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Systematic Siege Box Set: Parts 1-3

Page 5

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  “Yes. Please!”

  “Yes, what?” I tongue her earlobe, imagining it’s her clit, and play with her nipples at the same time. I lift my head just enough to look down at her, waiting.

  Eyes anguished, she shakes her head. Our bodies grind naturally, our rhythm frantic but somehow in sync.

  Like we were made to fuck each other.

  Her next glide leaves a trail of her juices on my thigh.

  Oh, fuck. That’s for me. All for me. My shaft kicks, hungry to feel all that wetness. “Come on, Lexi.” I lick both my thumbs, eyes on her. She shakes her head again, but fuck it. She doesn’t have to admit it aloud. Not right now. Every moan that leaves her proves it.

  I use my wet thumbs to play with her nipples, fucking her through our clothes. “I meant what I said. Mine. Whatever it takes Lexi.”

  “I want you so bad, Drew.”

  I pinch her nipples, hard, a broken groan rumbling in my chest.

  “Andrew! Oh . . . you’re . . . I’m coming . . . uh!” Eyes on mine, she locks up, coming like a rocket all over my thigh.

  Near blind, desperate, I reach between us, searching . . . searching . . .

  My hand slides between her legs, making contact with her over her panties.

  Beyond wet.


  So damn soaked that barely grazing her leaves my hand drenched.

  “Fuck baby,” I rasp. “I barely touched you and you squirted all over my thigh. That sweet cunt is trying to mark me, isn’t it? Trying to leave your scent on me so that every girl knows I’m yours.”

  She jerks under me, mewling.

  Without thinking, I raise my hand back up to my lips, taking my fingers into my mouth.

  Time fucking stops at the first hit of her taste on my tongue.



  The most addicting thing that could’ve ever been created.

  Wild, practically snarling around my fingers, I suck them hard, needing more of that taste. Knowing it’s never going to be enough.

  My cock swells to the breaking point, pounding.

  “Shit!” At the last second, I manage to pull away from her, landing on the other end of the couch. Hands shaking, I drag my cock out.

  One pump of my fist, and my orgasm rides straight up my length, about to explode out the tip.

  And I don’t stop looking at her. I can’t. This orgasm is hers, all hers. I want her to see what she’s done to me.

  Lexi scrambles to sit up and slaps my hand away, grabbing my cock—

  My head falls back, a roar breaking loose.

  She pumps my dick, milking me, making me come harder.

  “Yours, Lexi,” I hear my hoarse voice telling her. “All yours.”

  Somewhere, I either heard or read that sex is better when you actually have feelings for the person you’re doing it with. I can officially say that’s true. She just blew my fucking mind.

  I came so hard I’m still twitching. Lexi plays with my dick. I’m too sensitive, but I can’t bring myself to make her stop. I love that she’s touching me. Learning me.

  I reach out for her, cupping her neck. It takes a ridiculous amount of effort to lift myself and bring her head toward me, kissing her softly.

  She sighs into our kiss.

  “You’re all mine now, baby. Just like I’m yours,” I mumble against her lips. “All mine.”


  “I am?”

  The sweet way her breath hitches when she asks me that gets to me. I nod at her, because for some reason, my throats too tight for me to speak, and kiss her pouty lips one more time.

  A sound reaches my ears. What sounds like someone moving.

  A soft snicker.

  I rear back away from Lexi, my head flying around in the direction of the door.

  The open door.

  No one is there. Not that I can see.

  My heart races, senses prickling.


  I shush her, silently placing my index finger on her lips, and stand. Walking softly, I head toward the door, straining to listen.

  And I hear it. Footsteps. Scurrying away from the door.

  I jog to the door, anger rising each millisecond it takes me to get there.

  Someone’s here.

  Someone heard my girl coming.

  They probably fucking saw us!

  Feeling like a wild animal, ready to tear into anyone and anything, I stop at the door, looking left and right.

  No one.

  No one on the left, heading toward the back door.

  No one on the right, heading toward the main area of the gym.

  I heard someone. I know I did.

  “Baby, stay here.” Jogging, I make my way down the hall and into the large main sparring area. It’s dark, all the lights out. Seemingly empty.

  Yeah right. This place is huge. A person can hide anywhere. It would take me forever to find them.

  Still, the thought that someone heard and saw Lexi galvanizes me. I can’t rest easy without at least trying to find them.

  As I walk quickly around the free-weights area, my eyes straining in the dark, it occurs to me that only two people knew I’d be here—Stephen and Barnard.

  Did those assholes sneak in to watch me and Lexi?

  I wouldn’t put it past those perverted motherfuckers.

  Circling the sparring arena, I turn my head left and right, still searching.

  But I know it’s futile. I know that, if anyone is in here, I won’t find them that easily.

  And I’m almost sure it had to be one of my best friends.

  Then again, I left the back door open for Lexi and didn’t lock it after she walked in.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  I’m a fucking moron.

  I need to get her out of here.

  When I head back into the office, she’s still sitting on the couch, looking confused.


  Her hands are palm-up on her lap and I see they’re still covered in my come.


  Her eyes meet mine and I reach back to yank my t-shirt over my head. Her eyes widen, pupils snapping wide, eating up every inch of my upper body.

  My dick twitches toward her. Kneeling before her, I grab her hands and start cleaning them up with my shirt.

  Her cheeks go pink.

  My heart beats loud and hard through my body, demanding her, her, her! The chant is almost too loud for me to ignore.

  “Andrew, your shirt.”

  “It’s okay, baby. I have another in the car.” I finish cleaning her up and bring her to her feet. Blood rushes hot and thick through my veins. I want more of her body. Her kisses. Her touch.

  More time with her.

  It feels like so much of it has already been wasted, even though we’re just eighteen.

  “Lexi . . .” I swallow thickly. “Would you consider spending the rest of your birthday with me? I want to show my girl a good time.”

  That blush deepens and I have to bite back a groan. “Andrew, Kaylee is your girlfriend. Not me.”

  “No,” I snap, a little harsher than I should. “You’re my girl. The one I’ve always wanted.” The one I love. Cupping her chin, I hold her in place and bring my phone out of my shorts pocket. “As a matter of fact, I’m letting her know. Now.”

  Lexi watches me as I bring up Kaylee’s number and start typing out a text.

  Drew: It’s over. I’m done. Not doing this anymore. Don’t feel you. I’m feeling someone else.

  It’s harsh, and I’m a major dick for doing it over text, but whatever.

  My girl watches me as I hit send. Then, I turn off my phone, because I don’t want Kaylee or anyone trying to contact me while I’m focused on Lexi.

  “I’m your man. You’re my girl. Get me, baby?”

  She nods, eyes sparkling.

  Holy hell, can my heart calm the fuck down?

  “Now, you down to ditch your friends so I can take you to do something fun?”
r />   Biting her lips and smiling, Lexi gives me another nod.

  I’m so high on her right now, triumph running through my veins. Finally. Her. The girl I’ve wanted for years. Mine.

  I’ll never let her go. Not now.

  I smile at her, feeling how wide that smile is, knowing she can see I’m pathetically ecstatic. “Alright. Come on. Let’s get you out of here. There’s something I’ve been dying to show you.”

  I can’t believe it! That sneaky fucker. I knew he’d been lying about why he wanted to use uncle Luther’s gym.

  I knew it had to be about a girl, but fuck. Lexi Berkman. The hottest piece of ass in our school. Hottest tits, mouth. Shit, I’ll bet she has a hot pussy, too.

  Andrew let me have fun with Kaylee once when they’d broken up, and hadn’t cared.

  I contemplate asking him to let me have a piece of Lexi once he’s through with her.

  Bullshit. He won’t. Motherfucker wants her for himself. I saw that.

  Nah. He can’t have her. I deserve that ass, not him. I’m going to have her.

  I always get what I want. My father taught me that.

  “Holy shit!” Barnard hisses as we exit the gym.

  Andrew and Lexi left a minute earlier. They left in their separate cars, but I know they’re going somewhere together. Because he wants to show “his girl” a good time.

  Disgusting. Pussy-whipped already.

  I smirk, thinking of the video on my phone. I can use this to my advantage. I know this. Just have to figure out the best way how.

  My phone goes off. As soon as I see the name, I’m presented with the opportunity.

  Fucking perfect.

  Still smirking, I answer. “Hey Kaylee.”

  “Stephen, where the fuck is Andrew? Is he with you?” she screeches into the phone. “He just fucking broke up with me over text!”

  My smirk spreads into a wide smile. So perfect. “I know where he was, and with who. She’s the reason he’s breaking up with you. How fast can you meet up to talk?”


  My hand trembles, sweating as I press it into the handprint scanner. It’s sweating too much. The scan fails.

  My frustrated growl echoes down the hall. Eyeing the doors, I contemplate wrenching them open. The way I feel right now, I’ll rip them apart. Shred right through the steel and titanium.

  She’s there. On the other side of those doors.

  My girl.

  My obsession.

  The only fucking reason I’ve survived this long.

  I swear to God, if the stupid scanner doesn’t read my print this time . . .

  It does.

  I bend at the waist long enough to let it read my eye, promising myself to get rid of the scanner immediately. Nothing will stand between Lexi and me. Never again.

  The software division is on the other side of the doors. Maybe a hundred computer stations. Even more employees.

  “Berkman’s office!” I bark out, loud enough that my voice echoes throughout the entire space.

  No one answers. They all continue to stare at me, in shock. Many of them look scared.

  “NOW!” I yell.

  One girl points a shaking finger at a door toward the back.

  I’m there in less than three seconds, practically flying, every limb shaking as the door automatically slides open.

  And there she is.


  There. She. Is.

  That injury that never healed.

  That infection that has been festering in my soul for almost a decade.

  The wound that I pray never leaves me, even if the disease keeps on spreading.



  Her back faces me. Her body is different. More womanly, yet tighter at the same time. She’s wearing a tight, black, knee-length dress and her hair’s straight, held back in a long pony tail.

  I’m immediately hit with a pang at the loss of her curls.

  Even with the differences, my soul recognizes her, detonating a ruthless energy in my system.

  I can’t breathe, shaking like a fucking leaf.

  I’m lightheaded, and yet so focused. Nothing else exists. All I see is her.

  She finally turns.

  Black, large glasses. Different yet so similar.

  Those eyes.

  God. I clench my fists, my jaw. I clench everything because I’m sure my legs are about to give out on me.

  I waited years for this moment. Planned it. Mapped out what I would say. What I would do. How she’d react.

  All for nothing. This isn’t how I imagined it. She wasn’t supposed to be glaring at me like that, pouty lips turned down in a frown.

  She’s staring at me like . . .

  She hates me.

  I still love her. Every bit of her. More than before. More than I thought. More than I even imagined.

  That hard, bitter expression on her face eases up for a second while her eyes rake me.


  For a moment, I lie to myself, telling myself that deep beyond the loathing I see, there’s a small glimpse of the hunger she once felt for me.

  But when she looks back at my eyes, all I see is that hate.

  Lie or not, I go hard for her. Painfully so. I’m a wreck. Destroyed. Stripped down to the core of my psyche—ground zero of the annihilation she left behind.

  Lexi’s brow scrunches, her expression morphing to confusion. Like she’s studying my reaction. Like it’s the last thing she expected.

  How could it be? How can she be surprised? I know we only had one night together, but didn’t I show her back then how much she meant to me?

  I’m so hungry for her. I want to consume her. I want her to fill the fucking gaping hole she left in me.

  Her lips part and her voice, cold, impersonal, finally acknowledges me. “Mr. Drevlow.”

  I nearly fall to my knees. That voice. Waited so long to hear it again. My breath hitches—then it’s gone. One word leaves my mouth. One rough, desperate word.


  How far are you willing to go for revenge?

  I’ve agreed to enter one cesspit of bullsh*t, just to escape another much worse.

  But that’s okay. As a matter of fact, I’m more than ready to deal with the consequences. After all, using one enemy to destroy another is just what I need to right all the wrongs in my life.

  Or so I thought . . . until I hear Andrew Drevlow’s voice roaring my name and realize one cruel fact:

  I’m not over him.

  I never was.

  Are you willing to destroy yourself in the name of payback?

  My path is set. I have no choice but to go through with my plan. I can’t allow myself to be swayed just because I’m still attracted to a man.

  The same man that once betrayed me.

  The same man that once fooled me and humiliated me for his own entertainment.

  The same man that sets my soul on fire.

  That doesn’t matter. I’ll use him.

  And when I’m through with him, there will be nothing left of the man he once was.


  A lot can happen in one year. A lot of twisted, fucked-up shit.

  And if a lot of that can happen in a year, imagine just how much more can happen in seven.

  I thought I had gotten away from the darkness once. That an escape and a new life were finally within my grasp.

  In that place of fragile, hopeful naivety, I made the mistake of trusting the wrong person.

  I was alone.


  Destroyed by the loss of a guy I’d adored.

  Stephen took advantage of that. Lured me in. Offered me friendship at a time when I’d needed it the most.

  But he doesn’t want to be my friend. He wants to own me.

  Because he “loves” me.

  Him. Someone that’s too sick to even truly understand the concept of love.

  I understand it, but only because of the very woman who he hurt to
get at me—my mother. We’re all we have. Our connection gives us reason.

  Me, a reason to keep going.

  Her, a reason to continue fighting for her life.

  Thanks to Stephen, she’s sick. Laying in a hospital bed, as she has for the last three and a half years.

  He wanted me as part of his company.

  He demanded that I remain a part of his life.

  After he raped me, I refused to do neither.

  That’s when he went after my mother, infecting her with an aggressive strain of human immunodeficiency virus.

  Yes. That son of a bitch infected my mother with AIDS. Not just any kind. We could’ve gotten help from her health insurance, could’ve afforded treatment for it on our own. The strain he infected my mother with is a lab created version, one the CDC doesn’t even know about yet.

  An engineered, super-Hulk version of the virus that would’ve ended my mother’s life in months.

  I’m an idiot. I should’ve never trusted a man that was once Andrew Drevlow’s best friend. Like attracts like.

  They’re not friends anymore. As a matter of fact, Stephen despises Andrew.

  Hopefully, now that I’m here, I can find out why. Use that to my advantage.

  That’s who I am now. I don’t care for anyone outside of my mother. I don’t feel anything except the burning need for revenge.

  Stephen was the only one with enough resources to keep my mother alive. I’d had no choice but to enter into that contract and work with his company. Let him take advantage of me again.

  It was a lesson hard-learned.

  A lesson learned well.

  A lesson I thought I had down pat.

  Then Richard Drevlow came along, with a promise to get me out from under Stephen’s control. With the means to do so and the means to actually help my mother.

  Ronald Drevlow’s brother.

  The man responsible for ruining my father’s life and driving him to suicide.

  Andrew Drevlow’s uncle.

  The boy I once loved—was obsessed with—and the boy I’d wanted to give myself to more than anything.


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