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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

Page 31

by Anthology

  I bite my lip, thinking about the previous evening. I’m dying to know if she slept with that Wade guy. I took a taxi home before the rest of them, and I haven’t asked how the night ended.

  As much as I want to know, I don’t want to be disappointed in another male. None of them seem to care where they stick their pecker, especially when they’re drunk.

  “Rough end to your night, huh?” I ask as nonchalantly as possible.

  “You could say that.”

  The other girls snicker, and she gives them the finger. “I couldn’t help it. You all fed me way too many cocktails.”

  I take a seat next to Jessica. It’s obvious the others are itching to talk about whatever happened to Stephanie, so I get a little braver.

  “What did I miss last night?”

  “Stephanie puked on Wade’s boot when he was about to put her inside his truck. Needless to say, she didn’t get any cock,” Laurie exclaims before all the girls burst into laughter.

  Laurie is Jessica’s older sister by two years, so she doesn’t seem to mind giving her cousin shit. Stephanie waves her hand toward us as we sit lined up in the white lounge chairs.

  “It’s for the best, anyway. I doubt I would remember the sex.”

  I gnaw on my lip again. Something tells me you would remember the sex with that man no matter how much alcohol you consumed.

  Abruptly, Jessica sits up and flips up her shades.

  “Laney, those men are trying to steal your Mercedes.”

  I dump my chair over onto its side as I jump from it to see what’s happening. Sure enough, there is a pickup truck with a flatbed trailer hooked to the back of it.

  My red Mercedes convertible is already loaded onto it, and it appears they are hooking some sort of chains to it.

  What the hell?

  I take off running barefoot out the gate of the fenced in pool. “What are you doing? That’s my car!”

  “Ah, shit,” I hear one of the guys say. He’s standing at the passenger side of the car and looks to me with a smirk. The other guy has his back to me as he secures my vehicle to the trailer.

  “I asked what the hell you’re doing.”

  “What’s it look like? You don’t pay for your property, you don’t get to keep it,” the guy by the driver’s side says without even turning my way. He now seems familiar.

  “Damn, you’re hot,” says the guy on the passenger side. “If you ever need a ride, I can give you our card—”

  “Oh, go to hell! I don’t pay for this car; my father does, and you need to take it off this trailer right now.”

  “Not happening, sweetheart. Although, you’re not being very sweet,” the guy with his back to me says before he turns around. “Oh, shit, I know you.”

  His eyes begin their hike at my face and follow a trail down my body, inch by inch. I cross my arms over the top of my string bikini.

  “Wade, the drunk who caused me to get an ugly bruise on my elbow from falling.”

  He gives me a sly grin and pulls his ball cap farther down over his hair. “You remembered, Goldilocks. I feel damn special. And you would’ve been flat on your face if it wasn’t for me.”

  Like it’s no big deal that he’s stealing my car, he turns his back on me again. Nervously glancing over my shoulder, I see my friends are headed toward us.

  “You know, I was right when I pegged you as a daddy’s girl. Legs snapped so tightly cause no man could measure up. Hell, he probably took you to one of those purity dances or whatever the hell they call them.”

  I literally growl before I jump on his back.

  “That’s my car you asshole, so take it down this minute!”

  “Shit! What the fuck are you doing?” Gripping my knees, he tries to push me back and away from his body, but I only clamp my legs tighter around his waist.

  My arms are hooked around his neck, somewhat flailing, and I don’t even know what the hell I’m doing. All I’m certain of is he’s not taking my damn car!

  Chapter Three


  “YOU KNOW THIS crazy bitch?” Shane asks me as a psycho spider monkey claws at my face. Her heels dig into my abs, and I can’t get her off of me.

  Clasping her wrists together with one hand, I attempt to pull them up over my head, and that’s when she sinks her teeth into my shoulder.

  “Son of a bitch!” I was actually enjoying this exchange between us until the crazy chick hopped on my back. I hear her girlfriends screaming right along with her.

  I look over at Shane, and he’s laughing! The douchebag is finding this fucking hilarious while I have some lunatic trying to poke my eyes out. I’ve had enough.

  Reaching behind me, I somehow grip her waist and pull her away from me. I jump into the truck and start it up. I swear if Shane doesn’t get into this damn vehicle, I’m leaving him here with the piranhas.

  Laney. That’s her name. She beats on my window, and I shake my head, still stunned by her behavior. I’ve definitely had people after me for taking what they consider “their” property. Hell, I’ve been shot at, but nothing quite like this.

  She covers her face with her hands and begins to cry. For fuck’s sake. I hate it when the women cry.

  She moves her hands and takes a deep breath. Her wide eyes are almost pleading with me as she calms down. I don’t know why I’m doing this when she bit me, but I crack my window.

  “Look, I can’t do shit about your car. It’s my job to take it. You’ll have to sort it out with the bank or your daddy, or whoever else is responsible for it.”

  Damn, when she’s not acting like a crazy bitch, she’s gorgeous. Her green eyes are practically glowing in the sunlight from her tears washing over them.

  Her tits are barely covered by a red string bikini that happens to be the same color as her Mercedes. Her blonde hair is up, but curls rest around her round, young face. She looks straight off a sandy beach with her tan.

  “Dude, are we getting the fuck out of here, or are you going to keep staring at her?”

  Shit. Shane’s in the truck, waiting for me to go. I tear my eyes away from the sexy chick and take off. She’s sure tougher than I gave her credit for.


  As I shove my eyes against my palms, Jessica wraps an arm around me and directs me back to the pool. All the girls are silent. I look up and see several of my neighbors walking back into their condos after watching the show.

  This is so embarrassing. It’s bad enough it happened, but for it to be on the day Jessica’s entire female wedding party is present is the ultimate humiliation.

  Taking hold of my shoulders, she gently pushes me down into a lounge chair and shoves a glass of mimosa into my hand. “Drink up.”

  I take a long sip through a straw and stare off toward the pool. “I’m not responsible for the payments.”

  She sits down next to me and places a hand on my back. “Laney, we all know that. But you have to call your dad and find out what the problem is.” She leans in closer. “You know, your credit card was declined at the liquor store yesterday.”

  “Shit, I forgot all about that. I thought it was a mistake.” It was awkward when Jessica had to buy the liquor I was getting for our weekend of partying, but we both figured it was a computer system error, and I’d pay her back.

  Something definitely must be wrong. Finding my phone in my pool bag, I hit the call button for my dad. It goes straight to voicemail.

  “Daddy, please call me back as soon as you get this. There’s a problem involving my car, and I need to discuss it with you right away.”

  I end the call and debate whether or not I should call my older brother. Well, he’s my half-brother. We have the same father, but William barely claims me as a sister since our dad divorced his mother to marry mine.

  William was eleven, and I was born once he turned thirteen. Looking back, I imagine it was a rough age for him to go through that.

  My mother died, and now Dad dates young gold-diggers. It makes my brother and I sick. Wi
lliam’s nicer to me now that we’re older, but he’s still a hard-ass.

  He works for my father’s corporation where they make batteries for watches, cameras and electronic devices.

  They are those small, round batteries that seem overpriced; the kind you really don’t want to pay for because you know they aren’t going to last long. At least, that’s how I view them.

  I hesitate as my finger hovers over the button to call him. I cringe as I press it.

  “Hello,” he says tersely.

  “Will, it’s Laney.”

  “Hi, Laney. What do you need?”

  “How are you?”

  “It’s a Friday during the day, so I’m working. I’m guessing you are on summer break.”

  “Yeah, classes just let out. Dad’s not answering his cell, and I really need to speak to him. Can you transfer me?”

  “Uh, when’s the last time you spoke to Dad?”

  “About three weeks ago. I was busy the last month with finals, and he hasn’t called me, either.”

  “Shit, Laney. Hold on a minute. I need to shut my office door.”

  I wait on hold for a few seconds, wondering what could possibly be going on.

  “I don’t work for Dad anymore. I left there a few weeks ago.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I sure wish he had filled you in on this, but I imagine he’s ashamed. The company tanked, Laney. There wasn’t enough demand for watch and camera batteries, so we couldn’t stay afloat. We were acquired by a competitor, but the agreement was that Dad and I would take a walk.”

  “Shit, William.”

  “I know. This has been in the works for months, so I can’t believe he never told you.”

  “I can’t, either. My car was repossessed, and one of my credit cards was declined yesterday.”

  My brother is quiet for several moments.

  “Will, say something.”

  “What more do you want me to say? The company was in trouble for a long time, and we both know how much Dad spends on his girlfriends. Listen, you’ll have to talk to him about it. I just started this job, so I need to get off the phone.”

  “Alright. Thanks for telling me what happened.”

  “Take care, Laney.”

  I don’t reply. My brother could probably care less if he ever speaks to me again. I try my father one more time, but it goes to voicemail once again.

  What the hell am I going to do?


  I hate stuffy weddings, and this is definitely one of them. My friend Baxter is marrying tomorrow, so I have to go to this stupid rehearsal dinner.

  We were on our high school football team together, but otherwise we couldn’t be more different. He’s the jock who played every sport in school. I’m just a country boy who happened to love football.

  We both come from money, but you wouldn’t know I did. My father owns a successful construction company and wanted me to work for him full-time after graduating college.

  At the age of twenty, I told him I wanted no part of the business. He cut me off financially, but I was happy. It was the first time in my life I felt free from his hold. We’ve never gotten along. Maybe we’re too much alike.

  I’m twenty-four now, and I’m saving every penny to go back to college. I had to drop out once my father and I had our final blowup.

  My mom is around, but she left my father years ago and barely has two dimes to rub together. I help her out, too.

  Baxter, on the other hand, gets along great with his father. He got a full scholarship to play football at Clemson University and will graduate with an engineering degree.

  Missing my hat, I nervously rub a hand over my hair. I hate thinking about the shit with my dad, but it always finds a way to crowd my screwed up head.

  Shane brings me a beer from the bar set up in this snooty ballroom. “You should’ve grabbed us both two. I’m going to need a lot of them to get through this night.”

  “They get warm, and nothing tastes more like piss than warm beer.”

  I smirk at him before I take a long drink.

  “Have you tasted piss to confirm this?” I ask.

  “Oh, shut up, fucker.” I chuckle and take another drink.

  “Holy shitballs. Look who strolled in.”

  I stop chugging my beer and glance in the direction of the door.

  “I’m. Fucked.”


  “This is too damn funny,” Shane says, sliding a hand through his black hair.

  “I have a bite wound on my shoulder from that crazy chick. What if she attacks me again and causes another scene? Baxter’s fiancé will have my balls in a vice if anything messes up her precious wedding extravaganza.”

  I only met Jessica today. She wanted so many bridesmaids that Baxter asked Shane and me last minute to stand up with him. I couldn’t tell him no. I might be a dick to a lot of people but I’m never one to my friends.

  “I doubt she will do anything else. She was in tears by the time we left with her car today,” Shane says.

  “Yeah, she looks like she could cry right now.”

  I stare at her from afar. She’s in a short, green dress with her hair down and draped over her bare shoulders.

  She’s also wearing the saddest expression. Separating herself from the group of girls who walked in with her, she heads toward one of the two makeshift bars.

  The bartender hands her a glass of wine, and she drinks it down in one long gulp. I see her motion for another. Damn. Of course, she did have a rough day.

  I can’t escape her. She’s going to cause me fucking grief.

  A thorn in my side. I feel it.

  Shit, there’s her hot friend Stephanie. Oh, they were wearing those cheesy sashes the other night. I bet they’re bridesmaids for Jessica.

  I need to stay close to Stephanie and make sure she doesn’t have too many drinks. Then, we can pick up where we left off the other night.

  I’m getting laid. I have two vices–alcohol and women. I can’t get enough of either.

  Chapter Four


  JUST SHOOT ME now. My life was falling apart before I got here. Now, the dick who stole my car is in the same wedding, so I have to look at him for three days straight.

  Spotting him with his sidekick has me heading back to the bar for my third glass of wine. I don’t normally drink this much, but I need to be buzzing before I have to stand anywhere near his ass.

  The rehearsal begins, and luckily I’m paired up with Baxter’s brother, Nick. He’s a hottie but not quite as attractive as Wade.

  Wicked Wade who steals an innocent girl’s car.

  Nick is two years older than the rest of our group and has graduated from Clemson. The last I heard he’s already a successful CEO.

  We did party with him before then, but he was that older guy who dated older women, not chicks the same age as his brother.

  It wouldn’t have mattered, anyway. I had sworn off men. I’ve kissed a few guys since moving here, when I’ve been under the influence, but otherwise it’s only me and my battery operated boyfriend, Bob.

  “Laney, damn.” Nick holds my arms out, so he can get a better look at me. I blush, embarrassed by the attention he’s drawing with his loud voice.

  “Hi, Nick. Long time no see.”

  “It has been awhile.” He leans over to my ear.

  “You’re still gorgeous. Tell me a man hasn’t snagged you yet.”

  “No, not yet.”

  His reply is a wink and a charming grin as he holds his arm out for me to take before we stroll down the fake aisle. I never dreamed that Nick gave me a second glance in college.

  My smile quickly turns into a grimace when I recall what happened earlier in the day. I know the girls will be gossiping about it.

  Before the night is over, every person in this room is going to think I don’t pay my bills or that my father is broke and destitute.

  I stand to the side of the altar, where Jessica and Baxter will be exchanging
their vows, and stare back at the other couples waiting to walk.

  Stephanie has her arm draped around Wade’s arm, and he’s giving her a broad grin. She’s giggling and leaning into him. Please, she is such a slut.

  He should be asking her to come over and spit shine his boots she puked on. I’m sure he’d like her to spit on something else. Disgusting.

  As the two of them stroll down the aisle, I let my eyes wander around the room, trying to appear unscathed by their flirty behavior. Why am I allowing him to get under my skin?

  The second they begin to part ways, I bring my eyes back to the aisle. My gaze locks with Wade’s, and he smirks at me. I can’t believe he has the nerve after stealing my vehicle.

  I make it a point not to make eye contact with him through the entire rehearsal. After it’s over, Jessica approaches me. She’s biting her lip, knowing I’m pissed.

  “Laney, I’m so sorry. I had no idea he was Baxter’s old friend from high school. We only met today.”

  “It’s fine, Jessica. This is your special weekend, so don’t worry about me.” Someone steals her away right after the last word leaves my lips, so I find my seat at the table where dinner will be served.

  Luckily, only a couple of my girlfriends and Jessica’s grandparents are seated at my table.

  I keep stressing over the situation with my father, so I get out my phone and check my bank account. I have a whopping two hundred dollar balance. I always use my credit cards, and Dad pays the bills.

  He moves money into my checking account from his, too, but now that I think about it, he hasn’t done that for a while. It’s why there is only a couple hundred left.

  A waiter interrupts me, so I put my phone away and make a spot for the plate he’s attempting to place in front of me.

  My fork twirls in the roast beef and mashed potatoes. I finally eat a couple of string beans, but I have no appetite. Pushing my plate aside, I let my eyes roam the dance floor. I notice Stephanie has pulled Wade onto it.

  He looks uncomfortable but is still smiling. I’ve learned that even guys who hate to dance will often participate if they think it will lead to sex.


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