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Beast Planet 1: Captive Surrender

Page 3

by Angela Castle

  I squeaked in alarm when he suddenly lifted me into his arms. “I like you feel here. It feel good.” He tugged me tighter against his hard muscled chest. “Soft, pink, pretty.”

  I hooked my arms around his neck, while he carried me towards a blank, grey wall.

  “You cold?” His question made me realise how badly my whole body trembled.

  He touched something on the wall, the floor opened; up slid a huge, tall box with grates at the bottom. He pressed another button and water suddenly cascaded down.

  “No drink water, for wash only, bad for insides.”

  I felt the rumble of his chest, my breast pressed against his side. He carried me under the warm waterfall.

  I gasped in shock, when the water glided down my skin. He set me down, pressing me into the corner of the shower.

  He gave me a small smile, his hand reaching out, gently tracking the line of my cheek and jaw. With a soft sigh, I let him touch where he wanted. It was not unpleasant. He was gentle.

  “We have same kind nose, you eyes beauty soft grey and blue, lips like pillow…” He traced his index finger over my lips. “Soft… have arms, legs same way.” He catalogued our similarities, touching each part of my body. “Tups much bigger. Soft, very soft.” He palmed both my breasts, squeezing gently before his hands slid down to my hips. “Bud grows here, yes?” His left hand was just under my breasts.

  I tilted my head back to meet his gaze. I placed my hand over his and guided it lower.

  “Human babies grow here,” I corrected and shuddered as he rubbed my lower stomach.

  I noticed his ink black hair, sleek and wet, and the water cascading down his hard muscled body. He stepped back and used his big hands to wash off the blood splatter from his body. The swirling blue patterns over his skin appeared brighter than before, they mesmerised me. For an alien, he was really beautiful.

  Holy shit, where did that thought come from? You’re crazy and traumatized, Anna. Yes, it had to be the reason for my subdued acceptance. Yet, every feminine instinct deep within me purred at the sight of his masculine power and beauty.

  Closing my eyes, I drew in a deep breath. If I didn’t calm down and keep a level head, my heart would expire from its frequently overactive state.

  I didn’t understand how such big, powerful creatures became the captives of another race? My own history was littered with humans conquering and enslaving other humans.

  Was the universe beyond the human race so different? No, the ones with the biggest guns, and the advanced technology always ruled the day, night, or whatever planet they saw fit.

  My eyes flew open and met his staring eyes, his expression seemed worried.

  “I know you still have fear. I protect you. You trust me, you mine, Aunna.”

  What choice did I have? He genuinely seemed to care whether I lived or died. I nodded, meeting his piercing blue gaze. “Yes, I will trust you, Morrdrook.”

  His smile lightened his sharp features. Damn, he was gorgeous when he smiled. He lowered himself down, tugged me under the water and used his large hands to wash me as he had himself.

  I couldn’t deny, it felt good, his fingers rough with calluses, my body flaring to life under his administrations.

  “I smell you, Aunna. You scent strong of desire. You desire me?”

  “I'm sensitive when you touch me like this,” I confessed, frightened to admit anymore than necessary. “It feels good to me.”

  “Wash?” His brow furrowed in confusion.

  “I don’t know about any other species, but when you touch me like this.” I placed my hands over his, sliding it up and down my body, then up to my breasts. He lowered himself down to his knees, making me slightly taller. Large, white palms cupped and squeezed my breasts, gently at first, then a little harder.

  “Yesss,” I hissed. “Your touch feels very good.”

  He stood up, his eyes now gleaming brighter than before. He pulled out of the waterfall shower, grabbed a cloth I didn't notice before and briskly rubbed it over my skin before I could protest.

  Still in shock, I watched him swiftly rub himself down and shake the water from his hair. The pure predatory gaze made me back up. I knew I had to do this, but still I hesitated.

  Chapter Four

  My mind battled with my body; how can I feel any desire at all for this being who is so different from me?

  I had second thoughts as he caught my face in one hand, softly pinching my chin between his thumb and forefinger and tipping my face up, his pale, blue eyes blazed with white fire.

  I wanted it to be over, so I could put it from my mind as a horrid incident I endured for the sake of saving my own, sorry life.

  I tensed as he shifted, hunching his shoulders as he lowered his face closer to mine. I closed my eyes.

  Just do it! I screamed inside my mind as it exploded into chaos. Don’t make me feel things I don’t want to feel!

  It was too late, though. He released a gusty sigh, as if he released his held breath, and as I took his essence inside me. It decimated every chaotic thought, made me feel weak and heavy, eager, needful even before his lips brushed mine and opened over them.

  The little resistance I still clung to crumbled when his tongue breached the barrier of my lips and raked along them, filling me with the taste of him—like dark, sweet wine, mixed with his masculine spice. My fingers dug into the hot flesh beneath my palms. For several moments, I remained completely passive, enthralled by the dizzying effect of his taste. One large hand stroked down the curve of my back, came to rest on my ass before he gently squeezed. An involuntary moan escaped, opening my mouth to his deeper exploration. Explore he did, diving in, tasting, sucking on my tongue. I lost awareness of everything else but him, and the blooming aching need between my thighs.

  My fingers curled around his hard bicep, nails digging into his smooth, white skin.

  A shudder went through him. He slipped his palm from my cheek to the base of my skull, spearing his fingers almost painfully through my hair, his hand on my ass tightened, as he lifted, drawing me higher against his body, closer. My breasts brushed his chest with every movement, my nipples filled with blood, they stood erect and were exquisitely sensitive.

  One arm, crushed between our bodies, prevented me from feeling more than a teasing touch of skin against skin. With a determined effort, I managed to dislodge it and hooked both arms around his neck, drawing myself upward, closer, but focused almost entirely on the heat of his mouth and the stroke of his tongue as he explored my mouth thoroughly.

  Abruptly, he snatched me off my feet, brought me tight against his chest, turned, and stepped toward the sleeping platform.

  In two strides, he reached it and almost dove onto it, somehow managing to settle both of us on top of the mat without completely breaking contact.

  A moment of doubt arose in me when he pressed his body against mine. The hot evidence of his arousal brushed against my inner thigh, and then he slipped down and opened his mouth over mine, banishing all thoughts, possessively taking, demanding a response, his hands stroking every inch of my exposed skin within his reach.

  The hunger and urgency of his caress sent a lighting bolt of need straight through my core. My belly clenched, warmth flowing through it. Dizzy and disoriented with the heat rising inside of me to fever pitch, I clung, then released my grip to explore any part of his body I could reach, unable to identify anything beyond smooth skin and taut muscles. I whimpered in protest at the sudden loss of his body heat as he lifted up, separating our bodies, but his exploring hand stroked over my belly and through the brown curls of my mons, before dipping into my moist cleft. A jolt of keen sensation went through me when he parted my tender folds and zeroed in on my clit with surprising accuracy. The first stroke of his finger over the sensitive nub knocked the breath out of me.

  He stilled at the sound I didn’t realise I made, at the hard jerk going through me. Breaking the kiss and withdrawing his hand at the same moment, he stared down at me with a mi
xture of confusion and uneasiness.

  “You hurt when I touch?”

  I blinked trying to comprehend his question.

  “Oh, no, y… you didn’t hurt me.” I grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand back between my thighs again, arching up to meet his touch. I felt his gaze on my face while he carefully searched again for the nub.

  Another groan rose in my throat, when he found it and another hard jolt of pleasure shot through me.

  “Oh, yes, Morrdrook, there!” I gasped, catching one of his fingers and guiding it in the motion driving me toward mindlessness.

  Releasing a harsh breath, he shifted to burrow his face against my throat, upper chest and breasts, stroking the smooth skin of his cheeks against me as if he wanted to coat his skin with my scent. I was hardly aware of anything beyond his fingers until his lips closed over one engorged nipple. The stroke of his tongue across the sensitive tip dragged a shaky cry from me and almost sent me over the edge. I hadn’t realised how close I was to coming.

  I fought it, reaching down, running my fingers through the surprisingly silky strands of his black hair. Urging him to continue, with the need to come, I gasped when he slid a finger into my slick entrance.

  “Hot, wet… this is good, help us fit, yes?”

  “Huh?” The fog in my brain cleared enough to register his words. “Yes, I… I need to be relaxed, wetter.” I licked my dry lips. “Y… you need to make me um, come.”

  His smile was seductively heart-stopping. Disappointment and confusion flickered through me when he stopped abruptly and shifted down my body. He gripped my hips and pushed them wide, holding them down.

  His hot breath fanned over my exposed pussy, before his wet tongue swiped over the sensitive bundle of nerves.

  I would have jack knifed up, if he hadn’t been pinning my hips to the mat.

  “Oh. My. God!”

  I met his piercing gaze and realised he was studying my reactions. He pulled back licking his lips, before lowering his head and lapping at my clit like a cat with a saucer of cream.

  I threw back my head, struggling to pull air into my lungs at the heightened stimuli.

  His tongue trailed down before breaching my pussy, pushing deep. Thrusting in and out, mimicking the fucking I knew I now wanted with a desperate, aching need. Every reasonable thought tuck-tailed, stuck its thumb out, hitchhiking down the road.

  “You taste of dreams, my Aunna, make you come this way, yes?” Morrdrook’s voice, vibrated against my core.

  “Oh, yes, Morrdrook, yes.”

  He licked, sucked and tongue-fucked my pussy with ravenous zeal. I felt wound tighter than a compressed spring. My body seized for a split second before shattering; raw pleasure raced though me.

  “Yes, your wetness flows.”

  I managed to crack open my heavy lids to peer up at him as he shifted above me. I pondered the irony of life. An alien gave me a mind-blowing orgasm, where my two previous, human boyfriends always left me unfulfilled and empty.

  He rose over me, his hips pressing my lower body down. I felt the probing his probing cock head and dug my fingers into his arms, lifting my hips to meet him, feeling him lock with my body. A burn, teetering on pain, made me groan as the skin started to stretch, eased by my slick passage.

  My breath caught in my throat at the quiver of renewed pleasure rocking through me, his cock touching my g-spot. I tensed with uncertainty, at his gentle rocking, each thrust edging his cock a little deeper.

  The friction of him pushing in and out made me groan. I felt the build up deeper inside my belly and tried meeting his thrust, but it wasn’t quite enough. I drew maddeningly close to a second climax, if only he’d thrust faster, deeper.

  He stiffened all over, sucked in his breath and held it for a fraction of a second. Uttering a strangled groan, he shuddered and quaked, pumping his hips in jerky movements while his body yielded up his seed, its warmth bathing my womb.

  My inner walls clenched hopefully around his cock, and I wavered on the brink, and then slid down the slope when he went still, supporting himself above me, his arms shaking.

  Feeling perilously close to tears, I gave myself a mental kick. I didn’t want to enjoy it, but that was me, always a peacekeeper, trying to make the best from a bad situation.

  “You can get off me now.”

  Although he wasn’t crushing me, his weight felt good, too good. I desperately needed to put some physical and emotional distance between us. Morrdrook, instead of pulling out, heaved a heavy breath and eased deeper inside of me.

  “Get off,” I growled through gritted teeth. Why wasn’t he rolling over and starting to snore like every other man in my life did.

  Because he’s an alien gladiator, you twit. Probably has more stamina than a race horse overdosed on caffeine.

  He lifted his head, studied me for a long moment and said, “No.”

  “I know the Druel are forcing us to do this, but you don’t have to stay on top of me.”

  I planted my hands on his shoulders and shoved.

  I might as well have been pushing against an elephant; it didn’t budge him one inch. He grabbed my wrists, pinning them to the platform on either side of my head.

  “I like where I am. Soft Aunna, feel good.” He hunched his shoulders, seeking my lips. I turned my face away. He covered my ear instead, exploring the cavity with his tongue. Goosebumps erupted all over me as renewed heat rushed through me. The muscles along my passage clenched around his flaccid member in reaction, thrusting it outward.

  He lifted his head to look at me, the surprise and confusion on his face evident, but the effect on his cock was almost instantaneous. It swelled, resisting my involuntary efforts to evict it.

  My breath caught when he curled his hips, pushing slowly until the head of his cock bumped my womb. I winced at the painful contraction. He eased off again, watching my face intently while moving inside me.

  Anger and disappointment evaporated, my body stirring to life, unfurling and tensing with his stroking caress until I felt again the distinct, heady rise of passion.

  Closing my eyes, I tilted my hips to counter his thrusts, pleasure moving over me, through me, winding me more and more tightly. He released his grip on my wrists, shifting his weight to one arm, his free hand stroking over my sensitive skin. Cupping the nearest breast, he plucked at the taut tip with his fingers. Little noises of pleasure filled the air.

  Lifting my now freed hands, I dragged my palms down his chest and then around him, stroking his waist and digging my fingers into the top of his ass.

  God, it felt good! It felt soooo good!

  I tightened my arms around him, pulling myself more snugly against him, tightened my legs to meet each jarring thrust of him moving faster. One moment I was clinging in desperation to the edge of release and the next my body began to spasm, white and black shadows passing behind my eyes, and every nerve ending contracting with unimaginable pleasure. A cry tumbled from my lips, wave after wave rushing through me.

  I was next to unconscious by the time my climax ceased, barely aware of the quaking and shuddering of Morrdrook’s body when he came and sagged limply against me.

  Too weak to cling to him any longer, my arms and legs slipped and I landed on the mat. I made no attempt to break the fall. My heart was pounding so hard it was all I could do to continue breathing.

  Finally, becoming aware Morrdrook hovered above me, I cracked an eyelid to look up at him. A chuckle escaped me at the look on his face. “You turned me into a puddle of mush,” I muttered in a slurred voice.

  He rolled away from me and onto his back, breathing as gustily as I was.

  “My Aunna not hurt?”

  It took a moment for my brain to click back on, I did a mental inventory.

  “No. I’m good, surprisingly good. Are you okay?” Why I should be worried about him. Logic escaped me. It was all his effort, well mostly.

  I thought for a moment I was so enthralled with the aftermath of the glorious climax,
I’d forgotten myself when Morrdrook’s hand settled heavily on my lower belly.

  “Think we make bud?”

  I swallowed, not wanting to think he had succeeded in impregnating me. It was what our captor wanted. I needed to be useful or perish.

  “What will they do if we did?”

  “Leave in peace. Make promise to return to planet until young one old enough to fight in games.”

  “Oh.” My throat tightened, the tears welled in my eyes.

  “You leak again. No leak. I make vow to protect you. If not work first time, we try again. I am happy to have won you. Knew you would be best female.”

  After a fashion, I knew Morrdrook was trying to comfort me. For a big alien killing machine, he was rather sweet.

  “Just hold me, please.”

  His arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his warmth. “Rest my Aunna. You mine now, bud or not, I will never let you go. I will never let them take you from me. I won you, you are mine.”

  Relaxed from the bliss of two orgasms, I couldn’t help feel safe cradled in his strong arms. I let my mind and body fall into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Crispy bacon, and fluffy scrambled eggs and buttery croissants. My mouth watered and my stomach rumbled loudly. Oh, I hoped Sandy was cooking breakfast this morning; she worked as a chef at a busy Melbourne café. It was our flatmate deal—she cooked in exchange for my remedial massages. Rolling, I snuggled in closer to my electric blanket. A girl growing up in the cold, mountain country of Victoria, Australia, couldn’t do without one at night. Winter’s temperatures often plummeted below freezing. But since when did my blanket wrap a heavy arm around my middle, or fan hot breath over my neck and stroke my hair?

  Blinking, I opened my eyes and started struggling in sudden alarm.

  “Easy Aunna, you safe. I have you.” Morrdrook’s deep voice soothed me as his piercing blue gaze stared at me. I drew in a few deep breaths, trying to calm my pounding heart. This was not my home, or my bed, and Sandy was… I buried my face against his chest, trying to banish the deep, painful ache in my chest. I breathed in his raw masculine scent, finding it oddly soothing.


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