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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

Page 37

by Joseph P. Farrell

  e. JEHOVAH was a DoD project to back engineer the hardware research the physics. Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer was appointed by Dr. Bush to head this project. The project name was coined by Albert Einstein in 1949. Oppenheimer held this job until 1953 until the AEC no longer considered him reliable and had his security clearance taken away and lost his government job in 1954.

  f. Einstein became unreliable in 1955 and died of “cancer”.

  g. Oppenheimer continued as a MJ-12 player until his death from “cancer.”

  h. In 1960 MJ-12 concluded that UFOs were a possible threat to U.S. defenses and could instigate mass paranoia. They also concluded that the EBEs could gain control of U.S. defenses during a nuclear crisis by interfering with the guidance and targeting computers of the Atlas ICBMs based in Turkey.

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  j. In 1960, President Eisenhower approved a joint defense plan written by MJ-12 that in the event the U.S. came under a nuclear attack by the USSR through EBE deception the U.S. would not retaliate with proposed USAF SIOP15 and only after confirmation of UFO misidentification launch surgical strikes on the USSR. The purpose of the strikes was to take out USSR command and control infrastructure preventing an all out nuclear war.

  k. During the Cuban Missile Crisis President Kennedy was briefed by MJ-12 and was told that the EBE deception was the reason the Soviets wanted to place first strike nuclear weapons in Cuba and he therefore restricted U.S. nuclear forces from initiating the GRAND TOUR to bomber strikes. General Lemay was so furious with JFK that he secretly gave orders to SAC to go ahead with SIOP in the event the U.S. perceived a first strike warning from Russia.

  l. In 1963, JFK sought to ease the uneasy tension by extending cooperation with the USSR in outer space investigation of UFOs through a joint moon project. MJ-12 was opposed to this because they felt the militarization of the moon would place the U.S. in a dangerous situation with the EBEs who control the dark side of the moon.

  m. In 1964, President Johnson was briefed by MJ-12 on the dangerous relationship with EBEs’ and how they influenced the doctrines and policies of U.S. foreign relations. MJ-12 successfully prevented NICAP representatives from issuing their conclusions on UFOs to government leaders and blocked attempts by NICAP to brief Johnson on the UFO threat. MJ-12 was responsible for this coup.

  n. In 1969, President Nixon was briefed by MJ-12 on all aspects of UFO activity and the EBE problem since 1947. Fearing possible leaks within his NSC and national security advisor Kissinger, Nixon approved a Special Classified Executive Order that required the U.S. intelligence community to purge all references to MJ-12 in their UFO files and to destroy documents that could connect him to JFK’s assassination by MJ-12. As Vice President, Nixon approved ZR RIFLE written by the 40 Committee (MJ-1 issued new directives that sanctioned JFK’s murder) for political assassination operations.

  o. After the press learned of the Watergate break in and theft of documents that could link MJ-12 to the 40 Committee, MJ-12 arranged 15 SIOP was the US Air Force’s targeting timetable for the nuclear and thermonuclear destruction of strategic targets in the Soviet Union.for Nixon’s exposure to ZR RIFLE and blackmailed him which led to his resignation.

  p. MJ-12 arranged for the removal of FBI DIRECTOR J. Edgar Hoover in 1972 through “natural causes” because he “knew too much” and had used his contract killers to eliminate unrealiable individuals who could expose MJ-12’s existence and activities

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  Mr. Cooper, I could go on and on but I think you get the gist of it. I cannot verify everything I have written here but with a little reading and research I think you can judge for yourself whether all this is true or not. Consider the JFK murder for example. Everyone believes he was a victim of a “lone nut” assassin as the Warren Commission Report said (which by the way was pure fiction). It was not the Cuban problem or the Cubans. Cuba was a screen to keep civilian researchers and the Congress away from the true motive for his death. Simply put, Kennedy would have interfered with MJ-12’s effort to come up with a defense and a plausible explanation to the UFO/EBE problem and was too sensitive an issue for interruption even by a president. Everyone believes that a president is in charge of his own office. That is simply NOT TRUE! Presidents can be and are compromised about issues they don’t need to know of. The reason is a simple one. It gives them plausible deniability just like CIA directors who are often asked this question: ‘What do we know about UFOs?’ Once exposed to the data they are changed and are stuck with this problem: ‘What do I tell the President?’ You can’t tell the President without telling others. There is no such thing as a secret in the White House. Just look at the China espionage case. Until he really needs to know nothing will be told him and that is that. This is the real dilemma for those in “the know” because the EMEs (extraterrestrial materialized entities) have complete control over UFOs (not to be confused with manmade UAVs often mistaken for UFOs for they have been around since the 1950s and are operated and controlled by the USAF, CIA and NRO) and can appear anywhere as anything at any time. Do you understand now? The intelligence behind true UFO sighting cases can materialize and ????????

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  appear at will to anyone at anytime any place. Why do you think the Air Force wanted Project Blue Book terminated? Because they could not explain them in conventional terms without being laughed at by scientists.

  After 12,000 cases they had all the evidence they needed and handed it over to the CIA and NSA. Was it mere coincidence that Blue Book was terminated after Apollo 11 landed on the moon? And, do you think it was mere coincidence that the Dead Sea Scrolls appeared about the same time the UFOs were found in New Mexico? Everything associated with UFOs has a purpose and so far, no one has figured it out yet. The appearance of UFOs in our century is no accident. Why do you think the other project was called JEHOVAH? Put the two together and see for yourself. It is SPIRITUAL! MJ-12 did and it scared the shit out of them. The 12 Apostles and the 12 created in 1947. One is an antitypical reflection of the other except the antitypical 12 are not spiritual men and couldn’t grasp the significance and import of what was happening on the world scene. I know this sounds crazy and unbelievable but it is true, believe me. I have it from reliable sources that the CIA used Jacques Vallee’s books as a guide for interpreting the human response to the UFO contact problem and I suggest you do the same. He is studied at the CIA and NSA and is quoted in their literature. One thing that you should concern yourself with and that is the possible undercurrent of image and character assassination that may be used against you if you are taken too seriously by the media and the press. Unless you have strong backing by the responsible members of the UFO

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  and the media you could end up like some others who have tried to use this knowledge for their own personal gain. I also caution you about the severe psychological and spiritual affects from UFO investigations. Some well known researchers have suffered personal identity questions and loss of close family ties and even faith itself. Don’t let this happen to you. You have to maintain a balance and perspective when investigating this phenomenon. Some have lost all sense of reality and have suffered insanity as a result. I wouldn’t recommend getting involved in remote viewing for a solution. The EMEs are not to be believed and are quite deceptive. I’ll let you in on one secret that MJ-12 found early on. The earth’s environment has undergone significant changes and are part of the ENVIRONMENT! The redacted portion of the librarys (??) book found in New Mexico predicts a world wide invasion of EMEs in the year 2030 according to the lunar calendar which commences sometime after 1999. The CIA has undertaken a survey project called ENVIRONMENT through a joint CIA-civilian project called MEDEA to look at what damage has been caused by EME controlled UFO activity especially around nuclear power plants and industrial waste production. From what I know the ea
rth’s population is being contaminated and our DNA is being altered through pollution or our air, food supply, and water. The digital Trojan Horse is going to wreck havoc soon and we have the EMEs to blame (not really, the army is responsible for that one). To reduce it in a few words, WE ARE CATTLE AND SUBJECT TO SLAUGHTER BY EMEs. That is the GAME PLAN. The “insiders” know this and are taking advantage of the situation. Our only hope may come from extraterrestrial intervention. The world leaders see no viable solution except

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  population control through biological warfare and regional conflicts. If UFOs trigger a nuclear exchange lets say between India and Pakistan, or between China and Japan, or North and South Korea, or between Israel and Iraq, the NATO countries will surely take advantage and try to finish them off. Keep an eye on Russia and China. They may start something along these lines and try to draw the U.S. into it. In order to justify this kind of population control they may invent a crisis from outer space. They may try to convince the world that extraterrestrials may invade our planet and eliminate the human race and therefore they need to deploy their space defenses and kill a number of people in the process. Already there are events taking place all over the U. S. and in other countries that are UFO related that bear this out. We are being inoculated for possible biological warfare and at the same time being conditioned (programmed) for extraterrestrial contact. This was and still is the agenda of secret government preparations. They know it is coming but don’t know when and how.

  I hope you don’t take all this as the rantings of a raging lunatic. What I have written is based on what I have learned over the years and my association with the intelligence community who is equally in the dark as to the ultimate conclusion. I have included some goodies for you which you might find helpful. Lot’s of luck to you and keep plugging away. The answer may be a simple one.



  This document contains a number of unsubstantiated assertions regarding MJ-12 and the nature of its ongoing operations, not the least of which is again its willingness to commit murder to maintain its deep secrecy and covert development of “recovered technology”:

  1. Former CIA director William Colby is allegedly murdered because of his implication by name in MJ-12 documents linked to the JFK assassination(“you may not know now, but you have some really important stuff that is creating a lot of tension in the UFO community. If you don’t, you have better appreciate it. You have been given information that no one has. To make my point a little more clearer, remember a few years back when you got the JFK memo William Colby got fingered in it and someone decided to shut him up before he was questioned about it. Coincidence? No way! He was not the first to be eliminated and won’t be the last I assure you.”)

  2. MJ-12 appears to have been privatized by President Nixon, in part as a measure to insulate him from being implicated in involvement with the assassination, but, reading between the lines, also in part as a wider attempt to provide completely black cover to MJ-12 and independent sources of funding. Put differently, Cooper’s anonymous source alleges a fantastic thing: MJ-12 has grown so powerful it no longer falls under the control of the American government, but has become a private and international concern in its own right, with deep corporate pockets. This is elaborated in three discrete statements by the source:

  a. “MJ-12 does not exist as a government intelligence entity. It ceased to exist in 1969 and became a private concern financed by big money and big science.”

  b. “The UFO/EBE Working Group is an international consortium financed and supported by some of the biggest money institutions and private industrialists in the world.”

  c. “In 1969, President Nixon was briefed by MJ-12 on all aspects of UFO activity and the EBE problem since 1947. Fearing possible leaks within his NSC and national security advisor Kissinger, Nixon approved a Special Classified Executive Order that required the U.S. intelligence community to purge all references to MJ-12 in their UFO files and to destroy documents that could connect him to JFK’s assassination by MJ-12. As Vice President, Nixon approved ZR RIFLE written by the 40 Committee (MJ-1 issued new directives that sanctioned JFK’s murder) for political assassination operations.”

  d. These points suggest an independent and very secret development of advanced technologies. Notably the date was 1969, the same year as the first Apollo moon landings. One might therefore speculate on the following scenario: Gehlen, Von Braun, and scores of Nazi scientists and intelligence agents struck their famous “bargain” with the American military-industrial-national security complex, and in return, continued not only to pursue their projects, but to penetrate sensitive areas of the very government that presumed to control them, giving them a measure of “semi-independence.” In 1969 their influence had grown so powerful, perhaps, that the relationship was severed, and MAJIC-12 became totally independent, perhaps merged into some “Nazi International” with deep corporate pockets.

  3. Einstein and Oppenheimer were allegedly murdered by MJ-12 by being “given cancer” when they became “unreliable”, presumably meaning no longer in sympathy with the goals or methods of the MJ-12 group. It is significant perhaps that Jack Ruby, the assassin of the alleged assassin of JFK, claimed that he was being “murdered by cancer” injections to silence him.

  4. The Apollo Moon program apparently has some connection with a plan not only to militarize the moon jointly with the Russians,16 but also is a program specifically designed at its heart – though the purpose remains secret – to investigate UFOs: “In 1963, JFK sought to ease the uneasy tension by extending cooperation with the USSR in outer space investigation of UFOs through a joint moon project. MJ-12 was opposed to this because they felt the militarization of the moon would place the U.S. in a dangerous situation with the EBEs who control the dark side of the moon.” In other words, the document gives its own version of the Two Space Programs hypothesis.

  5. Kennedy was assassinated for attempted interference with the plans and goals of the MJ-12 group: “Simply put, Kennedy would have interfered with MJ-12’s effort to come up with a defense and a plausible explanation to the UFO/EBE problem and was too sensitive an issue for interruption even by a president.”

  6. The crash and recovery of a craft in Roswell in 1947 and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is not coincidental, implying that there is a spiritual dimension to the problem. Moreover, the cancellation of Blue Book after Apollo 11 landed is connected: “Was it mere coincidence that Blue Book was terminated after Apollo 11 landed on the moon? And, do you think it was mere coincidence that the Dead Sea Scrolls appeared about the same time the UFOs were found in New Mexico?” The implication is similar to my analysis in Reich of the Black Sun that the Byrd Highjump Expedition to Antarctica and the subsequent allegations he made in the Chilean press are connected to the events at Roswell and to the murder of Secretary of War James Forrestal. Cooper’s source is, moreover, suggesting a “spiritual” dimension by connecting the Dead Sea Scrolls to all of this.17

  7. Cooper’s source alleges that the portion of the recovered “leaf book” that is blacked out in the publicly received version of the “White Hot Intelligence Estimate”18 contains information concerning the planned invasion and slaughter of humanity by EBEs in 2030: “I’ll let you in on one secret that MJ-12 found early on. The earth’s environment has undergone significant changes and are part of the ENVIRONMENT! The redacted portion of the librarys19 (??) book found in New Mexico predicts a world wide invasion of EMEs in the year 2030 according to the lunar calendar which commences sometime after 1999.”

  8. Of interest is the coincidence of this genocidal agenda with Hitler’s own genocidal plans for the world had he succeeded in conquering it: “To reduce it in a few words, WE ARE CATTLE AND SUBJECT TO SLAUGHTER BY EMEs. That is the GAME PLAN.” Thus, even ideologically there appears to be a connection to Nazism, and likewise, to the “spiritual” aspect alleged by
Cooper’s source. This “globalcidal” agenda appears, however, to be the result of a planned deception of humanity: “In order to justify this kind of population control they may invent a crisis from outer space. They may try to convince the world that extraterrestrials may invade our planet and eliminate the human race and therefore they need to deploy their space defenses and kill a number of people in the process.” This squares exactly with Von Braun’s warning to Dr. Carol Rosin, as recorded in her affidavit and cited in Reich of the Black Sun.20 In other words, the source’s remarks may point to the survival and “internationalization and privatization” of the Nazi death cult via the privatization and internationalization of MJ-12 itself.

  5. Document 5: Top Secret/Jehovah NSA Intercept:

  I cite the following document in its entirety though only one small portion is of extreme interest:






  MESSAGE = 12697232

  DL #3421 1211123



  FM ????





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