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The Promise of Christmas Future

Page 6

by Cindy Combs

  Jim gave him a tight smile. "That's good to hear." He looked at the woman again.

  "Senora Cruz," Gustavo informed him.

  "Ian's Nana?" Jim asked.

  The woman turned to him. "Mi Ninocito. He is well?"

  Jim nodded. "Yes, he is well. Though he keeps asking for you."

  A tear welled up in her eye. "He belongs with his padre."

  "That's who he's sitting on, his father, Sam." Jim turned back to look. "The man with curly hair is Sam's brother, Ian's Uncle Blair. The tall, blond man is their father, Ian's grandfather."

  The woman nodded. "He looks a little like Senor Sam."

  Jim smiled. "Ian is his first grandchild. He's agreed to help Sam raise him. And the tall guy with dark hair is Sam's partner from work. He'll keep an eye on Ian, too."

  "Who is the woman with red hair?"

  "That's Blair's mom. She's already insisting that Ian call her grandma."

  The woman raised her hands to her mouth. "Then he will be taken care of, no?"

  "Yes, he will be cared for and loved." Jim tilted his head. "Would you like to see him? I'm sure Sam would like to thank you for taking such good care of him."

  She shook her head. "No, better for mi Ninocito not to see."

  Jim reached inside his jacket and pulled out a card. "If you ever need anything, please contact me. We will be happy to help."

  She took the card and smiled. "Gracias."

  Gustavo took her arm. "I will make sure she is taken care of, Ellison. I know of a family in need of a Nana."

  Jim nodded, then returned to the group. Cory met him, whispering, "You know, the feds would probably love to question her."

  "Let the feds do their own legwork."

  Cory chuckled as he led Jim back to the vehicles. "We all set?"

  "All loaded." Mac turned to Jim. "Sure you don't want to come up with us?"

  "Would love to, but Dad's having a party tonight." He smiled as he ruffled Ian's hair.

  "And Amanda promised to call you tomorrow morning," Blair added with a knowing smile.

  Jim glared at him as Sam and Cory both added in their deepest voices, "Oooooooo, A-Man-Da," large grins plastered on their faces.

  Mac smiled. "You propose yet?"

  Jim turned his glare at him. "Haven't seen her since this fall."

  Mac's smile grew. "So, have you bought the ring?"

  Jim admitted, "I've looked." Another chorus of 'Ooooooooo' followed, with Blair joining in.

  "Does Amanda know if they're going to locate the West Coast branch in Cascade yet?" Mac asked.

  "I hope she'll know tomorrow."

  Mac patted his shoulder. "Then I hope you bring us good news when you drive up tomorrow afternoon."

  "And a Christmas tree," Blair added with a grin.

  "Kissmass tree?" Ian asked, hopefully.

  Jim reached up to tousle the blond curls. "Yes, Squirrel, I'm bringing up a Christmas tree."

  Dalton rubbed his hands together. "Then let's get cracking!"

  Christmas day

  Amazing the difference a couple of days will make.

  I've never liked Christmas much. While everyone else was celebrating with family, I was only reminded of everything I had lost. Mom. Dad. Grandma. It had become a time of the year I marched through, hoping to get past the New Year without losing anyone else I love. Having Sam and Blair in my life only increased the fear.

  But now, during my lowest time of the year, a new life has appeared. A tiny, blond rugrat, who is currently scooting across the cabin floor with the large plastic dump truck Cory bought him. My heart just swells with love when I look at him. I can't wait to watch him grow up. For the first time in a long time, Christmas has brought joy. In spite of the grief lingering in Sam's eyes, I know that the family will only grow stronger. Never boring, for I know my clan won't stay out of trouble indefinitely. But it will be enriched with the new light amongst us.

  Ian reminds me that I am blessed. I have two sons who have grown into good, decent men. They are both partnered with gifted people who watch out for them. I have good friends like Jack, Pete and Nikki. And through Ian, I now understand that there is a future, a bright future, for us all.

  For once, I truly believe there is a Merry Christmas for me.

  A crash from the stairs, followed by a yelp, forced Mac's eyes open.

  "Blair?" Sam's worried voice floated past the large Christmas tree blocking Mac's view.

  "I stepped on something on the stairs." Mac rose to his feet, picking up on the pain within his son's voice.

  "Unca Bear, you boke my See and Say."

  "That's not all I broke."

  Sam's voice grew more worried. "Blair?"

  "I think I broke my arm, damn it."

  "Hey, no swearing in front of the munchkin. And let me see."

  Yep, that's my family.

  The End

  Author's note, 12/16/02: Merry Christmas everybody!




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