Lust and Bound

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Lust and Bound Page 10

by W. Lynn Chantale

  Shauna nodded. “If I can prove he’s making these calls I can see about getting his bail revoked. Let me make a phone call to get the ball rolling on this and I’ll be right back.”

  Trisha watched her friend leave the booth. She dropped her head in her hands. Was Shauna right? Had she fallen in love with Zach? That would be the only reason she could think of as to why she’d move in with him so soon. But was it moving in when she still had her own place? Or more like an adult sleepover? So far the only thing Trisha had brought to Zach’s place was her toothbrush. Although it was nice to indulge in his hard body when he walked through the door at night.

  She wondered what he would say when she told him about this latest threat. More importantly, what would he do?


  Zach drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. The only reason he decided to meet Gordy was to find out if he was the one sending him the threats, at least that’s what Zach kept telling himself. He adjusted his shades, peering through the windshield. A tap on the passenger window drew his attention. He grimaced. “Are you trying to piss me off?”

  Gordy leaned through the window. “Not at all. But your performance the other night was stellar. Worthy of an award. I almost believed you were the outraged lover.”

  “Don’t you have somewhere else you can be?” Zach didn’t bother keeping the annoyance from his voice.

  “Sure, cuz, but what I find interesting is she has no idea who you really are.” He chuckled. “What do you think she would say?”

  Zach tightened his hand on the steering wheel. The last thing he wanted was for Trisha to find out the truth from Gordy. But it wouldn’t sound much better coming from him either.

  He tracked a pedestrian across the street. The last week or so had been the best time of his life. Knowing she was a phone call away, or would be waiting for him when he came home put a spring in his step.

  Despite his months of wooing Trisha from afar, even then he’d glimpsed a longing in her eyes, a need he ached to fulfill. And could spend many, many years fulfilling that need, but their relationship was still too new to truly test any major crisis and anything from Gordy would be major.

  Zach sighed. But Gordy was not going away. Somehow Zach had to figure out how to tell Trisha the truth and hope he didn’t do any irreparable damage. The thought of losing Trisha over something so simple turned his insides to ice. He couldn’t stand the idea of losing her. She was so responsive and willing as a partner and he wanted more than just the few short weeks they’d had. A sigh escaped his lips. The woman was gorgeous. She had a voluptuous woman’s body, enough curves and cushion he loved sinking into and all that untapped passion begging to be explored. His dick twitched and hardened.

  “You’re not even listening to me. Are you thinking about her?”

  He glanced at Gordy. “No. I don’t like the words coming out of your mouth. Trisha’s fine with who I am.”

  “What do you think she will say when she finds out about the video?”

  Apprehension knotted in Zach’s stomach. “What video?”

  The leer on Gordy’s face propelled Zach from the driver’s seat and around the car. He grabbed a handful of Gordy’s shirt and jerked the smaller man until he stood on his toes. “What? Video?” Zach enunciated each word with a hard shake.

  Gordy gripped Zach’s wrists. “I have to say you’ve really been taking care of yourself, Zach. I would love to put you under contract with my company. Women love all those hard muscles. And some of the guys too.”

  Zach slammed him against the car. “Video!”

  “The one I’m sending to a couple of her friends and several co-workers.”

  He searched Gordy’s face. The wicked gleam in his brown eyes was enough to make Zach shove Gordy against the vehicle again. The car shuddered beneath the force.

  “You’re lying!”

  Gordy fished in his pocket and pulled out his phone. A moment later the screen filled with two bodies, one a decidedly naked male flank and a woman in…. An icy knot of dread formed in the pit of Zach’s stomach. The woman wore his shirt. Trisha. Their first night in the hotel.

  Somehow his bastard cousin found the room and did the unthinkable. He pinned Gordy with a frigid glare.

  “I think I struck a nerve.” Arrogance oozed from every syllable. “I know quite a few people who are willing to pay top dollar for the footage, or better yet they’ll make great stocking stuffers.”

  Zach held onto him for a tense moment before letting him fall to the ground. “What do you want?”

  Gordy smiled and scrambled to his feet, dusting off his clothes. “Her. Plain and simple.”

  “Like that’ll happen,” Zach scoffed.

  A steely glint entered Gordy’s eyes. “You’re gonna make sure it happens. After all, your reputation is at stake too.”

  Zach snagged Gordy’s shirt. “I can handle myself. How can you do this? She was your wife, man!”

  “And now she’s not, but if you tell her to come back to me she’ll listen.”

  “I don’t think so.” Zach reached for the door handle.

  “Despite the charges against me, I do have a legitimate company and this will go a long way to padding my bottom line.” Gordy plucked a piece of lint from Zach’s shirt. “I can make a ton of cash before the government shuts down the site. By then it will be too late. If she divorced me for just recording us, what do you think she’ll do to you?”

  Zach met Gordy’s gaze with a steely one of his own. “We’re not in college anymore, Gordy. You can’t blackmail people into doing what you want.”

  He smiled. “Watch me.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “Is that your final answer?”

  Zach rounded the vehicle and slid into the front seat. “I want out of this nightmare and I will not give Trisha that ultimatum.”

  Gordy leaned on the window. “Suit yourself.”

  “Buy me out, Gordy.”

  He sneered. “When I get ready.”

  Zach shook his head, not liking the calculating gleam in the other man’s eyes. No matter what, he had to tell Trisha the truth. The sooner the better. He sped off, spewing dust in Gordy’s face.

  By the time Zach returned to his office his hands were shaking. He couldn’t allow Gordy to show Trisha that tape. Zach slid from the car as his phone vibrated in his front pocket. He retrieved his phone and stared at the image filling the screen. This time it was a photo of Trisha standing next to her vehicle laughing.

  You can’t protect her from me.

  Ice sluiced through his veins and he leaned against his vehicle. He had to warn Trisha. He drummed his fingers on the armrest. “C’mon, beautiful, pick up.”

  “Hey you.”

  He sagged with relief at the warmth in her voice. “Hey yourself. How’s everything?”

  “I just pulled in the driveway. Are we still on for tonight?”

  “I’ll see you in about an hour. Jonas will arrive to pick you up this evening. He’ll be wearing a gold tie and your favorite flower.”

  “I remember Jonas. He’s a very nice young man whom you trust with your house keys and vehicle. And he’s cute.”

  The teasing note in her voice eased some of the tension from his shoulders. “Really? Maybe I should send another driver or perhaps have him wear a bag on his head?”

  “Then how will I know it’s him? Maybe he should give me some sort of code word?”

  She was joking, but it wasn’t a bad idea. “Now that you mention it...”

  Laughter came through loud and clear. “Are you always this protective?”

  “Too much?”

  “Just a bit. If you want me ready for Jonas with the gold tie and my favorite flower I better go.”

  He chuckled. “All right. I’ll see you soon. Let me know when you’ve made it in the house, I left a package for you.”

  Her heavy sigh tickled his ear and he could almost see her rolling her eyes. “Really, Zach.”

  “Humor me.”
  He heard a muffled car door slam reverberate through the line, then her footsteps on the sidewalk. A door creaked open.

  “Darn it!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  She giggled. “Would you calm down? Jeez. The package you sent fell on my foot and I just spilled the contents of my purse. And my favorite tube of lip gloss rolled into the bushes.”

  “I’ll buy you another lip gloss,” he said. Keys jangled. “Just get inside.” A thud resonated in his ear.

  “I’m in and the door is locked.”

  “Good. I’ll see you soon.”

  “And you’ll explain this bit of insanity?”


  “Okay. Hanging up now.”

  He chuckled. “Okay.” At the soft click he set his phone in the cup holder.

  Zach ran his hand through his hair. How the hell was he going to explain this to Trisha?

  Chapter Nine

  Trisha shook her head as she set her phone on the table. Two weeks and the man had to make sure she arrived in her house safely. She shuffled her bags and the box around. She headed for the stairs, thought better and returned for her phone. Just in case he decided to call and make sure she hadn’t slipped on a stray marble or something.

  Once in her bedroom she flicked on the light and dropped her bags just inside the door. She crossed to the massive canopy bed centered in the room and eagerly opened the box. True to his word, Zach had sent some flirty lingerie.

  Trisha stared at the red chiffon. The lingerie was beautiful, sexy as hell, but sweet daisies, it was not something she was going to wear. She fingered the soft lace edging the plunging neckline. Her cell phone jittered and danced on her nightstand. She glanced at the screen. The man just couldn’t wait.

  “Do you like it?” The smooth, dulcet tones warmed her to her toes.

  She sat on the bed, cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder and picked up the sheer garment. “I do. It’s beautiful.”

  “I’m glad. Wear it tonight.”

  “I’m not wearing this.”

  His sigh tickled her ear. “Why not? It’s sexy and has shoes to match.”

  “Really?” She dropped the negligee and rummaged through the rest of the package, pulling out matching crotchless panties and a tube of lipstick. Indeed, there was a pair of platform stilettos. “Wow. Zach. They’re gorgeous.”

  “And I want to see you wearing them.”

  She kicked off her house shoes and tried on the heels. “Shoes, yes.”

  He chuckled. “The whole ensemble, my dear.”

  “But I...”

  “Consider it an exchange of pleasure. You do something I like and I’ll do something you like.”

  Her stomach clenched at the seductive note in his voice. She eyed the garment with some trepidation. There was no way she’d walk of the house wearing high heels and sexy lingerie.

  “I could get arrested for this.”

  “Not likely. You’re not driving and I promise it will be worth it.”

  She slipped out of the heels. “I’m holding you to that.”

  “I have no doubt.”


  Trisha hurried into her bathroom, flicked on the shower and stripped off her clothes. Walking out of the house in skimpy underwear, was one more thing outside of her comfort zone, but she was very willing to try. She stepped beneath the scalding spray. With a hiss, she quickly adjusted the spray to a more tolerable temperature and allowed the water to cascade over her hair and face.

  Just what would be her reward for complying with his request? Another night in handcuffs or something equally as delicious? Her nipples puckered and desire pooled between her thighs. She smoothed her hair from her face, then skimmed a hand down her body. As much as she wanted to explore her body, it would have to wait, especially if she wanted to be ready on time.

  She snapped up a bottle of shampoo and squirted some into her hand before lathering the soap in her long hair. The familiar spicy scent filled the bathroom and eased some of the tension from her body. She stepped beneath the spray and rinsed the suds from her hair, watching the bubbles dribble down the drain at her black painted toenails, then repeated the shampoo.

  A faint bump rose above the thunder of water and she paused in reaching for the conditioner. Her head snapped up. Waiting. Listening. A thud echoed through the house and her heart lodged in her throat.

  In her haste to get into the house had she locked the front door? The noise of the shower faded as she strained to catch any new sounds. Was that a floorboard creaking?

  Gulping a breath she yanked the shower curtain aside and poked out her head.

  Her gaze narrowed on the doorknob. Still locked.

  But had she locked the front door? She searched her memory, scrutinizing her movements as she’d entered the house. Her arms were full of packages. He’d been paranoid. She’d dropped her purse. The door shut. Did she twist the deadbolt? She’d told Zach she’d locked the door, but had she indeed locked the door?

  Fingers trembling, she wrung the water from her hair, grabbed a nearby towel and stepped from the tub. She tucked the ends beneath her arm, unlocked and opened the door. Heart pounding, she walked to the top of the stairs.

  Listening. Waiting.

  Faint laughter and a car door slam drifted to her ears. Cautiously she followed the sound. A sigh brushed her lips. She’d left the window open on the landing. She tugged down a couple of the blind vanes and peered into the driveway and adjoining yard below. Her neighbor had obviously made it home. Still Trisha crept down the stairs.

  Water plopped on the wood floor, each drop loud in the silence. She clutched at her towel as she entered the hall. A squeal left her lips as her foot grazed the cold plastic tube of her lipstick. It must have fallen from her purse as she went upstairs earlier. Her shoulders sagged as she leaned against the doorframe. Why was she so jumpy? She stalked across the cool marble tile and jiggled the doorknob.


  Well, that was a relief. She stooped, picked up a couple of stray coins and set them on the table. Chuckling, she padded back to the bathroom. When the phone rang, she veered into her bedroom.


  “Are you all right?”



  “What’s up?”

  “I got a really weird call and wanted to check on you.”

  “Nope. I’m fine.”

  “I’m on my way over. Don’t leave until I get there.”

  “Can it wait? I’m getting ready for my date tonight and I’ve got to finish washing my hair.”

  “I’ll make it quick.”

  “Fine. See you soon.” Trish hung up the phone. What was that all about? She perched on a corner of the bed, and dropped her head in her hands. Cold, wet hair slid across her shoulders and dripped onto the wood floor at her feet. Well, if she didn’t get a move on, she’d be late for Shauna and Zach.

  Trisha stood. She glanced at the clock. She’d have just enough time to towel dry her hair. Running water broke her reverie and she stared at the wisps of steam curling out onto the hall floor. No sense in wasting anymore water. She entered the bathroom, crossed to the tub and flicked off the shower.

  Silence and the occasional plip of water echoed off the tiles. She snagged a towel from the rack. The lights flickered. What the...? She glanced up, heart stuck in her throat. A muffled shriek died on her lips as the bathroom went dark.

  Now what was she supposed to do? She draped the towel over her shoulders and turned, letting the heavy veil drip down her back. Now she had to go in the basement and check the fuses. Could this get any worse? She opened the door and gasped. Dark menacing eyes stared at her, while thick lips slashed into a sneer. She stumbled backwards, slamming the door. He grabbed the wood and shoved it open.

  She screamed. Eyes darted around the bathroom. He blocked the hallway entrance. The bedroom was her only option. She flung a bottle at him. He dodged the missile and a quick backhand s
lammed across her cheek. Pain exploded in her skull, and she fell against the still warm tile, ripping the curtain from the rod. The nylon and plastic covered her body.

  She grappled beneath the curtain. He lifted her from the floor as if she weighed nothing. When she struggled against his grip, her towel loosened and he dropped her to the floor. She saw stars. What did he want? Why was he here? She scrambled to her feet only to be jerked back by her hair. She lost her balance and fell against him. Gordy snaked an arm around her throat, threatening her air supply while he jabbed something metallic and cold into her rib cage. She stilled.

  “You always did like things a little rough, bunny.”

  “And you always take without asking.”

  His low chuckle only tightened the knot of apprehension in her stomach. A shudder of revulsion went through her body as his tongue scraped across her cheek.

  “You smell pretty.” He breathed in her ear.

  “Go to hell.”

  He tightened his arm around her throat. Darkness encroached on the edges of her vision. Panic set in. If she lost consciousness now, there was no telling what he’d do to her. She clawed at his arm.

  “I can’t...”

  “Then be nice. Understand?”

  Slowly she nodded and willed her body to relax. As she did, she shivered. She’d lost her towel in the struggle and judging by the bulge lodged against her lower back, Gordy was a little too happy to see her.

  He propelled her toward her bedroom and she dug in her heels. The last place she wanted to be was near a bed in her current state.

  “Just tell me what you want.”

  “You, bunny. It’s always been you.”

  She snorted. “Right. That’s why you cheated on me, because of your insatiable desire for me?” She struggled against him. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  He spun her around and shoved her against the wall. The back of her skull struck the hard plaster and she saw stars. Gordy’s heavy forearm went across her windpipe and prolonged her disorientation. He held her wrists in one hand between their bodies and leaned close.

  “I could’ve watched you fondle yourself.” He leaned closer. “All you had to do was ask.”


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