SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology Page 44

by Joseph P. Farrell

  But again, Jack Anderson’s and Mae Brussell’s picture presents yet another disturbing picture: one not only of such continued Nazi existence, but of its continued semi- or complete independence from the control of the U.S. or any Latin American government. Indeed, it would have been relatively easy for such professionally trained assassins to keep their own records and proofs of connections with these countries’ intelligence services and governments to organized crime and murder and Latin America. In short, it would be a very easy thing for such independent Nazi colonies to blackmail their so-called masters with the threat of exposure.

  8. George De Mohrenschildt

  When “Marxist” and Soviet defector Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the United States with Russian wife Marina in tow, he began to associate with some very un-Marxist and un-Communist characters, like East European emigrant and Texas oil geology businessman George DeMohrenschildt. DeMohrenschildt was unusual company for the supposedly poor Oswald to be running with, and he soon introduced Lee Harvey to Dallas’ White Russian and “tsarist” community, where he and Marina were befriended by Ruth and Michael Paine.

  The Paines assisted Lee Harvey in obtaining his job at the Texas School Book Depository and he and Marina stayed with the Paines in their home.

  This is all highly unusual, for of course, as has already been mentioned, Lee’s wife Marina was the daughter of a colonel in the Soviet Union’s military intelligence, the GRU, while Lee Harvey was, of course, supposedly a pro-Marxist defector to the Soviet Union who had achieved the impossible and “defected back” to the U.S.A. with a Russian wife!

  9. The Paines, The Oswalds, and General Dornberger

  Michael Paine took an extraordinary risk with this behavior towards the Oswalds, for he worked for Bell Aircraft in connection to the Defense Department, in a position that required him to have a top security clearance.13 Or perhaps it was not really a risk. Perhaps the Paines were being used to shepherd an already comprised Oswald into his final position.

  As for DeMohrenschildt, who was accused of being a Nazi spy, he perished of a fatal gunshot wound, allegedly a suicide, the day that the House Select Committee on Assassinations came looking for him.14

  10. Martin Bormann and JFK

  Many assassination researchers have pointed out that when he was arrested, Lee Harvey Oswald’s notebook contained the addresses of some very strange people for a “lone nut assassin” to be carrying around, people that included FBI agents among others. Other assassination researchers have pointed out that Oswald’s “Marxist” connections have all the signatures of someone being prepared for a role, in this case, role of “defector.”

  However, with so many strange Nazi connections lurking in the background, surely somewhere along the long line of murder and “coincidental deaths” that followed the assassination the media would have uncovered something about it and published it. Yet, of the Nazi connection there has been next to nothing, and of the Nazi Connection in Oswald’s notebook, absolutely nothing was said by the major American media.

  Yet, in 1976, a relatively popular book was published by then well-known investigative journalist Sybil Leek and Bert Sugar called The Assassination Chain, which had a foreward by none the less than famous syndicated columnist Jack Anderson. The book contained the following bit of information in a chapter called “the Right-Wing Extremist Scenario:”

  When Oswald was arrested, the FBI found his address book, and in it were the addresses of Major General Walker and George Lincoln Rockwell. These improbable names only add to the confusion of other addresses such as that of FBI Agent Hosty, whose conncection with Oswald has never been cleared up.15

  Oswald was, of course, accused of trying to assassinate Major General Edwin Walker. But this would hardly explain Agent Hosty’s presence in the address book, unless Oswald was either planning to assassinate him, or if General Walker’s true role was something other than we have been told.

  But in any case, the real figure of interest is of course George Lincoln Rockwell, the leader of the American Nazi Party. This seems so incongruously out of place as to be ridiculous, unless one recalls Brussell’s allegations concerning the CIA’s secret U-2 base at Atsugi Air Force Base in Japan, where Oswald was stationed, and where, according to Brussell, Reinhard Gehlen’s “Organization” was recruiting and training paramilitary agents for covert operations inside the Soviet Union.

  But why not say something about it? Surely the address of the leader of the American Nazi Party would have cinched the case that Oswald was a “lone nut”! But one would not say something about it if in fact the connection was real, and revealed something about Oswald and the conspiracy to assassinate the president.

  If, in other words, Oswald was being sheep-dipped for precisely this sort of operation – which his “defection” to the Soviet Union has every appearance of being – then it was a group of former Nazis that were doing it, ostensibly for the CIA, but possibly for their own purposes as well.

  In this regard, there does exist evidence that Oswald was exposed to precisely some sort of German connection while in Japan. In one of the most bizarre assassination theory books to appear, author Lincoln Lawrence’s Were We Controlled? makes the following point from the testimony of one of Oswald’s Marine buddies to the Warren Commission, one Nelson Delgado, while they were both stationed in California.

  In his testimony, Nelson Delgado offers these startling thoughts for us to ponder on… Delgado: “Well, like I say, he tried to teach me Russian, but then another time, I had some thought that what he was speaking to me was German.” And then later in the same testimony… Liebeler: “It seemed to you like it was German?” Delgado: “Like German, yes.” Still later, “I could only assume it was Jewish, or German and later on when I was in Germany, I think… I am pretty sure… it was German that he was speaking.” At another point in the questioning, Delgado (by his own testimony, Oswald’s closest friend in the Marine Corps) was askied if he had met Oswald at any time when he (Delgado) was in Germany. Delgado: “No, I wanted to… I knew that he was over there and going to school…”16

  What the alleged assassin of President Kennedy was doing with the address of the American Nazi Party Leader George Lincoln Rockwell in his notebook no one ever seems to want to discuss. Nor does anyone in the American media seem to want to inquire as to where Lee Harvey Oswald might have learned German along the way to his defection to the Soviet Union and his stay in the capital of Byelorussia: Minsk. Mae Brussell alone, in all the American media since the assassination, has intimated where: the Gehlenorg’s operation at Atsugi AFB in Japan, preparing, at the behest of Allen Dulles, for covert operations inside the USSR.

  Some sort of German connection is there, and in the Warren Commission’s own testimony to boot.

  But if the American media was silent about this aspect of the assassination, the European media was not. As Brussell indicates,

  In August 1971, a French paper headlined a news story, “Martin Bormann behind the Kennedy murders.” It listed an international band of killers that was located in Texas. They carried out the two assassinations at the German command.

  Six years later, June 8, 1977, the London Guardian reported, “Bormann Linked with Kennedy Murder.” This story was based on a new book titled Treason for My Daily Bread by Mikhail Lebedev.

  Lebedev detailed how Martin Bormann left Europe, established his current life in Paraguay, and how the fatal head shot to Kennedy was delivered by an agent paid by Bormann, alias of Zed.17

  As Brussell points out, these allegations of Nazi connections – known since the Torbitt document was discretely circulated in 1971 – and publicly known since Lebedev’s book, and for that matter, Leek and Sugar’s The Assassination Chain, both appeared while the House Select Committee on Assassinations was conducting its investigations to “find the truth.” Yet, the Nazi aspect of the story was the one subject that the Committee’s Chief Consul, G. Robert Blakey, would never countenance, refusing “to admit any research
or documents on these subjects.”18

  In other words, one may speak of possible CIA involvement, of possible Mafia involvement, of the possible involvement of a disgruntled group of anti-Castro Cuban exiles, even of the possible involvement of disenchanted elements within the CIA and the American military, in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. But of the possible involvement of Nazis, one may never speak.

  11. The “Octopus” Before the “Octopus”: the Bunge Corporation Beats Danny Casolaro by Two Decades

  But assuming that there was Nazi involvement in the Kennedy assassination, what was its motivation? That international bankers would have had motivations, in the retrospective of Kennedy’s intention to bypass the Federal Reserve and authorize the printing and circulation of United States notes, seems clear enough. That the Mafia had its own motivations is also equally clear. After all, the Mafia had helped elect the Kennedy Administration, and suddenly it found itself confronted by a hostile Justice Department under Attorney General Robert Kennedy. The Anti-Castro Cubans had motivation, since Kennedy clearly had undertaken private commitments with the Soviet Union not to invade nor to sponsor covert operations designed to overthrow Castro. One may even see in the Anti-Castro forces a motivation for the similar involvement of at least the crypto-Nazi Eastern European émigré groups, such as the White Russian community in Dallas, to which Oswald was introduced by DeMohrenschildt. Such groups would have been low-level players, helping in the detail work to position the major players and cutouts – people like Oswald himself – in their respective positions. Their motivation would have been clear: after the Bay of Pigs and Kennedy’s “betrayal” of the Cuban émigré community, he had signaled clearly his opposition to the CIA’s and military’s “rollback” policy towards Communism, a policy that depended on these émigré fronts to fight proxy “wars of liberation” from their Communist masters.

  Every one of the major alleged players in the assassination conspiracy has a clear and plausible motive for being there.

  Except for the Nazis.

  Their motivations seem obscure at best, since they seem cloaked behind all the other groups, at the very highest level, like the international bankers themselves, who would clearly have felt threatened by Kennedy’s purpose to by-pass the Federal Reserve and create debt-free money. But even here, one can sense the high mystery. That there are strange, if not downright bizarre, connections to Nazis in the assassination should now be clear, yet, unlike even international banking, the Nazis seem to have no interest whatsoever for involvement. Once again, one is back to the question of motivations.

  But therein also lies, perhaps, the key to their involvement, and their motivations. For if they lie hidden behind all these other groups, if in fact they – intended as a final deep cover “cut-out” layer – became the ultimate controllers who gave the final “go” order, as the European newspaper reports suggest by naming Bormann himself as the decision-maker, then one may speculate on their motivations.

  Clearly, to undertake such drastic action, one of two things, or a combination of both, would have had to be present: (1) Some policy or policies of President Kennedy was perceived as a threat to their interests; and/or (2) some advantage had to be gained by his elimination. As I shall argue below, if there is Nazi involvement, then I believe some combination of both is behind it.

  Again, Mae Brussell is the first prominent media personality to mention the tip of a German iceberg that may be the first clue to unraveling the mystery of Nazi involvement, and the even greater mystery of its motivations for such a hideous act. Discovering Lincoln Lawrence’s book Were We Controlled?19 Brussell begins to follow the only big money trail known to exist in connection with the assassination:

  The stock market dropped 24 points in 27 minutes when news of President Kennedy’s assassination was announced. 2.6 million shares were sold off. It was the greatest panic since 1929. Somebody made a huge profit selling short in many markets. Somebody made half a billion dollars in one day.20

  That somebody, according to Lincoln Lawrence, was Bunge and Born, LDA, or simply, the Bunge Corporation. The same day, another company’s stock, crashed: the Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation. The crash helped further drive the market down.

  Before considering Lincoln Lawrence’s presentation of the Bunge Corporation’s activities on the week prior to the assassination, it is worth pausing to consider Brussell’s own statements of Bunge’s extent and influence.

  Allied Crude was controlled by U.S. American Bunge Corporation and financially controlled by a group of shareholders headquartered in Argentina known as “Bunge and Born, LDA.:

  Business Week of October 19, 1963, one month before the Kennedy assassination, described the Born family in Argentina, the biggest shareholders for Bunge, as being from Europe, specifically Germany.

  Everything about Bunge has German influence. They have $2 billion annual business in 80 countries. There are over 110 offices, all linked by Telex and under-the-ocean telegraph channels. The Bunge Corporation is referred to as “the Octopus.”21

  So what, exactly, is the connection between Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining, its crash, the Bunge Corporation, and the Kennedy assassination?

  Noting that the massive short-selling that occurred on Nov. 22, 1963, had been prepared well in advance, Lincoln Lawrence, in his little known classic on the Kennedy Assassination, Were We Controlled?, gives the following speculative outline of its connections and motivations:

  A small group of hard-as-steel international criminals (with German-Argentine intellectual and scientific backgrounds) carefully calculated that:

  The coincidence of the assassination of a President of the United States… and the simultaneous scandalizing and collapse of the commodities market… would rapidly drive the stock market down at least 30 points!

  Having advance knowledge of this event… the group would sell short on a heavily financed scale… and a profit of perhaps a half-billion dollars would be divided amongst its members.22

  How all this happened was through careful and very well-though-out long term manipulation of a man named Tino DeAngelis and his Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation.

  DeAngelis, according to Lawrence, first came to the attention of the financial group behind the Bunge Corporation in 1954, when in the process of contacts with the West German government, he announced his plans to found a company that would refine edible vegetable oils. In 1955, the Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Corporation was founded by DeAngelis and 20 of his most trusted friends in Bayonne, New Jersey.23

  Although it was the last thing that he could have foreseen, the formation of Allied fitted The Group’s plans and led inevitably to his complete financial ruin – and their profit!

  If for a second, you find it hard to believe that a small group operating out of a German headquarters could find it sufficiently profitable to plot the long term expansion and deflation of a financial bubble fathered by a Bronx butcher with dreams of glory, think again.24

  The Bunge Corporation was chosen, according to Lawrence, to be tied to Allied Crude simply because Bunge’s worldwide and virtually instantaneous communications network, which rivaled that of many large governments, was perfect for the sort of minute-by-minute and second-by-second manipulation of the commodities market their scheme required.25

  Thus, the fate of Bunge and Allied Crude – known to the Group but unknown to the luckless DeAngelis – was wedded in a long term scheme:

  (The Bunge Corporation’s) good will was essential to the business destiny of Allied!

  Of the fifty-one companies which either lent money to Allied or deposited oil at its Bayonne plant against warehouse receipts, the Bunge Corporation was the one most critically attached to its fate.

  When Allied’s ship of destiny was steered into the deep waters, as indeed it was by an amazing series of maneuvers, only one collision was needed to sink it instantly to the bottom. A collision with Bunge Corporation would suffic
e… creating a disaster that would take with it the investment of the other fifty companies.26

  How was DeAngelis’ collapse engineered?

  Lawrence answers by stating that Bunge’s role apparently was to feed DeAngelis’ ambitions, no matter what. “Bunge used its own money to finance DeAngelis instead of resorting to bank loans.” 27 Someone at Bunge wanted very much for De Angelis to succeed, or rather, to appear to succeed:

  Going even further in its paternal interest in De Angelis’ business affairs, Bunge allowed De Angelis to really take off into financial outer space… by pledging at one point as much as thirty-eight shares of the hundred odd shares of Allied stock and other De Angelis stock for huge loans. Someone in Bunge supported him in his efforts to play king. Others, like Karl Groenfeld, Senior Traffic Manager for Bunge, were suspicious.28


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