Rogan countered, bending to her other breast and taking it deeply into his mouth. For it was true. They both loved her even though Dom was obviously monitoring his own natural responses.

  ‘Oh God!’

  Her words were a tortured whisper and her body arched upwards as she tried to thrust her breasts closer to them. Dom obliged by lowering his head and suckling right alongside him and Jassie began clawing at the sheets and moaning as her head thrashed from side to side. Damn, he wanted her; longed to just sink his flesh deep into her. She was so responsive, so open about what she wanted.

  But not yet. They would take her soaring again first.

  Dom snagged his gaze briefly and said, ‘North.’

  Rogan surprised himself by winking at him. It was years since he’d felt this light-hearted, this excited.

  If ever.

  Trailing kisses down over her ribcage, he left her breast and moved south. Jassie had found his hair and her fingers threaded through it in a gesture as trusting as it was demanding. The sense of freedom to love this beautiful woman was downright intoxicating.

  Down he roamed to the softness of her belly and its neat indentation, laving it with his tongue until she giggled in an oddly muffled way and squirmed as if he’d tickled her. Rogan wondered if his heart would burst with the joy of it. Glancing up he saw Dom’s mouth tangled with hers, plundering hungrily. Dom would swallow her pleas. She’d only be able to whimper and moan into his mouth, unable to utter anything coherent, no pleading.

  He crawled lower down her body, his tongue trailing liquid heat that would rapidly cool on her blushing skin. He savored the ability to kiss and nibble at her flesh and feel her minute responses and he focused on the moment when he’d close his mouth over the burning core of her and she’d jerk into him and cry out straight into Dom’s mouth.

  Kneeling between her legs, he caressed the well-formed calves and stroked up her thighs with long silken sweeps of his hands. Then spreading her nether lips with his thumbs he lowered his head and took her into his mouth.

  Her reaction was everything he’d just been imagining. Her legs and body writhed frantically and she began crying out and threshing her arms across the bed. Dom caught her hands and pinned them above her head, glanced briefly at Rogan feasting like a starving man, then lowered his head back to Jassie’s breast. Her cries were no longer muffled and Rogan drove her relentlessly with his tongue rasping over her clitoris and delving deep into her hot, wet channel.

  Then as her body exploded around him and she tried to arch completely off the bed, she began calling to him.

  ‘Rogan! Rogan! For God’s sake—please—love me! Oh pleee-ase!’

  The darkness tore at the edges of his psyche with grasping tentacles and he reared back. Fucking slut! He’d teach her!

  ‘Rogue! No!’ Dom’s voice, harsh and peremptory, slashed aside the ugly veil that had almost engulfed him, rending it, letting in the light. He felt his nostrils distend with the effort to drag clean air into his lungs. Then he opened his eyes and looked directly at Dom.

  ‘Fuck her!’ Dom ordered.

  A smile of pure joy broke through the whole of his being and he rose up and thrust into Jassie just as she’d been begging him to.

  ‘Yesss!’ he hissed and Dom grinned at him then bent his head to suckle at Jassie’s breast again.

  Death by ecstasy. Was it possible? Jassie didn’t know but in that moment it definitely felt likely. Rogan’s body was joined with hers, loving hers, after he’d brought her to such a peak of need that she’d lost all sense of anything else. Her only awareness was what he’d taught her to crave, with no reticence in demanding it. Now he was thrusting deep into the core of her, his eyes alight with love and triumph while Dom wrought such sweet torture on her breasts she could no longer utter words, only cry out deep rasping sobs of need.

  A fiery ball had formed deep in her belly, fluorescing, building, until her moans and gasps became one prolonged plea for release. Dom covered her other breast with his hand and rolled the nipple between thumb and finger as he bit sharply down on the one in his mouth.

  With his blue gaze riveted to hers, Rogan slammed his hips into the cradle of her thighs, his cock thrusting right to the mouth of her womb and the fiery ball within her shattered in spectacular starbursts throughout her body, like the fireworks display she’d seen once at Vauxhall Gardens.

  Every muscle in her body clenched, gripping Rogan’s cock within her and triggering his own violent expulsion of seed deep in her body.

  Dom suckled harder and Jassie’s body jerked against Rogan’s in a series of aftershocks that rocked them both and dragged groans and gasps of elation from deep in their bellies as Rogan continued to arch his body, holding himself deep inside her, absorbing every nuance of her climax until he felt her subsiding beneath him. Gradually he relaxed and rolling to lie beside her, cupped her face in his hands and fastened his mouth to hers in a kiss that clearly transmitted his joy at making love to her without metamorphosing into a sadistic monster.

  As he lifted his head Jassie looked into his eyes and felt tears of joy searing the backs of her own. It was a precious moment and all due to the intervention of Dom. Languidly she turned her head to see what he was doing. Kneeling at her side with his brilliant green gaze fastened on hers, the Duke smiled a s
low, glittering smile that warned Jassie he was about to make more demands on her.

  Instantly, her nerve endings were tingling again, dancing in anticipation and she had the fleeting thought that she might be enjoying this too much. But all thought was banished as he leaned closer and said, ‘I’m burning up here, Jassinda. That was the most beautiful thing to watch, to share. Could you take me in your hand?’

  She couldn’t stop her gaze from jerking down his body to where his organ jutted from its nest of black curls, a little slimmer than Rogan’s but—probably longer. Hesitantly she raised her hand.

  ‘She’s not done that before,’ Rogan spoke for her, when it became obvious she was incapable of answering. ‘Dom has to be hurting in the worst possible way, Jass. Do you think you could help him with that?’

  She swallowed then managed to rasp out, ‘I think so but how—what do I do?’

  Rogan snuggled in against her neck.

  ‘Give Dom your hand. He’ll show you,’ he whispered, nibbling at the lobe of her ear then lipping his way gently down her heated skin to her breast. ‘You are so beautiful, Jassie. I always knew you would be, despaired of ever really knowing—’

  His mouth closed over a nipple again and Jassie felt the fire of it all the way to her core. She simply hadn’t understood the simple power of that act, the all-consuming joy of Rogan loving her.

  Nor had it occurred to her how silky and delicate a penis would feel and yet how rigid.

  With one hand braced beside her head Dom had taken her hand and curled her fingers about his thrusting organ. Now he moved her hand gently up and down the satiny length and Jassie began to understand the deep satisfaction to be had from giving another the kind of pleasure and release the two men had given her. Dom’s eyes were closed, his head straining back so the sinews in his throat stood out in stark relief.

  Her mind was a crazy jumble of thoughts and feelings; heated pleasure, intense gratitude, and an irresistible need to close her eyes, to turn her face into Rogan’s neck, to drag in huge lungfuls of the unique scent that was his alone—as if that moment Dom surrendered to the ultimate physical ecstasy was not hers to watch. It should, eventually, belong to some other woman, someone who would love the Duke of Wolverton as he deserved to be loved; as she loved Rogan.

  Liquid, hot and viscous sprayed across her belly and slowly Dom’s rigid posture eased and he relaxed down to her side and began massaging the fluid into her skin.

  She’d never felt so cherished, she thought, as the two men nestled against her, arms cradling and hands caressing.

  They slept, their arms and legs intertwined about her body, their faces buried against her neck. Jassie lay for a long time, eyes closed, relishing the feeling of absolute trust that filled her, absolute love. She couldn’t but marvel that they’d been able to put all prejudices and pre-conceived notions of acceptable behavior aside to enable her and Rogan to have a normal loving relationship.

  She had Rogan Wyldefell for her husband at last and in achieving that dream she’d gained so much more. She’d been able to open herself to receive the love of Dominic Beresford also, to give him a little of herself. Rogan would always be the mate of her soul but there would now also be a small place reserved for the man who’d made the fullness of her love for Rogan possible.

  As sleep claimed her she wondered if she’d ever be able to hide the glorious smile that was rooted in her heart and simply glowed through every particle of her being.

  The dream woke him and Rogan lay staring into the dark shadows of the room. It was a long time since he’d suffered from the nightmare where he was naked and at the mercy of several women, all built like prize fighters. Always they pursued him through the gloomy stone hallways of an ancient castle or fortress, trapping and chaining him in a dungeon where blazing torches illuminated the scene of his shame and downfall—and the stark but evil beauty of the Dominant Flagellant whose long flowing ropes of dark auburn hair and snapping green eyes were those of Adelaide Barratt.

  It was usually the lash of the whip across his genitals that woke him.

  Unable to stay still, he slipped quietly out of the bed and crossed to the window, pulling aside one drape, allowing moonlight to shaft across the floor. He looked back at the bed, but its two sleeping occupants were hidden in the dark shadows beneath the canopy. Working silently, he tied back the drapes so the moonlight allowed him to discern their outlines, Dom spooned protectively around Jassie’s back.

  Though he couldn’t see their faces clearly, he imagined Dom’s dark austerity softened by the satisfaction he must feel to be at last holding Jassie’s naked body in his arms, for having loved her and been loved by her. It was a small enough gift when he considered the pain his friend would have to live with from here on, the pain of watching Jassie happy in her marriage to Rogan.

  He turned to gaze out onto the vista over the lake and the Greek Folly where he’d made his confession to her. Moonlight gleamed white across the open spaces, accentuating the shadows and bathing the whole into an eerily magical penumbra. It took his thoughts back to the dream.

  Tonight, for the first time, he’d run in a different direction through the castle, a direction he’d never noticed before and instead of feeling as if his legs and feet were weighted with lead, he’d moved with the surefooted lightness of a gazelle. He’d easily outrun the women and their evil clutching hands and had burst through the heavy castle door that had always been barred to him before.

  Almost blinded by sunlight, he’d gulped in great breaths of the sparkling fresh air and turned to look back at the castle that had imprisoned his soul for so many years. There was no edifice, only fountains and gardens, all shimmering in the early morning brilliance. A great shout of laughter had burst upwards from deep inside his chest and it was this that had woken him. He thought he’d actually laughed out loud in his sleep but obviously it had not been loud enough to awaken Jassie or Dom. But the sensation of stepping into the light from a dungeon of eternal darkness was still with him.

  Could it be that simple? Was he free? Free to be the husband to Jassie he’d always been meant to be? And if it was that simple, he owed Wolverton more than he could ever repay him. In all honesty, one night in the arms of the woman he loved seemed a paltry recompense. He could not see how he could refuse Dom if he wanted to be a regular part of their lives—a constant third in their marriage.

  Pray God, he hadn’t simply created another desperate situation through the means by which he’d overcome the first! Jassie had responded so openly to their joint ministrations. How would he feel if she wanted that to continue?

  Would time dim his gratitude to Dom and his old possessiveness return, his need to have Jassie for himself alone? Would he become jealous and suspicious and ruin with bitterness everything they’d achieved?

  Gazing at the two sleeping so closely entwined he could find no hint of jealousy in his heart—as yet—just the thought that Jassie deserved her pleasure. She’d waited long enough for it. He could not deny either of them.

  Dom stirred and suddenly his eyes were open, gleaming in the moonlight and looking straight at Rogan.

  ‘Rogue? You all right?’

  Dom’s murmured words seemed loud in the stillness of the room but Jassie didn’t stir.

  He considered the answer to that question for a moment then he allowed the smile that was lighting up his insides to light up his face.

  ‘I don’t think I’ve been better in a long time. Thank you. I also want to make love to that beautiful woman again. Think we should wake her up?’

  ‘Wake who up?’ Jassie demanded, albeit a little sleepily. ‘Who can sleep with you two having a midnight palaver?—What are you doing over there, Rogan?’

  ‘Just thinking about coming back to bed and waking you.’

  ‘And why would you do that?’

  The sleepiness was rapidly fading from her voice. In fact, he rather thought he could detect a hint of laughter in her words.

  ‘Because,’ he
said, climbing back under the covers and pressing his chilled body against her warmth so she yelped in protest, ‘having discovered I can make love to my wife I want to do it again. Would she welcome me, do you think?’

  ‘Probably not. You’re as cold as a frog!’

  The laughter felt good, so right, and he kissed her nose.

  ‘You’ll soon warm me up. In fact parts of me are steaming already. What about you, Dom?’

  Dom’s chuckle resonated in the darkness around them, rich with sensual innuendo.

  ‘I’d always be ready for this woman.’

  As if they’d worked in tandem many times before, he and Dom settled in to giving Jassie the kind of loving that might come somewhere towards making up for all she’d been missing. Rogan kissed her eyelids shut and nibbled down the length of her straight little nose while Dom took her lips in a kiss that was more in the nature of a blessing than an arousal.

  As he began to kiss his way down her throat, Rogan leaned in and slipped his tongue between her soft trembling lips to tease along the sharp edges of her teeth and dance with her tongue. Her sweetness burst into his mouth and they shared the deep sigh of his breath.

  ‘I love you, Jass. So much. Being with you like this is the manifestation of my every desire. Thank you for making me confront what I am—was. Thank you for accepting this totally unorthodox way of resolving things.’

  Jassie’s small strong hands cupped his face and she leant back, trying to read his eyes in the shadows from the moonlight. Dom’s head lowered and his mouth closed over her breast and he smiled to watch her struggle to remain in charge of her mind.

  ‘Oh Rogan—Dom! Oh my God that’s—’

  ‘Good?’ Dom rasped.

  ‘Yes! Dear God, I never knew—yes—it’s good!’

  His richly wicked chuckle hummed in the air around them.


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