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Kissin' Tell: Rough Riders, Book 13

Page 24

by Lorelei James

  They talked while waiting for their food. Easy conversation about their work plans for the upcoming week. She told him about the rodeo, but decided not to mention the committee had hired Deck as a judge.

  She felt like a complete idiot that she’d missed Deck’s name on both the PRCA and non-PRCA judges’ list. Granted, his name was at the bottom, since he didn’t judge much, but after their run-in, she’d flipped through her paperwork and discovered they were working at another event this summer. All three of them—Deck, Tell and her. Together. That oughta be a laugh riot—not.

  She decided to avoid mentioning it until right before the actual event. It wasn’t worth getting Tell’s back up or setting them both on edge. And who knew what would happen between her and Tell between now and then? Maybe they’d break up.

  The thought of that caused her stomach to somersault. Letting him know she was leaving at summer’s end would be the responsible thing to do, but the more time she spent with Tell, the more time she wanted to spend with him. And she knew if she told him, he’d end it now. She wasn’t ready for that.

  Georgia sighed softly and laid her head on his shoulder—just because she could.

  “Be honest. Did you have fun today?” Tell had one arm around her and gently trailed his fingertips across her bicep.

  “Yes. I always have a great time with you. No matter if we’re having a popcorn fight, or if we’re out at a bar, or if we’re in bed. I like being with you, Tell.”

  He cupped his hand around her jaw, turning her face toward his. Georgia expected a gentle peck, but he flipped all her switches to overload with a hungry kiss.

  The insistent mating of mouths was a little much for a public restaurant. But again, Tell lived in the moment. He’d just told her he felt the same way, without saying anything at all.

  “For pity’s sake, Tell McKay, what is wrong with you?”

  Tell didn’t rip his mouth from hers as he ended the kiss, but every muscle in his body seized up. He glanced at the man standing at the end of the table.

  The resemblance was obvious.

  “Dad. What are you doin’ here?”

  “Didja forget I spend Sundays in Spearfish goin’ to church? Not that you’ve ever bothered to visit my house or the Lord’s house.”

  The man’s mean blue-eyed gaze landed on Georgia. “Who’re you?”

  “Georgia Hotchkiss. Who are you?”

  “Tell’s father. Not that I wanna claim him some days when he does stupid stuff like this.”

  Before she responded, Casper McKay slid into the opposite bench seat. He scrutinized Tell. “So I hadta hear from my brothers the annual meeting was held last week. Why didn’t one of you boys tell me?”

  “Because you can’t vote, and after what happened last time, you can’t honestly be surprised.”

  “Sure, they can talk about drinkin’ and whorin’ all day long, but when I asked to say a prayer before the meeting started, you’da thought I’d asked to rape a goat.”

  Tell’s cheeks turned bright red. “Jesus, Dad. Do you have to do this now?”

  “Watch your language,” Casper snapped. “I can’t imagine this lady wants to hear your filthy mouth.”

  Oh, I wanna hear his dirty talk more than you can fathom, you clueless SOB.

  Tell said nothing. Just sipped his drink.

  “I haven’t heard from Brandt since I saw my new grandson last Sunday. You were there when he promised to call me.”

  Georgia realized that one thing Dalton and Tell had referred to was code for a family situation involving the prickly Casper. What a relief.

  “I imagine he didn’t call because he’s tired of hearin’ you just rag on them to get the baby baptized according to your time frame.”

  Casper’s nostrils flared. “Always gotta place the blame on me, doncha?”

  “That’s because it usually falls on you.”

  What was taking their food so long?

  Georgia looked up to see Casper staring at her. “Hotchkiss, huh? You Robert’s kid?”


  “Huh. What church do you go to?”

  “Dad, that’s not—”

  “It’s okay, Tell.” She smiled at Casper. “When I lived here before, we were Evangelical Free.”

  “Georgia recently moved back to Sundance from Dallas,” Tell offered.

  “The girl can speak for herself, can’t she?” Casper retorted. “It’s so like you, boy, always trying to smooth things over. We’re just talkin’. Ain’t like I’m gonna tell her embarrassing secrets about you.”

  “Dad. Stop.”

  Casper stretched his arm across the back of the booth. “Didja talk to your mother about her?”

  “Her name is Georgia. And I don’t see how it’s any of your business what Mom and I talk about.”

  Casper grinned meanly at Tell and addressed Georgia. “Better watch this one. He ain’t interested in settling down. Especially if he ain’t mentioned you to his mama yet.”

  Tell drained his drink.

  Georgia hadn’t been raised to backtalk her elders. So as much as she wanted to brag that the kinky, anything-goes sex was keeping her interest, not the chance to snag a McKay, she wouldn’t dare. But it broke her heart to watch Tell being miserable.

  “His mother and I got divorced,” Casper said out of the blue.

  “My folks got divorced too, after my brother, RJ, died in a car accident.”

  “I remember that. But it wasn’t no accident. He was drivin’ drunk, wasn’t he?”

  “Yes.” And thank you for pointing that out.

  “I done my share of that. Ain’t proud to say it even when I know now I had angels watching over me. Praise the Lord he’s on my side, helpin’ me stay outta the bottle. You’re lucky he didn’t take no one else with him. Not like what happened with my oldest son, Luke. Some jackass didn’t know how to drive in the fog and my boy paid the price.”

  Finally their food arrived and Georgia hoped Casper would take a hike. But she feared he might be inclined to stay and say grace.

  Tell started shoveling in the side of mixed veggies.

  Casper said, “You know it wouldn’t kill ya to say thanks to the Lord for all you’ve got before you eat like you’ve never seen food.”

  And Tell kept chewing.

  “You are stubborn.” Then Casper addressed her. “You wanna hear stubborn? When Tell was about fourteen, we had this old, worthless fishing boat. He thought he could get it runnin’, despite the fact he’s hopeless when it comes to mechanical stuff. I told him he was wastin’ his time. He spent every wakin’ hour workin’ on it when he wasn’t doin’ stuff around the ranch. Somehow he convinced Luke to help him haul it to the lake.” Casper grunted. “That sucker sank like a rock, with the bow sticking straight up. So when we’re in the midst of a drought, that end sticks out ’cause the water table is so low. Since Tell fastened some kind of ridiculous pirate flag on it, everyone knows it’s his. Everyone sees his mistake. Stubborn kid shoulda listened to me.”

  Tell looked up, his eyes dark with anger. “I’d appreciate you leavin’ now, Dad. I am on a date. You’re the third wheel that nobody wants.”

  Georgia’s face warmed from Tell’s harsh words.

  But it didn’t faze Casper. He slid out of the booth. “Fine, I can take a hint. Be seein’ you.” And he was gone.

  She focused on her pasta. When she glanced over at Tell, he’d stirred his food but hadn’t eaten much. Poor baby. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, but he’d see it as pity, not comfort.

  He must’ve sensed her staring. But he didn’t lift his head. “Sorry about that.”

  “Like you had any control over where he showed up for supper.”

  “Yeah. Well. Can we just forget it?”

  Tell only ate half his steak and the waitress boxed up the remainder. Georgia sensed his impatience for her to finish so they could get out of the restaurant.

  In the truck, he didn’t pat the seat for her to scoot over. He didn’t
snatch her hand. Tell just hunched over the steering wheel and drove in silence.

  Halfway home, she peered around the invisible elephant in the truck cab. “Is it always like that with your father?”

  “No. Sometimes it’s worse.”

  “I just want to say—”

  “Don’t say anything. Can’t we just drop it?”

  “No. You’re upset and hurting and I want to help you.” Georgia picked up his hand and kissed his palm. “Please. You’ve been there for me and you have no idea how much I appreciated that. You need to talk about this, Tell. And I’m right here. Ready to listen. Without judgment.”

  A few long miles passed. Then he said, “He got worse after Luke died, but that nasty attitude is just who he is, whether he’s drinking or sober with the light of God shining down on him. No one in our family can stand to be around him. You can see why.

  “I don’t know how my mother put up with it for as long as she did. She finally chose a different life and I’m happy for her. Yet that leaves me’n my brothers dealing with Dad without her as a buffer.”

  Georgia knew exactly how that felt, but this was about Tell. Not her.

  “It never changes. God, he’s been embarrassing me my whole life. I wish I could say it wasn’t as bad because at least he wasn’t drunk. But I still hold my goddamn breath anytime he opens his mouth in public. And usually with good reason.”

  She waited for him to continue.

  He sighed. “Look. I appreciate what you’re wantin’ to do, but nothin’ is gonna get rid of this lousy mood anytime soon, so it’d be best if I took you home.”

  “Not happening. We can chill out at your place, but I’m not leaving you alone to wallow. We wallowed pretty good together last time, if I recall.”

  Tell shot her a look. “You expecting ice cream will help?”

  She leaned over to smooch his strong jaw. “Ice cream always helps. But this time I get to dish it up.”

  Tell needed to clear his mind after the run-in with his father. He’d cracked open a couple of beers, but they were basically untouched on the coffee table, and he and Georgia were entwined on his couch, attempting to watch TV.

  “You still seem tense.”

  Lie. Make light of it. Crack a joke. But he couldn’t. “I am.”

  “I can help with that.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah? And how’s that?”

  “Take off your clothes and I’ll show you.”

  Didn’t have to tell him twice. He got naked, whipping his shirt and his camo shorts on the floor.

  She watched as his sleeping dick stirred. “Lie back.”

  Tell stretched out with his arms folded behind his head, letting her look her fill.

  Georgia scooted between his legs. Running her palms over his thighs, she stopped to trace the muscles in his quads with her fingertips. Using such tender caresses it seemed every hair on his thighs stood straight up, vying for her attention.

  “Is this your way of distracting me?” he asked.

  She touched his knee. “One of the ways I’ve got planned for tonight.”

  He remembered he’d said that to her the night of the reunion. But the look in her eyes wasn’t soft or sweet. Just determined. “Are you gonna torture me?”

  “Maybe. I like touching you. Don’t you like it?” Her fingers fluttered around his groin, but she didn’t touch his dick.

  At all.

  “I’d like it better if you were touchin’ me in one spot in particular.”

  “I will.” She spread her hands over his pecs and kissed his sternum, keeping her eyes on his. “Maybe I wanna drive you a little crazy. Like you do to me.”

  “I drive you crazy?”

  A dangerous smile curled her lips and Tell wondered if he should be worried. “You know you do.”

  Her soft, warm lips followed the slope of his shoulder.

  First thing she did was kiss him. Taking over his mouth completely. Sliding her tongue deep. Sucking and swirling and licking until his body was racked with need.

  From just a kiss.

  He went to move his arms, to try and regain some control, but her fingernails dug into his biceps. She lifted her lips briefly to warn, “Leave ’em there. And drop your head back. This stubborn chin of yours is in my way.” She placed kisses in a straight line from his chin to his collarbone. The wet glide of her mouth over that section of skin caused gooseflesh to erupt from the back of his neck to his knees. He must’ve made a noise because Georgia just kept right on doing it.

  As her hands traveled all over his lower belly, he found himself clenching his fists. His jaw. His butt cheeks.

  “This is supposed to be relaxing you,” she murmured, kissing his lower ribs.

  “The last thing I wanna do with your hands on me is zone out.”

  “Then this oughta keep you awake.” She licked his shaft from his balls to the tip like his cock was a meat Popsicle.

  Goddamn that felt good. He about choked on his tongue when she stuffed his entire shaft into her mouth. Sucking so hard her cheeks hollowed. Taking him so deep the head of his cock bumped her soft palate before slipping into her throat. Making a little hum of happiness that vibrated from his balls to the back of his neck.

  Then she released his cock gradually, stopping to let the lower rim of his cockhead catch on her bottom teeth. She tongued the underside with hot, wet lashes. Once he got used to the ticklish sensation and anticipated another sweeping lick, Georgia backed off.

  His thighs shook. He gritted his teeth against bumping his pelvis up as her lips firmly enclosed the crown. She suckled gently, when he ached for that fast, wet push and pull of his dick plunging in and out of her mouth.

  Georgia teased. Rolling his sac with a tender touch. Sucking on his balls as her hand jacked him slowly. Then she’d switch it up, squeezing, licking, lapping with abandon, and she jerked his shaft hard and fast.

  Pure. Fucking. Torture.

  Soft hands. Warm mouth. Heated breath. Wicked tongue. Tell’s body vibrated. He squeezed his ass, his abs, his calves, attempting to hold off and prove…what? That he had stamina?

  Fuck stamina. He needed to come now. “Enough. Finish me.”

  She released his cock, angling her head to nuzzle the inside of his thigh, keeping those sexy eyes on his. “How do you want me to finish you?”

  “Hands on my thighs. Lean in, but arch back. That’s it.” He fisted his shaft, still slippery from her saliva. “Open your mouth.”

  Tell beat off, each stroke faster. That tingle in his tailbone was a brief warning and a drop of come landed on her chin before he shoved his cock between her lips and groaned, “Suck me down. All of it,” as he shot his load.

  Georgia’s cheeks indented and her throat muscles kissed his cockhead with each swallow.

  Hot. Wet. Tight. It felt so goddamn good. Keeping his grip on her head, he closed his eyes, bumping his hips into her face with each pulse, letting himself drift into the peaceful place she’d brought him to.

  Teeth sinking into his cock stirred him from his orgasmic stupor.

  He swept his thumbs across her cheekbones as he withdrew from the haven of her mouth. “Look at you. So pretty and naughty on your knees.”

  She blinked slowly and gave him the lopsided smile.

  “C’mere.” Tell hauled her across his lap and kissed her, his tongue dueling with hers. “Mmm. The taste of my come on your tongue is a fuckin’ turn-on.”

  “You do seem more relaxed.”

  “Thanks to you. You sucked all the tension and all the poison right outta me, baby.”

  Laughing, she swatted him.

  Tell stretched out on the couch, bringing her on top of him. Running his fingers through her soft hair as her head rested on his chest. He was totally content. “What’s on your agenda for this week?”

  “Work. I’ve set up radio interviews for upcoming events. Getting competitors to agree to talk on live radio is a pain, so I’ve lined up a stock contractor and a committee member
in case there’s an issue.” She sighed. “With just me here, I don’t have backup for anything, from event staffing issues to breakdowns in communication with committee members.”

  “Any problems with the rodeo this weekend in Pine Haven?”

  “No. But it’s tiny and so last-minute they aren’t expecting miracles on the PR front.” Her face turned thoughtful as she buried her fingers in the dark hair on his chest.

  “Something else on your mind, sweetness?”

  “Nothing big. It’s just weird. People I knew in passing, or who knew RJ, or my parents, or from school approached me at the community center.”

  “What did they want?”

  “Seems once I volunteered for something, they assumed I’m interested in volunteering for other community projects. Before I knew what was happening, I agreed to help with a fundraiser for the chamber of commerce and help organize a workshop for the competitive cheer squad.”

  What had these people said to Georgia to garner her interest in community activities? It had to benefit the PR company in some way.

  Not nice, Tell. Be happy she’s not sitting at home.

  “There’s a meeting about the cheerleading workshop on Tuesday night.”

  Tell frowned. “Does that mean you’re skipping out on meeting me at Ziggy’s for dart league?”

  “Shoot. I forgot. I can cancel—”

  “Don’t sweat it. We can meet up afterward.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yep. As long as you’re in volunteer mode, I could use some help with the rodeo club fundraiser week after next.”

  “Done. Anything else?”

  “Yeah.” He let the tips of his fingers follow the planes and angles of her face. “Bring that mouth over here. I need another taste.”

  She kissed him with such fire his cock hardened.

  “Sweetness, you got way too many clothes on.”

  She raised a haughty eyebrow. “And whose fault is that?”

  “Yours. Strip.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Georgia stood beneath the bank sign in Moorcroft, debating whether to cross the street to have lunch at the Mexican joint or head down the block to the greasy spoon, when the door to the bank opened and her father stepped into the sunshine.


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