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The Promise of Christmas Future

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by Cindy Combs

  Author's Notes: This story is a part of my The Sentinel/MacGyver series, after Follow the Tiger and another, as yet unnamed story. Since the relationships between Blair, MacGyver, and Sam are drawn in the first five stories (The Maze, Control, Coatlicue, Ares Bugle, and Heirs to a Nightmare), you may wish to read them first. If you are the impatient sort, I do have an overview to the first five, but it is with my Mag 7 version of Synchronization in Chaos on Lady Angel's site (), and it does spoil those stories.

  I would also recommend reading the others in the series, especially Follow the Tiger which introduces Cory. Some references are also made to the events in Hot Time in Chicago.

  In addition, the character Lynn Crowder from The Cascade Virtual Tales makes an appearance, introduced in Shallan's CVT ep, It's Not Just Academic, the character Amanda Chambers is introduced in my CVT ep, Mishaps with Dinner, and Blair's Mustang is described in Paula and Robin's ep, Revenge is a Wild Kind of Justice.

  This story has a rather convoluted history. I have long wanted to write it as a companion piece to The Haunting of Christmas Past, but nasty bouts of bronchitis pretty much put me out of action the last two winters. So while hopping around in the back of my mind, this plot bunny kept growing, thus it turned out a lot longer than I had planned. And because of the delays, it is set during the Christmas of 2001 instead of this year.

  To all the wonderful people who email me, consider this a Christmas present. I appreciate hearing from you.

  As always, I wish to thank several people. Zadra, my character check and for insight to what little boys like to play with; Lori Wright for her insight into toddlers; Malu, my cheerleaders who helped me with some of the Spanish and discussions of Nannys; Shallan, Trishbsc, and Toni Rae, my support system; Sealie, the self-declared godmother to Ian, who pushes me the most to keep writing; my beta Melanie; and as always to wolfpup who both beta'd and does the posting so I can focus on writing.

  Please send any comments to

  Enjoy the ride.

  Disclaimer: Most of characters are not mine. I'm borrowing them out of deep reverence, affection and respect. I will accept only personal fulfillment, and no monetary gain. If you do sue, you will not get much and I will send over my Black Lab mix, who will stare at you pathetically for hours and probably con you out of all your food.

  Please do not reproduce, copy, or otherwise use any part of this story without permission from the author.

  Rated PG-13


  C.L. Combs

  2:17 am, December 22, 2001

  Sam held his cell phone to his ear as he paced alongside his rental car. "Please answer, Please answer..."

  Finally, a groggy voice spoke on the other end of the line. "'ello?"

  "Blair, it's Sam."

  "Sam? Sam. Sam, it's A.M! It's very a.m."

  "I know, but I'm in trouble."

  Sam could almost see Blair pulling himself up to lean against his bed's headboard. "What's the problem?"

  "Way too many to count, Indy. But at the top of the list, I'm stranded at Jewel Falls Roadside Park with a flat tire."

  "Okay, I'll come get you."

  "Ah, Indy, bring Jim. And your gun."

  There was a pause. Sam closed his eyes when his brother finally asked, "Olsen, I know I'm half asleep here, but why exactly would I need Jim and a gun for a flat tire?"

  "Because someone's shooting at me."

  "What? Why's someone shooting at you?"

  "I don't know, except I think it has something to do with Roxie."

  "Who the hell is Roxie?"


  "Oh." Sam could hear Blair talking to someone in the background. "Okay, we'll be there in about twenty minutes. Think you can hold on?"

  "We'll try, just hurry."

  "We? Is Roxie with you? Or Cory?"

  "No, but I'll explain later."

  "Considering it's 2 am, it better be good."

  "It is. Just hurry, Indy."

  Closing his phone, Sam peered into the car to study the small boy sleeping in a car seat. "Okay, how am I going to explain you?"

  Fifteen minutes later, Blair's Cobra

  Jim Ellison sat in the passenger's seat, shaking his head. "So that's all Sam said?"

  Blair nodded, trying not to yawn due to the early hour. "Yeah. But he sounded desperate."

  "Was he suppose to be driving tonight?"

  "No, he had planned to spend the night in Seattle and drive up this morning. Mac's suppose to meet us this afternoon."

  "Who's Roxie?"

  "Now that I'm semi-wake, I remember Sam mentioning her. She was his first serious girlfriend. But I thought they parted ways after high school."

  "Where's Cory?"

  "He had a flight back to D.C. yesterday to spend Christmas with his family. But that doesn't make sense; if Sam was in trouble, I can't see Cory leaving him."

  "Sam's a MacGyver. Trouble probably found him after Cory left."

  Blair shot his partner a glare. "We aren't that bad."

  "Yes, you are."

  Before Blair could comment further, his headlights lit up the 'Jewel Roadside Park' sign. "We're here."

  "And there's Sam." Jim nodded towards a navy blue rental car, Sam pacing beside it. Sam started to wave. Suddenly, gunfire erupted behind Sam. Jim saw the younger man spin as a bullet struck his upper arm.

  "What the hell?" Blair swore, yanking the wheel so the Mustang could slide to a stop near his brother.

  "Let's get Sam out of there," Jim replied as he opened his door. He held his badge towards the trees behind the rental. "Freeze! Cascade PD!"

  More gunfire roared from the other side of Sam's rental. Blair and Jim hit the ground as bullets shattered the windows. A wail pierced the air.

  Blair shot his partner a stunned look from under the Cobra's bumper. Jim shouted, "You get Sam, I'll get the baby." With a nod, both men stood and fired towards the stand of trees before splitting up.

  Bent over, Blair raced to where his brother was trying to crawl back to the car. Dropping beside him, Blair ordered, "Let's go."

  "But Ian..." Sam started, attempting to pull away.

  "Jim's getting the baby." Blair grabbed his brother around the waist and forced him towards the Cobra.

  Meanwhile, Jim had reached the car. Kneeling beside it, he yanked the door open. In the back seat, a curly blond toddler turned his tear-drenched face to him. "Come on, Short Stuff, let's get you out of here." Jim leaned inside to work on the straps. Another round of bullets showered more glass on the pair, Jim trying to shield the sobbing child from the debris. After a couple more tugs, the belts came off and the detective pulled the tiny boy into his arms. Taking a deep breath, Jim turned and raced to the Cobra. He had barely reached the other side when a bullet found the rental's gas tank. The car exploded, sending a fireball into the air.

  Ducking beside Blair and Sam, Jim asked, "You two okay?"

  Blair had pulled off his flannel shirt and was pressing it tightly to Sam's arm. "I think it's just a flesh wound."

  "What about Ian?" Sam growled, his face a grimace of pain and worry.

  "Daddy!" The boy lifted his head at Sam's voice and launched himself at the young man's chest.

  "Daddy?" Blair and Jim repeated, their jaws dropping simultaneously.

  Sam, his good arm wrapped tightly around the small body, buried his face into the blond hair. "It's kinda complicated."

  "I bet," Jim replied dryly.

  Another series of bullets caused the trio to duck again. "And you're going to tell us all about it once we get out of here," Blair declared.

p; Jim tilted his head. "Luckily for us, the cavalry's here." He shook the glass off his shoulders, then picked a piece out of the blond curls as the sirens became clearer. Cautiously, he listened to Sam's attackers start up their own vehicle.

  Ignoring his brother's tending of his wound, Sam gently tilted the little face away from his shoulder. "You okay, Buddy?" He ran a finger along a scratch on the boy's forehead.

  "Si, Daddy," the high voice replied.

  Blair lifted an eyebrow. "Si?"

  "I think someone's taught him some Spanish." Sam closed his eyes a moment as a wave of dizziness washed over him. Then he forced his eyes open again. "Ian, I'd like you to meet your Uncle Blair."

  "Unca Bear?" Ian asked, turning big brown eyes to stare at the other man.

  Blair gave him as warm a smile as he could manage under the circumstances. "Hi, Ian."

  Jim was giving his statement to Lynn Crowder when Blair joined him. Jim studied him a moment. "How's Sam?"

  "The EMTs want to take him in to have a doctor stitch up his arm, but they don't think it's too bad." Blair handed Jim a piece of paper. "After dropping Cory off at the airport in Seattle, Sam returned to his hotel room to find Ian sleeping on his bed and that note on the nightstand."

  Jim took the note from Blair. "Dear Sam, this is your son, Ian Scott. I can't handle him any more, so it's your turn. Roxie." Jim looked down at Blair. "This is the same Roxie from high school?"

  "Yeah." Blair ran a hand through his curls. "He ran into her again in Mexico, but she disappeared right before he left for Chicago."

  Jim thought a moment. "The kid's what? Two? Three?"

  "According to the birth certificate, he'll be three in April," Blair replied, handing Jim another piece of paper. "Which means the timing's right. And Sam's listed as the father."

  Lynn had taken the note from Jim. "You mean, this woman just dropped off a two-year-old child in some strange hotel room, not knowing when Sam was going to get back? That's horrible." She looked at Blair. "Your brother didn't know?"

  Blair shook his head.

  "I can't believe any kind of decent mother would pull something like this. And why are those bastards shooting at your brother and a child?"

  "Sam doesn't know that, either. He thinks that maybe Roxie's in trouble."

  Jim tightened the hold on his temper, glancing over to where an EMT was checking out the toddler. "We'll have to do some digging."

  "But what are you going to do in the meantime?" Lynn asked, handing the note back to Jim. "I assume Sam wants the boy if he's his?"

  "I don't know if Sam's thought that far, but yeah, Ian'll be taken care of."

  "We'll take them home with us." Jim patted Blair's shoulder. "Why don't you go with your brother and the little guy in the ambulance? I'll drive the Cobra and meet you."

  Showing how much the situation had unnerved the younger man, Blair replied, "Okay." He handed over the keys to his precious car without a second thought. "Maybe I can get more information from Sam." He walked away without a single comment to be careful.

  After a worried glance at his partner, Jim studied the child again. The poor tot had been through a lot. He turned to Lynn. "You gals wouldn't happen to have a spare trauma bear, do you?"

  Lynn smiled. "I think there's one that'll be just perfect."

  Blair was sitting in a waiting room chair talking softly to Ian in his arms when Jim arrived. Placing the bear behind his back, Jim walked up to them. "Any word?"

  "The doctors are stitching up Daddy's 'owie' right now," Blair replied as he looked at the entry to the ER rooms worriedly. Ian looked up as well, forefinger tucked in his mouth. Blair smiled at the boy. "Ian, this is your Uncle Jim."

  Solemn brown eyes studied the huge man. "Unca Dim?"

  "That's right, Short Stuff," Jim replied as he bent down closer to Ian's eye level. "And I have a gift for you." He pulled out the bear. The plump toy had soft brown fur with a tan belly. Glittery eyes and a soft leather nose filled out the sweet face.

  The boy's eyes lit up. "For me?"

  "For you." Jim gave him the toy. Ian promptly wrapped an arm around the bear, hugging it tight.

  Blair gently tousled the curls. "What do you say to Uncle Jim?"

  Ian looked up seriously. "Gaw cee us, Unca Dim."

  Jim looked at Blair. "Gracias," Blair interpreted, taking another look at the entryway.

  Nodding, Jim sat next to him. "Why don't you go hunt up Sam? I'll look after Ian."

  "You want to stay with Uncle Jim for a little bit?" Blair asked the boy.

  Ian nodded, then climbed into Jim's lap, still holding the bear. Blair tousled the curls again before standing up.

  Jim watched his partner leave as the child snuggled against his chest. The sleepy toddler seemed to need the closeness of the big detective, which wasn't surprising considering the early morning trauma. He was surprised just how good the boy's slight weight felt against him. Tucking part of his jacket around the boy, Jim followed Blair with his hearing.

  "There you are. About ready to go, Olsen?"

  "Yeah. The doc went to get the prescription."

  "You're going to need it with that arm."

  "It's okay for now." There was a long pause.

  "How are you really doing?"

  "I don't know." Even with the distance, Jim could hear Sam sigh. "I don't know what to think."

  "Is Ian yours?"

  "I don't know. I've always been careful, you know? But..."

  "But what?"

  "I don't do well with tequila."

  Jim could picture Blair lifting an eyebrow. "Meaning?"

  "The last night I was with Roxie in Mexico, we had some tequila. I woke up the next morning, she was gone, and I don't remember what happened that evening. Hell, I was still fighting the hangover in Chicago two days later."

  "What do you mean, she was gone?"

  "Roxie and all her stuff were gone, leaving me a note saying she had something big come up at work. She'd told me she was working for some export firm, but when I looked for her later, I couldn't find the company."

  Jim lifted an eyebrow himself at that. Sam was pretty good at digging up information. That he couldn't find the company raised the detective's suspicions.

  "And that was the last time you talked with her?"

  "Yeah. But I had given her my email and pager number. She could have reached me if she'd tried. I would have helped. God, Blair, I never wanted a child of mine to grow up without a father, you know?"

  "I know."

  Jim nodded to himself. As children of single moms, both Sam and Blair would feel deeply about the issue.

  So the big question was whether the tot really was Sam's son. Jim studied the child critically. The blond hair could have been passed through MacGyver's side and Blair had similar curls. The strongest link was the eyes. They did look like Sam's, but brown eyes were hardly uncommon.

  There was one test the sentinel could perform. Jim tipped his nose towards the small neck. Layers of dirt and tears were identified and removed, as well as the scent of baby shampoo. The well-known scents of Sam and Blair was also noted and dismissed. Beneath it all was a scent that was purely Ian. The sentinel inhaled and analyzed. It was hard to detect much besides general baby. The boy's scent hadn't developed the richness it would gain with maturity. However, there was a hint of a tang that drew Jim's attention. He knew that faint thread; it was part of the scent that tied MacGyver to his sons. Through it, Jim was almost certain that Ian was Sam's son. "Welcome to the family, Short Stuff," Jim softly whispered.

  Then the smell of cigars drew Jim's attention to the door. His captain and friend, Simon Banks, walked in. "Hey, Jim."

  "Hi, Simon."

  Simon frowned as he looked at the sleeping toddler. "When did you become a babysitter?"

  "When Blair's brother shows up with a kid."

  "Sam? Is that why you and Sandburg were shot at during the wee hours this morning?"

  Jim quickly gave his captain a report, eas
ing the note and the birth certificate out of his jacket while trying not to disturb Ian.

  Simon glanced at the papers, then knelt down. "And this is the child?"

  "Daddy?" Ian sleepily looked up.

  A gentle smile crossed Simon's face. "Sorry, little fella. I'm a friend of your Uncle Jim and Uncle Blair."

  "Oh." Ian tucked his head back into Jim. "Where's Nana?"

  Simon and Jim exchanged glances. "I don't know, Ian," Jim apologized.

  "Nana takes care of me," the boy explained, tucking his head back against Jim's shoulder as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

  Simon looked at Jim. "This child should be in bed."

  Jim yawned. "We should all be in bed."

  "You're not a child." Simon looked at the clock. "Why don't you and Sandburg take the boy and Sam home, and you all sleep in. I'll call Taggart and have him start digging. Perhaps he can find Sam some answers."

  "I'm sure Sam would appreciate it," Jim replied. "And I'd really like to know who's shooting at him."

  "Hey, Simon." Blair walked up with Sam in tow. Jim noted the pale face and the sleepy eyes of the new father. "We ready to go?"

  Simon glanced around. "Where's the little fella's car seat?"

  Jim, Blair and Sam exchanged glances. "It went up with the car," Blair replied.

  Sam looked lost. "Ian's suitcase got blown up, too."

  "That's where we come in." Lynn Crowder and her partner, Jesse Buxton, walked up. Lynn had an arm looped through a baby carrier. "My niece just outgrew it, so you're welcome to borrow it until you can replace the one you lost."

  "And I brought some of my boys' old clothes," Jesse added, carrying a large paper sack. "They should fit."

  Blair gave the women a grateful smile. "Thank you."

  Sam's eyes bounced between the two. "Yeah, thank you. I don't have anything left for him."

  Lynn smiled down at the child asleep in Jim's arms. "Just take care of the little guy."

  "And yourself," Jessie added, tilting her head towards the bandaged arm.

  Sam's tired smile charmed both women. "Thank you."

  10 am, Ellison's loft

  As Jim stepped out of the bathroom, he could hear Blair's soft voice. "...Cheerios? Okay, what else?... What kinds of crackers? Okay... huh, um... man, Jim's going to love this. Yeah, we have some milk but we'll need some more... Thanks, Mom. This helps a lot. Love ya, too."


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