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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

Page 28

by Joseph P. Farrell

  One of the first efforts to improve on the “burst” devices came in 1957, with a patent from the German Siemens firm – US Patent Number 2,904, 692, by inventor Wilhelm Gscheidlen – for the collimation of gamma rays by means of a series of metal baffles with pinhole sized holes, arranged sequentially, to achieve a lensing effect that would concentrate high frequency gamma photons into a beam, using a cobalt 60 source.3

  But as Vassilatos notes, “such systems lost much of their initial energy before passing through the multiple baffles of the collimator itself. Ultimately, these pinhole camera systems failed from inherent problems of fundamental incoherence from the source itself, an intriguing engineering problem requiring the discovery of new phenomena for its solution.”4 That is, the sources of gamma rays in these systems was rather like a light bulb, emitting gamma rays of various frequencies. No matter how efficient the collimator baffle system, the beam would still spread out – like a “gamma ray flashlight” beam – and thereby lose much of its energy. The goal was for gamma ray coherence, a gamma ray laser whose awesome power can only be appreciated by comparison to ordinary optical lasers, which can cut through steel with ordinary light.

  The next step was taken in the early 1960s, with so-called Clear Atomic Light” systems, which relied on a system of underground tunnels and a reflecting mirror able to direct the light generated from a nuclear explosion to the surface through a tunnel in a concentrated beam. Such systems, in other words, took the radiation from a nuclear explosion and directed it in a beam. Needless to say, using the weapon also destroyed it, since they could never be more than one shot affairs. Nevertheless, These CAL or Clear Atomic Light systems quickly moved out of their underground tunnels and bunkers and became more portable, and potentially space-based, weapons platforms.

  Before the development of far better and more pernicious radiation weapons, this CAL (Clear Atomic Light) beam weapon had no equal. Its declassification in 1973 occurs some 15 years after its testing in coincidence with Project Plowshare, a “peacetime” use of nuclear weaponry. These experimental weapons were part of PROJECT DEFENDER, the original Star Wars Defense Initiative of President Eisenhower. This Project investigated the use of directed hot nuclear plasmas (PROJECT CASABA), high energy particles (PROJECT HOWITZER), and primary experimentation with X and Gamma Ray LASERS.5

  The well-publicized X-ray laser systems of the early 1980’s were based on these early CAL systems, the small nuclear device being housed in a hemispherical or “tanklike” structure surrounded with rods of radioactive material. When the device is detonated, the rods become transmitters of deadly cohered, or lasing, x-rays, incinerating anything in their path almost instantly. Given that a beam of enormous diameter can be constructed with such a device, “one is able to produce” a high frequency, high power x-ray laser beam “for the specific purpose of destroying missiles or cities alike. The length of the rods employed determines the amplification factor.”6 These weapons would have the additional advantage over more indiscriminate hydrogen bombs in that they would leave no residual radioactive fallout in their targets.7

  Thus, the engineers and scientists in America’s black projects were confronted with two unpleasant facts. On the one hand, the older “electrical burst” method of generating such intense beams – the method pursued during the World War, while providing intense rays, also required the construction of enormous installations to generate the rays, thus rendering them impractical as weapons. On the other hand, x-ray lasers were deadly, of sufficient power to be used in an offensive strategic mode, and were far more efficient than the indiscriminate atomic or hydrogen bomb. But they could only be used once, since firing the weapon also destroyed it.

  Yet another problem attended the pursuit of X-ray and gamma ray lasers (gamma ray lasers are often called GRASERS). Since these high frequency radiations (gamma rays are much higher frequency than x-rays and hence pack even more of a punch) were able to permeate almost all forms of matter, creating an optical cavity to achieve coherence (the action that makes an ordinary laser beam) for these frequencies was difficult. Ordinary mirrors and lenses did not effect x-rays or gamma rays.

  The quest, in other words, had turned to reusable and “portable” x-ray and gamma ray lasers, for obvious reasons: “Becoming operative at the flick of a switch, these weapons represent potentially more of a threat than a single strike nuclear warhead. Any single electronuclear weapon can be fired repeatedly, the equivalent radiant firepower of several warheads.”8

  One method was quickly found, employing the plasmas created by sudden vaporization of heavy metals with ordinary optical laser light. Once having created a plasma of such material, this in turn was then pulsed with lasers to create an amplification and cascade effect that resulted in X-rays and gamma rays approaching coherent, or lased, nature.9 “These ‘Z-Pinch’ plasma devices fire beams easily capable of melting clean holes directly through thick walls of metal and stone.”10

  1. Enter the Mossbauer Effect

  It is in the search for reusable X-ray and gamma ray lasers that one encounters a physical effect that might bear directly on the physical and theoretical thinking behind the Bell. The effect is known as the Mossbauer effect, and it concerns the relationship of acoustic and inertial stress and the effects of these on the gamma lasing activity of radioactive materials. It is best to cite Vassilatos extensively:

  While yet a graduate student, Dr. Rudolf Mossbauer (1959) discovered that specific radioactive elements could be stimulated into gamma ray resonance. Mossbauer directed an external supply of monochromatic gamma rays into various radioactive isotopes, finding that they produced identical monochromatic outputs. This gamma resonant effect taught that certain radioactive isotopes could be stimulated to release more gamma rays than the amount delivered to them. Mossbauer found that he could stimulate his isotopes into a supersaturated state by continually supplying them with the requisite quanta. Brought to a state of supersaturation, Mossbauer observed the sudden release of gamma ray bursts several orders in magnitude greater than the input. Furthermore, when properly directed, the gamma burst came as a single coherent emission. Mossbauer had found the means for creating a true gamma ray LASER.

  After Rudolf Mossbauer discovered the primary aspects of his strange effect, others began discovering its ancillary phenomena…..Some experimenters disovered that the mere proximity of gamma absorbent matter near a gamma isotope source effectively modified the source, an anomaly. The coherent gamma emissions of Mossbauer resonant stimulations were strangely linked to their absorbers, a relationship modified by motion alone.

  Special radioisotopes were rotated on special high speed rotors, demonstrating a phase modulation effect… Slotted shields were made to rotate at high speed between isotope sources and absorbers, adding evidence that phase shifts were indeed occurring…. These findings strongly suggested the possibility of directly modulating Gamma Ray streams by movement alone…. (the) mere application of stress on the isotope samples was found to produce successions of powerful gamma ray bursts. Here was an unexpected “piezonuclear” corollary to the Mossbauer Effect. Isotope samples were applied to loudspeaker cones, and physically vibrated in the presence of absorbent materials….Indeed, certain experimenters discovered a strange effect of vibration upon the isotopes themselves. With applications of increasingly high pitch, the loudspeaker-fixed isotopes produced continual bursts of coherent gamma ray energy. Here was evidence that the mere compression of specific isotopic material could produce an intense gamma supersaturation. What had been observed constituted an avalanche process, one capable of organizing coherent gamma emissions.

  The application of audio signals (400 cps) caused remarkably intense gamma emission in these isotopes. It was soon found that ultrasonic vibrations produced staggering gamma emissions….A growing wave of gamma photons is thus both stimulated and driven along by compressional waves alone….

  Researchers who studied the compression phenomenon may not have been prepared for
the resultant gamma yield when shock impact was applied to the isotopes. Huge coherent gamma ray bursts were produced throughout the small isotope core, a radiance which may have produced the first uncontrolled gamma ray “event”: an explosion of pure and penetrating gamma superradiance. The development of gamma burst “explosives” has well remained completely shrouded in secrecy.11

  What emerges from the Mossbauer Effect is that abrupt shock – acoustic or otherwise – of certain radioactive isotopes or compounds can cause the emission of radiation to cohere, like a laser beam, giving off deadly effects. One can imagine then, in reference to the Bell, that if such radioactive material was spin polarized, and then repeatedly pulsed, what sort of deadly effect would result. One might obtain a kind of “super GRASER.”

  In any case, Mossbauer’s Effect had enormous implications for the development of strategic offensive directed energy weapons, for the effect made reusable gamma ray lasers a possibility. But there were still obstacles to be overcome, and the one who did it was Josef Eerkens.

  Eerkens (1962) discovered that the application of strong axial magnetic fields to rodshaped samples (of specific Lanthanides) could produce a more highly coherent organization of gamma ray emissions. A “superradiant” beam was found to emerge from both ends of such rods. The discovery that gamma ray emissions could be cohered in preferred directions was yet superseded by methods which actually effected the direction of gamma bursts through a single rod end. Eerkens found it possible to cause the coherent gamma burst to emerge from a designated rod end, by pulsing the rod with gigacycle ultrasound. Producing traveling compression waves in the isotope rod, it was found possible to actually direct the mounting gamma cascade from end to end. The powerful coherent gamma blast was thus capable of being directed, a previously unheard potential.

  In the Eerkens design we see a true Gamma Ray LASER, or GRASER... Eerkens founds that the same radioactive materials could be forced to discharge their radioactivity in sudden voluminous bursts when properly stimulated. This latter effect violated the concept that radioactive half-life is an immutable constant, for it was found possible to control the decay rate by a special “enhancement process” involving acoustic energy….(The) frequencies necessary for the control of radioactivity is given as lying between 1 and 10,000 Gigacycles.12

  That is, acoustically modifying and pulsing the environment was the method to stimulate gamma photon cascade and lasing action. In other words, radioactivity is a reaction of an element to its environment. Moreover, the fact that this was achieved acoustically suggests that the effect is a scalar one, since acoustic waves are the 3-space analogue of longitudinal waves in the medium.

  B. Plasmas, Rotation, Pulses, and Zero Point Energy

  1. Plasmas and Transmutation

  There are further connections between the Bell and the strange world of alternative and suppressed physics, this time to one of the most famous names in “alternative and suppressed” physics next to Nikola Tesla: T. Henry Moray. Moray, as many know, perfected a device that seemed to draw energy from the active medium. Indeed, Moray spoke often and even wrote a book about the “limitless sea of energy” in which we move. And like Tesla, Moray designed his own devices, machines, and most importantly for our purposes, plasma tubes.

  The later years of Moray’s research were dedicated to investigating a peculiar anomaly that occurred on the electrodes within his plasma tubes: Some of the electrode metal would transmute to another element. It exhibited a nuclear reaction as if the nucleus absorbed a proton or emitted a beta particle. Because Moray was secretive about this research, little is known. A clue might appear in Moray’s patent; there is one paragraph describing how to make a particular lead sulfide mixture to be used as electrode material. Did Moray discover how to transmute lead into gold? The anomaly regarding transmutation of elements is hard to believe, except that it has been observed over the last decade in the cathodes from cold fusion experiments, and these experiments are quite repeatable today.13

  Note here the appearance of nuclear transmutation – via some unknown mechanism – in the context of plasmas, yet another link to Gerlach and the Bell.

  But there is yet more. Engineer Ken Shoulders made a significant discovery. Shoulders figured out a way to launch a kind of “coherent plasma” that is simply a “cluster of charges predominantly of one polarity,”14 that is, Shoulders came upon the same principle of spin coherence, as exhibited in the Bell, since charge is a phenomenon of spin, of vortices. When such a “cohered plasma” strikes an aluminum plate, scanning by electron microscope reveals that the tiny crater made in the metal by the plasma impact results in “transmuted isotopes” that are “unusual and rarely found in nature.”15 Moreover, one may easily see that such processes might be identified – somewhat loosely to be sure – as “photochemical,” confirming the possibility that similar processes or phenomena were discovered by the Germans during the war, and giving rise to the baffling “photochemical” statements of isotope enrichment in the Farm Hall Transcripts. Moreover, the Farm Hall Transcripts made it clear – in Wirtz’s statement that was quickly hushed up by the other scientists – that the process involved “bombardment by a particular wavelength.” If the Bell was in part being used to research isotope enrichment or element transmutation, then its rotating operation clearly implies that one aspect of its conceptualization was precisely resonance, or frequency. Since Gerlach was interested in the subject of transmutation, one may safely assume that the Bell was more than an advanced project in field propulsion. It was also an advanced project in the examination of the basic structure of matter and how to transform it. It was thus a project designed to explore the potentialities of a unified physics. The question remains: what was the basis of that unification?

  The uniqueness of the Bell is again manifest, even when compared to these contemporary examples, for the Bell, while clearly involving a plasma, and while clearly involving charge coherence or polarization, as in Shoulder’s work, involves clearly one other aspect: counterrotation, and with that, frequency, and the zeroing of electromagnetic vectors to create a scalar potential.

  2. Four Mysteries and Ion Oscillation

  According to physicist and engineer Moray B. King, T. Henry Moray himself understood that there were four big mysteries associated with his machine:

  1) What is the energy source driving the device? 2) How can thin wires conduct “cold currents” that penetrate glass? 3) How can a device pick up normal street conversations from miles away? 4) How can element transmutation occur at low energies? All of these anomalies seem to center around surging or oscillating ions in plasma, a theme that Moray emphasized throughout his book.16

  In other words, Henry Moray understood that the four anomalies were connected to “oscillating plasma,” that is, to regularly pulsed plasma. But there are yet more possible conceptual foundations to the Bell.

  3. Paul Brown’s Glow Plasma Oscillator

  While reading Moray King’s The Energy Machine of T. Henry Moray, I came upon this picture of Dr. Paul Brown’s “nuclear battery” and was quite stunned at the strong conceptual – and actual physical – resemblance between it and the Bell.

  Note the principle of interior and exterior coils, with the central coil, as in the Bell, being stimulated by a radioactive material. The coils also imply that rotation was involved in Brown’s thinking from the outset.

  Moray King notes that

  General Electric, in their due diligence for partnership to manufacture the battery, sent their nuclear physicist to investigate it. Paul Brown said the physicist lost sleep for a week because he could not explain the excessive energy. It was after this investigation that the suppression problems really began for Paul Brown, for it appears he successfully created self-running, zero-point energy device.17

  If this can be said for Brown’s device, it is a small step to state the same of the Bell itself, since it operated on principles that, while certainly not identical, were similar.

4. Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Self-Organization

  In my books on the Weapon Hypothesis as an explanation of the machine-like properties of the Great Pyramid,18 I touched upon an aspect of the emerging new physics called “non-equilibrium thermodynamics.” The physics emerged from the pioneering work of Ilya Prigogine, who noticed the tendency of systems, driven into extreme states of non-equilibrium, to self-organize. Three requirements had to be present for any system to self-organize:

  1) It must be nonlinear,

  2) far from equilibrium, and

  3) have an energy flux passing through it.

  The theoretical models describing the zero-point energy fulfill these requirements. Merging the theories of the zero-point energy with the theories of system self-organization open the scientific possibility of activating a coherent ZPE interaction, which could become a basis for new technology.19

  As King observes, these requirements “point the way for inventing a system that could tap the zero-point energy:”

  1) Work with a highly nonlinear system like a plasma,

  2) drive it far from equilibrium by an abrupt discharge, and

  3) work with the appropriate elementary particles which maximize their influence when interacting with the zero-point energy.20

  Note what is involved here: plasmas which are driven to a far-from-equilibrium state by an abrupt discharge or pulse, and particles, which, on the view of Wheeler and others – as will be seen below – are but vorticular structures in the aether. Two of the elements of the Bell are involved in this – plasmas and rotation – and, if one recalls the “beehive-like” buzzing sound associated with the Bell, a sound characteristic of the rapid opening and closing of high voltage DC switches characteristic of Tesla’s experiments, one may safely conjecture that a third element may have been involved as well, an element that Witkowski, as has been seen, discounts: abrupt and rapidly repeated high voltage DC pulsing. If this additional element was involved in the Bell – which in my opinion is likely – then this would mean that it was not only a sophisticated “plasma trap” but something more: it was a zero-point energy device involving the use of two different types of electrical potential, continuous (AC) and discontinuous (DC).21 As King observes, any “abrupt motion of matter is a vacuum energy activator,”22 since, in effect, one is pulsing a vortex in that vacuum.


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