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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

Page 68

by Anthology

  At first Keith was dedicated but after miscarriage number three. He seemed to mentally veer. I loved him in a, we were going to be parents, sort of way. I ended up pregnant and he thought it would be wise to get married. I agreed since I did not want to be a single mom and Keith and I got along well to a certain point. I started to like him as a person until I didn’t. This turned into late nights, drunk mornings and one good slap across the face. That was his first and last time he laid his hands on me. Once he passed out in his alcoholic slumber, I called my brother and instructed him to call the cops. After I ended the call, I grabbed a bat and started wailing on his ass.

  My mom taught me that.

  A man ever gets outta hand, do not fight him - because you’ll lose. Wait until he is in a position to be taken over, then BOOM! Get his ass.

  She said she did that to my father and never had a problem out of him since. I always thought her methods were a bit dramatic and extreme. That was until a hand came across my face from my drunken husband. By the time, my brother and the sheriff arrived, Keith’s knee was busted, and there were a few cracked ribs and bruises all over his body. Sheriff Wayne shook his head and said, “I was wondering when that was a’ coming.”

  He brought me down to the jail to take my statement but did not press charges, because he saw my eye would have a nice shiner the next day. I was too mad to put ice on it and full of adrenaline to even care. Hence, the people of Tammytown kept their distance and all of this happened three years ago.


  Wade’s must have been trying to change some things up because they were playing some old Bob Dylan songs and had a few line dances going. The motorcycles were lined up outside, the GM trucks had their own row and the guys who dared come with the nicer cars or minivans were parked somewhere in the back. There were some guys that we did not recognize, but my friend Daisy had the eyes of a hawk. Newbies were considered fresh meat and most of the ladies were vultures about their evening entertainment. Bette, the owner of Wade’s, had to be well in her sixties and tough as nails. However, she was not the one to be worried about. Her twin sons, who were former linebackers for their high school football team and college. They raised too much hell in college, so they were back in town, guarding the bar and their momma.

  “You trying to go home alone?” Daisy asked me.

  “Not really. I just need to blow off some steam. Keith called and started his typical nonsense and I had to hang up on his ass. It just always gets me in a mood to hurt something.” I shifted my weight and rolled my eyes.

  “Girl, you are funny. Keith is a moron and unfortunately for him, its’ too late.”

  “He is the moron of morons. What man in his right mind thinks a woman who knew you had a wife is going to be faithful to you too? What woman would take a man from his wife and think it would be any different. I swear the world is coming to an end.”

  “Yeah, you are in a mood. Cheating has been happening for a long time. The world ain’t coming to an end. Morons were at the beginning of time too. I’m just saying.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I took a sip of my room temperature beer that I nursed for over an hour.


  “Going in,” Daisy stood and pulled her shirt down, so those double D’s were on display and pushed up her bra.

  “Rock out,” I stated in a bored tone.

  “I’ll see if I can get one for you too. I am headed to blue eyes. Green eyes looks like your type.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “Nice and rough.”

  “Umm, hmm.” I nodded.

  I highly doubted any of those out of towners were willing to do what I wanted. I wasn’t a sexual deviant, but standing at 5’9, curvy figure and the double-D cups were a lot to handle. A size ten was huge for some, small for others, but worked just fine for me. It really meant I had more weight on me and I knew how to use it, especially in bed. Most men could not handle that. Keith was most men. During sex, when we had sex, he never liked when I got overexcited. That asshole was six foot and two hundred and twenty pounds solid. He was just a wuss.


  See, thinking about him.

  Daisy came back over with her guy. They chatted, tried to include me in on the conversation but I wasn’t interested. Green eyes walked over after a while and attempted to get a drink for me. I shook my head no, then he said, “Give a man a chance.”

  I looked to Daisy as a warning to get her friend’s friend, because he was about to catch the fury of Savannah D. Hines and he did not know me. I also was not in the mood. She caught on because she whispered in blue eyes ear, who then tapped his friend as a warning.

  “Going back over to the others,” Green eyes said and picked up his beer and returned to their crew.

  “I am cool here if you want to go. You do not seem like yourself,” Daisy said, knowing I didn’t want to be the one to leave her but giving me permission to leave if I wanted.

  “Aight, girl. Going to go sleep it off. Text me when you leave, make sure Herb knows him.”

  Herb was one of Bette’s twins, who also would look after the ladies when he was around.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know the routine.”

  “Don’t forget it.” I stood up and grabbed my purse.

  As I made my way to the car, someone stepped out of the shadows of the row of GM trucks.

  “Vannah?” The familiar voice called.

  Reaching for my pepper spray, I stopped and started to back up.

  “Vannah, it’s me.”

  The face came out of the shadows.

  Fucking Keith.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I snapped, still gripping my pepper spray.

  “Baby, I just wanted to talk.” He was dressed in jeans, boots, his regular flannel shirt that was open showing his dirty tank underneath.

  His three-day-old shave looked rough and his sandy brown hair was longer than his usual length around his neck. The bags under his eyes spoke volumes, but not any chapters that I wanted to read. He took a step forward and I took a step back, because although he did not look drunk, he did look desperate. His eyes were wild and when he was like this, there was no telling what he was thinking. He got like this when he rushed me to the hospital with my third miscarriage. He didn’t say much, but the anger and disappointment exuded from his body. He had no children and he wanted them badly.

  I never tried to entertain that I was damaged goods, but I always felt that is why he texted me that he was leaving me for good. Keith was a coward. There was no ‘better or worse’ and honestly, I’d rather he'd gone and be happy because I wasn’t happy with him.

  “Keith, there is nothing to talk about.” I twirled my keys as the pepper spray was in my hands attached to the ring on the chain.

  “Listen, I, uh, fucked up. Need you to take me back. We were good, right?”

  “No, we weren’t. I will never and I need you to hear me, NEVER, take you back. That tramp ran off, so you got nowhere to go. You best find your mother, cause I ain’t her.”

  His face scrunched up with anger and his eyebrows came together as if he were trying to focus, but he was glaring at me. Then he made three swift moves towards me and was in my face.

  “I would not do that if I were you.” A gruff voice called in the dark.

  A silhouette of a man with his arm bent and hand towards his mouth was leaning against one of the GM trucks.

  “Mind ya fuckin’ business. This is my wife,” Keith snapped.

  “No, I am not,” I said as I was backing away and going towards the bar and away from the men.

  Keith took another step towards me, then the stranger pushed off of the truck and repeated, “Said, I would not do that if I were you.”

  “Fuck off, this is a domestic situation.” Keith's eyes narrowed on me.

  “I’ll put your ass down if you don’t stop. Will not say it again.”

  He came from behind the shadows and GOOD LORD, it was Troy Bennett. He lived on the outskirts of Tammytown and n
obody had ever been on his property. He had a farm and was rarely was in town. More importantly, he damn sure never came to Wade’s for a drink. He was dressed in hunter green cargo pants with pockets, a black Henley shirt, and black boots. His russet mahogany skin tone was bright under the street lamp that patrons begged Bette to get installed. It only took five years, but it eventually happened.

  Troy was gorgeous and all the women wanted a piece of him, but he was not to be fucked with. It was rumored that he and his brother took care of his father, who had dementia. It was also rumored that Troy was a little crazy too because he beat the shit out of a townie like a goddamn machine and nobody could pull him off. It was not clear what exactly caused the beat down, but the guy suffered from severe injuries and Troy was released from the jail. He stayed on his side of the town and nobody bothered him or his family.

  Once recognition set in with Keith, who Troy was, he backed away from me slightly.

  “Man, this ain’t got nothing to do with you,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “You lay your hands on that woman, it has everything to do with me. Get outta here, now. Before I lose my patience.” Troy put his hands on his hips.

  Keith stepped away, then turned to look at me again.

  “Vannah, we’ll talk,” he grunted, then turned to leave.

  Once Keith disappeared out the parking lot, I turned to Troy and said in a question-like way, “Thank you?”

  “Is that a question?” He put a toothpick in his mouth and chewed on it.

  Why that moved looked sexy was beyond me, but his muscles were definitely visible through that skin-tight Henley. His waist was slim and those thighs undoubtedly filled out those cargo pants quite well. Troy Bennett looked good and all the women knew it. Many wanted a piece of him for different reasons, but if there was any a man that I thought could handle me, it was Troy. He just had that look about him that read, ‘will spank your ass and get off on it.’ That, however, scared me.

  Just a little.

  “Not a question, just do not see you around these parts.”

  “Hmm.” He lifted his head and looked at me with those piercing, hazel eyes.

  “Uh, so. Uh, thank you again.” I turned towards him.

  “Don’t mention it.” He continued to stare at me.

  Oh, what the hell.

  “You, uh, want a drink?” I pointed towards the bar.

  “Not my scene,” he answered rather quickly.


  “You want a drink elsewhere,” I smiled seductively.

  What the hell was I doing? Troy Bennett did not do townies and if there was a definition of a townie; I was definitely one. Actually, nobody knew what Troy did, because he stayed over near his farm.

  “You do not want to drink with me?” He switched the toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other.

  “I’m asking, ain’t I?” My attempt to be sassy.

  He made two long strides towards me and was within arm’s length away. My heart raced and I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck. My nipples stood at attention as the skin pulled around the areola.

  “You do not know what you’re asking.” He continued to chew on the toothpick as he looked down at me.

  He had to be over six foot three inches, as his chin was tilted towards his chest so his eyes could pierce through my soul. He did not say no, but he promised all sorts of dangerous things. I could feel it.

  “Try me,” I smirked.

  He reached up and pulled the toothpick out of his mouth. His hand gestured towards me with the small wooden pointed stick still in his hand, then he lifted one side of his face in a mocking smirk.

  “Think so, darling.” He walked closer, then he said, “What you say about me turning you over and spanking that ass until its crimson? Holding you down, while you take my dick in every hole you have. Can you handle that? Tie you up nice and pretty so I can fuck you all night if I want. Would you like that, darling? Can you handle a hard cock in that sweet little ass of yours?”

  Well, goddamn.

  The man did not mince words, nor was he apologetic about anything he was saying. No man had ever talked to me that way. Maybe in the bedroom, but definitely not on the first formal introductory meeting. My body, on the other hand, was alert, ready and humming with each word and action. It was hoping he would follow through. The town already thought I was crazy, so going for Troy Bennett was definitely the craziest thing I would do this year.

  Closing whatever distance was left, I stood on my tip toes and asked, “You promise?”

  Chapter 2: Troy

  SO IT WAS true what they said about Savannah Jones.

  She was crazy.

  Everybody in town knew, the Bennett’s, did not associate with them. They didn’t bother me or my family and we minded our business. I rarely went into town, but on occasion when we needed things that could not be shipped to us or we had a situation that needed to be dealt in town, I’d make the trip.

  Why was I at Wades at that moment? Beats the fuck out of me. I had an inkling. Though I wasn't planning on going into the bar.

  Now, Savannah Jones was in my face literally, saying she could handle the likes of me. Staring into her blue eyes with golden blond hair was beyond mesmerizing. She was a hell raiser and known to kick some ass if it needed. The Townies were scared of her, but then they were afraid of me too. They had a reason to be, I didn’t fuck with none of them.

  Biting my bottom lip, I tilted my head to the right and told her, “Go on home.”

  Savannah raised her eyebrow at me and lowered from her toes when she said, “Not ready for home just yet. Came out here looking for a good time. Seems like I might find it.”

  “I am not a good time.” I folded my arms over my chest while trying to not think of flipping her ass over my truck bed and burying myself in what I knew would be tight. “Take your ass home.”

  “Hmm.” She looked into my eyes, searching for something.

  I had nothing to hide, I’d fuck her and leave her here, but the last thing I needed was a good fuck. I needed more than that and I knew Savannah Jones would not be able to give me that. Granted, she talked a good game, but the last thing I needed was for my town status to be disrupted. I never slept with anyone in town and had no intentions to. I never wanted the familiarity, as being a mystery was much better. There was no imagining how any of the women would respond to my likings.

  After throwing my toothpick away, I turned to walk off.

  “Guess I am not the one that’s afraid,” she taunted.

  “Nope, just the one that got saved.” I hopped in my truck and peeled out of the parking lot.

  As I crossed over our property lines, I remembered why I left to go into town. It was supposed to be a break from the gloom that hovered over the house, the property and my life. There was an innate need to be around people, especially happy people and Wade’s was the closest to my house.

  They were happy because they were drunk but still happy.

  As I walked into the large ranch house, I encountered my brother, Seth.

  “You cool off?” He asked with concern etched in his voice.

  “Yeah,” I answered, trying to sound aloof. “Just went to grab some air.”

  Seth nodded his head like he understood. Well, he did, but this was life.

  “Dad is sleep now. He’s taken his meds, so we are free for the night.” He continued to search me with his assessing eyes. “I mean if you wanted to go back out.”

  Immediately, my thoughts went back to Savannah. Then I remembered the unofficial ‘no townie’ rule and she was definitely a townie. Married that asshole Keith five years ago, but he was a Playboy a while back. I wasn’t really sure what the fuck she was thinking to be with such a deadbeat like him, but it was her life.

  Savannah and I had one encounter in high school when one of the guys on the track team dared me to race him for my bike. I took him up on because he made the mistake of thinking that since he was on the track te
am, that he would be faster than me. He was one of those preppy boys that thought he would have everything his way, but that season his father had not bought him a bike and mine had. It was my first dirt bike and Stewart McAllister thought he would beat me in running and that I’d willingly give him my bike.

  It did not go Stew’s way and not only did I win, but I smoked him. He was thoroughly embarrassed and thought that a little intimidation would help to alleviate the public humiliation. Half of the senior class had cut school to see the event. Stew had three of his guys came up to me after the race as I was walking to my bike. He pushed me and before I pulverized all four of them, blond-haired Savannah walked in between us with her finger in the air, yelling, “You’re a sore loser, Stewart McAllister. He won fair and square.”

  “Shut up, Savannah and move,” he barked at her.

  “Make me,” she spat while putting her hands on her hips.

  She was a dancer, not the cheerleader, but her outfit just the same, caused all men to stop. That little skirt, those big girls she called breast sat up just right. Almost made a man, want to take a bite.

  I didn’t need her fighting my battles, but I did need her to move her perky ass out of my way.

  “Move Savannah,” I said.

  “No, Troy. They’re wrong.”

  “Savannah, get your ass over here,” her friend Daisy yelled/whispered.

  “I can handle myself,” I said through my teeth.

  “Yeah, Savannah. He’s a big boy, he does not need you fighting for him. What would Jess think about that?” Stew asked with a devious smile.

  Jess was Savannah’s boyfriend at the time. This was another one that I had no idea what the fuck she was thinking. He was the class clown and did not take life seriously at all. I do not even think he finished high school.

  “Jess?” she scoffed. “You need to be worrying about Mr. McAllister and don’t you worry, I am sure he’d be more interested to know that you’re out here attempting to extort another student for their bike.”

  Stewart glared at her through squinted eyes.


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