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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

Page 34

by Anthology

  “You’re funny.”

  “Ha ha funny or degenerate funny?” Laney giggles, and it’s cute as shit.

  “Will I get left on the side of the road if I say a little of both?”

  “Damn, that’s rude. I just might leave your ass at a rest stop.” I wave my hand at her. “Nah, I wouldn’t go that far. Those places are creepy as hell.”

  Laney stares at me as she gets her composure back. We’re both staring into each other’s eyes, having some kind of moment, when the waitress approaches us.

  “I will have one waffle and your hash browns, uh, covered, smothered and peppered please,” she says with a smile.

  I order next and the waitress gives me a wink. After she leaves, Laney appears nervous.

  “What’s wrong?”



  She takes a drink of her coffee before she sighs.

  “I’m worried you’re going to, you know, expect a favor in return for all of this.”

  I scratch my head. “I don’t need to bribe women for sex. I get it plenty without desperate measures.”

  “I figured, but I’m glad we cleared that up.”

  “Why did you figure?” Her eyes dart around the restaurant, so I lightly kick her leg underneath the table. “Come on. Spit it out.”

  “Well, because you’re attractive and charismatic. I mean, that waitress was even winking at you. Do women flirt with you everywhere you go?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “And do you flirt back?”

  “Yep. Even the ugly ones. Ugly girls need lovin’, too.” She’s giggling again, and I’m thinking that I like being the cause of it.

  “Come on. I can’t be alone on this. I’m sure guys hit on you all the time.”

  “Why do you figure that?”

  I feel my face warming. “Oh, I see how this works. OK, you’re hot. I wouldn’t say charismatic. Actually, you get a little pissy, but I kinda like your spunk.”

  She frowns, and I sort of feel bad.

  “It’s not an insult. I like it. Well, except when it’s all directed at me. Oh, and that spider monkey move you pulled on me when I took your car … that shit was crazy.”

  Laney’s face turns beet red as she bursts into a fit of laughter. She’s chuckling so hard that she falls over in her booth and holds her stomach.

  The waitress arrives, and Laney rises and wipes her teary eyes.

  “I’m so sorry. I even bit you.”

  I throw a finger out toward her. “Now, that shit was hot.”

  Briefly, she covers her mouth, and alluring eyes gaze back at me. Realizing she’s staring, her eyes flit to the plate in front of her.

  “Mmm … this smells delicious, Wade. I’m going to send you my hospital bills when I’m old and having bypass surgery.”

  “You do that. It will be worth every bite.”


  I’m still wiping tears from my eyes as I take my first bite of food. Wade’s sexy and funny and a total player. Why do all men have to think with their dicks?

  “You’re in deep thought over there.”

  “Me, no. I’m suddenly ravenous. We should eat and get back on the road. We have a long day ahead of us. I’m guessing about eight hours still.”

  Wade and I finish our meal and stroll to the truck. He turns the country music back on, so I pop in my headphones and connect them to my iPhone. Almost instantly, he’s pulling one free from my ear.

  “What’s wrong with my music?”

  “I’m not a huge country fan, but you don’t have to change it.”

  “What do you like to listen to?”

  “Mainstream pop, rock, southern rock.”

  “I can roll with the southern rock.” I wanted to listen to the songs on my playlist, but since he’s trying to be accommodating, I shove my phone back into my bag and lay my head back against the seat.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, peaches.”

  “We’re not in Georgia any longer. You can’t call me that.”

  “Oh, right. We’re in the boring state of Alabama.”

  “It’s not boring.”

  “OK, maybe not, but it’s boring to drive through. Hmm … how about Crimson, for Crimson Tide football?”

  “That’s hardly endearing but OK.”

  “It’s for football, so it’s endearing to a dude.”

  His words have me smiling and turning my head away from him. I can’t let him get inside my head or inside my pants, for that matter.

  No, I need to keep Wicked Wade at arm’s length at all times. Although, something tells me Wade isn’t so wicked after all.


  We’ve already stopped to use the restroom again, and I’m bored out of my mind. Wade was right. There wasn’t much to look at as we crossed Alabama, so I’m thrilled that we’ve entered Mississippi.

  “We should play a game.”

  “What sort of game. I’m driving here.”

  “Have you ever…?”

  “We have no beer, and you’re going to have me thinking of beer, which I can’t drink until we’re done driving for the night.”

  “We’ll drink our waters. If you’ve done whatever it is, then you must drink, and whoever has to stop to pee first loses.”

  “You’re up, Magnolia.”

  I smile bashfully at my new nickname.

  “OK. Have you ever had a threesome?”

  “Seriously? Right out of the gate, huh? I’m gonna lose this game because I’m almost certain I’ve done more things than you. Been there, done that.” Wade takes a drink, and I’m appalled.

  “I can’t believe you’ve had a threesome. Who with? Male and female, two males, two females?”

  “I’m not into dudes, so that would leave two females and myself. My turn. Have you ever wanted to be someone else?”


  “Damn, I thought all chicks compared themselves to other women.”

  “Comparing and wanting to be someone else are two different things.”

  Wade takes a drink from his plastic bottle of water.

  “Who have you wanted to be?” I ask.

  “We’re not playing that game right now.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “OK, fair enough. Have you ever stolen something?”

  “Uh, when I was a kid I stole those candy cigarettes. Then, when I was a teenager, my friend and I stole beers out of our other friend’s fridge. They belonged to his pops.” Wade takes a drink, but I don’t.

  “I call bullshit. You’ve at least stolen an ink pen in your life. Drink. I think this game leans a tad too much in your favor. Have you ever done it in a vehicle?”


  “Not ever?” he asks, seeming totally mystified by this.


  “Shit, the back of this truck is a perfect spot to get it on. It’s so roomy.”

  I roll my eyes yet again. “You’re such a romantic. I see why women are lining up.”

  “Damn, I’m going to have to piss soon.”

  “Have you ever been in love?” I ask.


  “I call bullshit.”

  “Never,” he proclaims. I sigh and take a drink.

  “Dish. I want to hear about this lucky fella.”

  “We’re not playing that game.”

  “Shit, I have to pull off at the next exit. I have to piss.” He shifts in his seat and holds his hand over his crotch for a second. This has me giggling.

  “I love that cute little laugh of yours,” he says without glancing over. I smile and turn my head away from him. He’s too charming, but I’m not the kind of girl who wants to roll around in the back of a truck.

  Chapter Nine


  “THANK FUCK, WE’RE here, Toothpick,” I say as I put the truck in park. We’ve been driving all damn day, and I’m ready for some beers and a hot shower.

  “Toothpick?” Laney says as she lifts herself out of a heav
y sleep.

  “We’re in Arkansas. I think that’s a state nickname, and since you’re so tiny, it’s seems fitting.”

  With my duffel bag over my shoulder, I drag Laney’s heavy suitcase behind me as we walk to the motel entrance.

  “This place is creepy, Wade.”

  “Look, you don’t get a five star hotel room with the money we’re working with.”

  “Why don’t we stay somewhere nicer, and I’ll have my dad reimburse you?”

  “Because you’ve yet to find out if your pops has any money.”

  “I told you he keeps it around his house.”

  “This will be character building for you. Not everyone has money at their disposal.”

  “Now you sound like my brother, Will.” Laney is quiet the rest of the way, and once we enter the small office area, her eyes roam the room in horror.

  The place doesn’t appear to have been remodeled, so the carpet is a burnt orange color. The walls are a dingy beige, and the lady behind it was old back when the seventies carpet was installed.

  “Here are your keys. They also open the door to the room with the vending machines and ice.”

  The lady hands me and Laney each a key that’s attached to a rectangular piece of wood. I guess it’s to deter guests from carrying it off. This should be so much fun.

  “I can’t believe we’re staying here,” she utters as we approach the doors that face the parking lot. Our rooms are side by side with an outside entrance.

  “Look, our rooms are right next to each other, so you can come get me if you have any problem. Oh, and I would keep the deadbolt locked if I were you. This area of town looks a bit sketchy.”

  “What if I need you and it’s unsafe for me to go outside?”

  “Then beat on the wall. Or, I could keep you cozy and safe in my room.” I shoot her a grin as I shove the key into the door.

  She scowls at me in true Laney fashion.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “That wasn’t a no.”


  “Suit yourself, Toothpick. I’ll see you in the morning.” I enter my room and the door slams shut behind me. Wow, this is a dump. I know it’s only a matter of seconds before Laney’s going to be pounding on my door. One, two–”

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  I knew it. “What’s the problem?”

  “How can you even ask that? This place is a total dump.”

  “Let’s go find a bar to hang out in. Then, we’ll only have to stay in here long enough to sleep.”

  She sighs loudly for I believe dramatic effect.

  “Fine. I’m hungry, so I hope they have peanuts or chips.”


  The dive bar we enter couldn’t be more redneck. There are actual deer heads mounted on the walls, and not like one that could win some state prize. I’m talking a bunch of them. It’s freaking me out.

  “I think those eyes are staring back at me.”

  “Wink at them. They probably seldom have hot chicks checking them out.”

  “Can you ever be serious?”

  “What fun is that?” A female server in too short of shorts approaches us. They’re black, and her snug white baby tee says “Around the Bend.” She looks like she’s been around the bend quite a few times. Or bent over quite a few times I should say.

  “What can I get you, handsome?”

  “Uh, the lady and I here will each have a Coors Light.”

  “Sure thing,” she says with a wink. The woman never even acknowledges my presence.

  “I guess I’m invisible.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far. Those men over there are sure checkin’ you out.” I look in the direction Wade’s nodding, and three old men sitting at a table are staring at me.

  Two of the three men are in blue jean bib overalls, and the third is sporting an oversized cowboy hat.

  “Wow, thank you for bringing that to my attention.”

  “No problem. I thought you might want a dance partner later.”

  Country music is playing over the sound system, and a few middle-aged ladies are line dancing on the dance floor.

  They’re an addition to the amusing entertainment already being provided in this fine establishment.

  Our server returns and still makes no eye contact with me. I see her eyeing Wade’s hand for a ring.

  “So, where are you from? I haven’t seen you in here before?”

  I must admit she’s mildly attractive, but her hair has been colored blonde a few too many times, so it’s a tinge yellow and could sure use a trim. She appears about college age.

  “South Carolina.”

  “That’s pretty far from here. Where are ya headed?”

  “Malibu, California.”

  “Well, you wave at me when you’re ready for another beer.”

  “Sure thing, sweetheart. Hey, could we get some peanuts.”

  “Comin’ right up,” she says, placing a hand on his shoulder.

  I roll my eyes. It’s becoming a habit. Wade stares at me while he takes a drink.

  “What?” he asks.

  “She might as well shove me out of my chair and take my seat.”

  “Jealous are we?”


  “She’s hot in her own southern, trashy way.”

  I smile at him. I don’t know why, but it pleases me that he sees her the same way I do. Maybe I am a tad jealous, too.

  “She’s the kind of girl you have to wrap it up twice for.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Once for the sperm and once for the germ.”

  I’m cackling from this comment and only wish I was in a booth seat that I could fall over onto.

  “You crack me up.” The server returns with peanuts, and I have to battle the urge not to laugh out loud at her.

  Wade immediately picks up a nut and pops it into his mouth. “Open,” he says as he grabs another. He’s holding his hand up as if he wants to toss one into my mouth.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh, come on. I know you have a fun side to ya. I saw a peek of it today in the truck.”

  I sigh, which is the second thing I do a lot when I’m around him. I open my mouth, and he tosses one my direction. I miss, so he tries again … and again. Finally on the fourth try, I catch one.

  He chuckles. “I just wanted to see you with your mouth wide open, ready for something to fit inside.”

  “Wade! You’re such a perv.”

  “No, I believe that man over there licking his lips for you might be.”

  Why I’m looking, I don’t know, but this gives one of the men in the bib overalls the impression I’m into him. He marches over on a mission.

  “Care to dance?”

  “Oh, um, I should probably stay here and keep my friend company.”

  “I don’t mind,” Wade says. My head snaps his way, and my eyes grow rounder.

  “Yes, you do.”

  “No, really. Sir, we’re just friends. Have at her.”

  “Paybacks are a bitch, buddy,” I whisper before I stand and take the man’s hand.

  He’s at least a foot taller than me and could swallow me up in his arms if I let him, but arm’s length is where we’re staying. He has long, thick salt-n-pepper hair. It’s like a woman’s bad hair day.

  Wade’s going to pay. Thankfully, Jessica taught me to two step, and as the guy and I go around the dance floor, I notice Wade chuckling.

  The song continues to play, and I see that the server is back at our table. It’s obvious he’s flirting with her from the broad grin he’s displaying.

  She’s leaning her chest into him while her palm rests flat on the table. His eyes take glances of her breasts on occasion, and his fingers trail over hers.

  Oh, what a player. I need to think long and hard on how I’m going to get him back for this. He probably only sent me away so he could get alone time with her.

  Once the dance is over, I’m at least gracious to the man I’ve b
een holding hands with and thank him. I then stomp back to the table.

  “Have you gotten her number yet? I’m ready to leave.”

  “Hey, I was just playin’ around.”

  “Real funny, Wade. I didn’t want to dance with him. I don’t even like dancing, and I especially don’t want to do it with a total stranger.”

  “Alright, alright.” He holds his hands up and frowns. “You’re a real buzz kill, you know that?”

  “So I’ve been told. Sorry I’m not a barrel of laughs.” I march out the door, but once I spot a group of bikers, I decide to step back inside.

  Wade stops by the door like he doesn’t know what I’m waiting for, so I go on outside. He follows, and I notice him eyeing the bikers, too. We reach the truck, and he shakes his head.

  “I think you’re only using me at your convenience.”

  “Oh, get over yourself.”


  Laney and I are silent on our way back to the motel. Her arms are crossed as she stares out the window. We pull into a parking spot, and I turn to her.

  “I’m sorry I pushed you to dance with a strange man. Can we forget it happened?”

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll forget it once I’ve rinsed off his strong cologne from my body.”

  “Damn, why do you have to get so pissy over silly shit?” Laney practically jumps out of the truck to get away from me. She doesn’t say goodnight, and that’s fine by me. She’s moody, and I’m over it.

  Once inside, I find my flask and take a shot of whiskey before I strip and get into bed. It’s going to be a long few days.

  My eyes close, and I’m ready for sleep, but after only a few minutes, there’s a pounding on my door. There’s a peephole, and once I see Laney on the other side, I open it.

  Her hand is up, ready to pound away again, and she appears frustrated. Her eyes scroll down my body until they land on my package in my boxer briefs.

  Shaking her head, her eyes whip up to my face.

  “Uh, excuse me. There’s a big spider at the top of my shower, and I can’t reach it to kill it.”

  “If you can’t reach it, then I doubt it will reach you.” I start to shut the door, but she slaps her palm on it.

  “Please, can I um, use your shower? Also, some of those bikers are in the room next to me. I hear them partying.” Laney looks back over her shoulder. “What if they break in?”


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