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The Scottish Lord’s Secret Bride

Page 21

by Raven McAllan

  It didn’t matter that she knew Fraser was more than capable of looking after himself. She had the gun. What did he have other than his fists and guile? Morven counted the minutes with mounting anxiety, tied the shawl over her head and wiped her clammy hands on her skirts. She stood up ready to draw back the bolt when a loud hammering on the door made her jump and press one hand to her jittery heart.

  ‘Morven it’s me, and only me. Let me in.’

  Oh gracious, she hadn’t even thought about it possibly being Fraser accompanied by heaven knew whom. Morven put the pistol onto a convenient shelf behind the door, not easily seen, but easy for her to get to, and fumbled with the bolt. Typically it was old and rusty, but eventually it drew back with a scrape and a screech that set her teeth on edge. Why had he chosen this door to come in by?

  ‘It is open.’ She stepped back, retrieved the pistol and pointed it at the doorway. Just in case, she told herself firmly, she had been duped. She hadn’t and she sighed with relief as Fraser came inside, water dripping off him like he’d stood under the pump.

  ‘Nothing,’ he said disgustedly in reply to her unspoken question. ‘A few hoof prints in the mud, but it’s disgusting out there.’ He noticed what she was holding and put his hands in the air. ‘Don’t shoot, I come in peace.’

  ‘Don’t be an idiot. It was in case you were not you.’

  ‘Oh it’s me and only me. I had no chance to see where I was let alone in which direction they went. I suspect, however, we now know how we were to be forced to stay overnight. No horses and the sun, if there was any, would not stay out long enough for us to get home. Anywhere else we could walk comfortably, but from here? The quickest way can only be attempted in clear daylight and the way we came too long. We have, I believe, been conned. The rain must have been seen as a godsend.’

  Morven shrugged. ‘Surely they would have needed to take them earlier? And we would have walked?’ The timing puzzled her. If they had intended to leave for home, they would have done so an hour or so ago.

  Fraser shook his head. ‘It’s too far. Up and over the hill and then up the pass. I agree I would have expected the cattle to go before now, but I assume the weather changed things. I don’t imagine whoever it was thought they would be seen. After all it was chance you were in the kitchen then. They would have assumed we would eat earlier, and then no one would be on this side of the house.’

  Morven sniffed. ‘Argh, eating. Food. The stew, oh my, the pies.’ She dashed into the kitchen and grabbed a cloth to move the saucepan to the side of the range away from the flames, and to take the pies from out of the oven. ‘Phew, caught just in time.’ She swallowed. Hollow-mouthed and with a throat that felt like it had not tasted water for a month as she glanced at Fraser. He had draped his wet shirt over the wooden rods hung from the ceiling for that purpose. Oh my. His torso glistened with raindrops and his hair shone like burnished copper.

  Damned if she didn’t want to go to him and lick him dry.

  My goodness. The indecent thought should have shocked her. It didn’t; it made her knees go weak and her body throb with passion.

  ‘Hold on.’ She rummaged in a drawer and found some more of the coarse linens he’d used for Lucky’s bed. ‘Not very soft but they will help.’

  ‘Th…thank yo…ou.’ Fraser stuttered, took hold of the pile and promptly dropped it. ‘Oh Hades.’

  Morven studied him closely and swore. ‘Hell, love, you are blue with cold and shivering.’ She picked up one sheet, wrapped it around his shoulders and with another began to towel his hair briskly. ‘I can almost see icicles forming.’

  He nodded, sneezed, and used the towel around his neck to pat down his torso. ‘As you said earlier, no one has thought to remind the weather it is summer. That sleet is not only bloody hard, it is hellish cold as well.’

  Morven leant on his back and took the towel from him. ‘Let me warm you up.’

  He stiffened. ‘I can think of a better way than rubbing me with an old piece of coarse material.’ He turned around and faced her. ‘Want to know what it is?’

  Morven dropped the towel. ‘Oh yes.’

  Fraser grinned. ‘I’m so glad,’ he said huskily and swung her into his arms. ‘Because I’m going to show you.’ He headed for the door with long-legged ease.

  Even in her aroused state of sexual tingling awareness and very little awareness of her surroundings, Morven had the nous to check the food wouldn’t burn. Satisfied she snuggled into his arms and nuzzled his neck. ‘Oh how?’

  ‘It’s a surprise.’ He moved one hand to stroke the curve of her hip.

  ‘Ohh good,’ she said softly. ‘I do like surprises.’

  ‘You’ll love this one I hope.’

  She sniggered and walked her fingers down his torso to stretch her fingers around the thick outline of his staff. He batted her hand away and shifted her higher in his arms.

  ‘If you do that I’ll drop you and we’ll both be disappointed. Let me get to where we are going. Then you can grapple with me.’

  She groaned deep in her throat and was rewarded by the way his eyes darkened with desire. ‘I think I will hold you to that. Grapple. I like the sound of it.’

  ‘Good, not long now.’ He climbed the stairs to the one furnished bedchamber, kicked open the door and shouldered it closed behind them.

  Morven gasped. She hadn’t realised he’d lit this fire as well, and the room was warm and inviting. The firelight filtered soft and exciting shadows over the walls. The bed appeared large, soft and inviting and the pillows plump and waiting to be used.

  ‘Fraser, if you believe nothing else, believe this. You can surprise me in this manner any time you want.’

  He set her down on her feet next to the bed. ‘This is our real wedding night, love. Will you let me make it special for us both?’

  Morven nodded, suddenly shy. Why she had no idea. They had lain together and loved together before. Somehow though this seemed different. Now they were married, not just over the brush, but with a piece of paper to say they had pledged their allegiance to each other. Man and wife, lord and lady. It was enough until they shared vows in the chapel at Welland and satisfied the English authorities. Fraser had assured her, no one, but no one would separate them again. It was their time. She believed him.

  ‘I would like that more than anything.’ She held her hand up to the light so the jewels sparkled and glittered and put it next to his cheek. ‘This I know is not usual, but to see we are both part of the whole is something that more than warms me.’ She stroked his skin and watched as he swallowed and his throat rippled. ‘It more than pleases me to be able to show the world I am yours, and you are mine. But now—’ she swept him a deep curtsey ‘—my lord, will you show me how we are one?’

  ‘Heart to heat?’ He bowed. ‘My honour and my pleasure.’ Slowly, reverently, he began to undo every tiny lace, ribbon and button on her blouse.

  Morven sagged against him. Every tiny touch seared her, imprinted itself on her skin and her heart. His breath on her skin added to the friction as he drew the silky material down her arms, pinned them to her sides and nuzzled each nipple, nipped and sucked until they were proud and hard, whilst she writhed beneath him and moaned in a helpless arousing. ‘I want more.’ Morven couldn’t see clearly, as she smiled like a houri, enticing him, urging him on. ‘I need to touch you.’

  He groaned steadily. ‘Not yet. This will be a long slow wooing. Not until we are both at the edge, shivering and quivering, mad for each other, aching with that need to give everything, take everything and shatter together.’

  ‘What?’ When her body was alight, her mound throbbed and her channel wet? ‘Noo, I need you in me. I need to hold you.’ Morven’s breath hitched on a sob. Damn him she was on fire, high on desire and longing and all he could say was wait? ‘Now,’ she added for good measure. ‘Lord please now.’

  ‘Not yet.’ He paid attention to her neck, stroking it from nape to chin, and followed the caress by tiny butterfly kisses.
How could she bear it?

  ‘Please not too long.’ She’d be a wreck within minutes she was sure. ‘Soon.’

  ‘Not soon. Very long,’ Fraser said. ‘A promise. Another vow. An assault on our senses.’ He took a step back and swept her skirts to her waist, and kilted them there. ‘Oh my, red silk garters and gossamer-thin stockings. More than a man can hope for.’

  ‘Wha…?’ What was good or bad about red silk? Somewhere she found the sense to file that titbit away. Fraser likes red silk.

  ‘I’m going to touch you, love you, lave and caress you all over. Learn every inch of you. Imprint you on my mind, so I could close my eyes and know you. To touch you here.’ He put his lips to the downy curls that covered her entrance and hid the tiny sensitive nub that ached for his touch.

  The light caress went from her mound to her nipples by that invisible thread that held them together. Then back again until the pulse between her legs throbbed unbearably. She had to grip him or fall over but her hands were immobile.

  Morven saw stars, dancing motes of light, and swore she heard music playing.

  ‘I have to… I need.’

  ‘I need as well. Hold fast.’

  She swayed, and then whirled around as her feet left the floor and she moved, held fast in Fraser’s arms. Morven opened her eyes a crack to watch Fraser, his face alight with love, lower her onto the bed and drag her blouse and skirts off. She moved her hands to the ties of her garters and he batted them away.

  ‘I have the urge to make love to you with you wearing those. Then every time I remember or see red silk, I will dream of this moment.’

  ‘Ohhh, how perfect.’ If she hadn’t already been fathoms deep in love with him, that statement would have sent her tumbling into the depths. ‘Then come and enjoy making love with me…and my red silk.’ Before I shatter by listening to your words and nothing else.

  ‘What an offer.’ He laughed smokily, a noise full of promises, and stripped rapidly.

  Morven’s mouth went dry as he stood in front of her, his staff proud and erect, his eyes dark and to her love and amazement, his hands trembling slightly.

  ‘I had so wanted to be slower, but you, my love, have made it beautifully impossible.’ Fraser climbed onto the bed, and put her hands high above her. ‘For all you hold dear don’t touch me or we won’t get any further before I spill.’ He sat at her feet and lifted her legs so her ankles settled on his shoulders. ‘Hold on to the thought that soon we will indulge in one night of ecstasy. For now, though we’ll indulge in a short, hard, perfect…’ He aligned his cock to her channel and pushed. ‘This.’

  Morven whimpered with pleasure, arched into him, as he filled her, and began a steady thrust and release. Within seconds she matched him stroke for stroke, tightened and relaxed her muscles as he groaned and began to shake.

  ‘Now, love.’ He roared the words. ‘Fall for me now.’

  Never had Morven felt happier to obey a man’s order.

  Nothing was more important than falling into the abyss with him. Dimly she heard Fraser shout his release and then shudder and slump onto her, his breath harsh and rasping in her ear. Morven dropped her arms from above her head and held him tightly to her. His warmth was her warmth. His heart thundered next to hers, and their love surrounded her. She cleared her mind, and drifted on a cloud of contentment. This was where they both should be.

  Eventually Fraser stirred. ‘I’ll move. I’m heavy and… Oh Lord.’ He stiffened and looked down at her, his eyes clear and concerned.

  ‘I can’t believe it. How could I forget?’ He hit the mattress with a thump that made the bed shake.

  ‘Forget?’ What on earth was he talking about?

  ‘Forget,’ Fraser said grimly. ‘Holy hell, love, once more we addled my brain. I didn’t withdraw.’

  ‘What?’ Morven began to laugh. What a time to think of that. ‘Neither you did.’

  ‘Bloody thoughtless.’ He pushed himself onto his elbow to stare at her. ‘You could be with child.’ Fraser gathered her in his arms and rolled them over until she rested on top of him, her breasts squashed tightly against his chest.

  ‘I could.’ Morven gave into temptation and kissed the tip of his nose. Her head fell forward and stroked his chest. His eyes glazed over and she smirked. ‘Oh my.’ It was easy to forget all her vows of less is more, and let him recover before you go on the attack. ‘Maybe we should do it all over again to make sure?’ She moved from side to side so more hair tickled him, and he groaned.

  ‘Lord, love, don’t do that. My body likes it far too much. One more stroke and I will no doubt be hard again.’

  ‘Oh good.’ She essayed two long separate wriggles so her tresses swept slowly and deliberately over his nipples.

  ‘No, stop it.’ Fraser put his hands around her wrists and did his best to lift her upwards.

  She resisted.

  ‘Morven,’ he said in a desperate voice. ‘We need to be sensible.’

  ‘Why?’ She opened her eyes wide and then sniggered. ‘Oh in case I’m in mother mode? Don’t worry—if I am, I am. You see, you have forgotten one very important thing.’

  Fraser looked puzzled as he stared at her. ‘I have?’

  ‘There is a difference this time to last.’

  ‘There is?’

  Oh Lord please let me have this correct. Let him be pleased.

  ‘Of course. Now we really are wed.’

  Fraser’s eyes widened, and then he began to laugh, jigging her up and down as his chuckles rumbled through her body.

  ‘Now why didn’t I think of that? So, therefore…’ He lifted her slightly and deliberately stared at her tightened nipples and then down his own to where his cock was already semi hard again. ‘Shall we practise again. Just in case you’re not?’

  ‘I thought you would never ask.’

  Chapter Fifteen

  The tolling of a bell impinged on Fraser’s subconscious and he groaned. Who was ringing a confounded bell at this unholy hour of the morning? Something else jarred. What was the other noise, almost hidden by that damned bell? He couldn’t tell, and although an idea scratched at his mind, it didn’t develop.

  Has someone died? He opened one eye as Morven stirred and stared up at him sleepily.

  ‘Wassat?’ She twisted a whorl of his chest hair around her finger and tugged. ‘Sleep more, ‘s’needed. S’good, shhh.’

  ‘The kirk bell. Why on earth I don’t… Oh Lord, yes I do.’ He rolled onto his back and pulled Morven with him so her head rested on his chest and he could stroke her head and shoulders with ease. ‘It’s Sunday. Early service.’ He settled deeper into the pillows, content now he realised what was happening. ‘Wind must be in the right direction for us to hear it.’ A horrible thought struck him, and he sat bolt upright. As Morven still had a tight grip on his chest, the movement hurt. ‘Oh Hades. We’re in Ardfoot.’

  ‘We are and in bed.’ Morven sighed happily. ‘It’s perfect. We can stop here and… Why are we sitting up and why do you look like you have been hit with a hard instrument?’ Morven yawned, stared at him intently, let go of him—luckily—and pushed her tresses back from her face. ‘Fraser, what is wrong?’ she asked him urgently, all sleepiness gone from her voice. ‘What’s happened? Do I need to find the pistol and use it?’

  Sometimes her thought processes were beyond him. Why on earth would she need a pistol to silence the church bell? ‘To hit the bell? You’d need to be the best shot in the world. It’s not even within cannonball distance.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Morven said in a puzzled voice. ‘I thought I might need to shoot someone!’

  Fraser laughed. ‘The minister, for allowing the bell to ring? One of the elders for actually doing it? Tempted, but no. I’ve just had a very uncomfortable thought. It’s the Sunday in the month that Ardfoot has a kirk service.’

  ‘You said that happened even if you never mentioned today was the day. Does it concern us? Do you usually attend?’

  He shrugg
ed. ‘I haven’t since I got back. Mama has gone in my stead. Nevertheless, I will have to soon. However, not today.’

  ‘Oh good.’ Morven wriggled back onto the pillows. ‘In that case, come back down here, snuggle in and give me a cuddle.’ She lifted the edge of the blanket and let it drop over their stomachs. ‘Let’s forget there is a world outside. After all, we have no horses.’ She stroked his chest and pinched his left nipple.

  Fraser smiled grimly and took hold of her hand to clutch it between them. Now he knew what the other noise was that had woken him. ‘Oh if we could. However, I would wager that if we went downstairs and out to the stables we would find two perfectly rested mounts there waiting for us.’

  Morven blinked rapidly. ‘You what?’ She wriggled up the bed and swung her legs over the side to stand on the floor, put her palms on her still-naked hips and glared at him. ‘How do you know?’

  Fraser slid across the bed to follow her until they stood side by side and then circled her with his arms. She leant towards him, and automatically he began to stroke her back to soothe and offer his strength.

  ‘I was woken by noises. Sounds that were alien to that moment in time. The bell? That I processed. The other sound I couldn’t fathom out until just now.’

  She looked up at him. ‘Yes?’

  ‘Hooves on cobbles. That was a risk although I imagine someone who doesn’t know you, or the person I am now very well, would probably reason we should be fast asleep. It’s only because I’m used to waking at noises my mind thinks aren’t right that I did.’

  Morven chewed her lip and then tapped her fingers on his mouth. ‘What should we do? What do you think will happen?’

  He sucked her finger into his mouth, pleased to see her pupils dilate and her skin ripple. ‘Sadly not what we would prefer. Dress and await what happens next.’ His stomach gave a most unedifying grumble. ‘Eat maybe and not worry. What will be will be.’


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