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Restrained: A Bad Boy MMA Fighter Romance (Warrior Zone Fighters Book 4)

Page 15

by Tia Lewis

  I felt my blood start to hum in my body at the thought of having the same fun we had last night in his bed. In fact, I had already packed a bag, knowing I probably wouldn’t be going home again tonight. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  He pushed back the chair and stood, walking around the desk. I started to back up as he advanced on me, trapping me against the wall, his body blocking my escape route. Not that I wanted to escape. Without a word, he leaned down and brushed his lips over mine. “Think we will make it home?”

  Home. I hadn’t thought of his place as home before now. It was home, filled with the most important thing ever: love. “I think so.”

  “Come on then,” he said grabbing my hand and tugging me close to the door. As he stepped through the doorway, a familiar face came into view, one that looked holy pissed off.

  “Luke?” Benji blurted out as my brother maneuvered his way into the gym door. He looked older, one of those geek nerds that he had picked on when we were growing up.

  Nerd or not, his right hook collided with Benji’s jaw, causing him to stumble back into the office as Luke advanced on him, with me desperately attempting to stop him. “Luke. Wait.”

  “What are you doing fucking my sister?”

  “Luke!” I said appalled as he pushed Benji against the wall, the movement jarring his injured shoulder. “Leave him alone!”

  “There’s a code Lomns,” he said, looking at Benji. “I can’t believe you crossed it.”

  “I love her.” My heart melted as the words came out so forcefully, no question what he meant by them, even with my brother attempting to kill the man I love. I was shocked to see him here, wondering what the heck had brought him across the globe just to give Benji a broken jaw.

  Luke’s eyes went wide. “What?”

  “I fucking love Danielle,” he repeated, looking him in his eye. “I would never hurt her. You know that. You know me. This is going to be something for the future, not some wild fucking.” He then chuckled. “But we are doing that too.”

  “Benji!” I said, my face burning as my brother’s face turned murderous. “I don’t think Luke wants to hear about that.”

  “I know he doesn’t,” Benji said with a grin. “I wanted to see if his face still turned the color of tomatoes when he was really pissed off.”

  My brother looked at him, shaking his head. “You are still the same cocky bastard you always have been Lomns.”

  “Good to see you too Luke.”


  Of all the things I thought would happen today, this had to be far down on the list, very far down. Luke fucking Parkman was standing in front of me, pissed off, but I still was happy to see the bastard.

  But right now, my shoulder was hurting like a son of a bitch, and my jaw was starting to ache as well. I was a fucking mess. “Let him go,” Danielle said again, tugging on his arm. “He’s hurt, and you are only making it worse.”

  Luke released me, having to reach out to steady me as I slid down the wall. “Fuck man, she’s my sister.”

  “Who can make up her own mind,” Danielle grumbled, touching my rapidly bruising jaw. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I said, kissing the inside of her palm before tucking her hand in mine. “This is starting not to be my month.” At this rate, I might not be alive by the end of the month.

  Danielle looked at her brother, genuine surprise and a little bit of anger showing in her expression. “I love him too Luke. We are in love.”

  He looked at the both of us, surprise filtering through his expression. “Well, I guess I can’t compete with that little sister. Why the hell would you want such a loser like him?”

  I burst out into laughter. “Damn man, you make me sound like I’m just some regular Joe.”

  Luke looked over at me, anger still lingering in his expression. “I think I would like you better if you were, but I know you wouldn’t hurt Dannie on purpose, so I am going to not kill you today.”

  “Thanks,” I answered, giving Danielle a wink. “See love? Everything is fine.”

  She looked as if she didn’t believe me but I knew it was going to work out.

  “Sorry about the jaw.”

  “I deserved it,” I said before pulling my former best friend into an awkward hug. “It’s good to see you, man.”

  “You too,” Luke replied before pulling his sister into a hug as well. “Same with you Dannie. I’m glad you are okay, and Lomns here took all the damage. I came as soon as I heard. My little sister, taking down kidnappers and getting Benji shot up. Why couldn’t they shoot him in the ass so he would know what kind of pain he really is?”

  I laughed as Luke released her. “I would gladly do it all over again if it meant keeping her safe.”

  He looked over at me. “I believe you Lomns, I really do. Now, where can I get some food around here? I’m fucking starving.”

  I took Luke to a bar that the guys and I frequented quite a bit, known for the cold beer and wings. “So,” he started as soon as we sat down at a table. “How did this happen?”

  I arched a brow, taking a sip of my beer. “Do you really want to know man?”

  Danielle elbowed me in the side. “He doesn’t mean that. Quit goading him.”

  “Fine,” I said with a roll of my eyes. “Let me tell you the abbreviated version.” When I finished, Luke’s eyes were as big as saucers. “You have a kid?”

  “Hard to believe isn’t it?” I said, sitting back in my chair. Hell, I still didn’t believe it myself. “Welcome to the family, uncle.”

  Luke held up his hands, looking over at his sister. “Please, do not tell me you have accepted anything from him.”

  My grin faded as she blushed, making me wonder why I hadn’t proposed to her yet. Well, I really hadn’t thought about it until just now, and though I loved Danielle, I didn’t know how ready both of us were for marriage and the like. It was a big step, a commitment that once it happened, I planned on it being the one and only.

  “Stay out of my business,” Danielle told her brother, sticking her tongue out at him and effectively silencing that conversation. It didn’t mean I wasn’t going to continue to think about it.

  “Fine,” Luke said, holding his hands up. “But don’t blame me when you are disgustingly happy with him.”

  I laughed, wrapping my arm around Danielle’s shoulders. “And we will be disgustingly happy.” Danielle laid her head on my shoulder, and I gave Luke a eat shitting grin. It was going to be fun having Luke back.


  Lunch was a big family reunion, mostly consisting of me sitting back and watching the two most important men in my life catch up on old times. Benji looked like hell, but every time he looked at me, I saw the love in his eyes. It was hard to believe that he had chosen me for that honor. Finally, we said goodbye to my brother, promising to meet up with him that night so he could see the gym and meet Amelia and I drove Benji to his apartment, my heart overflowing with love for him.

  “Well,” he said as I pulled into a parking spot. “I didn’t expect that to happen, but hell, it was good to see Luke.”

  “Yes,” I said, pulling the keys out of the engine. “It was good to see him.”

  Benji’s fingers touched the back of my neck, kneading the tension away that was knotted there. “I love you, Danielle. I love you more than anything on this damn earth, and I will spend a lifetime proving that to you.”

  Tears spiked my lashes as I looked over at him, the man that had stolen my heart nearly from day one. “I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this.”

  He smiled tenderly, his fingers drifting down my cheek. “The same could be said of me.”

  I leaned into his touch. “Can we go make up for lost time in the bed?”

  He winked at me, opening the car door. “You read my mind love.”

  I grinned as I followed him up the stairs, sighing as he started to nibble on my neck as the elevator took us up to his apartment. “Where’s Amelia?” I breathed as h
is hand roamed over my body, grabbing my ass lightly.

  “She’s with Marcella,” he said against my skin, his teeth grazing the sensitive area behind my ear. “We will go get her later on, but I want a piece of you first.”

  I nearly melted at the words he spoke, not just the fact that he wanted a piece of me either. He wanted me to be part of his life. It was more than a dream come true, it was destiny, fate, or whatever you believe in.

  We stumbled down the hall to his apartment, my hands shaking as I inserted the key into the lock and pushed the door open. Benji was on me as soon as he shut the door. I moaned as he crushed his lips to mine, his hard body pressing into mine, soothing all those warm places that had been on fire for him. It was always just him. He grabbed my hand and led me to his bedroom, my hand already on my dress zipper as we walked into the room. He reached for me, and I danced out of his touch, giving him a flirty smile as I slid the dress off my body, allowing it to pool at my feet. His eyes darkened appreciatively as I slid my undergarments off as well, standing before him in my birthday suit.

  “Damn Danielle,” he breathed, his eyes roaming over my body. “You’re gorgeous. I can’t believe you’re all mine.”

  I sauntered toward him, placing a hand on his chest. “Your turn big boy.”

  He looked down at his arm. “I need some help.”

  I laughed and helped him remove his t-shirt, my fingers touching the thick bandage that covered the ultimate proof of his love for Amelia and me. “If I had lost you, I don’t know what I would have done.”

  His good hand cupped my cheek. “But you didn’t, and we are here now.”

  “Yes,” I said, kissing his chest as I reached for his belt. “We are here now.” And I had no intentions of ever letting him go.

  With surprising speed, I had him naked before me in the span of a few minutes. I took in his honed body, dotted with fading bruises from his fight. But to me, he was perfect. With trembling hands, I touched him, eliciting a groan in response as my hands drifted lower. “Damn you are killing me,” Benji said as I grasped him gently, feeling him pulsate in my hands.

  “Easy now,” I said softly, pressing my naked body against him as I drew his head down for a kiss. He groaned and ravaged my mouth, his good hand sliding across my back and down to my ass, squeezing it. “I want you,” he said against my mouth, his hand sliding around my waist and walking me backward until I was pressed up against the bed. He knelt before me, his tongue snaking out and touching me there, my knees weakening as he found my hardened clit. My hands went into his hair, pulling him closer as he explored me with his tongue, feeling my body sliding toward the brink. When it happened, I fell apart against his mouth, my sobs filling the room.

  Benji stood and covered my body with his, sliding home in a single swift motion. I gasped as he filled me, grabbing his shoulders to pull him closer still. Then I remembered his arm.

  Pushing at his good shoulder, I rolled him over on the bed, climbing on top of him as I gave him a saucy smile. “We can’t have any more injuries, can we?”

  “I could get used to this,” Benji laughed, his hand on my waist, his eyes darkening as he slid it up to cup my breast. “Do what you will with me.”

  I started to move, the new position giving me all kinds of feels inside. He was hot and thick inside, and the mere friction between us brought me to a quick orgasm, my body shaking with need. “Yes,” Benji said, his hand helping guide me to a good rhythm. “That’s it, love.”

  I sobbed as the orgasms started to crash over me, Benji shouting as he poured into me. I collapsed on his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat under my cheek as his hand ran up my sweating spine lazily. “As much as I don’t want to ruin this moment, we have to discuss the fact that I forgot to suit up.”

  I kissed his chest lightly, a grin on my lips. “It’s alright. I am on the pill.”

  “Thank God,” he said. “I don’t think I could take another little one right now.”

  I lifted my head to look at him. “And if it fails?”

  He touched my cheek, a tender smile on his lips. “Then we will need a bigger place.”


  Two Weeks Later…

  I held Amelia’s hand as we entered the restaurant, stopping to adjust the little girl’s bow in her hair before we moved forward. We were having an impromptu celebration from the finalizing of Amelia’s paperwork, inviting all the people who were close to us. The last two weeks had been fucking amazing, not only because of Amelia but also because of Danielle. She was practically moved in with us now, and I couldn’t imagine not waking up to her beautiful face in the morning now.

  She was following close behind us now as we entered the private dining room, all our friends already gathered in the space.

  “There she is!” Hannah announced, Amelia running directly into her arms. “Welcome darling to this convoluted family of sorts.”

  I grinned as I set down the bag and shook Tony’s hand, knowing I could never repay him or Hannah for all they had done for me. “Congrats man, on all of it.”

  “Thanks,” I said as Danielle made it to my side. “I’m a lucky bastard.”

  “That you are,” he grinned, nodding to Danielle. “I don’t know how you put up with his ego.”

  “Very carefully,” she laughed, hugging my side. “He’s really not so bad once you get used to it.”

  I growled at her and kissed her forehead as the rest of the crew came over to congratulate me on my recent fatherhood. A year ago, I might have run for the hills on this, but now it was starting to become second nature. Everyone crowded around my little girl as I dragged Danielle over to the corner, her hand in mine. My heart was hammering in my chest, sweat breaking out on my forehead but this was the right thing to do. “Danielle, I have to ask you something.”

  She looked up, a smile on her face. “What’s that?”

  “Will you be my wife?” I had contemplated it more and more since the day she had told me she loved me, knowing that I never wanted anyone else. It scared the hell out of me to want her so much, to need her by my side and if anything ever happened to her, I would be devastated.

  Her mouth parted and tears glistened in her eyes. “W-what?”

  “I want you to be my wife. Don’t ever let me live without you.”

  “I, yes,” she said, throwing her arms around my neck. “Of course I will marry you!”

  I grinned, feeling a well of emotion in my own body, so glad that we had crossed paths in the unlikeliest of ways. I might have been a badass fighter in the past, a womanizer who enjoyed life without meaning, but now I was a father to a precious girl who held my heart and about to be the best damn husband I could be to the woman who had captured the rest of it.

  “Congrats man,” Tony called out, causing us to look at the people that were crowded around us, all of them grinning.

  I bowed to them. “Thank you. There is your entertainment for the evening ladies and gentlemen.”

  “Fucker,” Travis said with a grin on his face. I laughed, thinking of how much these people meant to me, to us. Without them, I would not have made it with the gym, with the idea that a couple of fighters could be successful in something other than fighting. Now we had kids in the mix, Paul and Sarah starting the downhill slide that would be bratty kids running around in the future. It was hard to imagine that Paul was now the face of his and Sarah’s foundation, helping kids all around the world.

  Travis and Julia were grinning like a couple of honeymooners, no doubt already starting their baby making. Julia’s catering business had taken off like a rocket lately, and I knew that Travis had been busy keeping up with his popular wife.

  Looking over at Tony and Hannah, I knew I could never thank them for everything they had done for Amelia and me. Hannah had just opened her second bakery, but she had been there at the drop of a hat for my daughter and for me. Tony, in his fucking wisdom, had given me more support than he would ever realize and I was standing here because of him.

  And now we were about to start on a new chapter in all our lives. I had just been the late bloomer in all of this, waiting for the perfect woman and I had found her in Danielle. She was truly my other half, the woman that I was meant to spend the rest of my days with.

  “Welcome to the family,” Sarah called out as she held onto her husband’s arm. “I hope you know what you are getting into.”

  Danielle looked over at me, happiness written all over her face. “I think I have a good idea.”

  I growled and pulled her close, looking into her beautiful eyes. “We can always divorce them.”

  Warrior Zone Fighters Series




  Restrained - Available Now!

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  Books by Tia Lewis

  Redemption: A Bad Boy MMA Fighter Romance

  Revived: A Bad Boy MMA Fighter Romance

  Reckless: A Bad Boy MMA Fighter Romance

  Draw Play: A Sports Romance

  Stadium of Lights: A Second Chance Romance

  Draft Day: A BWWM Sports Romance

  Threat: A Blood Riders MC (Book 1)

  Reveal: A Blood Riders MC (Book 2)

  Creed: A Blood Riders MC (Book 3)

  Diesel: A Blood Riders MC (Book 4)

  The Hitman’s Possession: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Book 1)

  The Hitman’s Property: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Book 2)


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