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Page 11

by Deborah Bladon

  "Home," I push past him. "Or technically, Mark's apartment."

  "Not yet." His hand clenches my elbow forcing me to stop.

  "We're done here." I turn abruptly and wrench my arm free. "I'm not for sale."

  "Fine." His jaw tightens. "There must be something you own that has some value that you can sell to me then."

  "Hmm…let me think." I place my finger on my chin clasping my teeth together as if in deep thought. I know I'm being childish but at this point I don't care. "There's nothing. I'm a pathetic loser who has to rely on her cheating ex to provide for her. My mother would be proud of me if she was alive today."

  The look of horror on his face mirrors what I feel inside. I can't believe I'm discussing my precarious financial situation with him. How did we go from talking about intimacy at dinner to this? I feel suffocated and the door out of his apartment is my only escape hatch. "I just want to leave and you have a plane to catch."

  "I do." His eyes tear into me but the kindness and tenderness that was there this afternoon in my bedroom is now replaced with something darker. It's clear he's not happy with my resistance and I fear that I haven't seen the last of that blank check that now rests squarely on the table.

  "Thanks for dinner and…everything," I manage to awkwardly say.

  "Leonard will drive you home and he'll be available all weekend if you need a driver. He'll give you his number."

  "That's generous but I can make it where I need to be on my own," I mutter. "I don't have any plans anyways." I know he can hear the disappointment in my voice. I was looking forward to spending time with him over the weekend and more than that, looking forward to our promised intimacy. That has not only collapsed beneath his need to rush out of town but it's been shattered into fragmented pieces by his desire to hand me a blank check so I can shift from being Mark's kept woman to being his.

  "I'm sorry I offended you. That's not what I wanted." He clutches my hand leading me to the door of his apartment.

  "I don't like the situation I'm in but I'm not for sale." I open the door and glance back at him.

  He reaches above my head to close the door. "One more thing." I feel his finger slide over my jawline before he tilts my chin up so my eyes meet his. "Don't talk to Mark or Liz this weekend."

  I don't respond. Instead, I stare into his eyes for a moment, before I shake my head, open the door and walk out without looking back.

  Chapter 16

  The insistent buzzing of the intercom jars me awake. I look at the clock by the bed and realize it's already after ten. I'm not a late sleeper but I spent much of the weekend pacing and thinking about Jax's offer to give me a clear path out of Mark's life. I finally fell into bed at three this Monday morning, emotionally exhausted but also timidly excited of the prospect of a new space to live and work in.

  "Hello." I clear my throat once I realize I sound sleepy and uninterested. I pray it's just one of the doormen and not an actual living, breathing visitor.

  "Ms. Marlow, is that you?" an unfamiliar male voice shoots back at me.

  "Yes. Who is this?" I instinctively tie my robe tighter around my nude body feeling slightly exposed even though the man attached to the strange voice is three floors below me.

  "It's Leonard. Mr. Walker's driver." He sounds much too chipper for an early Monday.

  "Leonard?" I reach for my phone on the foyer table wondering if Jax called or texted me. All that greets me is a few missed call notifications from Liz and a text from my sister asking when I'll visit.

  "Yes, Ms. I'm here to pick you up. Mr. Walker has a surprise for you." The exuberance in his voice is grating.

  "I'm sorry, Leonard, but I'm not aware of any surprise." I shoot back quickly into the intercom.

  "That's why they call it a surprise." I swear I hear him giggle between words.

  "I'm not ready to go out." I glance down at my robe. "I'll need some time."

  "Will an hour do? I can steal a coffee break while you get prepared."

  "Okay," I agree even though I'm about to call Jax to demand to know what the surprise is.

  "I'll be here promptly at eleven. See you then, Ms."

  "Sure. See you." I call back to him before dialing Jax's number. The call shifts to his voicemail almost immediately. I tap out a quick text asking him to call me before I race down the hallway to shower.


  "Leonard, let's say you knew what the surprise was. Would you tell me?" I ask playfully from the back seat of the sedan as Leonard steers the car through the busy late morning traffic.

  "Absolutely not." He laughs as he glances back at me.

  "How long have you worked for Jax?" I quiz as I watch the many people briskly walking down the sidewalks all with some place to be.

  "Since he returned from California so a few months now I suppose."

  "Is he a good boss?" I throw the question out mainly to keep the conversation going.

  "Of course." Leonard clicks on the signal light as we head into the bustling neighborhood of Chelsea. "We're getting very close now."

  I glance down at my phone and realize there's still not any response from Jax. My heart races slightly at the thought of seeing him again combined with a surprise. I know it's going to be related to his blank check but at least now I'm prepared to offer him something in return.

  "Here we are." Leonard pulls the car to the curb in front of an impressive pre-war building on West 27th Street. I survey the exterior relishing all the intricate details that speak of the architecture in this part of Manhattan. This is a neighborhood I haven't spent much time in but its beauty and charm have always been alluring.

  "Thank you." I smile at Leonard as he helps me from the car. He leads the way into the building, stopping briefly to shake the doorman's hand. I silently follow him to the elevator and he motions for me to enter before him. I watch as he reaches inside to insert a key and press the button for Penthouse Two and then he pulls back.

  "You're on your own now." He waves as the doors close and I take a deep breath realizing that once the doors open again Jax will undoubtedly be waiting for me. I look myself over in the mirror that adorns the entire left wall of the elevator. I pinned my damp hair messily up before putting on a peach backless sundress with white heels. Even though I'm secretly still seething at Jax's unconventional proposition, I haven't been able to stop thinking about his raw power and pull in bed. I want him to be impressed when he first sees me again.

  I can tell instantly from his expression when I elevator jerks to a stop and springs open that he is. His hand flies to his chest in response to my withered, "hi."

  "Beautiful, you're here." He pulls me into his chest and I melt when I feel his arms encircle me. "I thought about you all weekend. I'm sorry we left things the way we did."

  I pull back to look up into his face. "I'm sorry too. I wasn't sure I'd hear from you again."

  "I can't stop you, Ivy." His expression softens as he stares into my eyes. "I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be able to."

  The tenderness of his words catch me off guard and I look down from his glance. I had thought about this moment all weekend and had rehearsed over and over again what I'd say. But now I'm frozen, my eyes locked on the walnut planks of the floor, wishing I could just stay in this room with him forever.

  "Let's talk about why we're here." He lets go of me and walks across the expansive room to a row of windows. I look past him and out the windows. I'm captivated by the sight of the elaborate architecture of the neighboring buildings. It all speaks of the rich and stunning history of the city.

  "This view is breathtaking," I whisper as I follow him across the room.

  "It is." His eyes jump with happiness. "But you haven't seen the other views."

  "The others?"

  He reaches for my hand and guides me across the barren space to another bank of tall windows. The view from these is even more spectacular as my eyes settle on the Empire State Building. "It's so close. It must be beautiful at night when i
t's lit up, "I say in wonder.

  "Soon you'll know." His hand brushes against my back as he moves closer to me.

  "Soon I'll know?" I repeat back while my mind works to connect the dots. "You're moving here?"

  "No." His breath caresses my neck. "You're moving here, beautiful."

  My eyes quickly scan the space and I finally drink it all in. It's immense, open and stunning. The walnut floors are warm and rich in tone. The walls are a stark white just waiting for inspiration and the ceilings must be at least ten feet tall. "It's perfect," I say under my breath. "But…"

  "No, Ivy. No buts. We're going to figure out a way for you to live here. It's ideal. Come, let me show you."

  We move through the space, Jax leading me smoothly by one hand while the other rests on my back. He steers me past the quaint kitchen and through a long hallway. We stop to glance at a bathroom finished in light marble tones. As we pass one bedroom his hand slides lower until it's touching the bare skin at the bottom of my back. "This will be your room."

  I turn towards the last doorway and I'm instantly immersed in a lovely inviting space. This is the only furnished room in the apartment. There's an elaborate king sized bed, a gorgeous antique dresser and a large walk-in closet. "It's amazing. It's so big."

  "It's perfect." He moves to sit on the edge of the bed, guiding me so I'm standing directly in front of him. "It's your new beginning."

  I sigh as I look down into his eyes in the dim light of the room. The blinds are drawn and just one small sliver of light bounces through the corner of the adjacent bathroom window. He's incredibly handsome and I shiver at the thought of being alone and this close to him again. I place my hands on either side of his face, relishing in the soft touch of his skin. His hands move farther down my back and he gently pulls me towards him. I sigh the moment my lips touch his and I'm greeted by the hunger of his kiss.

  I fall onto the bed, one of my shoes sliding to the floor with a vacant thud. The noise breaks my focus and I sit up abruptly breaking free of his kiss. "Should we be doing this?" I run my hands over the skirt of my dress desperately trying to compose myself. "I don't think the broker would appreciate us having sex on the bed if they're trying to sell this place." I stand and I'm instantly unsteady. I bend down scrambling to find my shoe which I seem to have inadvertently kicked under the bed. Shit. Now I have to crawl around on all fours to find my shoe? Jax will surely find that sexy.

  "Ivy, stop." I feel his hand on mine. "I bought the bed. I had it delivered yesterday."

  I sit next to him again, pushing the wayward hairs that have fallen into my eyes back into place. "Why?"

  "Beautiful." He sighs deeply as he wraps his finger around a few strands of my hair, playfully pushing them back behind my ear. "You told me that Mark and Liz were together in your bed. I know that has to hurt. I wanted you to have a new, fresh start in every way."

  I'm struck by how compassionate and thoughtful the gesture is. I feel tears rising to the surface but I push them back. I don't want him to see me as overly emotional especially, not now. "That's incredibly thoughtful of you." I manage a weak smile. "But, Jax, we need to discuss this. How we can make this work. I won't be a bought woman."

  He lets out a hearty laugh as he pulls me down on my back into the softness of the duvet cover. "We'll work out an agreement."

  "An agreement?" I tense at the sensation of his finger on my jaw. I know that he's about to kiss me and when that happens I'll be lost to him again.

  "Stop talking." He leans closer until his lips brush against mine. I taste his breath and I'm instantly lost in the rush of desire for this man.

  I reach for his suit jacket, pushing it boldly off his body. He complies and shifts slightly so I can access the buttons on the light blue shirt covering his chest. I stop once I realize that he's wearing cuff links and he breaks our kiss to skillfully remove them, tossing them on the bed behind us. I run my hands down the length of his chest. My fingers lightly graze the toned skin. I feel him fidget under my touch and I glance down to see his erection straining against his tailored slacks.

  "Take your dress off," he orders before biting my lip causing me to moan loudly.

  I obey. Pulling myself from the bed, I dutifully push the dress from my shoulders, revealing my breasts and the peach panties I'm wearing. I kick my other shoe off and stand before him on display.

  He rises off the bed and stares at me as he unbuckles his belt and drops his slacks. His cock jumps as it's freed and I can't help but drink in his entire body. He's beautiful and I want every inch of him. It's never been like this for me. I've never felt this utterly consumed with desire for any man before.

  "Your body is beautiful," I whisper, well aware that it's not typically what a woman would say to a man but acutely sensitive to the fact that he's likely heard it from countless women.

  "I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you." He leans over and claims my mouth again. His tongue is hot, hard and unyielding. I feel all of my resistance fall to the floor along with my panties. He pushes them from me before pulling me onto the bed on top of him.

  I whimper when I feel his lips leave mine. His breath is hot on my neck as he whispers in my ear. "Ivy, have you been checked?"

  I pull back and sit astride his stomach. I can feel his cock resting against my ass cheek. "Checked?"

  "Tested, checked." He holds my hands in his. "Have you been to the doctor to be tested since you and Mark ended things?"

  "Oh, yes." I blush, realizing my innocence when it comes to intimacy is on full display yet again. "I did. I had to. You know." I close my eyes, pushing any thought of Mark and Liz away. I can't think of them right now or ever again.

  "And you're on the pill?"

  "Yes, for years now. What about you?" I want to appear just as invested in this conversation as he is.

  "No, I passed on the pill." He smirks before he pulls my hands down until they are resting on either side of his head. "I love that you're the way you are."

  "What way is that?" I blush, knowing that he's referring to my lack of experience.

  "Sweet. Perfect. Ivy." He stares into my eyes before he continues, "how many men have there been?"

  "In my bed?" I can't break his gaze. It's as if he's drawing the answers from the depths of my soul. I'm embarrassed to respond but I feel compelled. He wants to know and I want to please him so desperately.

  "One." I say it with assurance. It's the truth. It's who I am.

  "One," he repeats back, his eyes scanning my face and settling on my lips.

  "I won't ask." I murmur, knowing that I don't want to know the answer.

  "I couldn't answer." He settles his gaze on my shoulder. "I don't count anymore."

  "I understand." I say it with a small smile even though the pain that is coursing through my heart speaks of my disappointment. He can't remember them all. How many does there have to be before you forget them all?

  "Kiss me, beautiful. I have something I want to ask." I push my naked chest into his as I run my tongue along his bottom lip before covering his mouth with mine. I pull his breath into me, languishing in the feel of his soft experienced lips against my timid ones.

  "I want you to be my first." I feel the whisper of the words against my lips. I don't move. I'm certain that I've misunderstood what he's said. "My first," he repeats it again, this time louder and more pronounced.

  I sit back up and my hand instinctively reaches to cover my breast as a burst of the cool air in the apartment rushes over my skin. "I'm sorry. What did you say?" I ask, fearing that he's going to ask me to do something with him I'm not ready for yet.

  "Christ. Look at you. Your skin, the shape of your breasts, your lips. You're more than I ever imagined a woman could be."

  My hips instinctively start to move. I reach for my nipple and trace my finger around it. His words have fuelled my desire. I've never felt more alive than I do in this moment.

  "I've never been with a woman without protection." His eyes are glued to
my breast. "I've never felt a woman's desire directly. I want to feel your wetness, your warmth, all of you without any barriers."

  I stop as I absorb what he's saying. "No condom?" I ask timidly afraid that I'm misunderstanding him.

  "No condom." He pulls me close to his body again. "I've never been inside a woman without one. I can't stand the thought of anything being between us. I need this. I need you."

  "Please, yes." I manage to say as I shift my hips so his cock is close to my entrance. "I need that. Please, now."

  "Not now. Not yet." He moans as his cock pushing against my clit. "Savor that feeling, beautiful. Use my body to give yourself pleasure."

  I reach down and wrap my hand around him, pulling his hardness towards my aching clitoris. I tremble the moment the tip of it touches me. My body impulsively reacts and I circle my clit with its head, pulling on it, straining to curve my body so I can enjoy every sensation.

  "Use me. Take from me. It's all yours." He's breathless now and I look down to see how engorged he is. I'm close to the edge but I can't breathe if he's not inside of me. I swiftly shift my hips and in one quick movement I take him completely within my body.

  He almost screams as his back arches and his hands grasp the side of my hips. "Fuck, Ivy. Fuck."

  I lean back and rest my right hand on his leg. I reach for my clit with my other hand and slowly rock back and forth, feeling the length of him inside of me. "This is so good. How can it feel this good?" I say without thinking. I can't think. All I can do is feel and breathe and listen and want.

  "You're going to come for me, beautiful." He pushes his body harder into mine.

  I'm falling into something. I feel my body losing control. I'm rushing towards the edge. "I never knew it was like this." I cry out. "Please, don't stop."

  "Never." His voice is hoarse. "You're so wet. You're mine."

  "I'm going…" my voice trails as I feel my pulse racing.

  "Now. Come for me now." He barks as he pushes his hips up from the bed, burying his cock deep within me.

  I reach back as I come. I feel the rush take over my body. I gasp as I feel him fill me when he reaches his climax. I collapse onto his chest. My breathing labored. The room is silent save for the pounding of his heart beneath my ear.


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