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Quarterback's Secret Baby

Page 57

by Ivy Jordan

  “It’s a lot to think about,” Mitchell pointed out. “I don’t need your answer now, but whenever you know, please inform me of your decision,” Mitchell concluded, standing from his chair and extending his long arm towards me. I took his hand, shook it firmly, and agreed to tell him once I made my decision. What will I decide? What should I decide?

  I left Mitchell’s office feeling both proud and confused. I wasn’t prepared to plan out my future in stone just yet, but I did love it here on the island. I cleaned up my office and locked up. I sat in my car for a few minutes, trying to decide what to do when Milton’s list on my passenger seat caught my eye. I would take it one day at a time; that’s what I would do. Elijah hadn’t made a decision yet about his child, so I could think about this for a few days or weeks if I needed.

  I pulled my car from the small parking lot and headed into town. Madison’s bakery was pulling me towards it, not only for the sweet treats inside, but for my good friend’s advice.

  I pulled into the parking lot in front of the bakery. There was a line wrapped around the building, and I could see Madison through the window, smiling and greeting guests as they entered one by one. What the hell was going on?

  I walked up to the storefront, taking notice of the long line. I waved to Madison through the window as she walked by. I watched as she waved in my direction, and then handed a basket to one of the girls working inside. “What is all this?” I asked as she stepped out. She looked exhausted; proud and happy, but exhausted.

  “I’m giving away free samples of my new savory dessert,” she boasted, pushing a small round donut towards me.

  My eyes widened as I took the treat. It looked like a donut hole but was covered in a thick, creamy icing. The aroma was different, but appealing. “What is it?” I asked before placing it in my mouth.

  “Just try it,” Madison laughed.

  I took a bite, recognizing the flavor, but never in a donut before. “Oh wow,” I exclaimed with my mouth still full.

  “You like it?” she asked, her eyes wide and hopeful.

  “Yes,” I swallowed my first bite. It was a donut ball with fried chicken inside, a maple syrup glaze with bacon bits sprinkled on top. “It’s probably the second best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth,” I giggled, thinking about Elijah as I spoke. Madison’s eyes narrowed, and her lips curled into a smile. She knew what I was talking about. I didn’t have to say it, she just knew.

  She laughed as she let out a soft sigh. “How was your week in the wilderness?”

  “It was amazing,” I gasped, unable to express to her just how amazing it truly was. “Elijah is one of the most impressive men I’ve ever met,” I sighed.

  “Sounds like you’re falling for him,” she teased.

  I didn’t respond with anything except a smile. “Oh my God, you are!” she exclaimed.

  My cheeks burnt with the redness I knew flooded them. It was true. I was falling for Elijah. Now what?

  “He’s leaving soon,” I groaned, trying to convince myself as much as Madison that I wasn’t being naïve.

  “Did you get a chance to ask about your brother?” she questioned, thankfully changing the topic.

  “No. I’m not sure I really need to know now. I got to see how close a bond those men shared, and I’m certain it is a topic neither of them would care to discuss. Knowing all the details may be too hard for me. Just knowing he was with people who loved him, that’s enough,” I replied.

  “Good,” Madison responded, looking over her shoulder at the crowd gathering inside. “I have to get back in there.”

  I reached out and gave her a hug before she disappeared back into the bakery. I wanted to ask her opinion about my partnership, but I knew she’d just tell me to stay. There wasn't any way I wanted to tell her I thought about following Elijah to the states, or that I was begging for him to stay and be a father to little Bailey. There was so much she didn’t know. I hated the fact I couldn’t share all of my secrets with her. Elijah’s secrets.

  I left my car in the parking lot near the bakery and walked across the street to the market. I scoured each aisle for the items on Milton’s list, all pretty basic. He loved the small boxes of juice, and the single serving milks I’d bought, so he added them to the list. A few of the snacks I’d purchased him last week, some more fruit, and garbage bags were all that were left on the list. I wondered if he’d skimped on a few items because of cost, or if he truly didn’t need them. I’d look when I got there, just to make sure he was getting everything he needed.

  The cashier was busy chomping on her gum and talking to the manager. It was obvious they were attracted to one another, and I tried not to giggle as I placed my items onto the belt. Something about love, it was just in the air. I felt it, and these two felt it; it was contagious.

  “Is this all?” the woman asked, quickly turning from her flirting and to my groceries. I nodded as she scanned each item and placed it in a large paper bag. I handed her a fifty, took the change, and headed out the door with my two bags for Milton’s just as Kellie walked in with Bailey clinging to her hand. The little girl was wearing a swimsuit, and her hair was in tight braids on either side of her head. Kellie looked directly at me as I nearly ran into her. “Hey, Kellie, right?” I stammered.

  “Yes, and you are?” she asked in the same snotty, high-pitched voice she had in high school.

  “Taylor Madden,” I replied, clearing my throat before I spoke. She made me nervous, in school, and now, especially now.

  “Oh, Tommy’s little sister,” she sneered with a fake smile forced onto her face.

  “Yes,” I agreed, even though I was only a grade below her and Tommy, hardly a little sister.

  “I didn’t think you lived her anymore,” Kellie smiled.

  “I just moved back,” I replied. I said that as if it were a statement signifying I’d moved back for good. Had I?

  My eyes locked with the little girls. They were dark, like Elijah’s, and her lips curled into a crooked smile that resembled his. “Nice seeing you,” Kellie said, a lie, I was certain. She pulled on the little girl's hand and directed her into the store. She turned and looked over her shoulder at me as they walked away, a smile smeared on her face. Wow, she really does look like Elijah’s daughter. How could he walk away from her?

  I pulled myself from the trance I was in and walked out the front door and across the street. I wanted to grab Madison, tell her about the little girl, about how there’s a chance Elijah might stay, but she was still busy with the crowd of people lined outside her store. I slid the groceries into the backseat and slid in behind the driver’s seat. I pulled myself together, calming my racing heart, and headed towards Milton’s house.

  It was a nice surprise to find Milton sitting on his front porch, and not barricaded inside. “You need help?” he called out to me, standing from his rocking chair.

  “No. You gave me a short list,” I called back, and then pulled the two bags from the backseat.

  Milton opened the door for me and let me walk inside first. The place smelled great, nicely aired out, free of garbage, and no more rotting food in the fridge. I looked around as I made my way to the kitchen. It appeared that he’d been doing a great job keeping the place clean. I’d expected to stay and pick up for him, but it looked like he was managing just fine. “The place looks good,” I praised him, placing the bags on the counter.

  “I feel like a new man,” he gushed. He looked like one too.

  “Can I help you with laundry or anything?” I asked.

  He shook his head proudly. “I’ve got everything done. I even weeded the flower bed out back,” he boasted.

  I couldn’t have been prouder of him at that moment. I pulled the items from the bags and started putting them away, taking notice of what he had left, and what he didn’t. His freezer still had a couple of the frozen meals in the door and half a box of ice cream sandwiches. The fridge was pretty empty before I stocked it back with the drinks and the fruit. “You sure there
isn’t anything else you’d like to have?” I questioned.

  “I’ll have a longer list when I get back. Don’t you worry about me. I just don’t want to leave anything that will spoil when I leave, and I hate waste,” he smiled.

  I handed him the receipt from my trip and changed the garbage bag out while he gathered his wallet. He tried to offer me extra for doing the shopping, but I wouldn’t take it. “This isn’t a job or a chore. Trust me, I enjoy doing this, and it helps me as much as it helps you,” I smiled.

  His eyes were warm and kind as he smiled in my direction. “Okay,” he yielded.

  “I’ll see you Wednesday,” I said, patting him on the shoulder as I made my way back to my car. I was impressed that he’d come so far so quickly, but a part of me felt a sadness that he might no longer need me.

  I waved to the old man on the porch as I drove off. I wondered what Elijah was up to, and if he’d mind me just stopping by. It felt strange spending so much time with him, and now being apart. I picked up my phone and dialed his number before I had to decide on going home, or going to his house, his dad’s house. I knew he’d be there working, not at the hotel. He’d missed out on an entire week of work.

  “Hey,” I said cheerfully as he answered.

  “Hey there,” he replied.

  “You busy working on the house?” I questioned, ready to turn towards his street.

  “I am,” he admitted. “I’ve got a ton to catch up on,” he added.

  “Would you like some help?” I offered. I wasn’t great with my hands, but I knew any help was help.

  “Not tonight. I think I’m going to finish up the floors and head back to the hotel, call it an early night,” he said, his tone flat and cold.

  I turned my car around, and headed back towards my house, hating that sinking feeling in my chest. “I understand. It was a long week,” I comforted.

  “It was a long day,” he sighed.

  “Did something happen?” I asked.

  “I saw Bailey,” he said softly.

  My heart raced. Does that mean he is staying? He isn’t leaving the island after all?

  “How did that go?” I questioned carefully.

  “I called Kellie, asked to see her, to talk to her. Bailey was with her on the beach,” he explained.

  A tinge of jealousy emerged knowing that he was on the beach with Kellie, that he’d called her. “I’ve got a lot to think about. I didn’t give her an answer yet. I told her I would by the end of the week,” he concluded.

  “You don’t know what you want to do?” I asked.

  “Not a clue. Everything’s so confusing,” he sighed.

  I knew it had to be. I felt bad for him and wanted so badly to reach out and hug him. “I’ll leave you alone so you can get your stuff done. Call me if you need to talk,” I hung up, feeling a mixture of emotions flow through my heart.

  What if he was considering making things work with Kellie, and that was why he wanted the distance from me? My heart ached at the thought, but I knew it might be the best thing for Bailey. She deserved both her mother and her father in her life. I’d missed having my mother around, and I knew Elijah did as well. Maybe this is a sign that I need to back off, give him some space to make the best decision for not only him, but for Bailey as well.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I walked into the old house after the floors had a night to dry. It was beautiful, like new. Suddenly I was saddened by the missing scratches and gauges from the old wood. The time that I accidentally knocked the heavy brass eagle from the top shelf had never happened. The dent it left from the open wing was gone, along with all the others scratches in the floor from my roller blades, skateboards, and toy cars. My dad’s voice yelling down the hall at me to “stop making such a ruckus” was faded, as if it were coming from somewhere far away.

  “Hey,” Clinton startled me as he entered the front door.

  “Hey,” I responded in my unenthusiastic voice.

  “The floors look amazing,” he gushed, whistling as he scanned the house.

  “Yeah,” I sighed. “I was just getting ready to pull out the old furnace,” I said, using it as an excuse to shoo Clinton back to his house.

  “I’ll help you with that,” he offered, not waiting for me to accept. He walked past me and towards the utility room as he rolled up his sleeves.

  I hated to accept his offer, but I knew that old piece of shit was going to kill me trying to move it on my own. “I appreciate that.” I patted him on the back and switched on the light.

  Clinton groaned as he lifted his end, leaving me with what I was certain the heavier end. Fuck, this thing was heavy. Good thing he came by, I guess. I would’ve never got past the door with this thing without scratching my newly finished floors. “You got it?” he asked, walking slowly as I backed out of the room.

  “Yeah,” I grunted as my fingers barely clung to the hard metal.

  “What’s this thing weigh, five-hundred pounds?” Clinton asked as we made it through the living room to the front door. I didn’t want to think about it right then. It felt like a thousand.

  I pushed open the front door with my backside, and then carefully made it down the porch steps to the walkway. “Where we taking it?” Clinton asked. Damn, he was a gabby fucker.

  “To the curb,” I instructed, picking up my pace. I was about to drop the damn thing on my toe, and using energy to answer him wasn’t helping. Finally at the curb, I dropped my end, and Clinton pushed his forward until it was standing upright.

  “You have someone picking this up?” he questioned.

  “Yeah, the guys delivering the new one said they’d take it if I got it out to the street,” I gasped, leaning against my car to catch my breath. It was hot, unusually hot, and taking a dip in the swimming pool with Taylor floated through my mind.

  I hadn’t talked to her all day. I hoped she wasn’t mad at me for not seeing her the night before, but my mind was twisted with all the decisions I needed to make.

  I had to figure out what to do next with the house, handle my life in Miami since I was going to be gone longer than expected, figure out if I wanted to, or could be, a father, and then there was her. What is it I am feeling for Taylor?

  “Why don’t you come on over for dinner,” Clinton pushed. I thought he wasn’t going to mention that again. My eyebrow rose on my forehead, leaving the other pushed down to my eye. I wasn’t in the mood for this again.

  “My wife made a huge pot of stew and a pineapple cake,” Clinton tempted.

  “I really need to get washed up and head back to the hotel,” I replied.

  “I’m not taking no for an answer this time,” Clinton said sternly.

  “I appreciate it, I really do, but I just—”

  “Come on,” he urged.

  It is obvious he isn’t going to let up on this, so I might as well get it over with. The sooner I have this dinner, listen to whatever it is he has to say about my father, the sooner he’ll leave me the hell alone. “Okay,” I grumbled, showing my reluctance with a scowl.

  “I’ll be over in a minute. I just want to lock everything up,” I explained, moving back into the house.

  I watched Clinton loitering on the sidewalk for a moment before he walked towards his own house. I knew he was leery of leaving me alone, fearful I’d just drive off. I thought about it. I wanted to. But, I couldn’t do that. He was a nice guy. I just really didn’t want to talk about my dad.

  After washing up, I walked next door. The walkway to Clinton’s porch was perfectly landscaped with wild flowers, ones that were obviously cared for, unlike the ones that grew randomly between the weeds near my front porch.

  A woman answered the door, tall, slender, and with striking features. Her deep blue eyes instantly welcomed me, and her warm smile made me feel at home, even though I’d not even been introduced yet. “I’m Kia; you must be Elijah,” she pushed open the door to invite me inside.

  Her arms wrapped around me in a
generous embrace before I made it two steps into the house. It smelled amazing, was spotlessly cleaned, and the woman embracing me smelled of vanilla cookies, reminding me of Taylor. “Thank you for inviting me,” I said softly as I pulled from her tight hug.

  “Now I know Clinton has pestered you for weeks,” she chuckled. Her eyes danced on mine, and I couldn’t help but laugh. She was right. He had pestered me, and the only reason I was here was to get him off my back.

  “He can be pushy when he finds something important,” she smiled.

  “You came,” Clinton sounded surprised as he entered the room. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I knew he thought I’d take off.

  “I did,” I grinned.

  Kia slid her arm between mine and my waist, guiding me into the next room. A large table was set with beautiful china dishes and long-stem glasses. “Sit,” she insisted, pulling out one of the chairs near the head of the table.

  I wondered who they entertained at such a large table: kids, friends, or just random strangers Clinton forced to come to dinner.

  Kia disappeared into the kitchen while Clinton took the seat near me at the head of the table. “I’m really glad you decided to come,” he said. Had I decided, or was I guilted into it?

  “I figured you wouldn’t leave me alone if I didn’t,” I laughed.

  Clinton let out a boisterous laugh, one that echoed in the large room. “You’re right,” he reached out, patting me on the shoulder.

  Kia returned with a large pot in her hands, causing Clinton to stand from his seat to help it from her hands to the table. She exited and returned three more times, each time bringing with her a new delicious creation that made my mouth water from the aroma flowing from the dishes.


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