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Beast Planet 1: Captive Surrender

Page 6

by Angela Castle

  “Anna, let one of the Zakiu deal with him.” Abby whispered behind me.

  “Druel give no female, I want.” He moved to shove me aside, but I blocked his path again, he let out a low rumble of annoyance.

  “Abby run, go get Nular.”

  Abby darted out, and the Fraxi tried to dash around me, but I ducked low and threw my shoulder into his legs. It knocked him off balance, already in motion he tumbled onto the floor.

  Roaring in rage, he jumped swiftly to his feet, I backed up in alarm, suddenly pinned between the water trough and the big Fraxi fighter.

  “No have her, take you.” He grabbed for my wrist. I fisted my hand, yanking my arm upwards. The awkward angle of his arm forced him to release my wrist. With the muscular structure of these alien fighters, it was hard to tell what were soft spots. I took a chance, striking with my palms held sideways directly into the side of his ribs, with all the force I could muster.

  He grunted in clear pain, stumbling backwards, before I could slip past him, a white hand landed on his shoulder, spinning the Fraxi around. In a blur of movement, a white fist connected with the Fraxi's red face. I squeaked in fright, the force of the punch throwing the Fraxi back. Someone grabbed my arm, hurling me out of the way and into a solid, warm chest.

  “Aunna.”Morrdrook’s arms were tight around me. I glanced back to see Nular, standing over the Fraxi, his face a cloud of dark rage. Behind him, Abby shifted nervously from foot to foot.

  “Dare to take my female, Pratt. For this I kill you.”

  “I kill him first, he laid hand on mine.” Morrdrook’s chest rumbled, his arms were rigid with anger as he held me.

  Pratt climbed to his feet spitting red blood onto the floor. “Druel did not say we could not touch. Fraxi have no females here.”

  “Nular please, I’m frightened.” Abby gently touched his arm.

  “Morrdrook, you’ll frighten all the women, if you kill him.” The last thing I wanted was to see someone die needlessly.

  He glanced at me, then to Nular, who nodded and stepped back to scoop Abby into his arms.

  “For my female, I do not kill you now. If you dare to touch or go near any of our females, then your red blood will flow in the sands.”

  Other Zakiu stood around nodding in approval. “Rest time, come.” Morrdrook still looked tense and angry; he pulled me along beside him.

  Too worried to protest, I stared at his face. Why did he still look so damn angry? Was he mad at me? What happened wasn’t my fault. A new fear ran down my spine. What if the sweet and caring Morrdrook was simply an act? I swallowed hard, only to find my mouth dry. Oh, god, I hope not.

  “Why are you angry, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  I dug my heels in and tugged at his hold on my arm. He responded by halting to a stop, scooping me up and tossing me over his shoulder.

  “Damn it, Morrdrook, you can’t keep hauling me around like some bloody sack of potatoes!”

  “Silence.” He growled. I heard the swat before I felt the sting of his hand slapping my ass.

  I felt my face redden in shock. How dare he! “You hit me, you son-of-a-bitch!”

  “No hit, tap.”

  “I’ll fucking tap you, you bastard, put me down, now!”

  Obviously ignoring my rage, he gripped me tighter despite my indignant struggles. Reaching his room in record time, he waited till the door slid shut, before dumping me firmly on the bunk.

  The hard stare of his crystal blue eyes made be back up on the bed. I sucked in several slow breaths, trying to calm my hammering heart.

  He crouched down, but didn’t make any further moves towards me.

  He pointed a white finger at me. “You no fight, ever.”

  Confusion swam in my head when I recalled the events in the training room.

  “I wasn’t fighting, damn it, I was defending myself and Abby… that red-alien thing, the Fraxi, was going to do who knows what.”

  “I no let you get hurt. Only I protect you. I am best of all fighters.” His gaze softened, while I struggled to understand why he was so strongly against me fighting.

  “I learned to protect myself before you, Morrdrook, and if some idiot thinks he can take whatever he wants from me, then I will defend myself and anyone else I think may get hurt.”

  “No, you no understand.” He moved forward gripping my shoulders, pulling me forward half off the bed. Seeing the fear in his eyes, my anxiety drained away. “You fight, they will know, they will take you. You mine, will not let them take you.”

  “I don’t understand why can’t I defend myself?” He sighed, sat down on the floor pulling me into his lap, cradling me close. I didn’t struggle, but lay my head against his chest, feeling the sudden, strange urge to comfort him. I listened to the rhythm of his breathing and the strong, steady beating of his heart.

  “My race strong warriors, both male and female. When our females refused accept our seed, refused to grow more Zakiu to use in Druel games, Druel instead used them as fighters. They strong, but no strong enough, all have been killed in games. They are no more. If Druel see you fight, they take away and use in games.”

  Holy shit, Morrdrook’s anger stemmed from his fear of what the Druel would do to me.

  I lifted my head. His eyes glazed over, lost in distant memories. Gently, I touched his face, bringing him back.

  “I thought I was here to be a breeder not a fighter.”

  He splayed his hand over my lower stomach. “If no grow bud, they will use you in arena, feed to beast for sport.”

  I felt the blood drain from my face. I was grateful for having Morrdrook’s arms locked around me; the room spun and the force of what he was telling me sunk in. My stomach churned.

  “T… they did it to the other females who they tried to breed you with, didn’t they.”

  His grim nod confirmed my fears. I buried my head into his chest.

  “No fight, Aunna,” his deep voice gentle, pleading.

  “I won’t fight; you’re my protector. I’ll just have to make sure we’re never separated.” His arms tightened, kissing the top of my head.

  “Never leave my Aunna, mine, always.”

  Chapter Eight

  “I want to do something.” I sat on Morrdrook's lap again, while he fed me more tasty cubes. “I mean if I have to sit around and watch you train all the time, I’m going to get bored and restless. Back on my planet I had a job, I was active. At least you get to do something.”

  “No fighting.” I rolled my eyes and gave his meaty arm a playful punch.

  “We’ve been over this, already, I won’t fight, but I have other skills, maybe I could be of some use.”

  His grin made me sigh at how good looking the man was. “Very good use, make me happy.” He pressed a swift kiss to my lips, running his hands up the side of my neck, his fingertips pressing gently on my pulse point.

  I melted under his skilful touch. “You don’t play fair.”

  “Never.” A deep, sexy purr vibrated from his chest, making me flush with a sudden slow, burning need. He dipped in, capturing my lips in a longer, hungrier kiss.

  “Forgive intrusion, Morrdrook.”

  We broke apart to glance over the meal table. Makkiu stood gripping Joan’s upper arm. Both looked less than happy, tension practically vibrated off the couple. Joan directed a disgusted glare at me.

  I smiled sweetly back, refusing to feel bad because of her disapproval.

  “What be your need, Makkiu?”

  “Help with my female; she still refuses to take my seed, refuses to listen to reason. Your female is obeying. How do you do it, Morrdrook?”

  Morrdrook stroked his hand down my bare arm. “I won best of all females, she smart and understands.”

  I felt my cheeks heat at Morrdrook’s praise.

  “I should have fought harder for yours.” Morrdrook stiffened at Makkiu’s words, but relaxed when he continued with. “Still no want harm to come to my Joan.”

  I exhaled a breath
I didn’t realise I was holding, relief sweeping through me, knowing the Makkiu wouldn’t stoop so low as to rape Joan.

  “Maybe she not right in head.” Morrdook tapped the side of his head.

  “Oh, shut the hell up,” Joan snarled, her face almost turning beet-red in rage. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.”

  “What is your problem anyway?” I snapped, unable to remain silent any longer. “Is it just the whole alien thing, or are there other issues you’re dealing with, because right now I’m leaning towards Morrdrook’s assessment of you being mentally fucked up.”

  Makkiu blinked at me, before his face lit up in a wide grin. “Like your female, Morrdrook.”

  “You shut the fuck up. There is nothing wrong with me!” If Joan’s glare could kill, I’m sure I’d be hung, drawn and quartered.

  “Then fuck him for god sake.” I gestured to Makkiu.

  Joan clenched and unclenched her fists, her arms stiff by her side. “I have standards, whether on Earth or not. I. Am. Not. Fucking that fucking alien and no one can make me!”

  I stared at her in disbelief. Standards? I really had enough of this woman and her pissy attitude. “Oh, you really do have a stick up your ass.”

  “She has something wedged in her body? Is why she is not compliant?” Makkiu’s sudden question made me swallow the wrong way, I started coughing and spluttering.

  Someone started patting me on my back, the hand was way too light to be Morrdrook’s. I twisted to see Abby standing behind me.

  “Easy girlfriend.” She had a, you-go-girl, grin on her face. Nular stood behind her, arms folded watching the verbal slanging match.

  Joan looked like she was about to pop a brain gasket. “You’re all nothing but alien sluts, and no, I don’t have anything suck in me you dumb shit, and I don’t plan to either.” She snared at Makkiu. He glanced at me with a mixture of concern and pleading.

  Once recovered enough to speak, I didn’t hold back. “I’d rather be a slut than alien food. You have no idea what the Druel are going to do to you. Tell her what they did to your females Makkiu. Prove to her what will happen to her if she doesn’t accept what she’s been brought here to do. If that doesn’t change her attitude, then there is nothing any of us can do.”

  Morrdrook took over the task of rubbing my back, his smile was sad but proud.

  “It is good idea to try Makkiu.” Morrdrook nodded in approval of my idea.

  “I will, appreciation to you both.”

  My eyes widened watching Joan’s face flush, her whole body seemed to shake in rage. “You interfering bitch!”

  I was startled as Joan suddenly leaped up onto the seat, launching herself at me from across the table. Makkiu easily caught her about the waist before she could even get close.

  She lashed out with all her fury, screaming and kicking at Makkiu. I felt bad for him, seeing the worry in his eyes. Once again he was forced to throw her over his shoulder and carry her out.

  “That’s a lot of pent up rage.” Abby’s said from behind me. “If anyone is in need of a good shagging, it’s her.”

  I grinned and Abby hi-fived me.

  “We have much to learn about hu-mon females.” Rumbled Nular, helping Abby onto the bench.

  “Stay, while I get us food.”

  I watched Abby’s gaze follow Nular as he joined the line to grab a tray. “Love it when he’s all bossy.”

  With a laugh, I wiggled off Morrdrook’s lap to sit next to my friend. He stared as if he was not sure what to make of me. “What? You said no fighting, you didn’t say anything about verbal smack downs.”

  “Smack downs? Hu-mon’s have strange words, strange ways. Why try to help Makkiu, when he not your male?”

  I studied Morrdrook’s face, he didn’t appear jealous in anyway. “We have a saying on Earth. Your friends are my friends. I just hope he’s able to make Joan see some sense. I may not like her, but I don’t want her to die either.”

  Morrdrook’s expression softened, he gently stroked a finger down my cheek. “My Aunna is kind and strong of heart.” I melted under his praise and at his tender touch. Why did he always have to be so sweet?

  “Is it true? Nular said, if all goes to plan we won’t be in this hell hole for much longer.”

  “Druel will go into hibernation cycle, we will be returned to Zakiu home world. Big games coming, much fights before end of season. They also know we will be carful to care for our seeded females, when buds begin to grow.”

  “Fucking bastards are using us as leverage over you.” Abby’s eyes sparkled with anger. I felt the rage right along beside her.

  “Druel give Zakiu no choice. We fight not to die; we breed not to die.” His tone held an edge of anger. Even though we were in a similar situation, my heart broke for him. I swallowed several times and blinked, struggling to reign in my rampant emotions.

  “How long as this been going on? The Druel taking the Zakiu and the others for their games.”

  Nular returned, scooping Abby up and onto his lap as he seated himself. She was so small compared to Nular’s large bulk. But she seemed as content as I was with Morrdrook.

  “Before my memories take hold, older ones talked of large Zakiu cities reaching towards our pales skies, but Druel come, destroy and take.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I gave his arm a squeeze.

  “One day, we find a way to fight back,” Nular said, picking up cubes feeding them to an accepting Abby.

  I sighed, my gaze wandered over to where the robots of the Druel hovered—our prison guards. You could almost forget they were there, appearances were deceptive.

  “Has anyone tried to fight back?” I lowered my voice to a whisper.

  “Many tried, many fail, all who have are quickly dealt with by the Druel machines.” Nular answered.

  “We learn routine, obey, they give us our needs. Work hard to train and fight, all learn only best fighters live.” Morrdrook finished.

  “What about on your planet; can’t you hide before they come to gather you for the games?”

  “Machines always find.” Nular nodded towards the hovering octo bots.

  “I bet without their fucking technology they’d be helpless as bugs under foot.” Abby added. She slapped away Nular’s hand. She picked up a green cube and fed it to him.

  I laughed at his stunned expression. He shrugged and accepted it, playfully nipping at her fingers. “Want to learn about hu-mons.” She mimicked Nular’s deep voice. “I can fuckin feed me self, big boy.” She snatched a cube popping it into her own mouth.

  I burst out laughing, attracting the attention of more than a few couples near by. I loved Abby’s fiery attitude.

  “She has a point.” I met Morrdrook’s curious gaze. “You want to learn about us, you are going to have to listen, and getting back to the topic of being useful, and not being driven insane with boredom. Now finish your food. I want to get you alone so I can show you my skills.”

  * * * *

  At first, he eyed me with suspicion when I asked him to lay face down on the bunk. “You’re fifty times stronger than me, if you feel threatened at anytime, you still have the advantage, but please, let me show you.”

  It took a moment before he complied. “Trust my Aunna.”

  “Thank you.” I kissed his cheek when he lay down and turned his face towards me. “Try to relax, this is what I do back on earth. I help to heal people by giving massages.”

  “I am not damaged.” I hid my amusement at his confused tone.

  “I know, but it also feels good and helps fighters with their muscles.” I tapped his left arm. “Because you’re, well, a heck of a lot bigger than a human, I’m going to climb on your back, is that okay.”

  I saw the corner of his lips curve up into a grin. “Would like to have Aunna on her back.”

  With a giggle I climbed up. “Later, okay, just behave for me for a little while.” The heat of my bare pussy pressed into his lower back and he growled low in his throat. I sucked in
a slow, steady breath. It was a little harder without oil, but I slid my hands up his smooth white skin, leaning over, mapping his back muscles and shoulders with my hands. It wasn’t that dissimilar to human muscle layout.

  His shoulders were tense, but I started kneading my fingers into his muscles and felt them slowly respond and loosen under my work.

  After a moment, I suddenly realised the side effects of giving Morrdrook a therapeutic massage. A client would have sued me for sexual harassment, if I ever got turned on by them. I couldn’t help it; my pussy dampened and I grew more aroused with each stroke. Sure, I've touched many men and a lot of muscular athletes in my line of work, but no one ever affected me like this.

  The rumble of a deep, sexy purr vibrated right up through my core. I blinked and almost swore the blue markings in his skin start to brighten. Trying to ignore it, I shifted lower, avoiding sitting on his arse, but placing myself on his upper legs. I worked my hands rhythmically over his lower back. It was worse—he spread his legs, letting the cool air brush against my hot, damp folds. I struggled to hold back a moan.

  Stay focused, talk to him. “Do the blue patterns have significance? I’ve never seen anything like them.” I've never seen bug aliens or any other kind of aliens either, not that it mattered. I traced the vibrant and now glowing patterns on his back. Why didn't I noticed this before?

  “They are glowing.” I gasped.

  “It is your touch, my Aunna, I not control my reaction to your hands, feels too good.”

  His answer left me baffled. “I don’t understand, what does it mean?”

  “They are the patterns of my land. Every Zukiu is born proud to bear the marks of Zakiu. They show our anger, our desire, harder to see in light. I show you.”

  He shifted up, I squeaked as I fell on to my ass. Morrdrook flipped over in one fluid movement, sitting up, he reached for me, dragging me over his body, laying me down until we were nose to nose. My legs fell either side of his waist.

  “Lights out.”

  The room fell into darkness. I sat up on him and stared down at the glowing patterns on Morrdrook. Just like an ultraviolet light on white, his skin glowed bright against the markings. It was so strange and yet so beautiful.


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