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Awaken Online_Retribution_Side Quest

Page 14

by Travis Bagwell

  Cecil watched her impassively, his wrinkled face unmoving. After a long moment, he grunted, “Fine. That damn girl was one of the least irritating people I’ve had to deal with in years. Perhaps I will do this one last thing for her.”

  The little man shifted in his seat, his hand reaching under the table. Riley heard a click, and a series of whirring sounds came from farther within the shop. Suddenly, a book whipped through the shelves and whizzed directly toward Cecil’s head. Just before it struck him, the little man lifted a gnarled hand and grabbed the book out of the air, setting it on the table before him and flipping open the cover. Riley’s group looked at each other uncertainly, not quite sure whether to ask how Cecil had accomplished that last feat.

  “Hmm, let’s see here,” Cecil muttered as he flipped through the pages. “It’s true that I keep track of most interesting sales within the city.” He lifted his eyes briefly to look at them. “You never know when that might be useful later.”

  His hand moved back and forth across the book’s weathered pages until his finger came to an abrupt stop. His already puckered expression soured further. “That’s odd. It appears that the library actually purchased the undead you’re looking for.”

  “Why would the library need undead?” Lucas asked. Riley just shook her head as the image of the scarred pillar from the front of the building flashed before her mind’s eye. It did seem strange since the dark guild had been banished from the city.

  Cecil drummed his fingers on the book as a thoughtful expression flitted across his face. “Those emotionless busybodies occasionally purchase ingredients and other items for research purposes. The main library building has rooms for experimentation that they rent out to the higher-ranked mages.”

  “So you’re suggesting that they bought the undead as test subjects?” Lucas asked. He glanced at Riley. “I’m not certain what this means for our investigation.”

  “He’s right,” Emma chimed in. “This is getting a bit absurd.”

  Riley shrugged. “Or maybe we’re looking for someone who had access to those undead and used the research areas Cecil mentioned. Maybe we just need to visit Clarence again to see if they keep logs of who had access to the undead.”

  Cecil snorted in amusement. “Good luck. Those rooms are reserved for ranking guild members. I doubt the librarians would share their records. Trust me; I’ve tried to use the laboratories before.”

  “This is pointless!” Emma exclaimed. “This is just more evidence that the fire guild is the place we need to be looking. We know the ranking members were using the undead to level. They would have had access to the labs, and they were also the ones requesting the books.”

  Lucas shook his head. “But they still have a clear motive for holding the undead. They could have also requested the books to research the undead they are using in their duels. On top of that, it feels lazy. If the cultists had infiltrated the guild, why would they have sold the undead? It seems like they would have wanted to hide what they were doing – especially with the negative reputation dark magic has within the city.”

  The group glanced at the air mage in shock. “Hey, I’m a computer science major,” Lucas said. “I can handle a complicated logic puzzle…”

  “I thought that was just an excuse to play video games all day,” Ethan added with a laugh. “You know – research,” he added, making air quotes with his fingers.

  Riley drummed her fingers against her lips. Lucas made some good points. The fact that Cecil also knew Lily made her suspect that they were on the right track. It felt like everything circled back to the girl. She couldn’t shake the feeling that the labs were the key.

  “I think you’re right, Lucas. I wish we could see the logs for those research rooms,” Riley murmured, half speaking to herself.

  Cecil eyed her appraisingly. “I suspect there’s a way you could accomplish that goal. Assuming you are willing to get your hands dirty. Perhaps you should speak with Marie. There are quite a few people in Vaerwald that make a living by more ignoble means.”

  Riley turned her attention back to the little man, her eyebrows rising in surprise. “We will keep that in mind. Thank you, Cecil.” With that, the group left the small store and gathered outside as the rain splattered their cloaks.

  “So what’s the verdict?” Ethan asked. “Our resident gambler here made some good points. I’m also curious to see what this ‘Marie’ has to say.”

  “Lucas?” Ethan nudged his thin friend with his elbow.

  “I’m not sure…” the mage began. “I still don’t think it’s the fire guild. It just doesn’t make any sense. If it is this mysterious third party, then the only place we will find answers is inside the library.”

  “I still think it’s the fire guild. Not that you will likely listen to me,” Emma said in a sullen tone. Riley noticed she was no longer hanging on Lucas’ arm. Perhaps she was upset he had disagreed with her.

  The three then turned to look at Riley. She tended to agree with Lucas. The fire guild still didn’t have a clear motive for creating the plague unless the cultists were somehow hiding in their midst. It was possible but didn’t seem particularly likely. However, the alternative sounded like it would involve doing something illegal – including breaking into the lab and stealing the log books. That wasn’t a great tradeoff.

  “I think we should investigate the library,” Riley said finally. As soon as she made the decision, a blue prompt appeared in the air before her.

  Quest Update: Violent Vindication

  After investigating the fire guild, you discovered that the fire mages were purchasing undead slaves to improve their combat prowess and had sold some of the undead to a third party. This trail led you to Cecil, who indicated that the purchaser was none other than the Great Library itself. Confronted with a choice regarding how to proceed, you have decided to explore the library further. Hopefully, you have made the right decision.

  Difficulty: A

  Success: Kill the cultists responsible for the death of Lily’s family.

  Failure: Unknown

  Reward: Unlock Vendetta’s special ability. Other rewards unknown.

  That isn’t particularly helpful, Riley thought sourly. She was beginning to miss games where the quests were spoon fed to her one task at a time. They had been much less confusing. Waving the prompt away, Riley eyed her teammates. “Well, I guess it’s time to go visit Marie.”

  Chapter 18- Deceptive

  The group walked through a series of alleys and side streets. While Cecil’s shop might have been a dump, the buildings on the first level of the city were little more than dilapidated hulks. The ruined wooden structures towered over the group on either side of the street and filth covered the alleys. The only solace was that it was difficult for the rain to penetrate to this bottom level – leaving it relatively dry.

  “Are we seriously going to try to break into the library? You know that was what that grumpy little man was implying,” Emma griped. “That seems insane, even for Riley. What happens if we’re caught? Will the guilds kick us out of the city?”

  Shrugging off the girl’s verbal barbs, Riley kept walking forward. Her eyes searched the street ahead and the neighboring buildings systematically. Her time with Jason had taught her to be cautious.

  “What other choice do we have?” Ethan grunted. “You heard the shopkeeper. We aren’t getting into those laboratories legitimately. Besides, I don’t mind if we do get kicked out. This is a game after all.”

  “There is a risk,” Lucas conceded. “I don’t exactly want to get exiled from the city, but it might also be the only place we’re going to find more clues that will help us figure out how the plague was created. Aren’t you curious to find out what’s going on?”

  The girl grimaced at Lucas’ argument, her eyes drilling holes into Riley’s back. At that moment, Riley stopped, raising her hand to halt the group. She had caught sight of a blue glimmer from the alley ahead of them. There were fresh footprints in the muck that
lined the street, but she couldn’t recall seeing any townsfolk for some time. A glance to the group’s rear revealed that a similar alley was located behind them.

  “What is it?” Lucas asked tentatively, raising his staff in front of him.

  “I’m not certain,” Riley said in a low voice. “It’s too quiet, and this would be a good place for an ambush.” She felt a strange sense of déjà vu, recalling a similar situation she had encountered with Jason. Except this time, she was traveling with a group of relatively novice players.

  Ethan gently pulled his two-handed sword from his back and looked at Riley with an inquisitive expression. Picking up on his unasked question, she answered quietly, “You protect the rear. I’ll try to slow down anyone that attacks from the front.” With a quick nod, Ethan moved to the back of the group and faced the way they had come.

  Glancing at Lucas, Riley added, “We just need crowd control. I don’t know what spells you have, but try to slow them down or disable them.” As she turned to Emma, the light mage merely sniffed and looked away.

  I hope you don’t get us all killed, Riley thought in irritation. Her frustration with Emma was blunted as she felt dark mana race through her veins. She could feel an excited tingle in her finger tips as she pulled her bow from her back and nocked an arrow.

  “We know you’re there,” Riley called out. “Show yourselves.”

  A long moment passed with no response as the group held themselves at the ready. Emma eventually turned to address Riley, most likely intending to make some other barbed comment. It never came. Instead, a figure stepped into the street. He was robed in leather armor dyed a dark gray, and his face was obscured by a wrap. Riley’s Perception skill picked out several concealed blades even at this distance and a rapier dangled from his waist.

  “What do you want?” Riley asked, her grip tightening on her bow. The crystals at the hilt glowed a faint red, throbbing in time with her heartbeat.

  The man laughed. “What do you think, Riley? We’re here for the bounty. You want to do this the hard way or the easy way?” A quick inspection confirmed that this was a player and he was a member of . He was also over level 100. She had never heard of the guild, but, if he was an enemy, she supposed it didn’t matter.

  How did they find me?

  Riley’s lips pinched into a grim line as the icy claws of her mana dug into her brain. Without answering the player, she raised her bow and released in one fluid movement. Almost before the arrow left the string, she had another in its place. She heard the wooden shaft of her first arrow clatter against the cobblestones of the street as she sighted along her next missile. The player had dodged nimbly to the left and was now sprinting down the alley toward her.

  “The hard way then!” he shouted.

  Enemy players poured into the street from the alleys on either side of the group. Lucas sprang into action, lightning crackling along the length of his staff and then erupting from his hand in a bolt of energy as a thunderous crash echoed through the alley. Riley followed up on his attack with a rapid-fire series of bolts.

  The lightning splashed against a wall of ice that had materialized in the street ahead of the leading player. The tendrils of electricity lanced harmlessly into the buildings on either side of the street, charring the wooden paneling. Just as quickly as the ice had appeared, it vanished in a cloud of vapor, and the enemy players barreled through the mist.

  Riley’s eyes widened in surprise. These players were much more coordinated than she was accustomed to. The only saving grace was that the mage had overlooked her arrows, the bolts striking the unsuspecting lead player and slicing through his thigh and abdomen.

  A golden glow suddenly enveloped the group as Emma began casting her new buff. Riley could feel herself move slightly faster and she found it was easier to draw her bow. However, it was difficult to tell the effects of the spell while getting attacked by the waves of players and with her notifications disabled. Riley heard a roar behind her and turned slightly.

  Ethan had cast his new Stone Skin ability, his flesh rippling and turning a solid gray. His mass also increased substantially, and he lumbered forward with heavy steps that cracked the stones embedded in the street. He swung his two-handed sword in an overhead blow. The player in front of him barely parried the attack, stumbling to his knees. Ethan didn’t relent and swept forward again, taking advantage of his momentum to neatly decapitate the player before he could recover.

  Riley didn’t have time to watch Ethan. The players before her were swiftly closing in and they outnumbered her five to one. She launched another few arrows and then switched to her daggers, the steel scraping against the leather sheaths as they materialized in her hands.

  “Come on,” Riley muttered, her eyes glowing darkly.

  A red glow began to emanate from her blades, mixing with the tendrils of dark energy curling around the metal. As Riley watched, electricity also began to coil up her daggers. Surprised, Riley glanced to the side to find Ethan channeling a spell. Globes of crackling energy drifted from his staff to hover over the group.

  Some kind of electrical damage buff? Riley wondered. An excited grin drifted across her lips. The odds were against them, but they wouldn’t go down without a fight. She also relished the opportunity to burn off some steam.

  Riley rushed forward toward her dark-robed attackers. At the last moment, she dropped to her knees and slid the last few feet toward the players. Not suspecting the sudden movement, Riley glided below their guard, and her daggers ripped through their leather leggings. Rich, crimson blood spilled on the street as the players dropped to their knees. She slammed a blade into the back of one of the prone men, leaving it to rest there.

  A blood-red mist began to spew from the wound in the player’s back and encircle the group. Riley kept moving. She leapt to her feet and raised her blade to parry another attacker. His longsword scraped against her dagger and slid into the ground, throwing off sparks where it hit the cobblestones.

  Riley darted forward again, and her free fist slammed into the man’s face as her other dagger stabbed him in the chest in a flurry of blows, lightning lancing across his torso and briefly stunning him as his body slid to the ground.

  Pain suddenly bloomed in Riley’s shoulder, and she was jerked back by the force of an unseen blow. She staggered and glanced to the side to see a spike of ice embedded in her shoulder. It must have been the same water mage hidden farther down the street. Grimacing at the dull pain, she turned and was immediately swept off her feet. One of the prone players had managed to regain his footing and had rushed her.

  She landed hard on her back, dropping her dagger. The player immediately landed on top of her, his blade racing toward her face. Riley grabbed his hand and stopped the blade within inches of her nose. Without a weapon, she couldn’t fight back. Then she saw the fragment of ice still buried in her shoulder.

  She clutched at the shard of ice with her free hand, ripping it free with a grunt of pain. Blood welled around the wound and dripped onto the street. Riley stabbed forward, impaling the player’s eye with the jagged fragment. He howled in pain before rolling off her, his blood staining her armor red. Riley pushed herself to her feet and quickly reclaimed her dagger before rushing at the wounded man. She ran the sharp edge of the blade across his throat, and blood promptly jetted from the wound and splattered against the street before he fell limp.

  In the short time that she had been fighting the players, her teammates had not fared well. Lucas’ body was riddled with arrows, and he leaned against one wall as he repeatedly fired off blasts of lightning. Emma hid behind him, frantically trying to heal him. One of Ethan’s arms had been severed at the elbow, the limb now ending in a crumbling lump of stone as he swung his two-handed sword wildly with one hand. Meanwhile, Riley herself was injured and breathing heavily, the blood mist struggling to heal the wound in her shoulder.

  A laugh came from down the street. “This is it? This is a founding member of ? I
was expecting more.” The same dark figure that had spoken earlier walked forward casually as flashes of light illuminated his body. Somewhere nearby a light mage was casting the healing spells repeatedly, bringing him back to full strength.

  Riley bit her tongue. If she were going to die here, she wouldn’t show any weakness.

  “You weren’t supposed to hurt him!” Emma cried from nearby. She clutched at Lucas, who had collapsed into her arms as his health redlined. She cast her healing spells in quick succession in a desperate attempt to keep him alive.

  The player chuckled again. “This is a game girl. He won’t die for real. What difference does it make? But we do appreciate you tipping us off to Riley’s location.”

  Riley turned to glare at Emma, her dark mana flaring. Of course, the girl had betrayed her. She shouldn’t have ignored the hateful glances and irritating accusations. She had been far too trusting.

  “Let’s just end this,” Riley said darkly, turning back to the player. Her hand clenched around her blade as she prepared for the final attack. The player’s teammates were regrouping around him, and nearly half a dozen players squared off against her.

  The man chuckled, his face concealed behind his wrap. “I plan to.” He drew his thin rapier slowly and held himself at the ready.

  Just as Riley was about to lunge forward, a dagger erupted from the player’s throat, spraying blood through the air. The man slumped forward and let out a choked gurgle as he died. As Riley watched in stunned amazement, the remaining players were cut down by a group of cloaked individuals that emerged simultaneously from Sneak. This group was equally high level, but no guild tag appeared when Riley inspected them.


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