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His Secret Baby Bombshell

Page 13

by Jules Bennett

  The only look he wanted to see on her face was happiness. She was still so early in her pregnancy, and his goal was to get her to take her mind off her troubles because he knew she was worried.

  Which left the question he’d had on his mind for days. What did Nora mean when she’d mentioned Eve’s previous pregnancy? Graham didn’t want to dredge up bad memories for her, but he also felt he deserved to know.

  These three days could bring anything their way. But one thing was for sure: Graham wasn’t going to let her get away without convincing her to marry him. This child would be a Newport. Added to that, merging the families in such a bold way would show everyone just how serious they were about ending this feud. But time was running out and Graham needed to act fast.

  He grabbed his things and set the security alarm on his penthouse. After he swung by to pick up Eve, they’d be on their way to his cabin. Nothing would stop him from putting that ring on her finger. He may not have been looking for a family, but there was no way in hell another man would raise his child. And he’d yet to find anyone as compatible as Eve. No, they weren’t in love, but what did that have to do with marriages these days anyway? Being an attorney, he’d seen the aftermath when people entered into holy matrimony solely on the basis of love. No thank you.

  Graham was confident that by the end of this trip, he’d have Eve convinced this was the best decision for everyone. He knew what to say, how to get her to see his side. After all, he’d gotten her to agree to this trip in no time.

  A little seduction, a little charm and she’d have that ring on her finger.


  A cabin? Who referred to a sprawling five-thousand-square-foot log home as a cabin?

  Being the real estate guru she was, Eve nearly laughed when she saw Graham’s home away from home. The place was stunning and she hadn’t even walked in the front door yet. It was after midnight, so she couldn’t see the views. But the old lantern-style lights on the porch illuminated a beautiful facade and had her anxious to see the inside.

  “I’ve got your bag.”

  Eve stood at the bottom of the stone steps leading up to the entrance. She’d forgotten all about her things once Graham had opened her car door and she’d seen the beauty of this place. All she wanted to do was take in each and every detail because she knew she’d never be back. She couldn’t wait for sunrise. She’d bet money the views were spectacular.

  “Ready to go inside?” he asked.

  Eve blinked, glancing over at him. He held both bags and offered her a smile she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist later.

  Was she ready to go in? Was she ready to spend three days with a man she was falling for? Was she ready to let him fully into her life, into her heart? She’d made the decision last night after the party to come clean about her feelings. Graham needed to know. There could be no secrets between them, not if she wanted a chance at making this work.

  “I’m ready,” she told him.

  The wide porch had sturdy wooden swings at each end that swayed in the gentle breeze. The warmer temperature here seemed so inviting and Eve already made mental plans to take advantage of those swings. She’d come to relax and she intended to do just that.

  “I have the refrigerator stocked with your favorite foods,” Graham told her as he set the bags at his feet so he could unlock the door. “I did a search on foods you couldn’t have while pregnant, so no swordfish for you.”

  Eve laughed. “And here I was hoping you’d show me what you could do in the kitchen with swordfish.”

  That got a chuckle out of him. “I have something else planned for our meals.”

  The way he threw a sultry look over his shoulder told her he had more than dinner planned...not that she didn’t know that already. Even after being with him so many times, she still anticipated their three days together. Something about being here, being so isolated from the outside, plus being so far from their families, seemed even more intimate. Yes, they were still sneaking, but for the next three days, they could be themselves.

  Eve stopped short before she could enter the house. After all they’d been through, this would be the first time they actually slept together. They’d both been careful about not sleeping over—that would’ve been another level they hadn’t discussed. But here, she had to assume they were sharing a room.

  Maybe not, though. Maybe he’d put her stuff in a guest room. If that were the case, then the feelings she wanted to reveal would be a moot point.

  Eve knew one thing. By the end of this trip, they were going to have to have some serious plans laid out because she couldn’t handle this emotional upheaval anymore.

  The second Graham swung the old oak door open, Eve gasped. The open floor plan gave an immediate view all the way through the house. But that wasn’t the extraordinary part. The opposite wall was nothing but a showcase of floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the mountains and valleys. The lights dotting the landscape were so sporadic, so different from Chicago. There was space to breathe here, nature to explore. This was exactly the escape she needed from the city, from the chaos in her life.

  As if pulled toward the beauty, Eve slowly crossed the open space. “Whatever you paid for this place was worth it.”

  Graham laughed as she passed him. “I had the same reaction when I first opened the door, too. I knew the asking price was high, but the second I saw that view, I knew this place would be mine.”

  Eve threw a glance over her shoulder. “And is that how things normally work for you? You see something you want and take it?”

  He let the bags he was carrying fall to the floor with a thunk. “Always.”

  The intensity of his stare combined with his instant response had Eve turning back toward the million-dollar view. She already knew Graham was a go-getter; it was one of the qualities she found most attractive in him.

  The way he’d been protective of her feelings, of her emotions during the party earlier had sealed the deal, though. She’d gone and fallen for Graham Newport, father of her child. Even if the baby didn’t exist, Eve wouldn’t have been able to stop herself.

  But they had created a child.

  A flashback to a time during her previous pregnancy when her belly had been slightly rounded hit Eve as she placed a hand over her stomach. She longed to feel a baby move beneath her palm, wanted to know there was a healthy child thriving inside of her.

  Hands slid over her shoulders. “What are you thinking?”

  Eve leaned back against Graham’s firm chest. Did she open up to him? Did she fully let him in? If she wanted a chance at this, then yes. But not right now. She didn’t want to start these relaxing days by dumping the darkest memories of her life right in his lap.

  “Something to be saved for another time,” she told him.

  One of his hands came down to slide over hers. “No worrying. Remember?”

  “I’m trying.”

  Graham spun her around, framed her face and kissed her softly. “Why don’t you look around and I’ll work on getting something to eat? I know you barely ate at the party.”

  She had picked at the appetizers, but then the encounter in the pool house had happened, then Reid and Nora’s announcement and, she was.

  “More of your hidden kitchen talents?” she asked with a grin. “I am definitely on board with that.”

  “Then you’re going to love these next few days. I plan on cooking for you every chance I get. I want a healthy baby, so I’m making sure his mama is cared for.”

  A healthy child. What she wouldn’t give for that.

  “You’re going to spoil me and I won’t want to leave.”

  Graham nipped once more at her lips. “That’s the idea.”

  What? Did he mean...

  Graham let go and went back to grab the bags. He headed up the stairs, leaving her staring after him as if he hadn’t just dropped some veiled hint in her lap. Did he want to have her here longer than three days? Did he see their relationship as something mo
re than physical? As something more than just sharing custody?

  Hope blossomed inside her. Maybe this trip would be a turning point. Maybe letting him know exactly how she felt was just what they needed to move forward into a life together.

  * * *

  Graham froze at the edge of the couch where Eve lay on her side sleeping. He’d watched her from the kitchen as he cooked. She’d been sitting there reading a pregnancy magazine, then she’d stretched her feet out across the cushions. Now she was down for the count and the magazine had fallen to the floor.

  Guilt slid through him. The ring he’d bought a week ago was in his room. He wanted to wait for the right moment to bring it out, to tell her he wanted their child to have his name.

  They’d started out so hot for each other, and that hadn’t changed. But the second Graham knew there was a child, he wasn’t about to let anyone else get near what was his. This baby would have his name, no matter how he had to go about it.

  But Eve’s underlying defenselessness kept working its way further under his skin. When he wasn’t with her, he was thinking about her—when he was with her, he didn’t want to leave. He had never wanted a woman in his life permanently. Being married to his job was hard enough, but to try to sustain a relationship was damn near impossible.

  For the first time in his life, Graham thought he actually wanted to try. Maybe he’d lost his mind. Perhaps he’d never had a chance where she was concerned. But no matter the reasoning or the path that led them here, Graham was tired of fighting this battle with himself.

  Having Eve in his cabin, knowing she’d instantly loved this place the way he had only made him realize just how much they had in common.

  He’d convinced her to come here immediately after the party. Maybe he should have waited until morning, but he was so afraid she’d start thinking and change her mind. So he’d whisked her off when she was exhausted. Sleep was exactly what she needed, and once she woke, they could start talking, planning.

  Graham pulled the crocheted throw off the back of the sofa and placed it over Eve. Gerty had made this throw, and several other little items around the cabin. He’d wanted a piece of his past to be here. He’d wanted to hold on to the woman who had helped raise him and shape him into the man he was today.

  Looking down on Eve’s relaxed face, Graham couldn’t help but wonder what Gerty would think of her. What would his mother think? No doubt both women would adore Eve. She was so easy to talk to. She may be president of one of the top real estate companies in Chicago, but it was her charm, her charisma and her determination that would keep her on top.

  Sutton didn’t deserve a daughter so perfect. He didn’t deserve her loyalty. Sutton had used Graham’s mother, not bothering to care what happened to her because he had his wife to go back to when he was done.

  Graham hated Sutton more and more each time he thought of how easy it had been for the mogul to end things with Cynthia. She’d been pregnant, not that Sutton had stuck around to find out. She’d already had twins at home and was expecting another child. With the income from waitressing, there was no way she could have survived on her own...or been able to pay for an attorney if she were threatened with a custody battle. And she hadn’t taken a dime from him for fear he’d sue for custody. She wouldn’t have been able to battle Sutton in court.

  Graham didn’t blame his mother one bit for not telling the tycoon.

  Gerty had seriously been the biggest blessing in all of their lives.

  Eve reminded Graham so much of his grandma. Both women were strong. They both clung to their determination to get them through rough times. And they were both stubborn to a fault.

  Graham took a seat in the leather chair, propped his feet on the ottoman and laced his hands over his abs. He was perfectly content to watch Eve rest. This is exactly what he wanted her to do.

  Now he just had to figure out what he really wanted. Asking her to marry him may give her false hope. But on the other hand, he wasn’t so sure his goals in marrying her were quite the same as they once were.

  There was no denying that when she woke up, and once they started talking, the dynamics between them would change.

  Graham just had to keep the upper hand and decide how much their lives were about to be altered.


  Eve woke to blackness. There wasn’t a single light on in the room. Where was she? She blinked a few times, sat up and quickly remembered. She’d fallen asleep on the couch in Graham’s cabin.

  The slightest glow from the porch lights filtered in through the windows. Eve sat up, turning her stiff neck from side to side. She didn’t even recall lying down. She’d started reading a magazine, had gotten swept up by some article on how to make your own baby food, and that was the last thing she remembered.

  Turning, Eve went still when she spotted Graham asleep in the chair across from her. His feet were propped on the oversize ottoman, his head tipped to one side. She wished there was more light so she could make out his facial features. Was he fully relaxed? When he’d fallen asleep in her bed, he always had those worry lines between his brows. Now that he was away, did he allow himself to completely let go?

  Eve pulled at the throw caught around her legs. She hadn’t put that there. An image of Graham covering her had a warmth spreading through her. The little ways he showed he cared couldn’t be ignored. The way he cooked for her, opened up about his mother and Gerty, swept her away when life became too much...he was putting her needs first and she couldn’t deny the tug on her heart.

  Part of Eve wished they could just stay here forever. Ignore their families, ignore the entire mess with Sutton, Carson and the investigator Brooks had hired. Ignore the reality that her father was dying, that her sister was marrying the love of her life and everything was perfect for her. The entire family was thrilled for Nora, and Eve was, too. But there was still that fear that once everyone knew of Eve’s pregnancy, she’d never be shown support. That she wouldn’t experience such happiness. Her family wouldn’t accept the fact that Graham was the father, and worse yet, that Eve had fallen for him.

  Eve got to her feet, shaking out the throw. Moving around the ottoman, she started to lay the blanket over Graham. Instantly he gripped her wrist and pulled her down into his lap.

  With a yelp, she fell right into the crook of his arm, her head to his shoulder.

  “I thought you were asleep.”

  Graham adjusted her legs to settle them between his. “You thought wrong.”

  That low rumble vibrated from his chest. His fingertips trailed up her bare forearm. “How do you feel now?”

  “Like I slept for days.”

  “Good. I want you to feel rejuvenated.”

  Eve relaxed fully against him. “I’m sorry I fell asleep when you were cooking. Did I ruin everything?”

  “We can heat it back up whenever. It was late. You needed rest.”

  His fingertips continued to trail up and down her arm. When she shivered, Graham took the twisted blanket and gave it a flick to send it soaring out over their legs. He wrapped her tighter, in the blanket and his arms. Eve wasn’t sure if this was some euphoric state from sleep or if this was really happening. Were they...snuggling? He wasn’t trying to get her undressed, she wasn’t straddling him and ripping his shirt off. They were just...doing nothing and it felt rather amazing.

  “As much as I want you to relax and take it easy, I want to know something.”

  Eve stilled. “What?”

  “About your first pregnancy.”

  Eve closed her eyes. She’d known the questions would be coming, and he deserved to know. He’d given her time to prepare and hadn’t immediately asked when Nora spilled the secret the other day.

  Eve was ready to tell him now—needed to tell him. There was still a part of her that had to heal before she could move on. Not that she could fully recover from the loss of a child, but talking about the pain with the man she’d fallen in love with would go a long way to preparing her for the
next chapter of her life.

  “I was in love once,” she started, then realized that wasn’t the right thing to say. “Actually, I thought I was in love, but I had just been blindsided by lust and charm.”

  Graham remained silent, but kept his firm hold on her. She appreciated the darkened room, the fact she didn’t have to look him in the eye when she was telling him about this portion of her life. There was a deeper intimacy about letting him in this way.

  “I met Rick in college,” she went on. “The attraction was instant. We dated for six months. I thought he was the one.”

  The words sounded so cold, so lifeless when she said them, but there was no other way to tell this story. That period of her life was gone and she was only left with the emotional scars.

  “I found out I was pregnant.” She’d never forget how happy she was to tell Rick. “I thought we’d marry, raise our family and live happily ever after.” Eve pulled in a breath, toyed with the edging on the crocheted blanket. “When I told him I was pregnant, he was done with me. Apparently he was interested in being married to Sutton’s daughter, but not so much in having a child. No, wait. He was more interested in being married to money. I was nothing.”

  “I want to kill him.”

  Eve smiled. “I appreciate the offer, but he married into money, then his wife cheated on him with the pool boy. Clichéd, but I did a small victory dance.”

  Graham chuckled, squeezing her tighter. “I had no idea you had such a ruthless side. Remind me never to cheat on you with the pool boy.”

  Smacking his arm, Eve continued. “Anyway, I was about six weeks pregnant then. I was scared, but my family was so supportive. I knew I’d be okay. Losing the baby never even entered my mind. Not once.”

  Graham slid his hand over hers, their fingers lacing over her stomach. That silent supportive gesture had tears burning her eyes.


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