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Reckless: A Bad Boyz Anthology

Page 72

by Anthology

  “You still have it in?” He asked.


  He moved closer to me and said, “The plug. Do you still have it in?”

  “Oh my God,” I gasped.

  I did have it in and with all that was going on, I nearly forgot, which was weird. Now that he said it, I felt it, but before his reminder, I hadn’t even thought about it.

  Troy smiled at my sudden realization, then laughed out loud. I did not realize that I was staring at him enjoying himself and actually laughing for the first time since, I think, I knew the boy and now a man. A grown man.

  “How did you get into this business?” I suddenly wanted to know.

  He quickly sobered, and said, “That’s a long story for another day.”

  “I may not have another day.” I hurried and asked. “Right? I have to choose and it’s not like you are coming with me, right? So, you might as well tell me now, as you might not see me ever again.”

  He stared at me with squinted eyes. “Oh, I’ll see you again.”

  “How?” I squinted my eyes back. “If I decide to take door number one, then, I am off the face of the earth.”

  “I’ll know where you are and I’ll see you.”

  “Aww, you’re going to miss me?” I joked.

  Troy didn’t laugh. He did not crack a smile or even smirk. Instead, he lifted my chin with his crooked forefinger and said, “What do you think this is? What do you believe we are doing here? Oh, that’s right, we’re just fucking, right? You believe i bought a plug for your ass, so I could just fuck you? I saved your life, so we could just roll around in bed. I am many things darling, but a romantic is not one of them. However, seeing you the other day and being able to return the favor you once bestowed upon me or for Stewart, I do not think is a coincidence. I do not believe it's just happenstance, that you see me at a mall after I’ve just seen you the day before and we had an encounter. I will not ignore that you saw me do what I did, dealt with it and let it go. I am not a knight in shining armor. I am a goddamn assassin and you still,” he jerked my head slightly towards me, “let me taste that sweet, tight pussy and leave my seed in you. Savannah Jones, Hines or whatever the fuck you call yourself these days. I do not give one fuck about just fucking you. Pussy, I can get, a woman that I just described is not something you turn your back on. So, those are my cards. All of them turned over for you to see my hand. You choose how you want to play it, but I am telling you where I am at.” He let me go. “Got it.”

  I slowly nodded my head, as Troy placed the tray on the bed and left.

  Well, I’ll be damned.

  Troy Bennett just told me, I am the type of woman he wants. What in the hell is going on? Was the man serious? And even if he was, what kind of guy was he?

  Shit, he was right. I saw him kill two people without batting an eye, yet I freaked out, let it go and had sex with him. Boy, if or when I told Daisy this, she would probably congratulate me and give me a goddamn medal. Do not get me wrong, as I said, I do not discriminate, but clearly the man has a plan and has not been in and out of jail. I’ll just need to let him know, I do not do conjugal visits. Well, I guess I should not be so judgemental since I may be the one going to jail.

  Chapter 6: Troy


  I should not have come at her like that, but she was so nonchalant about everything and I was the one feeling like I was about to lose something I just found. It wasn't just about the sex or anything like that, it was about who she represented now for me. Someone that took me for me, no matter what and was able to see me. The lost side of me, the business side of me and know that I am still human inside.

  Shit, I didn't know if she was fucking crazy or just perfect, but I had no intentions of letting her go. Only Seth and I would know where she was located and nobody would ever torture that information from either of us. Whatever her answer was, I had planned to continue to see her. However, what I didn't take into account was the fact that if she chose one and disappeared, then maybe she didn't want to be found.

  I had even entertained the idea of going with her a couple of times, but I could not leave Seth to deal with my father's deteriorating health, the business and managing all of what came with that. We were still the best around and now that it seemed we had been compromised, it was the wrong time to leave. Assuming it was a compromise or another agency, trying to kill off the competition. There were only a few organizations that would stoop that low. Although Seth probably had a plan that he would eventually share, I needed to know where Savannah stood.

  Seth was a big brother all around. He handled the management of the business and every now and then when I needed his assistance he would join us in the field. One of us needed to step up after it was clear that dad could not keep it up. He didn't like it, but dementia in its late stages was not kind. It was too risky to put him in a home and Seth was not convinced that having someone come in and watch him was the best idea.

  We would need to revisit that argument again and now that things were accelerating with Savannah and this potential exposure. We needed to get on that. Seth and I were the same. No ties, no attachments and no future of one. Maybe I was in over my head, but I planned to make Savannah mine in a permanent way. She's the first woman that knew what I was and after a freakout, she let it the fuck go.

  There was nothing that would keep me from her.




  I spent the entire day in that room trying to figure out what to do next. Then it happened.

  I had made a decision.

  It was around seven o'clock and Troy had yet to come back to my room. The crazy part was that I took a shower, removed the plug and put it back in. The way he walked out my room suggested that I might not get what was making my pussy wet all day. However, I’d rather be safe than sorry. Him, in my ass.

  Oh my God. So goddamn sexy.

  I found Seth in the kitchen, but Troy was nowhere to be found. When I entered, he was taking steaks out the oven. For us to be on the run, we sure were eating pretty good.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey yourself,” I replied.

  “Look, sorry about my attitude earlier,” he waved the steam away from the foiled covered potatoes. “I just get a bit protective of my family. You are a new entity and I am not sure how much to trust you. But, Troy does, and I trust his instincts, so,” he paused. “There you go.”

  “Ah, I see. It's understandable.”

  “You are really okay with him being an assassin?” He turned fully to face me.

  “Well, being okay is not a word I would use.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I saw what he did, but it’s no worse than the things I’ve seen others do. At least it was an outright kill and not a slow life-long death that others sign up for. Shit, on top of that, Troy saved my life. He didn’t have to, but he did and I am grateful for that as well.”

  “I see.” He contemplated me with squinted eyes. “We were born into this world to be assassins. Our family has a long line of them and we’ve all worked for the government at some point and still do contract work for them. We do not kill innocents or bystanders unless we have to and that is rare. However, we remain low on the radar, even in our own towns and we are almost always undetected. My problem is that now we are on the radar and I am not sure why. We have rivals, but none of that seems like a rival sort of situation. Do you have any idea if someone wants you dead?”

  “What?” I shook my head. “I have no idea what any of this was about. I saw Troy, was trying to take him up on something he had told me about the night before and the next thing I knew shots were fired and he was pushing me down to the ground.”

  “Hmm,” was all he said. “It is so random.”

  “Do you think I have something to do with it?” My temper was rising at the insinuation.

  “No, no. Not directly at least. I am just trying to think if there is someone that thinks you guys were together at that point or would
want to get rid of you and him. I have no idea. It just seems random.”

  “Nobody would think that we would ever be together because the last time Troy and I were even in the same vicinity was …” I stopped mid-sentence as I thought about our last encounter.


  Troy was running Keith off and he looked terribly desperate.

  “What, Savannah?” He walked towards me with his eyebrows raised.

  “Well, it’s just that.” I shook my head. It could not be. “The uh, the last time anyone saw Troy and I together was my ex-husband, Keith. He was desperate, but I do not think he thought Troy and I were together-together. Well, I do not know, because Troy scared him off.”

  Seth clasped both of my arms and smiled, “Okay, okay. Well, that’s a start. Tell Troy, I’ll be back and the food is ready. Steaks, stuffed potatoes, and broccoli. I’ll probably be back later tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks for your help.”

  He kissed my forehead and left the kitchen. It was not clear what I had done, but he thought it was good. I doubt Keith had anything to do with this, but I’d sure kill him myself if he did.

  Ten minutes later, Troy came inside the kitchen and raised his eyebrows. “You’re back with society now?”

  I smiled, then said, “Yeah.”

  “Good.” He came over to grab the plates from me and put them on the table. “Where’s Seth?”

  “He said he’d be back tonight or tomorrow. I think he had an idea.” Troy raised his eyebrows again. “Well, he had a theory that I was a part of us being attacked. However, I was sharing with him that you and I hadn’t been in the same vicinity until a few nights ago, outside of Wade’s and Keith looked desperate.”

  He nodded, then asked. “Seth thought that was significant?”

  “I guess so because he raced out of here.” I poured myself a glass of water. “He also prepared the food.”

  “Yeah, I know.” He smiled. “This is his signature dish.”

  We sat down to eat our food, which was absolutely delicious. He asked me about my high school boyfriends, what I did, why I never left this sleepy town. I asked him some of the same questions, including some of my own related to what Seth explained. The thing about being born to become an assassin and what he thought about that.

  “At this point in my life, I do not think about it. It’s just something that I do and have done. We were raised to do this and honestly, it’s what I know and more importantly, I am good at it.” This I could attest to because he killed a man while driving and barely even moved a muscle.

  “And that’s okay for you?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Is it okay for you?” he asked as he put down his fork.

  Why was he asking me? I had no stake in his career.

  “Yeah, it’s your career,” I smiled. “It’s what you want, so do you.”

  “No, darling,” He said his words slowly, “Is it okay for you?”


  “Uh, yeah.” I clarified.

  He nodded his head, then said, “So, what decision did you make?”

  “Option two.” I nodded. “The kidnapping.”

  Troy nodded as well. “Why?” He asked.

  “I am not comfortable with just dropping off the face of the earth for something like this. It really was a mistake on my part and I should have listened to you and left, but I’ve learned that lesson.” I raised my eyebrow at him. “So, option two allows me to remain near my mom, friends, etc. Well, at least have the option to continue being around them when I deem necessary. I do think this is an opportunity to do some things I’ve always wanted to do.”

  “Like what?”

  “Hmm, I am not sure really. But I do not want to work, live and breathe in Tammytown for the rest of my life. I swear to God, Troy, I would die an early death.”

  He turned his head, then shook it. “Yeah, darling. I fuckin’ hear you. Feel the same way.”

  “You do?” I asked. “What about your business?”

  “Yeah, well. I do not have to be here specifically for that.” Troy mused. “If you could live anywhere, where would that include?”

  “Definitely somewhere on the east coast. I am thinking Maryland. It’s not extremely far from DC, PA, Virginia or Delaware. Also, I hear it’s a good place to raise kids and they have good schools.” I mused.

  “You want kids?” Troy asked me.

  I laughed out loud. “Yes, I do want children. Always have, but…” I stood up to take my plate to the sink.

  “But what?” Troy stood as well.

  “I’m not sure I can carry one to full term.” I left it like that.

  Arms surrounded my center as he turned me around. His nose rubbed against my cheek as I put my head down, which subsequently landed on his shoulder. Troy whispered in my ears, “You’ve had a miscarriage?”

  “Yes,” I murmured in his shirt. “Three, actually.”

  “Maybe it wasn’t meant to be at that time and definitely with that asshat.” Troy rubbed my back, then his hand went to my butt. “Especially not with that man.”

  I laughed out loud again, then asked, “What do you know about Keith.”

  “Enough,” he said but did not elaborate.

  “Fuck, you may be right.” I looked up and into his hazel eyes.

  It was a really stressful time. I knew something was wrong, but it was not until slutty Stacy posted that picture of him that I had enough. I’m not sure why I stayed with his sorry ass, but I guess I did not want to start all the way over. That text message with him ending it hurt, but if didn’t do it, I was going to. My hope was that he could give me a kid, then I’d focus my attention on my child, but he could not even do that.

  “I know it’s too early. Way too early for this discussion, but,” he kissed my lips. “I don’t want this to be the end of us. Whatever you decide, I’m down. You want to move to Maryland? I’ll make that happen. You want to disappear; we can do that as well. Whatever, Savannah.”

  “Wh-what?” I tried to get out. “Why, Troy?”

  “Why not?” he asked. “I want to see where this can go. Never felt like this before and my instincts have never failed me either so I won’t ignore them when it comes to you.”

  I smiled at his words.

  “You take out that plug?” Troy asked.

  Shaking my head no, I swear his eyes grew right before me.

  “I mean, I took it out for a bit while I showered and cleaned it, then I put it back.”

  “Fuck,” he whispered to my lips and grabbed my ass. “Oh, darling. Not letting you go. Fuck that.”

  Troy lifted me so my legs wrapped around his waist as he walked us out of the kitchen.

  When we reached his room, he said, “Strip and bend over the bed and spread those legs wide for me.”

  He did the same as I gladly obeyed him as his hand caressed my bottom. He swatted my ass a few times, eliciting small moans. Then he rubbed down toward my wet pussy and inserted his finger. It felt tight and orgasmic. My butt protruded out as I wanted him to continue his perusal of my private region. The man had magical hands and knew what to do with them.

  He slapped my ass and I moaned, “Harder, Troy.”

  He did as I asked, then he said, “Making that ass red, darling. Just the way I like it.”

  “Yes,” I groaned as he spanked me again.

  “Fuck,” Troy hissed. “I wish you could see how fucking sexy you look. Your bottom red with my mark and your tight little ass with my plug. Soon, I’ll fill you up and watch you take all of me. Fucking beautiful.”

  “Do it.” I urged him.

  “This is going to be tight, but I promised I’d fill all of you up.”

  Troy mounted me, put his fingers to my mouth and inserted them. I sucked them in and begin to roll my tongue around them. He slowly penetrated my tight pussy lips and pushed in while lifting my ass. After some maneuvering, he was in and moving.

  My noises were muffled as he fucked me and filled every part of me up.

that, baby? You are so fucking tight.” He groaned. “Goddamn, woman. I don’t want to come yet.”

  My moans filled up the room though they were being muffled by his fingers that he was pushing in and out of my mouth in fucking motions like he was ramming into my tight center. Then he pulled out of me, fingers and his cock.

  “Going to take that plug out of your sweet ass, darling.” He slowly pulled it out of me.

  I mewed as it felt so good as he removed it, then he immediately inserted it into my slippery pussy. As I started to enjoy him fucking me with the hardened object, he stopped and put his cock at the opening of my tight asshole.

  “Going to take that ass now.” He sounded out of breath. “Just breathe and relax.”

  On my inhale, he pushed in, which rattled me a little and I involuntarily pushed out.

  “No, darling. Let me in,” he cooed.

  Troy pushed in some more, then pulled out. I loosened myself up so I could enjoy the invasion that was occurring. The sweet invasion.


  “Take me, darling.” Troy rubbed my ass while pulling the cheeks apart. “Give me that ass.”

  Finally, something broke and I just let him inside. It was absolute bliss. I felt like I was about to burst out of my skin as everything in me came alive. The hair on my arms and legs were standing up, my heart rate increased, and my body was quaking with anticipation. Troy was actually inside of my ass.


  Once he was in, he began to move in and out of me with agonizing groans. I could only imagine he was overwhelmed from the tightness of my channel and the forbidden feeling of the entire act. It was so damn sexy; I was ready to come.

  “Troy,” I moaned louder.

  He murmured some, then moaned, “…Vannah”

  I think he was trying to say my entire name, but that was all that came out.

  “Bout to come baby. Going to let me fill that ass?”

  “Yes, Troy.” I was so caught up. “Come inside me.”

  After a few more strokes, his hands squeezed my hips to the point of bruising and he held himself in me, with a long growl.

  It sounded as good as it felt. My alpha man, fucking me just like he said he would. In my pussy, in my mouth, and my ass. I thought about his words in the parking lot at Wade’s.


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