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Lust and Bound

Page 8

by W. Lynn Chantale

  Zach stood behind her, a hand at the small of her back. “Relax. You look fine,” he whispered. “Thank you, Jonas. I think that will be all for the evening.”

  Jonas nodded and closed the door.

  Zach removed a plastic card from his wallet and inserted it into the key reader next to the elevator. The doors whooshed open.

  “Wow. Your very own elevator.”

  He ushered her into the car and again swiped his card. The doors closed and they were whisked upwards. A moment later they stepped into a quiet hallway with five doors, two of which had exit signs above them.

  “I warn you, I don’t spend much time in my place.” He twisted the lock and shouldered open the door.

  She followed him inside and stopped. The brief foyer opened into a huge sunken living room decorated with lots of black leather furniture with glass and chrome tables. A large flat screen was mounted to a wall opposite a comfy recliner. Just beyond the living room she could make out the kitchen and the edge of a stainless steel appliance.

  “Definitely not what I had in mind.” She walked farther into the room. The bouquet of flowers he’d given her earlier sat in a vase on the coffee table. She whirled to find him just behind her. “How did you do that?”

  He chuckled. “I had Jonas bring everything here while we were at the comedy club.”

  “Jonas seems like more than just your driver.” She fingered the petals.

  Zach inclined his head. “He’s my right hand man. The only person I trust to drive me or to be in my home.”

  Trisha wandered across the room to the fireplace. Now that she was closer she could make out a few of the framed service awards. Before she could lift one of the frames, he grasped her hand.

  “C’mon, I’ll show you the rest of the place.”

  Showing her the rest of the place consisted of pointing out the kitchen as he led her up three short steps and down a wide hallway to the master bedroom. She paused, allowing her eyes to adjust to the light when he clicked on a nearby lamp. Centered in the middle of the wall was a king-size platform bed. On the far left, a chaise sat in front of a fireplace, the wood arranged in the hearth, just waiting for a match. A bureau sat to her right just inside the door.

  There was no television, but what appeared to be a retro sound system sat on top of the bureau. This was confirmed when Zach picked up a remote and Keith Sweat’s “Nobody” wafted through the hidden speakers.

  “Your place is really nice,” she said.

  “I’m glad you like it. Make yourself comfortable.”

  She kicked off her shoes, then faced him. “Do you spend any time here?”

  He chuckled. “Sure. Why do you ask?” He cupped her elbow and ushered her across the room to another door.

  “You don’t have a lot of personal items.” She stifled a gasp of pleasure as they stepped onto a screened balcony. “This is lovely.” The cement was still warm beneath her toes

  A waist high wall offered a modicum of privacy while a ceiling fan pushed enough of the warm air around to make standing outside comfortable. She skirted the wrought iron table and chairs to peer across the inky water.

  She rested her arms against the rough stone and looked down. Foamy white waves swirled and dashed on the jagged rocks below. The heat of Zach’s body warmed her back.

  “I haven’t spent enough time here to really personalize my space. I’m usually at work.”

  Trisha leaned against him and he circled his arms around her waist.

  “I want to see.”

  He tilted his head to the side and reached for her.

  Trisha scrambled backwards. If he touched her now, she wouldn’t get a chance to find out.

  “See what?” He loosened his tie.

  “Your tattoo.”

  He chuckled. “Is that all?”

  “It’s enough. You’ve distracted me every other time.”

  With a smirk he nodded and unclasped his cufflinks. “My lady’s wish is my command.” He allowed the accessories to drop on the nearby table. The heavy thunk echoed her pounding pulse.

  Trisha moistened dry lips, her breath hitching at each button he loosened. His eyes never wavered from hers. He eased the garment from his shoulders and let it drop to the floor, revealing his sleeveless shirt beneath.

  She’d seen stripteases before, but none affected her like this one. The muscles of his biceps flexed when his hands went to the front of his slacks. He unbuckled his belt and undid the clasp, before yanking his t-shirt free of the waistband. He grasped the ends of his shirt and slowly lifted the cotton. With each inch of smooth chocolate skin revealed, desire throbbed anew. He discarded the shirt. She sucked in a breath and feasted upon the hard lines of his torso and abs.

  Desire crackled with each beat of her heart. She stepped closer. The tattoo was incredibly detailed, each scale on the design seemed to have a luminosity that seemed to ripple and glow with each breath he drew. The image must have taken hours to render.

  “You take my breath away, baby girl.”

  She met his gaze. “I do?” Surprise colored her voice.

  “No woman has ever looked at me like that before.” He smoothed a hand over her hair.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you want to devour me.”

  Heat tinged her cheeks. Could he really read all that in her eyes? With shaking fingers she pushed her hair from her face.

  “And what if I do?” she challenged.

  “I’m yours.” He held up a hand and crooked a finger. She lifted her hand and swept her fingertips along the outline of his chest. He trembled at her touch.

  If she could have a night to trace the tattoo inked into his skin, it still wouldn’t be long enough. She lost herself in the texture of his skin. Fine hairs teased her fingers as she drifted them down his chest to the top of his abs.

  Somehow she resisted the urge to explore all those delicious muscles or kiss the narrow patch of hair on his washboard stomach and focused on her task. She wanted to find how far the ink went.

  When she skimmed her hand over his chiseled bicep, the muscle tensed beneath her palm and she smiled. Slowly she circled him, taking her time, enjoying her exploration and the reaction it produced.

  “Wow!” The entire body of the koi stretched across his back. The water surrounding the fish was so lifelike she expected to get wet when she drew a lazy circle over a foamy wave.

  Each stroke of her fingers produced a small grunt from Zach. Encouraged, she swept her lips along the same path. Her tongue followed, savoring the taste of his skin. Yet each lick weakened his control: it was evident in the rigid way he held his body. She had the power to weaken this man. The knowledge humbled and aroused her.

  “Trisha.” The warning note whispered through her. He wouldn’t wait much longer to re-establish control.

  She giggled. “Someone once told me anticipation heightens arousal.”

  His low chuckle rumbled through his chest and against her hands.

  “Oh you are so right.”

  He spun in her embrace. She let out a startled squeal and tried to evade his questing hands, but he was quick. She scrambled backwards only to be trapped between the wall and his body. Not a bad place to be, but she would not be deterred from her task.

  “Are you saying I can’t touch you anymore?” Even as she spoke, her fingers never stopped moving over the dragon’s head emblazoned on his chest. When her tongue followed, he moaned.

  He swept her hair from her shoulders, bringing a few of the strands to his nose to sniff appreciatively. He leaned close.

  “I’ll give you five seconds to get out of that dress or I’ll rip it.” He swirled his tongue on a spot between her neck and shoulder.

  Her knees went weak and she clung to his arms. He continued to caress her throat.

  “I’m counting.”

  Well, she didn’t want him to do that—the dress was just too pretty. With trembling fingers she fumbled the zipper tab. The garment loosened, and just in time too.
Zach yanked on the dress and it pooled at her feet. Her lacy bustier wasn’t as lucky. The pretty lingerie ended on opposite sides of the room.

  She quirked an eyebrow. “You keep doing that and replacing clothes can get expensive.”

  He trailed a finger along her collarbone, igniting a riot of sensation.

  “Then we’ll just have to figure a way for you to go without them, hmm?”

  “You’d like that way too much.”

  “Oh, I would.” He grazed the sides of her breasts and palmed the soft globes before moving upwards, over her shoulders and down her arms to clasp her hands. “Don’t move,” he whispered.

  She shivered when he stepped away. He disappeared into the bedroom and returned. Something metallic glinted in his fist. He paused, his hot perusal scorching her from head to toe. She shifted against the wall.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  She ducked her head, her hair whispering over her shoulder, hiding the heat in her cheeks from his scrutiny.

  His heady masculine scent surrounded her when he stepped closer, the nearness of his body heating her front. He cupped her cheek, tilting her head until he stared into her eyes.

  “You don’t have to hide from me.”

  “I’m not used to all of this attention.”

  “Which is all the more reason for me to lavish it on you.” He fluttered kisses over her eyes, cheeks and finally settled on her lips. “I’ve just been waiting for the chance.” He slanted his mouth over hers.

  She closed her eyes and wallowed in sensation. The swipe of his tongue teased her lips apart, and she resisted just to see what he would do. His hand tightened in her hair just enough to make her gasp at the small bite of pain. He deepened the kiss and she moaned.

  So good. If the man never did anything else but kiss her, she’d still be in seventh heaven.

  “Would you mind indulging another fantasy?” he murmured.

  “Will you be naked?”

  “Of course.”

  “Then indulge away.”

  He dangled a pair of handcuffs from his finger.

  She laughed. “Have you been talking to my friends?”

  He shook his head.

  “Well then,” she said, extending her arms, wrists together, “cuff away.”

  Desire turned his eyes a molten silver. “You are a continual surprise.” His lips found hers, and this time he caressed her with the scarf, sliding the silk along her skin until he wrapped her wrists before snapping on the cuffs.

  She raised a brow.

  He offered her a sheepish grin. “I don’t want to leave any unnecessary bruises.”


  He brushed the curve of her cheek, his thumb stroking her bottom lip. “No worries, beautiful. I want you to derive as much pleasure from this encounter as possible.” He stepped behind her, again trailing the ends of a silken scarf against her skin while pressing his lips to the curve of her shoulder.

  Pleasure stole through her and liquid heat pulsed between her legs. There was so much sensation to process, the slight tickle of the scarf, the firmness of Zach’s chest against her back, and the warmth of his lips as he nibbled at a spot on her neck that made her knees weaken.

  She leaned into his strength, the texture of his slacks rough against her buttocks and her thighs, but even that was sensual.

  “Just one more thing...” He slid a hand on her head and the world went dark.

  She gasped, lifting her hands to trace the frilly edge of what covered her eyes. He stilled her questing fingers.

  “Trust me.”

  Trust him? A delicious shiver ran through her body. She did trust him, but this was so far from what she expected she no longer had a reference point. Everything Zach had showed her seemed too good to be true and she wanted more.

  “Do you trust me?”

  She nodded.

  He leaned close, his breath warm on her skin. “I need to hear you say the words.”

  “I trust you.”


  He straightened, his hands on her waist steadying her. She shivered without him near. A moment later he grasped her wrist and slowly led her forward.

  “I hope you’re not leading me to the hallway.” Despite the teasing note in her voice, apprehension whispered through her.

  He chuckled. “I don’t share,” he reminded her.

  When her shins brushed wood she halted, turning her head in the direction of rustling clothes.

  “Kneel, baby girl.”

  With a little help she knelt on the cushioned settee in front of her. Her hair tickled her breasts as he smoothed it against her skin. She went rigid when he ran a fingertip down her spine.

  “Relax,” he murmured from behind her. “Just feel.”

  Cool liquid hit her back and she flinched as it slowly trickled down her spine. A moment later strong hands massaged oil into her skin, releasing the scent of spiced vanilla. He kneaded the taut muscles in her shoulders, then as she relaxed he circled each vertebra with his thumb. A moan of contentment slid past her lips when he cupped her buttocks.

  Everywhere he touched tingled and she realized the oil heated in response. Her head fell forward and she braced her hands on the mattress to keep from falling over.

  Zach nibbled the back of her neck as he gently nudged her forward. “Lay on your back.”

  She rushed to comply, but her limbs were rubbery and slow in cooperating. Somehow she managed to move to the bed and flopped on her back.

  Zach chuckled. “You’re relaxed.”

  “Mm hmm.”

  The mattress dipped beside her and he brushed her hair away from her face. “Such beauty.”

  The heat of his skin beckoned while the firmness of his lips fluttered over her skin. She shivered when the roughness of his shadowed beard scraped her cheek as he rubbed his face to hers.

  More liquid dotted the valley between her breasts. The combination of his hands and the warming oil left her squirming beneath his ministrations. He teased her with his lips and his fingertips until she thought she’d go out of her mind.

  Lower and lower his fingers danced over her abdomen, and he dripped more oil over her mound. His palm skimmed her pubic bone until he cupped her wet folds.

  “Are you ready for me?” He feathered a kiss near her hip.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  His chuckle whispered against her skin as he delved two fingers into her slick heat. She arched against his hand.

  If he moved his fingers just...Desire ebbed and flowed with each expert stroke.

  Zach settled his mouth on hers. Eagerly she accepted his kiss, thrusting her hips against his hand. She didn’t want him to stop, couldn’t allow him to stop.

  He leaned away, cool air skittering across her heated flesh. As if sensing how close she was to orgasm his fingers slowed their assault. “Not yet, sweetheart.”

  She whimpered when he withdrew, pausing long enough to slide his thumb over her clit and along her swollen labia. She squirmed, trying to get his fingers to continue their delicious glide. She lifted her hips to maintain the contact, but he removed his hand altogether. With a frustrated sigh she settled back on the bed. His soft chuckled tickled her ear.

  “How hot do you really burn?” His palm drifted down the front of her body to cup her breast. He lowered his head, his tongue curling around the taut nipple sending a shudder through her body.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you, Trisha.” He sucked the pebbled peak deep in his hot mouth. She cradled the back of his head, her fingers tangling in his hair. “I just want to have my way with you.”

  Silk whispered across her skin, adding to the myriad of sensations she’d already experienced. A soft whimper left her lips as the smooth texture continued to caress her skin. Over each breast, across her navel, and along her wet pussy, the soft material left silvery shivers rippling through her veins. When the silk danced over her inner thighs she embraced the slight tickle. Never had anything felt so erotic.
Without her sight she was lost in a world of sensation and sharing this experience with him was the most decadent thing in the world.

  The scarf moved upwards until it rested on her shoulder. He kissed her mouth as he raised her arms above her head. The cuffs momentarily tightened and she tugged on them.

  “Too tight?” He ran a finger between the metal and her skin, before squeezing her fingers.

  “No.” A smile creased her lips at the concern in his voice.

  He returned his hands to her breasts, rolling the nipples between his index finger and thumb. Desire began anew. She bit back a moan.

  He ran a hand down her body, his fingers cupping her neatly trimmed mound. She swallowed hard, her heart skipping a beat, her breath hitching as he stroked her clit.

  Trisha expected a night of pleasure, but the tingles and sparks arcing through her bloodstream curled her toes and left her wanting more. A soft hum, a familiar sound filled the silence. She gasped as hundreds of tiny tongues licked at one and then her other nipple. She moaned, writhing beneath his hands.

  The vibrations traveled lower. She clamped her knees together. It was one thing to have an orgasm by vibrator when she was alone, but him, using the toy on her? Well, she wasn’t so sure.

  He stroked her thigh. The bed shifted and his warm breath tickled her ear. “Is that your way of saying ‘no’?”

  She swallowed. “I haven’t...”

  Zach brushed his lips across hers. “Don’t worry, I have.”

  His confession sparked all sorts of naughty images of just exactly what he would and could do with the toy. The buzzing object moved up and down the sensitive skin of her arms. She bit back a giggle. “That tickles.”

  “How about this?”

  He swept the toy over her breasts, paying special attention to every inch. She clenched her hands, relishing this new sensation. He lingered, paying each taut nipple equal consideration, while his fingers swept over and between her thighs, never quite stilling the ache in her pussy. She squeezed her legs together, wriggling her hips.

  He pressed his lips to hers, capturing the moan. “One more thing, sweetheart.”

  She bounced when he left the bed. His hand drifted down her leg, the vibrator humming all the way to her ankle. Something soft fluttered around her leg. Before she could raise a protest, he had her legs spread, ankles bound. Cool air raced across her hot nether lips. She jerked her leg experimentally. Her heart thudded wildly in her chest, she was totally at his mercy, and it thrilled her.


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