Book Read Free

What Remains

Page 10

by Bailey Bradford

  Laine left the Sheriff’s Department and was hard pressed not to speed all the way to Chris and Rich’s. He wished they could just do the whole deal as soon as everyone got there, but Miriam insisted midnight was the time for this. Her other suggestion had been three a.m. but Laine and Sev both had just about begged her not to make them wait that long.

  When Laine got there, he realized the other guys were in for a surprise. Miriam slapped a bottle of some greenish stuff in his hand. “Go shower and use this everywhere, head to toes and all places in between.”

  “What is it?” It looked like the green sludge that had backed up in the bathtub once. Nasty.

  “It’s a cleansing bath. Just do it so you’ll be ready for the purification ceremony to prepare for the spell casting.”

  God, how many spells and ceremonies are there going to be? Miriam’s expression discouraged him from asking. Laine trudged up the porch steps and didn’t smile until Sev pounced on him inside the door.

  “Ooph.” Laine dropped his boots trying to get a hold on Sev. “Miss me?”

  “Always.” Sev peeled himself off and picked up Laine’s boots. “Come on, you have to shower with that stuff.”

  “Looks nasty,” Laine groused.

  “Yeah, reminded me of that crap that backed up into the bathtub, but it isn’t so bad—and it smells a hell of a lot better.”

  “You already used it?” Laine dipped his head and sniffed Sev’s still damp hair. “You smell kind of minty.”

  “That’s me, minty-fresh,” Sev crooned, “and soon, you will be too. Bunch of people will be. Miriam’s making everyone wash with the stuff. And she told you—”

  “To wash every nook and cranny, yeah. Got it.”

  Sev led him to the bathroom and opened the door. “Go on, I’ll watch for the others. And I have to keep an eye on Rogelio. Most of the coven has been showering with the hose out back since today is warm.”

  Laine remembered what it was like to be a horny teenage boy. He gave Sev a gentle shove. “Go find Rogelio before he gets himself in trouble.”

  “I’m on it.” Sev closed the door behind him and left Laine with the green goop.

  “It can’t be that bad.” Laine started the shower then stripped down quickly, aware that there’d be at least eight other men who needed in there soon. He stepped under the hot water and adjusted it to lukewarm. Scalding would have been perfect, but he didn’t want to hog all the hot water.

  Laine uncapped the bottle and took a tentative sniff. It wasn’t bad, smelled minty. He poured some out and grimaced. It was thick and gritty, chunky, actually. Deciding it was best not to examine it too closely, Laine set about washing every inch of his body.

  Once he was finished, he got out and tossed the empty bottle in the trash. He toweled off and got dressed, then went to find Sev. He bit his lip to keep from smirking at Rich, Carlin and Matt, who were all holding bottles of the green stuff and looking a little nervous.

  “Quit being wimps and go use it,” Miriam ordered, then clarified, “don’t shower together. I have a feeling some of you might end up getting messy all over again. One at a time in the bathroom. Rich—” She pointed at the man. Rich flinched like she’d slapped him. “Oh, cut that out and go shower.”

  Miriam spotted Laine and pointed at him. “Laine just used it. Does he look like it hurt him any?”

  Matt smirked at him and Laine knew he was fixing to get some shit from his friend. “Well, I don’t know. He does look kind of different. More wrinkles, maybe? What do you think, Rich?”

  Rich winked at Laine but went along with Matt. “Maybe. More white at his temples, too.”

  “Then for goodness’ sake, you two wash with it twice,” Miriam sniped. “Y’all could both use a heaping helping of maturity!”

  It was Laine’s turn to smirk when his friends’ mouths snapped shut. “Maybe you should give them a few bottles each.”

  “A gallon,” Chris offered, earning him a glare from Rich and Matt both. “What? Y’all can joke but I can’t?”

  Rich stuck his nose in the air and muttered something about Chris not getting any for a while, but he stopped and gave the man a big, sloppy kiss afterwards.

  Miriam wandered off to greet Darren and Lee, who’d just parked their vehicle. Carlin held the bottle up and shook it. “What’s in here?”

  Laine couldn’t resist picking at the man, and Matt as well since he was looking at his bottle like it was evil incarnate. “Miriam might have mentioned something about frogs.” He strode off leaving both men gaping at him.

  Laine found Sev outside talking to Vincent and Veronica. He sidled up to his man and slipped his arm over Sev’s shoulders. “Where’s Rogelio?”

  Sev pointed at the house. “Miriam put him to work bottling more of that green goop. She handed him a box of about thirty bottles and a funnel and told him to have fun.”

  “Woman’s a genius.” Laine and Sev spent almost an hour walking from group to group and introducing themselves. They also thanked everyone. On occasion they’d find someone off by themselves, but for the most part, the coven members seemed to prefer to gather in groups rather than be alone.

  Laine liked the sense of community he got from them. It made him consider whether he was too harsh about the whole concept of religion. That was something he’d have to think on more.

  By the time they’d met everyone, the other men had showered and Miriam came out onto the porch and hollered that it was time for the purification ceremony. From what Laine could tell, it included everyone. Even Rogelio was there.

  There also didn’t seem to be much to it. Miriam and Vincent had everyone hold hands and form into a series of circles, the smallest of which was ringed by a few larger ones. She and Vincent sprinkled something on the ground and began chanting as they walked around the largest circle of people.

  Laine held Sev’s hand on one side and, because he couldn’t figure out how to get out of it without hurting the kid’s feelings, Rogelio’s on the other. As the chanting grew louder, with the coven members joining in, Laine felt a ripple of power flow from Sev into him then on to Rogelio.

  The kid gasped and looked at Laine with big, startled eyes. Laine tried to smile reassuringly at Rogelio, but in reality, he was a little freaked out himself.

  The chanting died down then ceased completely. The circles broke and people started hugging…whoever they could reach, Laine decided as a woman latched onto him and murmured something about ‘many blessings’.

  When all the love-thy-neighbor stuff was done, Miriam invited them to form a line and make their way through a buffet of special foods set up in the house.

  “What do you think we’re supposed to be eating?” Sev asked. He sounded worried, and Laine couldn’t blame him.

  “It’s all organic stuff,” Rogelio answered. “I helped set it out. There’s no meat—Miriam said she didn’t want anyone eating flesh.” Rogelio crinkled his nose. “So it’s vegetarian food, no eye of newt or anything like that.”

  “I’d rather have Alma’s cooking,” Laine grumbled, but rabbit food was a small price to pay to get the spirits back.

  Sev nodded but got in line. “You’re not the only one, but once this is done, Alma’s promised to make us a huge dinner. Tamales, even.”

  “Tamales?” Well, that was different. Laine would eat this vegetarian food a lot more eagerly knowing there’d be tamales in the near future.

  And judging by the way Sev snickered behind him, Sev knew it, too.

  Chapter Ten

  There was a definite energy in the air. It teased at the hairs on Sev’s forearms, making them quiver. “Do you feel that?” he asked Laine.

  Laine rubbed the back of his neck. “Feel something. I thought maybe I was just creeped out.”

  Sev wasn’t creeped out. He was excited and worried. What if Conner didn’t come back? What if Mrs. Hawkins or Stefan or Mrs. Matthers didn’t come back?

  “Stop fretting.”

  “How can I not?” Sev asked.
“I know you’re worried about them all coming back, too.”

  Laine nodded and took Sev’s hand. “Yeah, I am, but it’s their choice. I think. I hope this spell doesn’t force them to return if they don’t want to. That’d be wrong, and more selfish than any of us ought to be.”

  It’d suck if they lost any of their friendly spirits, but Laine was right. Miriam approached them, her cell phone in hand. “Everyone’s where they should be. We’re going to set out the candles and Vincent is gathering the herbs we need. We’ll start the chant in five minutes, right at midnight.

  “I hope I remember all the words.”

  Laine mumbled an agreement. They walked to what Vincent said was the center of town, a spot between a vacant building and a thrift store.

  “Form a tight circle,” Miriam instructed as she lit a candle.

  Sev and Laine scooted in with the others. Veronica came over and held up a leather necklace with a pouch on it.

  “This is for you to wear, Severo. It will keep the curandero from being able to strike against you. Keep it on for as long as it lasts. When the leather breaks, the curandero’s power to harm you will be severed as well.” She settled it around his neck.

  The pouch hung low, lying over his heart. Veronica began chanting, words Sev couldn’t quite make out. The pouch felt as if it warmed against his chest. Sev thought he was imagining it at first, but soon his entire upper body seemed unnaturally heated. It didn’t hurt, but he wasn’t sure he cared for it.

  Veronica finished the chat with a pat to the pouch. “There. You’re safe now, but remember, don’t take it off until it breaks.” Then she addressed the group. “It’s time to begin. Join hands, please.”

  Laine’s hand was rough, warm and familiar. Sev held it tightly. Rogelio was, of course, on Laine’s other side. Sev’s other hand was linked with Ciara’s, a very shy young coven member.

  Miriam, Vincent and Veronica began chanting softly. As their voices rose, Sev and the other members of the circle joined in.

  “Return to us those who were taken

  Whose will to remain was forsaken

  Free them of their spiritual prison

  Bring back those who we envision

  Loved by those left behind

  Stolen by evil design

  Return those lost to those who are pure

  Let their love strengthen and endure

  Come to us who’ve gathered here

  Break the spell that sent them there

  Bind the hands that sought to destroy

  Return to McKinton the town’s secret joy.”

  They repeated the words over and over, the sense of power and unity growing with each repetition. Sev could feel the strength of their gathering building in the air, making it dense with their words and hopes.

  The pouch on his chest was now almost too hot to tolerate. Sev forced his mind away from the pain, unwilling to mess up any part of the chant. His mouth was dry as the Sahara when a sharp, snapping wind slammed over them, snuffing out the candles and leaving them in utter darkness.

  No one stopped the chant. Sev tightened his hold. The wind became colder, stinging his skin with a thousand little pricks.

  Sev got louder, straining his voice. Nearly shouting, like everyone else.

  A loud, unearthly howl ripped through the night. Sev shuddered so hard his eyeballs ached.

  Then the wind stopped as suddenly as it had started. Miriam led the chant into softer and softer tones, then stopped it all together.

  Silence loomed louder than their chanting had been. Sev waited, feeling oddly bereft.

  A sharp tug to his hair and several buzzing bees in his head made him weep with joy.

  Laine grunted then gasped beside him. His breath hitched, then Sev was lifted in Laine’s strong arms and rocked back and forth.

  “They’re home,” Laine rasped, tears dripping from his cheeks to Sev’s. “God, sweetheart, they’re really home.”


  “Talk about déjà vu,” Sev whispered.

  Laine grinned, something he hadn’t seemed to be able to stop doing since last night when Conner and the other spirits had returned. There’d been a whole lot of crying there between those two buildings, and probably at each of the other four points where Sev and his friends had been.

  Now it was almost midnight again and they were standing in front of the Hawkins’ Senior and Youth Center. Laine still didn’t know why Miriam wanted to bless it. He’d asked and she’d just told him she did as she was told to. That was good enough for him. After last night, he wouldn’t doubt Miriam’s power again.

  “It’s about to start,” Rogelio said. “Laine?” The kid held out his hand.

  Sev poked Laine in the ribs and snickered, but Laine ignored him. He let Rogelio hold his hand as they formed a circle and throughout the blessing chant. Laine did, however, draw the line at dancing with the kid when Vincent started banging on some kind of drum. The sound it made was loud and primal and went straight to Laine’s dick. No way was he letting the kid feel that.

  “Ready to go home?” Sev asked. “I promised Alma I’d have Rogelio back at the motel before two a.m.”

  Laine looked over to where Rogelio was dancing with…no one. No one alive, that was.

  “I think Conner likes the kid. He seems to have a soft spot for them, with the way he took to Stefan and now Rogelio.”

  “Yeah,” Laine agreed, “he always wanted kids and told me he’d resigned himself to not having any. Maybe this makes up for him missing out on being a parent.”

  Sev called Rogelio over and received a pinch from Conner for it. “Cut it out, Conner. You can follow him back to the motel, just don’t scare the sh—” Sev glanced at Rogelio. “Don’t scare the stuffing out of Alma. She’s making us that big dinner she promised us tomorrow. I don’t know when we’ll be seeing her again, or eating her wonderful dinners, but I do not want Alma and her family leaving any sooner than they’d planned.”

  “We’re your family too,” Rogelio said, “yours and Uncle Laine’s both. You should remember that.”

  “You should remember it and quit trying to move in on my man.”

  Rogelio laughed and looked at Laine through his lashes. “I know Uncle Laine will always love you, Uncle Sev. That’s why I’m brave enough to ogle him, ‘cause he won’t ever do anything about it, except maybe tell me to cut it out now and then.”

  “But he’s family,” Sev pointed out.

  “Yeah, like an in-law, so it’s not incestuous or anything, sheesh.”

  Laine was ready for this whole conversation to end. “All right, y’all have traumatised me enough. Let’s go.”

  Rogelio leaned over and whispered something in Sev’s ear that made the man grin so big it looked painful. Laine didn’t ask. He was afraid to.

  They dropped Rogelio off, Sev walking him to the motel room and giving him a hug. Sev came back to the truck and got in still wearing that big grin.

  Maybe Laine did want to know after all. But Sev was having too much fun shooting him smug little glances. Laine would give the man time to spill. He doubted Sev would be able to hold in much longer whatever it was that was damn near making him glow.

  He made it all the way home, though. Laine was impressed. Sev still didn’t tell him what he was so happy about, not even when they were both naked and eyeballing each other appreciatively.

  More than appreciatively, Laine corrected. He wanted to eat Sev up with a spoon.

  Laine finally broke when Sev dove for the bed, leaving him standing and therefore responsible for turning off the light. He did, then he walked over and got in bed, dropping down on top of Sev and tickling his ribs.

  Sev squealed and kicked, nearly taking out Laine’s balls. He wedged in between the man’s legs and growled as he teasingly bit at Sev’s neck.

  “Ohmygod! Stop!”

  Laine took another couple of nips and tickles then he rolled over and turned on the lamp. He reached over and tugged Sev on top of him. “A
ll right, spill it.”

  “It’s nothing, really.” But Sev’s grin didn’t dim a bit.

  “Sev…” Laine rumbled. He smoothed his hand down Sev’s back and popped one round cheek.

  “Hey!” Sev’s grin turned into a frown as he glared at Laine. “That isn’t going to make me tell you!”

  “Huh.” Laine considered his options and settled on the one he liked best. “How ‘bout this?” He cupped the back of Sev’s head and drew him down for a scorching kiss. At the same time, Laine spread his legs so Sev settled between them. Laine humped against Sev, making it clear what he wanted.

  “Oh,” Sev whispered when Laine finally let go of the man’s sinfully gorgeous lips. “Yeah, that’ll do it.”

  Laine almost couldn’t remember what he was trying to do. Sev slid down and bumped his dick against Laine’s hole.

  “Mm,” was about all Laine could get out. He wanted Sev’s cock inside him more than he wanted his next breath.

  “Rogelio told me Alma asked him and his sibs if they’d like to go to school here.”

  Sev’s happiness bled through to his voice. It wrapped around Laine and sank into his being. “S’good. Maybe they’ll move here.” He lifted his head enough to get a good look at Sev. “Now will you fuck me?”

  Sev snickered and levered himself up. “Horndog. Of course I will.”

  Laine wondered if Sev would do that whole going down on his ass after coming in him. He didn’t want to ask in case Sev didn’t want to…or thought Laine might want to do it in return. He might try it one day, but as for now, it wasn’t something he thought he could do. Therefore, he’d never ask Sev to do it to him.

  But he could hope.

  “Spread for me,” Sev ordered.

  Laine arched an eyebrow at him and sat up. “Why don’t you lie down and let me ride you?”

  Sev’s jaw dropped open but he nodded vigorously then flopped back gracelessly. Or maybe it was shamelessly. Either way, Laine was just glad he did it.

  Laine plucked the lube from Sev’s hand. He straddled Sev’s legs then reconsidered and changed positions, still straddling Sev but facing away. “Give me your fingers.”


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