Lust and Bound

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Lust and Bound Page 9

by W. Lynn Chantale

  “You okay?” His hand lingered at her ankle, his thumb circling her instep.

  Her lips quirked upward at the concern in his voice. “Yeah.”

  He slid his palms up and down her legs, steadily inching closer and closer to her exposed sex. Excitement tightened in her belly. She bit back a groan each time he retreated. The buzzing resumed, and he stroked the soft toy along the same path his hands had taken a moment ago.

  He circled her wet lips. The bed creaked beneath his weight as he stretched out beside her. “I’ve waited a long time for this.” He traced her ear with his finger. The hand with the toy never stopped moving, but it never went in the direction she wanted it to go. “The things I’ve fantasized about doing to your wonderfully lush curves.”

  She shivered as his lips grazed the hollow of her throat, and the tiny fingers continued their assault. Wiggling her hips, she tried to find relief or make his hand move to where she needed the sensations the most.

  He chuckled and moved the toy just a fraction of an inch closer to her clit. “Is that what you want?”

  She arched, her pussy weeping for the toy to dip lower. “Yes,” she hissed. Pinpricks of light danced before her eyes. Her body clenched, coiled, waiting to be released. So close. A cry of frustration left her lips when he moved the toy to stroke along her legs and her belly before he eased it along her puckered nipples.

  “Not yet, baby,” he whispered and nipped her collarbone.

  Not yet? She whimpered. He had to do something. Over and over he teased her body, keeping her poised on the razor sharp edge of climax. Every light stroke of his hands, or lips, sent a fresh wave of anticipation flooding her limbs. Her body was on fire and all she wanted was him, buried deep inside her.

  “Please,” she gasped. He was teasing her again with the vibrator. “Oh God, please, Zach.”

  He rolled away and she shivered without his body heat. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. He couldn’t leave her in this aroused state. She was half out of her mind with wanting...needing whatever her body demanded next.

  The ties around her ankles went lax and she shifted her legs. She squeezed her legs tight together, though it did little to relieve the ache.

  “On your knees!”

  “My hands.”

  “Will stay tied.” He gave her a none too gentle nudge. “Roll over!”

  She rolled to her stomach. He grabbed her around the waist and hauled her to her knees and then rubbed the head of his cock against her wet entrance.

  Trisha pushed against him, moaning, wanting more. “Please, Zach,” she said. She was beyond caring if she was begging. She just didn’t want him to stop.

  He cradled her breasts in his hand and squeezed the nipples. “Say it again.”


  He grasped her hips and slammed into her in one powerful stroke. She imploded, her body spiraling out of control at the width and length of him, her pussy spasming around his rigid cock. Never had she experienced a sensation of being so full. He withdrew and thrust into her again. She shrieked as another wave of ecstasy swamped her. He pushed her forward, brought his hand down on her bare ass cheek. She yelped, clenching her muscles around him.

  He did it again, rubbing his hand across her stinging buttock, still tender from his earlier spanking. Each slap produced a welcoming tremor, and she craved more. She wiggled her hips. He brought his hand down again and again.


  She quivered at her name spoken in his low husky tone and she wanted to hear him say it again. He wound her hair around his fist and tugged until he reached her mouth. His other hand went to her clit. She moaned deep in her throat. He pinched the hard bud as he thrust into her. She curled her fingers into her palm.

  Lights exploded behind the blindfold as every nerve in her body tingled and came to life when a tsunami of pleasure swamped her body and sucked her under. He smiled against her mouth, drawing out her orgasm, pushing her to another and another, his hands holding her hips, forcing her to take each hard, deep stroke. He pounded against her cervix, and she shattered to pieces. His nails bit into her soft skin. She welcomed the pain, the pleasure drifting around and through her. Several more deep thrusts and his climax exploded within. Each spasm shook his body and sent answering waves through her. She collapsed on the bed with his body sprawled on top of her.

  Panting, he tugged her blindfold from her face. She wiggled beneath him. He reached for her wrists. With a downward pull and a click, her hands were free. He gathered her in his arms, smoothing her hair from her face.

  Trisha drew in a ragged breath. She hid her face, but he was quick. He flipped her on the bed, pinning her beneath him, forcing her to look at him.

  “What did I do?”

  She shook her head, unable to stem her tears.

  He brushed the moisture away. “Oh, honey. God! You didn’t stop me.” His hands traveled down her body. “Where did I hurt you?”

  She grabbed his wrists, sucking in a breath. “Stop. Please.”

  Zach stilled. He caressed her cheek. “Talk to me.”

  Trisha stared at the ceiling, blinking rapidly, before finding his concern filled eyes. She lifted a hand and smoothed her fingers over his jaw. “You didn’t hurt me,” she said, and he sagged against her.

  He settled beside her, holding her close and stroking his fingertips up and down her arm. It was several moments before she was composed enough to answer his question. He didn’t rush. Instead he continued to hold and caress her, and for that she was grateful.

  “It was just the most amazing experience I’ve ever had.”

  The caress on her arm ceased and she ducked her head, embarrassment heating her cheeks. She couldn’t believe she’d started crying. He had to think she was the silliest female alive.

  With a gentle finger he tilted her chin until she stared into his eyes. “Likewise. Never be ashamed of your tears.” He brushed a kiss across her mouth “I’m glad you shared this with me.”

  She nodded and settled her head against his shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “Yeah. Anytime.” He stroked her hair.

  Chapter Seven

  “This has been the best weekend.” Trisha rested her head on Zach’s abdomen. From her vantage point his semi-erection tented the white sheet pooled low around his hips. The sun had yet to rise over the horizon and he had opened the curtains so they could watch.

  She sighed when he stroked her hair. As if sensing how the gesture relaxed her he continued gently combing his fingers through her curls. With a fingertip she traced lazy circles around the small silver hoop near his navel.

  “So this time together lived up to your expectations?”

  “It far exceeded them.”

  He shifted and settled her in his arms. “That’s good to hear.”

  Soft streams of pink and purple splayed across the somber gray sky as the golden brilliance of the sun peeked above the horizon. She drew a stuttered breath. The perfect way to end their weekend together.

  Her heart melted with each successive rise of light. A lone tear trickled from the corner of her eye. How could he have known something as simple as a sunrise would move her? She sighed.

  Wordlessly he handed her a tissue and she bit back a chuckle. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “My beautiful Trisha,” he murmured. “If I could press pause I’d live in this moment forever. I want to keep you to myself and show you how much I care about you.”

  She dabbed at her eyes. “Zach...” Before she could finish her thought he pinned her to the bed. Every hard line of his body teased her front. She shifted, bringing his heavy erection to the apex of her thighs. The sheet was the only barrier to their joining.

  A moan eased between her lips when he rocked his pelvis. He swept his mouth over hers in fluttering kisses. Tenderness seeped from each sweep of his lips, so much that it stole her breath, infused her heart and gripped her soul. For the first time in her life she felt cherished by a man.

“I want a relationship with you. I don’t want you to leave today not knowing where you are in my life.”

  Trisha stared into his eyes. Her heart pounded so hard, she had no doubt he could feel it beat against his own chest. “What are you asking me?”

  “I want you to move in with me.”

  A heartbeat passed, then two. Live with him? Part of her was ecstatic and thrilled for the offer and equally dismayed it wasn’t a proposal. Some of her disappointment must have shown in her eyes. He smiled and kissed her.

  “One step at a time, sweetheart. When I ask you the all important question I want you to be absolutely certain.”

  “But—” She stopped, despite wanting a happily ever after. He was right. She wasn’t ready for another wedding, but she was up to the challenge of being in this man’s bed every night. “You expect me to agree to moving in with you? After one weekend?”

  “I was hoping you’d agree. I like being with you.” He feathered kisses along her collarbone. “A lot.”

  She studied him a moment, and saw that sincerity rested in his gaze. “I like being with you, too.” Here he was presenting her with being in his bed on a nightly basis and she was hesitant. Drawing a deep breath, she closed her eyes. She’d never get an opportunity like this one again and if there was one thing she learned it was to go after what she really wanted. “Okay.”

  A grin creased his lips and lit his eyes. “Really?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  His phone jumped and jittered on the nightstand. With an exaggerated sigh he glanced at the screen. He grimaced. “I’m sorry. Gotta take this.”

  She nodded as he rolled off her and grabbed his phone.

  “What?” He flashed an apologetic smile. “Hold on. I need to check my calendar.” Zach mouthed the words “I’m sorry”, and padded out the room.

  Trisha sat up, shoving her tangle of hair from her face. The pale fingers of sunlight peeked through the open blinds. She covered a wide yawn and stood, sweeping Zach’s shirt from the floor. The sleeves trailed well beyond her fingertips and the tails stopped mid-thigh. She inhaled his crisp masculine scent as she fumbled three of the buttons closed.

  Trisha sauntered to the kitchen, rolling the sleeves above her wrists as she went. Zach’s low baritone drifted in from somewhere and she smiled. The man could be gentle when he wanted and his lovemaking then was just as powerful as his rougher side. She paused, her hand on the refrigerator handle, and somehow she agreed to move in with him.

  The inside of the fridge was mostly white out. The man was either exaggerating about his culinary skills or he spent as little time in his condo as possible. She pulled open a drawer and found a half dozen eggs, a chunk of cheddar cheese and an onion. Trisha set her finds on the counter and rummaged through the cabinets for a bowl.

  Even his cabinets held the barest necessities, mostly dollar store dishes. She opened another cabinet and found a loaf of bread and a skillet. Who keeps bread with skillets? Shrugging, she set the skillet on the stove with a thunk.

  She returned to the refrigerator hoping for butter and found a small dish tucked in the back corner on the bottom shelf.

  Pausing, she strained her ears for his melodic tones. The faint hum of his voice reached her. Apparently he was still on his phone call, and she had a few more minutes before Zach came looking for her. She was sliding the first omelet on a plate when a large rough hand cupped her butt. A strong arm snaked around her waist and cupped her mound. He grazed her neck with his lips. She shivered against him.

  “Do you know how delicious you look in my shirt?”

  He cupped one breast while his fingers flicked across her damp pussy. The hard line of his cock pressed firmly into the small of her back. She tipped her head back until she met his lips. His fingers slipped inside her now wet channel and she crested over her ridge. She curved her arm around his neck as her knees threatened to buckle.

  He swung her around and bent her over the back of the chair. She gripped the seat as he found her wet entrance and stroked deep.

  “So fuckin’ hot!”

  She held on, moaning as he pounded into her, in and out, stretching her wide and filling her deep as each unforgiving thrust tossed her higher. The slap of flesh against flesh rang through the kitchen, and her body tingled and tightened as each delicious stroke sent her closer to oblivion. She squeezed her muscles as stars exploded behind her lids. A shocked gasp escaped her lips and she jumped off the cliff, bringing him with her. He thrust deep before his body shook with his release, filling her.

  Zach pulled her upright, her back against his damp chest. He stroked her clit as he gently rocked back and forth, keeping them joined, capturing her cry of ecstasy with his mouth.

  He turned her in his arms, pressing her soft breasts against his hard chest. He held her tighter when her arms locked behind his neck.

  “Your breakfast is getting cold.”

  “Hmmm, just had it.” He nibbled on the hollow of her shoulder, sending a pulse of heat dribbling down her thighs.

  She giggled. “Your other breakfast is getting cold.”

  He held a palm to her cheek, his eyes drifting over her face. “I’m afraid I have to cut our weekend of bliss and sensual indulgence a little short.”

  “Too much for you to handle?”

  He chuckled. “On the contrary, we’re just getting started.” He kissed her lips. “But I have a client who refuses to drive with anyone else.”

  “Not even your trustworthy Jonas?”

  “Not even him.” He flashed her a wicked smile. “But if you’ll be here tonight, waiting for me, I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I might be persuaded.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “You cooked for me?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  He brought his hands to her waist. “I don’t know what to say.”

  She studied him a moment. “How about thank you?” She pushed him toward a chair, before setting an omelet in front of him. “If me being here is going to be a regular occurrence, we need to go shopping.”

  “Am I out of something?”

  “Seriously? Have you looked in your cabinets? Refrigerator?” She planted her hands on her hips. “C’mon, Zach! Freshmen in college have more dishes than you!”

  He chuckled. “Okay, so I don’t spend enough on my domicile.”

  “Why don’t you spend a lot of time here?”

  He shrugged. “All I need are a bed, a chair and a TV. The hours I keep are so extensive I don’t think about dishes or food.” He grimaced. “I’m surprised you found eggs.”

  “Me too.”

  He laughed. “Are you doing anything this afternoon?”

  She shook her head.

  “We can go shopping before I leave this evening.”


  “I want you to be comfortable when you’re here. Get whatever you need.”

  She read sincerity in his silver gaze. “Okay.”

  They ate in silence. A sense of belonging stole through her and she hugged the feeling close. It had been a long time since someone saw to her comfort other than herself and she rather enjoyed the way he looked after her. She studied him beneath her lashes. Maybe being pampered by this man wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

  Chapter Eight

  “So you ended up in a pair of handcuffs anyway.” Shauna smirked and shoved a chopstick full of rice into her mouth.

  Trisha pushed her half-eaten sushi around on her plate and willed the heat in her cheeks to die down.

  Shauna frowned and set down her chopsticks. “You’ve barely touched your food. What’s up? Did he do something you didn’t like?”

  Trisha shook her head, her curls spilling over her shoulders. “He asked me to move in.”

  “Maybe a little more than handcuffs was going on.” She scrutinized her friend, then gasped. “You’re in love with him.”

  “Am not!” Trisha couldn’t stop the automatic denial.

  Shauna arched a brow.
“Oh no? When’s the last time he talked to you?”

  “He sent me a text twenty minutes ago, but...”

  “Uh huh.”

  “I’m not in love with him.”

  She resumed eating. “So are you going to do it?”

  “Why shouldn’t I?”

  Shauna remained silent but the smirk she wore spoke volumes.

  “He makes me feel good.”

  “I’m with you. Go for it.”

  They resumed eating.

  “So what else is bothering you?” Shauna said after they’d finished their lunch and their waiter had cleared the dishes.

  Shauna, ever discerning, lifted a brow. Trisha should’ve known she couldn’t keep something like this from her. She fished her phone from her purse, tapped a couple of screens then slid it across the table to her friend. “I get those messages several times a day.”

  Her friend released a low whistle. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

  “I had my number changed when Gordy was arrested. How did he get my number?”

  Eyes on the screen, Shauna scrolled through the messages. Her brow furrowed and she pursed her lips. “You should be more concerned about these threats, some of them are pretty graphic and is definitely illegal. Kinky, but illegal.”

  Despite the gravity of the situation Trisha chuckled. “Why do you think I’m talking to you?” She blew out a breath. “I haven’t even told Zach about this. He’d probably hire an armed escort.”

  Her friend smiled at that. “Might not be a bad idea.” Shauna held out the phone. “I forwarded those messages to my phone and I will look into those for you.”

  Trisha grasped her cell, then dropped it in her purse.

  “Tell Zach. You wouldn’t want him blindsided by this mayhem and foolishness. He deserves to know just how crazy your ex is.”

  “I don’t even know how crazy my ex is.” She sighed. “But I’ll tell him tonight. We’re supposed to meet up for dinner.”


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