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Undying Hunger

Page 7

by Jessica Lee

  “You need to learn to expect the unexpected, Alexandria,” a deep male voice from the doorway said.

  Oh dear God. Not now.

  She didn’t need to raise her head to identify who stood there. The way the sound lifted the hairs on her arms and made her heart sputter told her who had been watching.

  Eve stood. “She doesn’t need your input, Markus.”

  Alex straightened, the ability to draw a deep breath resuming.

  “After the blow Alexandria just received”—Markus approached, raking his gaze from head to toe over Alex—“I’d let her be the judge of that.”

  Her stomach flipped as if she’d topped the first hill on a roller coaster and was about to go on the ride of her life. Alex crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You arrogant son of a…” Eve shook her head, clamped her mouth shut, and moved in closer to the male. “We’re doing just fine without your interference,” she added.

  “Yes. We are,” Alex chimed in.

  “Then you won’t mind if I observe your technique?” Markus backed off the mat. “It has been a while since I’ve been out in the field. I could be rusty.” He shrugged.

  Eve glanced her way, the fire in her eyes mirroring what Alex knew her own had to resemble. “I think I’ve had enough for one day,” Alex muttered.

  “Are you sure?” Eve eased toward her. “Don’t let him get to you and ruin your progress. You’re doing fine. If you want to keep going, I’m here for you.”

  “I appreciate it,” Alex said. “You’re a good friend. But let’s continue this tomorrow, if that’s okay?” Alex rotated her shoulder, loosening the muscle.

  “Sure. We can call it.” Eve strode over to one of the chairs in the corner of the room and Alex followed. The heat from what had to be Markus’s gaze warmed her spine. Eve grabbed her towel, and Alex did the same. “Same time tomorrow night?”

  “Sounds good.” Alex painted on a smile as Eve started to leave, then halted when she realized Alex hadn’t moved.

  “You’re not coming with me?”

  “Uhm…” Alex couldn’t help but glance across the gym at the tall male with his dark hair loose around his shoulders. Instead of sweats, this time he wore a pair of dark jeans and a white short-sleeved shirt stretched taut over his arms, his bold tattoos in brilliant contrast against the cotton. His presence somehow filled the expanse of the open space and set her on her edge. “Markus and I need to talk.”

  They definitely had to set some boundaries.

  “You’re sure?” Eve followed Alex’s gaze, concern wrinkling her forehead. “This vampire has unresolved issues. He may be saying he’s let bygones be bygones, but believe me, honey, after all I’ve heard, let’s just say I’m not convinced yet.”

  “I’m not sold either,” Alex said. “As they say, actions speak louder than words.”

  “You got that right.” Eve wiped her neck with the towel and headed out. “I don’t think he’d be stupid enough to try anything with you in this house. I just don’t trust that he’s not up to something.”

  “I know. But I’ll be fine,” Alex said.

  “Okay.” Eve nodded. “Catch up with me later,” she said over her shoulder and disappeared through the door.

  From the other side of the gym, Markus followed Eve’s exit with his gaze, then turned his attention to her. “You’re not running out on me, too?”

  Alex dropped her towel back on the chair and strode toward the male. “Do I have a reason to run?”

  “Not from me.” Markus met her halfway, his arms relaxed at his sides.

  “Good to know,” she said. “But when it comes to me and this house, you need to keep your distance.”

  “A guy can’t even get in a workout?”

  “Dressed like this?” Alex pointed at the boots and jeans. “Pleeaasse. You didn’t stop in here for exercise.”

  He glanced down at his clothes, then up at her from under a thick set of lashes, and the stormy gaze she’d remembered as a dark void shone with mirth.

  “Guilty.” He smiled, and this time the effect went straight to her knees. Alex quickly compensated and repositioned her stance.

  Get a grip, girl.

  “I was passing by and saw you two sparring,” he said. “I couldn’t resist coming in to watch.”

  “You need to work on your impulse control,” she quipped.

  He smirked. “I was serious earlier, though. You need to work on detecting the subtle clues of your opponent’s next move. Expect the unexpected.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know. My ribs would appreciate me becoming a better student. Sooner rather than later.” She massaged her side.

  “We could help each other, you know.”

  She froze for a moment, her palm against her side. “Pardon me if I don’t jump at your offer.” Alex hit him with a droll stare. “You don’t have the best reputation for coming through on your end of a deal.”

  “This is different.”

  Alex rolled her eyes. “I don’t have time for this. My only reason for talking to you—”

  “Let me help you with this,” he said, cutting her off.

  “You’re relentless!”

  “It’s important you learn how to properly defend yourself.” He closed the distance between them.

  “On that, we agree.” She glared up at the male in front of her. “If I’d been better at protecting myself, maybe neither one of us would be in this situation.”

  For a split second, an odd expression washed over his face, but it was gone so quickly she couldn’t put her finger on the emotion. Had it been regret? Fear? Probably neither one. More than likely it had been her imagination, because in its place, the cool facade Alex was so familiar with stared back at her.

  “That’s something we’ll never know,” he said, his tone low and gravelly. “But we can do something about today.” He strode off the mat, and in a matter of seconds, Markus had his boots off and shoved against the wall. “Now.” He wheeled around, yanking his shirt over his head and tossing it to the floor.

  Dear God… She swallowed hard, willing her body to not react to his. He rolled his shoulders, and it was as if the tats covering his arms and pecs had a life of their own. Hypnotic, if she were to stare for too long. She forced her gaze up.

  Determination gleamed in his expression. “Let’s get started,” he said, resuming his place in front of her.

  “You can’t truly be serious,” she said, shaking her head. Markus had lost his damn mind if he thought she was going to fight him.

  “Why would you think I’m kidding?”

  “Because…” She couldn’t spar with him! Her mind whirled, searching for a proper excuse for her brain’s rejection of the idea. She just…couldn’t. Way too much contact.

  “Because…” he repeated, and held out his hand as if waiting for her to plop the words from inside her mind into his palm.

  “You’re a man!” The words tumbled from her lips. But not just any man. He was Markus. The male her head said she should hate. Yet her body responded to him as if he were Vin Diesel mixed with the swagger of Alexander Skarsgard and sprinkled with the deliciousness of Enrique Iglesias. And damn if she subconsciously wanted a bite of all that yummy goodness.

  But that was the problem. She didn’t dare sample any of what he had to offer, unless she wanted to dance with the devil himself.

  “I’m a man.” Markus nodded, his lips drawn taut. “Last time I checked I was, indeed, still male.”

  “Then you know why this isn’t a good idea.” Having made her point, Alex marched off toward her gym bag.

  “That’s exactly why this is the perfect idea.”

  “You need a reality check, bucko,” Alex shouted over her shoulder. “You and I aren’t doing this.”

  “Bucko?” His feet thumped against the cushioned vinyl behind her. “Since when have you ever held your tongue when it comes to me?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe I’m trying something new. This is me attempting to
be civil.” Alex hefted her gym bag onto her shoulder and faced him, but the expression meeting her was not what she’d expected. Markus stood, his cheeks flushed with his effort to keep his mouth clamped tight. “Don’t you dare,” she grumbled.

  Laughter burst from him, ricocheting off the walls of the open space.

  “What is so damn funny?” Her hands went to her hips and her bag fell.

  “You.” He sucked in a breath. “My hot-tempered vixen…civil?” He tossed his head back with laughter once more. She would have found this new, relaxed side of him sexy, if it weren’t at her expense.

  The temper he so nonchalantly mentioned boiled like a kettle of oil in her gut, the fire overflowing and heating her chest, her face. Before she could think better of her action, Alex charged forward and slammed her palms into his chest. “Stop it!”

  Except she may as well have pounded at a brick wall for as much as he moved.

  His head rolled forward, and he glared down at her. “Stop what?” he taunted her. “Laughing at you?” He smiled and chuckled. “Why should I, when you amuse me so?”

  God, how this male infuriated her! “Well, then…” She smiled sweetly, holding tightly on the leash to the rage doing its best to consume her. Alex needed to make this count. “By all means, allow me to continue amusing you.”

  Rearing back with her right leg, Alex swung her knee forward and upward with all her might. Straight into Markus’s groin. The large vampire gasped and doubled over, both hands grasping for his no doubt disappearing testicles.

  Satisfaction bloomed like a warm brush of morning sun across her flesh. Oh, he so deserved that. She couldn’t stop her grin if she wanted to. And she definitely didn’t want to.

  Heading for the door and a swift exit, Alex brushed past him. But before she’d taken two steps, Markus grabbed her arm.

  Shit! Alex spun, her fist ready and aiming for his jaw. She swung.

  Markus blocked.

  Damn him!

  He pivoted. Kicked.

  Alex blocked. Yes!

  She punched. Markus easily deflected her and tossed one of his own toward her jaw, but Alex was ready and knocked it away.

  “That’s right,” he said. “You saw it coming, didn’t you?” He whipped around, his heel coming for the side of her head. Alex ducked, avoiding the kick, but returned his attack with her fist targeting his face. Except this time, he was ready. Markus weaved and dodged the blow. “Good,” he said. “Stay ahead of me.”

  He blurred to her left, wrapping his arm around her throat. Alex’s breath hitched from the sudden contact. Instinct drove her hands to his forearm. He tightened his hold, the heat of his body clinging to her back and short-circuiting her brain.

  “Think, Vixen,” he murmured at her ear, sliding his other arm up and around the back of her head, locking her in his grip. “How are you going to make me release you?”

  Her pulse thundered in her head, but she wasn’t sure if it was panic or from his proximity. Damn. She couldn’t allow him to get the best of her. Alex searched and found the hand and elbow of the arm behind her head. Driving all of her reserves into her upper body, she pushed and loosened his hold enough to wiggle her head through the gap. She spun, keeping a tight hold on his arm, twisting it. He grunted, but she didn’t let go. Not yet. Instead, Alex delivered a forward kick into his rib cage. His head was lowered, and she released him, prepared to take him to the floor with an elbow to the back of his neck. But as she readied to deliver the blow, he wasn’t in the same spot.

  An arm came out of nowhere, clipping hers up and back before impacting her chest and slamming her back onto the mat. Air whooshed from her lungs, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Hard palms seized her wrists a moment before Markus’s weight covered her.

  She lifted her eyelids, and the storm-gray irises that plagued her dreams stared back into hers.

  “Anticipate my moves, Vixen,” he whispered.

  Her heart raced.

  Her chest heaved with each breath. And it had everything to do with panic and Markus’s proximity.

  She should feel completely trapped, yet Alex couldn’t find her voice to demand he let her go. Her gaze fell to his sinfully full mouth. God, how would it feel to have him kiss her, devour her with those lips the same way he’d drunk in her essence—as if she were his first taste of cool water after surfacing from the fires of hell?

  His gaze lowered, and she licked her lips. “Yes,” she breathed.

  But she had no idea if it was an answer to his first demand on anticipation, or the question his eyes had relayed. Either way, her answer was the same.

  Then his mouth was on hers, hot, smooth, and dangerous, stealing her breath with its contact. He glided over her lips, gentle at first, nudging, seducing. She moaned, and unable to deny him, parted her lips, inviting him in. His tongue brushed hers, and her nipples pebbled; her hips rocked up, pressing into his, needing more, wanting more. She gasped, shocked at the intensity of her body’s response.

  Markus groaned, released her hands, and his palms cupped her head. Holding her steady, he deepened their kiss like a man starved, and she offered everything he needed. Her head spun as if she were on an out-of-control carnival ride. Too much. Her heart raced and her gums tingled, releasing her fangs. She wasn’t ready for this. She had to get away. Groaning with desperation, she drove her fingers into his hair and bit down, sinking her fangs into his bottom lip. He hissed and jerked.

  “Get off me,” she spat.

  He glared down at her in silence as the tip of his tongue appeared and slowly licked away the droplet of blood from his lip. Her lower abdomen clenched at the sensual sight.

  “I said move,” she chewed out. “Or do you need a repeat of my knee to your groin?”

  Markus lifted his hip, making way for her to scurry from beneath him.

  Without looking back, she made short work of retrieving her bag, trying to ignore her jelly-filled knees. She bit back a groan and started for the exit. The door to the gym had never seemed as far away as it did at that moment.

  Passing him where he still sat on the mat with his arms draped over his bent knees, heat flared up from her chest and into her cheeks. Even though things had never gone that far, she understood what others meant by the walk of shame.

  “For the record…” he called out.

  Alex captured the doorframe with her hand and paused.

  “You kissed me back,” he said.

  She lowered her lashes and white-knuckled the wood. Oh, please kill me now, she silently prayed.

  Because this time, Markus wasn’t lying.

  Chapter Eight

  Alex pressed the button inside the console in the Mercedes E-Class, lowering the top on the convertible. The warm summer night air rushed inside, lifting her hair and teasing her neck. She allowed her head to fall back onto the padded leather rest, closed her eyes, and let the sounds of the night along with the rumble of the engine drown out her thoughts.

  “Thanks for getting me out of the house,” she said to her sister.

  “You looked like you could use a change of scenery,” Elle replied. “Besides, I’m getting to hang with my baby sister. Why wouldn’t I jump at the chance?”

  Alex scoffed. “You’re crazy.” She opened her eyes. “With that gorgeous male specimen you have for a mate at home, I’m the last person you should want to spend your evening with.”

  “Well…” Elle smiled, flipped the turn signal, and slowed the car. “I do admit, he is pretty easy on the eyes and his many, many skills do not make me want to leave his side very often,” she drawled.

  “TMI,” Alex cried out, and covered her ears.

  Laughing, Elle turned onto the streets of downtown Elizabeth Bay. “Actually, he’s on patrol tonight,” she said, sobering. “So this is great.”

  At the slower speed, Alex studied the locals with their packages in hand, their partners hooked on their arms, smiling at each other and strolling the sidewalks. “I like to just sit and observe the human
s sometimes—watch the way they come and go with their family and friends…it’s like vicariously reliving my life through them.”

  “Yeah. I know what you mean,” Elle said quietly.

  “You know what’s weird, though?” Alex glanced over at her sister. “It’s only been a year, but what it felt like to be them already seems like a really, really long time ago.”

  Elle nodded. “I think that’s what’s called acceptance.”

  “Maybe,” Alex said. “It doesn’t feel like that most days. There’s a part of me that’s pretty damn angry.” She sighed. “You’re not still pissed off, Elle, about what Markus took from you? I don’t get how you can just let it go so easily.”

  The car suddenly veered to the right into an open parking space, taking Alex by surprise and jamming her against the door. Elle hit the brakes and shoved the car into park.

  “What the hell?” Alex smoothed her palm over her bruised shoulder.

  “You think I let what Markus did to me just roll off my back?” Elle shook her head. “Alex, you have no idea how that ate away at me, boiled inside my gut like a cauldron of hate. I despise the fact that it was Markus—his bite, his blood—that turned me and not the male I love,” she seethed. “When I came around and was conscious enough to fully understand what had happened, I wanted to rip the flesh from my body. Knowing that another male’s blood, not Arran’s, ran through my veins.” Her sister swallowed, choking back what had to be disgust. “Coming to terms with that reality, knowing it was something that could never be undone, was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to accept.”

  “But you did,” Alex quietly added.

  She nodded. “Having my sister going through the same thing, and helping you to understand a world that was completely new to you, helped me to push past my anger and to focus on the things I could control.”

  “Plus, you had Arran.”

  Elle smiled, and the deep love she held for her mate shone in her amber-colored eyes. “Yes. After everything was over, and you had been safely returned to me, becoming Arran’s mate made my life complete. Even though the decision to become a vampire wasn’t mine to begin with, knowing we’ll spend an eternity together makes it easier not to dwell on the negative.”


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