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Daughter's Best Friend

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  She closed her eyes, moaning as he moved from her entrance up to her clit, and he circled the bud.

  In a quick movement, he had her flipped over and on her knees.

  Each movement only drove her arousal higher for him.

  “Oh, wow,” she said, panting his name.

  “We’re only getting started.” He plunged a finger inside her, and drew it forward, circling her clit. “Take over, babe. Tease your clit. Show me how it’s done.”

  Reaching between her thighs, she began to stroke her clit. Behind her, she felt him ease the tip of his cock inside her. In one thrust he drove to the hilt within her.

  She cried out, every inch of her pussy opening up around him.

  “You know how to drive me insane, don’t you, baby?”

  Rebecca turned her head and watched as he opened the bedside drawer. He held a tube of lubricant in his hand.

  He placed it on the bed, grabbed her hips, and fucked her hard, driving deep within her.

  Closing her eyes, she flicked her clit, feeling the first ripples of her orgasm.

  “I want you to come all over my cock. Only when you do that will I give you what you want.”

  She brought herself to orgasm as he pounded inside her, each thrust only adding to her pleasure.

  Jackson was true to his word. He pulled out of her pussy, and after smearing some of the cool lubricant on her anus, he began to fill her asshole.

  It was a tight fit, and she fisted the duvet as he began to slide inside her.

  “Push out for me, babe. Let me take you.”

  She pushed out, and in doing so, Jackson pushed in, going past her tight muscles, and sinking in deep.

  They both moaned. He leaned over her and pressed a kiss to her back, his hands moving from her hips, up her body, and then cupping her tits. He pinched the nipples, and she cried out.

  “I’m inside your ass, baby. I own every single part of you now.”

  “Just like I own you as well. You’re all mine.”

  The hands on her breasts tightened. “You’ve got that right. You own me, and you’ll always own me.”

  He began to ease out of her, and she heard him curse. “So fucking beautiful. A nice tight ass wrapped around my dick.”

  She released a whimper as he filled her to the hilt once again.

  With each drive of his cock, the arousal once again started to build inside her. Unable to hold back, she slipped her hand back between her thighs, and began to stroke her clit.

  “Oh, fuck, your ass is squeezing me, baby. Feels so fucking good.” He held her hips, and started to thrust inside her ass. In and out, he pumped his cock within her.

  She felt so open, so raw, so exposed, and she loved it. She loved him with all of her heart.

  “I’m not going to last. Your ass is so fucking tight. Are you close, babe?”

  “I’m close. Come in my ass, Jackson,” she said.

  He thrust twice more, and then with a groan, she felt his cock begin flooding her ass, which only set off her own orgasm.

  Neither of them spoke as they came down from their peak.

  “You, baby, are deadly,” he said, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

  “I can’t help it. When I’m with you, I can’t think of anything else but being with you.”

  Jackson pulled out of her ass, and left to the bathroom. She stayed on her stomach, watching as he came back with a cloth, and cleaned her ass up. Her cheeks heated at the tender care he gave her.

  When he was finished, he pulled her against him. His hand was on her breast, and she rested against him.

  “I love you, Jackson. So much.”

  “I love you, too, baby. You complete me.”

  She closed her eyes, basking in his love, and knowing that he would be there when she woke up. “I used to dream about this,” she said.

  “About us?”

  “Yes. I always imagined you being my white knight, and this is so much better than anything I ever dreamed about.”


  Christmas time

  Jackson paced the hospital waiting room. He was in a panic. Bella’s waters had finally broken, and it she was in labor. Fortunately, she wasn’t alone. Alaric was right there with her.

  “She’s going to be fine,” Rebecca said. She was sitting down in one of the waiting chairs, staring at him. “You know Bella, she’s not going to want you stressing at all.”

  He went to her feet. Crouching down, he took her hands in his. “I’m freaking out right now, aren’t I?”

  “Just a little bit.” Rebecca smiled, and then stroked his cheek. “It’s what I love about you. You don’t even trust the doctors with your girl.”

  “They fuck up, I’ll fucking kill them,” he said, snarling out.

  Rebecca didn’t recoil. She pressed a kiss to his lips. “You’re like a daddy bear protecting his cub.”

  The past few months had been utterly surreal. His little girl was married, expecting a baby. He was going to propose to Rebecca on Christmas Day. Obviously, that had changed right now.

  “I guess now is not a good time to tell you that I’ve got news?” she asked.

  He frowned. “I don’t follow.”

  “You know when I got sick, and the doctor gave me some antibiotics? Well, we weren’t exactly careful.” She took his hand, and pressed it against her stomach. “We’re going to be having a baby.”

  Jackson hadn’t known what to expect, and it certainly hadn’t been that. “We’re going to have a baby?” he asked, repeating her words.

  “Yes. I arranged a doctor’s appointment for the new year. Twenty tests confirmed that I am. I imagine you can have one false positive but not more than that, right? Unless I was really unlucky.”

  “We’re going to have a baby.” He couldn’t believe it.

  Happiness surged inside him, and he caressed her stomach.

  “I know we’ve talked about the future, but kids have never really been part of it.” She bit her lip. “I am so happy. Are you?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be? We’re going to have a baby together, and I love you, Rebecca. I love you so damn much.” He moved up, and pressed his lips against hers. He hated seeing the tears in her gaze, but he wiped them away. “Being with you brings me so much happiness. I love you so much.”

  He pulled her into his arms as she cried. “I was worried that you wouldn’t want a kid.”

  “So I’ll be an old dad. I’ll still be awesome.” He’d watch his health, and he would do everything that he could to make sure he was around for a very long time.

  “I didn’t want to ruin Bella’s time.”

  “We’re not. We’re waiting to hear the news,” he said, taking a seat beside her. “How are you feeling? Morning sickness?”

  “It’s not been so bad. You’ve not been around for much of it.”

  He had another takeover bid that had required his attention. Every second he was away from her, he had hated it. Locking his fingers with hers, he smiled at her. “I’ll be there every single step of the way. You will not have to go through this without me.”

  She leaned against his shoulder, and he kissed the top of her head.

  “I was going to ask you to marry me,” he said.

  Rebecca jerked back. “When?”

  “Christmas Day. I don’t suppose you’d say yes?”

  She laughed. “You are a goofball. I’ll say yes to any day of the week. You want to marry me?”

  “Yes, I want you to be my wife, the mother of my future children, the best friend of my daughter.” He tilted her head back. “My everything, and you are, Rebecca. You’re my everything.”

  He was kissing Rebecca as Alaric cleared his throat.

  Pulling away, he stood up, holding Rebecca against him.

  “I’d like you to meet my little girl, your granddaughter.”

  Life couldn’t have been better.


  Five years later

  “Ruby, get your butt down here now!” Jac
kson had his hand on his hips, and glared upstairs to where his very beautiful, very manipulative daughter was standing.

  “He did it first.”

  “I did not. You’re lying,” Billy said.

  “Enough.” He stared at Ruby and then at Billy, the two terrible twins that had changed his whole world. There was a time that Jackson was worried he wouldn’t be able to handle kids.

  Ruby and Billy made sure he doesn’t even think twice about his age.

  Hands circled his waist, and then Rebecca kissed his neck. “Ruby, listen to your father.”

  “It’s not fair. He always takes his side!” Ruby folded her arms, and looked every bit as stubborn as Bella used to.

  “You farted in my face first. I’m telling everyone at school,” Billy said.

  “I did not. You’re gross. You did it my face. He did, Dad, he did this.” She blew a large raspberry.


  Rebecca chuckled. “Do you want to go to Bella’s tonight? I thought you wanted to see Louise and Elijah?”

  They both jumped up and down.

  “Then go and get ready. Go on.”

  Jackson didn’t know what he would do without her. Their two twins ran off, and he wrapped his arms around her. “What will I do without you?”

  “You won’t,” she said. “This one is being a pain tonight.” She touched her slightly swollen stomach.

  Five years they had been together. They were five amazing years filled with so much love, joy, and happiness. What made it even better was when Rebecca’s parents finally came around to their way of thinking. The moment she was pregnant, her mother couldn’t stay away. Then when their first child was born, everything changed. Rebecca’s parents embraced her life, and it was like they had realized they had so much more to lose. Jackson also let them know that if they didn’t get their heads out of their ass, they were going to lose Rebecca forever.

  “Go and have a bath. I’ll be up.”

  “Can you handle those two?”

  “I could handle you and Bella, I can handle the two of them.”

  Rebecca wrapped her arms around his neck. “You can handle me any day. In fact, when they’re gone, you’re going to find me playing with my pussy.” She kissed his lips. “If I can reach it.”

  He laughed as his cock thickened. Rebecca awakened his love of everything, and he was going to love her for the rest of his life. She had given him a second chance at life, and he was going to be the one she always came to.

  “Kids, come on, move it along.”

  He had a date tonight with his wife, and her delicious pussy.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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