SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology

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SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology Page 45

by Joseph P. Farrell

  With such powerful corporate backing apparently in his corner, DeAngelis could do no wrong, and was refused no financial favor by some very prestigious brokerage houses on Wall Street.

  In the summer of 1961, DeAngelis and Allied Crude began to be steered “into a position where his back was to the wall,”29 for during that period

  $166,000,000 was deposited to Tino’s firm at the First National Bank of North Bergen.

  Tino was led to believe that he had a sure order from Spain for 275 million pounds of soybean oil! Payment for this would have amounted to thirty-six and a half million dollars! ….

  So, of course, began the inevitable build-up of Allied for the big let-down. In his Bayonne tanks, De Angelis had about fifty million pounds of oil. That left 225 million pounds for Allied to acquire in the future.

  Tino turned to the Chicago Board of Trade, with a supposed Spanish “promise” of eventual payment in American dollars. (Were he not controlled, this alone would have alerted him to take a second look at the deal.) Tino started dealing….Allied is said to have closed over 3,000 separate contracts for 180-million pounds of oil. If the sale to Spain were not consummated, he would have put forth 18 million dollars for these orders. And even a half-cent a pound drop in the futures price (if it occurred before delivery date) would mean that De Angelis would have to produce almost a million dollars more within twenty-four hours to meet the margin regulations of the Exchange.

  The Spanish deal, of course, as it had been controlled from the start… vanished into thin air…leaving Tino sitting on top of the soybean world in an almost insane predicament.30

  Recall that Spain was headquarters to Skorzeny’s International Fascista organization, and that Skorzeny was no stranger to financial wheeling and dealing, being the son-in-law to former Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht. Was Skorzeny the source of the “deal” that De Angelis considered so certain? Was this the reason, too, that he did not question being paid in American dollars, since he knew his “source” was certainly capable of paying in American dollars?

  We will never know, but we do know that De Angelis’ behavior at that point becomes increasingly strange if not tragic. He began to buy futures contracts, “not on orders he had for Allied, but supposedly on contracts he might be going to get.”31 Since the “Spanish deal” and its collapse had already placed De Angelis against the wall, the only way he could purchase these furtures contracts was by issuing phony warehouse receipts for oil stored in his tanks that did not exist!32 Using these phony receipts, he began borrowing money from several brokerage houses for the funds needed to purchase commodities futures.

  Recall that Bunge had loaned De Angelis money from its own funds, a process that had been repeated in the years prior to the “Spanish deal.” De Angelis approached Bunge for more money in October of 1963 for another loan, and “to his astonishment, Bunge refused!”33 Bunge had now weakened Allied Crude for the big crash.

  De Angelis attempted to survive a bit longer using check-kiting tactics and more phony warehouse receipts.34

  On the Wednesday afternoon before the assassination, Bunge now moved to eliminate Allied, the very corporation it had helped found and propel to prominence, by informing one holder of the phony warehouse receipts to “be on the alert” about De Angelis.35 Then, on Thursday November 21st, 1963, the final trap was laid.

  On Thursday afternoon it was important to the success of the “controllers” that the groundwork for a complete panic of the market be laid so that on the day of the assassination, Friday, the prices would plummet and the profits reaped by selling short would be insured.

  In considering whether (this scenario) is truth or fantasy, one must note that of the fifty-odd companies that could have moved that day to lift the lid that would light the bomb… the one that did file suit (charging that [one of the warehouse receipt holders] had “lost 160,450,000 pounds of oil worth $14,240,000 at Allied through forged orders was not Haupt, not Williston & Beane… but the Bunge Corporation!36

  As the news of the assassination of the president reached a stock exchange already concussed by the collapse of Allied Crude, its bankruptcy filing, and the suspension of trade of several of De Angelis’ brokerage house financial backers, the market plummeted so severely, in part driven down by massive short selling, that the Board of Governors closed trading at 2:07 p.m., more than eighty minutes before its normal closing.37

  One of De Angelis’ and Allied Crude’s major customers, Frederick Hediger of Garnac Grain, was subsequently quoted in Time magazine as “saying that when he heard on the radio that afternoon that ‘Kennedy had been assassinated, I thought this must be a plot by the Russians or the underworld – too many crazy things are happening at once.’”38 Even the New York State Attorney General thought that it was possible that De Angelis and his Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Refining Company had been “’broken’ in the futures market by someone who sold short and profited on a gigantic scale.”39

  That someone was, according to Lawrence, a group of Germans inside of Bunge corporation, a group of Germans of “intellectual and scientific background,” who, on his view, orchestrated the whole scenario for nothing more than massive financial gain.

  Back to this in a moment.

  While there are a number of factors that have not been recounted here – as for example the heavy role of “mind control” in Lawrence’s speculations that Oswald, De Angelis, and Jack Ruby were all cynically manipulated by this German “Group” for the mere purpose of immense financial gain – there are a number of points that would tend to make one discount the whole scenario, the most basic of which was that the whole thing occurred merely for financial gain.

  But oddly, Lawrence himself hints at, though never again pursues or mentions, that the “group” behind his scenario had intellectual and “scientific backgrounds,” hinting in turn that there was possibly a motivation behind that of the motivation of financial gain. The money was to be used for something, something that, if one carefully reads between the lines of Lawrence’s book, is scientific in nature. Of course, the Bell and similar projects would have required heavy financial outlays. And one would have needed such financial injections for independent projects

  Only when taken in a much wider context of the other major players in the conspiracy and their motivations does Lawrence’s scenario not only make sense, but begins to hint at things that would have made Nazi involvement coalesce with the other elements: the Mafia, big business and banking, the military industrial complex, “pissed-off” émigré groups, and so on. As Lawrence makes clear, the sudden coincidence of the collapse of Allied Crude, instigated by Bunge, with the assassination, the heavy round of short selling designed ahead of time to occur on that same day, have all the appearance of events being driven by people “in the know.” The events on the stock market during that day have the familiar and dolorous ring of similar stock market events during September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. As will be seen below, the financial picture and motivation of the assassination begin to connect other dots, dots that trace their spider-web-thin and tenuous but still clearly visible threads back to Germany, and World War Two.

  We will return to the subject of possible Nazi involvement and motivations in this bizarre scenario in a later section. But for now, there is one last connection that Mae Brussell exposes.

  12. More Odd Behavior and Connections: West German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger, and Nixon

  The day after the assassination of President Kennedy, right-wing extremist, Major General Edwin Walker called Munich, Germany from his home in Shreveport, Louisiana. He called the Munich-based newspaper, the Deutsche National und Soldaten Zeitung (The German National and Soldiers’ Times), a neo-nazi rag based in Munich. He called to tell them that Lee Harvey Oswald, the suspect in the assassination, was the same person that had tried to kill him by shooting through his window in April of 1963.40 This is the same General Walker whose address, as mentioned above, was found in Oswald’s address book, a
long with that of FBI agent James Hosty, and incongruously, that of American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell. Conveniently, “Marxist” Oswald, having allegedly taken pot shots at Walker, was now accused of shooting and killing president Kennedy.

  The trouble is, as Brussell points out, “there was never one shred of evidence, or a reliable witness, that could make this connection” of Oswald to the General’s would-be (and unsuccessful) assassin.41 Thus, as Brussell alleges, it became necessary for Ruth Paine to deliver a post-dated letter to Marina Oswald from Lee, implicating him in the attempt on General Walker and establishing him as a “lone nut” extremist capable of murdering prominent figures alone and unaided.42

  Pause and consider what framing Oswald for this act accomplishes, for it kills two birds with one stone. Firstly, it establishes him as a “lone nut”. Secondly, it distances him from his right-wing extremist connections, since he is allegedly shooting at a right-wing extremist general. This in turn would make his alleged Marxist beliefs seem more genuine.

  But, asks Brussel, “Why was General Walker in such a hurry to get his information printed in Germany before anybody in Dallas ever heard about it?” Her answer is, even for Mae Brussell, somewhat unusual

  Kurt-George Kiesinger had just been installed as Chancellor of West Germany and Franz-Josef Strauss as finance minister.

  Kiesinger entered the radio propaganda division of Nazi Foreign Minister (Joachim) Von Ribbentrop at age 36. He was then directing a worldwide radio propaganda apparatus with 195 specialists under his supervision during the war. He was the liaison officer, coordinating his department’s work with that of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels.43

  In other words, Brussell is implying that the change in power in West Germany was somehow linked to the assassination, and the assumption of power in the United States by Lyndon B. Johnson. But beyond this she does not speculate, and that is, for Mae Brussell, decidedly unusual.

  C. The JFK Connection in Early MAJIC-12 Documents

  If the Nazis were involved in the JFK assassination, then, as Lincoln Lawrence’s speculative scenario avers, one motivation of their involvement was for financing to continue their scientific projects. As for the involvement itself, as was seen in the previous chapter, there are some documents in the Cooper-Cantwheel set of MAJIC-12 classified UFO papers that indicate a connection of at least the subject of UFOs to the assassination, via the memorandum addressed to General Charles Peare Cabell, one of the CIA bigwigs sacked by Kennedy allegedly for his involvement in the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

  General Cabell also had another connection besides that of the MAJIC-12 group and his CIA association. He was intimately involved in Operation Paperclip, and his involvement was in connection with bringing over Nazi “aviation doctors.” Lest one forget who these doctors were, these were the ones performing grizzly and barbaric medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners to study effects on humans in extreme conditions, including outer space.44

  Cabell’s brother Earle was mayor of Dallas during the assassination, and was also instrumental in getting the motorcade route changed to make the detour that took Kennedy into the “kill zone” in front of the Texas School Book Depository and the Grassy Knoll. But the document itself suggests a technological and policy motive to the assassination may have underwritten at least the intelligence community’s involvement in it, namely, the secret development of recovered technology, the public repression of similar technological development, and the creation of appropriate policies for public manipulation. Kennedy, by threatening to smash the CIA, threatened this agenda with exposure, and that meant, in turn, exposure of Paperclip and how deeply corrupted American intelligence and defense had become. In short, Kennedy threatened – doubtless inadvertently – the whole continuing Nazi enterprise.

  One may also view this in connection with the Two Space Programs Hypothesis. If indeed Kennedy was serious about limited cooperation in space with the Soviets, then this too would have threatened aspects of America’s – and perhaps the Soviets’ own version of the – secret space program with exposure.

  And finally, what of all the lurking involvement not only of Nazis, but of big oil? Why this strange coalescence? If there was a continued development of the technology represented by the Bell – and the Bell and its strange effects were very real – then “the Brotherhood” would have had a final, crowning, motivation: they would have acted not only to continue the secret development and hoarding of such technology for themselves but also to maintain the reliance of everyone else on petroleum, using some of those profits to fund that continued technological development, and the suppression of any open and independent development of such technology.

  So, if Bunge Corporation pocketed major financial profits from the assassination, then, clearly, this was an after-thought: “If we’re going to do this to protect our interests, why not make a little money on the affair too?”

  It is in this context that two other MAJIC-12 documents should be viewed: the alleged letter from Cooper’s anonymous source indicating that President Nixon had “privatizing” the alleged UFO “study group,” giving credence to the idea that its massive intelligence operations and covert technology development, and public technology repression efforts, fell into, if were not originally in, independent hands.

  Similarly there are hints in this letter as well as in the burned “Annex C” that not only was President Kennedy eliminated because of the threat he posed to this group and its programs, but that Secretary of War James Forrestal was murdered for similar reasons as well.

  1. Guy Bannister, UFOs, and JFK

  As if all this were not enough, there is yet one more strange connection between the Kennedy assassination, UFOs, advanced technology, and the Nazis. For “one of the men involved in the investigation of UFO reports in the American Northwest (in 1947) was none other than FBI special agent Guy Bannister.”45 Not only this, but Bannister – who shared a New Orleans office in 1962 with Lee Harvey Oswald’s “Fair Play for Cuba Committee” – appears to be the real origin of the FBI’s “X Files:”

  A look at recently declassified FBI files for that period in 1947 show a number of telexes from Bannister, some with his initials “WGB,” all pertaining to UFO phenomena, as well as other FBI documents with the designation “Security Matter – X” or simply “SM-X,” the origin – the author supposes – of the “X Files,” which at least in 1947 did exist at the FBI and was concerned with UFOs…46

  It is, writes author Peter Levenda, “as if reality were layed like an onion, a palimpsest on which numerous events were written over each other, all on the same page. In this case, we have Operation Paperclip, UFOs, and the Kennedy assassination all written on the same sheet of onionskin parchment. Nazis, aliens, and political murder.”47 For Levenda, the conclusion, disturbing though it may be, is clear: “There is no lack of Nazi influence in and around the evcnts leading up to – and away from – the assassination.”48

  D. The Magus of Ingolstadt

  But where do all these spidery-thin strands lead? What, or who, might be at the center of this web?

  One of the persons surely near the center, as the European newspaper articles cited by Brussell suggest, was Martin Bormann, former Nazi Party Reichsleiter, financial administrator both of the Party’s and Hitler’s own personal fortunes, ever-present shadow to the Führer, and mastermind of the Nazi “strategic evacuation” plans. While not suggesting that Bormann is the only high-ranking member of the decision-making oligarchy that conspired to murder the President, if there is a Nazi involvement, and so many disparate sources suggest there is, then Bormann surely was a member of the planning and decision-making level of that group. Perhaps he was its driving force; perhaps he learned of an already existing conspiracy, and in customary Bormann fashion weaseled his way into it, and utilized it for his “Nazi International’s” own interest.

  But in any case, Bormann is a crucial figure, for after the beginning of actual wartime hostilities and H
itler’s ever-growing preoccupation with, and meddling in, Germany’s military operations, Bormann was left as the de facto day-to-day ruler of Nazi Germany, the gray eminence, the real power behind Hitler’s dark throne.

  1. Bormann and Ingolstadt: A Connection to the Illuminati?

  To appreciate Bormann’s significance, it is best to recall that besides his role as party leader and treasurer, he was also an SS Obergruppenführer. This would make Bormann – like Kammler and Mazuw – a probable member of Himmler’s “initiates” into the SS’s so-called “occult secrets and mysteries.” One has difficulty imagining the pragmatic and cynical Bormann involved in such rituals for any other purpose than to placate Himmler, and to keep an eye on his most serious rival for power.

  In spite of this, Bormann, of all the leading Nazis, is the one figure that is the most shrouded in mystery and contradictions. While finding it difficult to believe that Bormann could be anything less than cynical in his approach to Himmler’s fascination with the occult – recall that it is because Bormann kept such faithful notes of Hitler’s “table talk” that we know at all that Hitler regarded Himmler’s obsession with such things as “nonsense” – it is nonetheless remotely possible that Bormann was a very high initiate into his own secret society affiliations, for he had acquired a home after the Nazi assumption of power, near the town of Ingolstadt, which remained his legal residence throughout the war.

  For those who do not know the significance of Ingolstadt, it is the birthplace – on May 1, 1776 - of one of the most notorious secret societies in history: the Bavarian Illuminati of Ingolstadt University professor Adam Weishaupt. Given that Bormann’s boss at the time was one Rudolf Hess, a man known to be steeped in and obsessed with occult lore and secret societies of every stripe imaginable, it is difficult to believe that Bormann would not have known this aspect of the history of the town he had chosen to make home.


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