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Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 2 (Roman Crime Family)

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by Anderson, Alisa

  Fallen Angel: Part 2

  A Mafia Romance (Roman Crime Family)

  Fallen Angel Series

  Alisa Anderson

  Cameron Skye

  Fallen Angel: Part 2

  by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye

  Copyright © 2014 by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye

  This is a work of fiction. While there may be reference to actual places and events, all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in encouraging piracy of copyrighted materials in violation with the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  She never expected her life to unfold this way.

  Running from a lifetime of pain and torment, Jess’s dream of making it big was becoming less and less of a reality. Falling victim to all the tempting vices always present in the world she lived in now, she was sinking further in the abyss…

  Falling deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. In love with a man as dangerous and complicated as they come. Nick Roman. Very married. Very out of her league. Impossible for her to stay away from…

  Nick knew he needed to let her go. His life was messed up enough as it was without her being in it. But she was necessary to him. He refused to give her up...

  An addiction neither of them could kick, no matter what the cost…

  Enemies and bitter hostilities continue to build around them, as lovers and spouses hang on with a vice grip, refusing to let go. Their love was all-consuming, risky, life threatening…

  Would it destroy everything and everyone around them as well?











  About the Authors

  Special Note From Alisa


  She stared wordlessly as her mother rushed around the kitchen, trying to straighten everything up before her father came home. Her tiny, frail frame moved quietly, with purpose, as she paused to wipe sweat from her brow.

  Tonight wasn’t going to be a good night.

  She knew it in her gut.

  The way you knew you were about to throw up.

  The way someone walks behind you, and the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.

  Tension filled the air.

  She knew from past experience, nothing good would come of it.

  Her stomach churned relentlessly. Twisting, forming into a tight knot. She swallowed hard, trying to ignore the feeling of nausea permeating her senses. Pretending not to feel the blinding, suffocating mask of fear, lining the walls of her chest.

  “Why are you bothering to do any of this? You know it won’t matter.”

  “Because it doesn’t hurt to try. It wouldn’t hurt you to help, querida.” Her mother cast her a distracted frown, her beautiful, brown face etched in worry.

  “Here. Put this napkin down. You know he doesn’t like it when the table isn’t set.”

  Jess looked at her like she had grown a second head. Her mother looked harassed, impatient, terrified. Ready to pass out…all at the same time.

  Impressive feat.

  “You could show some respect, Jacinta.”

  She snorted, giving a short bark of humorless laughter.

  “What you mean is I shut up, and take whatever he dishes out, like you do?”

  She knew she went too far that time. Her mother visibly stilled for what seemed like forever, silently continuing to work.

  Jess felt the prick of conscience. Instantly ashamed.

  “I’m sorry, mama.”

  “He is your father, Jacinta. I raised you better than this.”

  Her mother’s hands gripped the back of the chair. “Me haces tan triste, pequeño mamá.”

  You make me so sad, little mama.

  Her mother’s special nickname for her.

  “Mama, stop. Just stop, alright? Stop trying to make me ok with what he does to us. To you. Stop trying to make me bend to his will, because it won’t happen. I’ll give respect when it’s earned. For that matter, when it’s given.”

  She folded a napkin reluctantly, placing it on the table.

  “Like any of this will do any good.”

  “Jacinta, baby, I just want-”

  The sound of a car pulling up in the driveway interrupted her. She shot Jess a look of sheer panic.

  “Jacinta, mami, please help me. Please don’t make this any harder tonight, ok? Papa had a hard day today. He’s tired. Please. For me?” Her mother’s eyes begged her to understand.

  Jess sighed. She wished she didn’t care so much, it would be easier that way.

  She had so many feelings bottled inside of her, waiting to claw their way out and explode. Hurt, anger, confusion…resentment...rage.

  If parents loved children as much as they said they did, as much as they were supposed to love them, why were they always the ones who hurt them the most?

  She loved her mother so much. At the same time she hated her. Hated her for staying with him. Hated her, blamed her for all the things he did.

  She begged, pleaded for her to leave. Her mother said she wasn’t strong enough to make it on her own. She was sick, and needed her father to protect them.

  Maybe Jess could work harder at not making him angry. Especially when he came home from a hard day’s work at the police station.

  It was a privilege and an honor being the daughter of Police Commissioner William Laurent. One Jess was told over and over, she needed to take more seriously. Didn’t she know how many girls would kill to be in her shoes?

  She wished they would. It would mean an end to her grim existence.

  She heard her father’s car stop in the driveway. She knew his routine by now.

  Sit for a few minutes. Turn down the radio.

  Oldies station. They always did weather and traffic the way he liked.

  Get out of the car. Slam the door.

  Her body betrayed her miserably, the hairs of her neck standing on end. She swallowed, breaking out into a cold sweat. For all of her bravado, she was as terrified as her mother, and disgusted with herself.

  Please, please, please God. Please let him leave me alone tonight.

  I’ll be good, I promise.

  I’ll watch my mouth, and never get smart again.

  Please. Let him leave me and mama alone.

  Just once…

  Twist the door knob…

  She closed her eyes at the sound.

  Daddy’s home…

  Her forehead hit the table with a loud thump.

  Jess awoke with a start, gasping for breath. Glancing around wildly, attempting to get her bearings.

  What time was it? Her mother would be wondering where she was. She promised her she wouldn’t be late again and-


  Something wasn’t right.

  She didn’t hear her father yelling. Or her mother, pleading for him to stop. No fists. No horrific sound of his belt buckle unloosening.

  Not his stale breath, breathing down the back of her neck…

  She blinked rapidly.

  Recognizing her bed in Brooklyn. Her shoes and outfit for tonight waiting on a chair next to it.

  Get it together, girl.

  Slowly….her breathing returned to normal.

p; She desperately needed something to take the horrible edge off. Something to make her forget what a complete fucking mess her life was. Looking over, seeing her special baggie on the nightstand, she made a line and snorted it.

  There was a god.

  Jess…and her mind…were spinning out of control. With a quickness.

  She knew this deep down, of course. But of course, denied it to herself.

  The self that told her the occasional line of coke was ok.

  The self that said fucking Nick Roman and Eric Summers wasn’t a dangerous game. Sure to end disastrously for everyone involved.

  But why tell the truth? A lie to yourself and others served so much better.

  Oh, what a tangled web we weave…

  The fuck was the rest of that damn phrase, anyway?

  Jess sighed, rubbing moisture from her eyes. She was tired, cranky and emotional. Wanting to sleep for a week, forgetting everything about her life.

  No time for tears, though.

  She had money to make. A show to perform.

  “Whoo-fucking-hoo.” She muttered, heading into the shower.

  This was her life now.

  Time to get used to it.


  “Is he busy, Angel?”

  “Nah. You can go in. Knock first.”

  She tapped lightly on the door, praying he wouldn’t hear the knock. Just as she was about to lose her nerve, she heard him.

  “Yeah.” His voice, making her heart pound practically out of her chest.

  “Nick, it’s me. Jess. Is it ok to come in?”

  “Come on in, kid.”

  “Um…you busy?” She poked her head around the side of the door, not going inside. Afraid of what might, or more precisely, what would happen if she did.

  “Not if you consider watching Scooby Doo being busy.”

  “Scooby Doo?”

  “Lots of life lessons in Scooby Doo, kid. You should give it a chance. Come in. Shut the door.”

  No backing out now. She went into his office, closing the door behind her.

  “Wanna sit?”

  “I’d rather stand.”

  “That’s an interesting dress, kid.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means it’s interesting.”

  “Interesting how?”

  “I’m sure you didn’t come here to discuss your dress.”

  “You brought it up.” She sounded exasperated. “Never mind.”

  “What’s up, kid?” Nick chuckled, lighting a cigar.

  “We need to talk. You know…about what happened.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yes. Logically. And right now.”

  Nick leaned back in his chair, grinning one of the sexiest grins she had ever seen. She paused, focusing on his pouty lower lip.

  “This can’t wait until later, when we’re alone?”

  She blinked. Distracted.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  Nick smiled patiently and waited.

  “Did I miss something? We are alone.”

  He nodded toward the door. Jess turned to see Angel sitting in a chair by the door. He winked at her, waving.

  Turning back, rolling her eyes, she dismissed him.

  “I need to say this before I lose my nerve. And we both know what will happen once we’re alone.”

  “So. Say what’s on your mind.”

  “Whatever the fuck this crazy, irrational thing is. That’s what’s on my mind, Nick. Fuck, you’re married.”

  “I’m well aware of that fact.”


  “And, in regards to the crazy, irrational thing between us. It was pretty fucking amazing last night, wasn’t it?”

  “Amazing doesn’t begin to describe it. But that’s not the point.”

  “What is the point, kid?”

  “It shouldn’t have happened. It won’t happen again.”

  “It will happen again.”

  “We are logical, intelligent...”

  “I’d like to think so.”

  “Completely incompatible.”


  “We have to learn to ignore the attraction.”

  “You can learn to do that?” He motioned for Angel to leave the office.

  “Come on, Nick. I’m trying to be serious.”

  He got up, walking to her. Placing his hands around her waist. Her breathing quickened at his touch. “You want me to learn to ignore this?”

  He whispered the words against her lips, backing her against the wall.

  God he was big.

  “We need to umm…ignore.”

  “Right.” He brushed his lips against hers, gripping her ass.

  “We can learn, Nick.” Draping her arms around his neck, she pulled him further into her.

  “Apparently we can’t.”

  Jess found her way up the stairs into the dressing room. She hoped Allie was there, and they were alone.

  “Allie. I have to tell you something. You’re not going to like it.”

  “Ok, I’m already worried. What have you done, Jess?”

  “I'd rather tell anyone but you, but I have to tell someone.”

  “Jess. What did you do.”

  “Because I need help. Oh God, Allie. I’m in deep this time.”

  “Now you’re scaring me. Fucking say it.”

  “I think I’m having an affair with Nick.”

  “You think? Or do you know?”

  “I’m fucking Nick, Allie.” Jess flopped down on the chair, putting her head in her hands.

  “I know you didn’t say what I thought you said. What the fuck did I tell you about staying away from him? You’ve known him for five minutes, Jess.”

  Jess pulled out a baggie, cutting several lines on the dressing table.

  “Your ass never listens. Give me some. I think I need it.”

  “I know. The whole thing is crazy. Please say you don’t hate me. I hate me.”

  Allie groaned. “I don’t hate you, Jess. I just think you are incredibly stupid. How long has it been going on?”

  “Since last night.”

  Allie eyed Jess questioningly as she passed her the straw.

  “Twice. A few minutes ago. He says he wants it to continue. Fuck, I want it to continue. It’s insane right?”

  “On many levels.”

  “I need you to yank me out of this, Allie. Say something to bring me back to reality.”

  “Why? Like you’ll listen. You didn’t when I told you to stay away from him. And did I say he was very dangerous? Mighta said that part once or twice.”


  “Fine. What about Eric? What about Nick’s wife?”

  “See. Exactly the type of shit I need to hear.”

  “How exactly do you see all this going down Jess?”

  “I don’t know. Great sex for a while. Everyone getting out without getting hurt.”

  “Oh yeah. That’s fucking realistic.”

  “Come on Allie. I’ve heard of stories where people have affairs. The relationship ends with both realizing the people they’re with are wonderful, and the other none the wiser.”

  “This is not damn Cinderella, Jess. There is no happily ever after. And the people you’re fucking with? Eric? Connie? Yeah, they don’t have the most stable of tempers. These are people who don’t take kindly to their shit being fucked with. Fucking unrealistic, Jess. You have to stop this.” She could see the panic in Allie’s eyes.

  “It’s a dangerous game. People are going to get hurt. You will get hurt. You have to stop this.”

  “Fine. I’m stopping.” Allie eyed Jess again.

  “What? I’m stopping. Done.” Jess looked firm. “It’s over.”

  Allie looked around the dressing room nervously.

  “Who else knows about this?”

  “Just you, Angel. God.”

  “Keep it that way. Stop this, Jess. Before it’s too late.”

  “I’m stopping.”r />


  Jess admitted Allie knew her too damn well. Nick was a drug she couldn’t say no to. Before she knew it, six months passed.

  She spent most of her time filming at MTV, working at the club, fucking Nick. It became her pattern.

  Falling deeper. Harder. Tangling herself further into the spider’s web of balancing Nick and Eric, if that’s what you wanted to call it.

  Nick kept his word, dumping all other women.

  Except Connie.

  His wife. The constant who wasn’t going to go away. She stopped asking him about her, knowing this was one of the many “business arrangements” she was never to question. Their families went way back. That’s all she needed to know.

  Jess accepted that.

  The way Nick accepted Eric. He didn’t.

  For the life of her, she didn’t know why he put up with her insanity. Sacrificed so much to be with her. He simply told her he had to have her. Anyway he could.

  She was…necessary to him. Even if he couldn’t explain why. That’s what he always said, then would change the subject.

  Truth be told, he was as necessary to her. A fact she hoped was lost on everyone including Nick. She didn’t like that she needed him so much. It was terrifying.

  She prayed to god Eric was oblivious to anything going on. In an effort to make him that way, she helped him open a recording studio in Brooklyn. She also showered him with gifts, trips, money and all the coke he could snort.

  She knew him well enough to know he would be so self-absorbed with everything, especially the studio, he wouldn’t notice the amount of time she wasn’t around.

  She’d yet to examine why she couldn’t cut him loose. He was no good for her, most of the time he treated her like shit. Maybe she was afraid of what he would do if she let him go.

  What Nick would do to Eric, if he knew what was really going on.

  She wasn’t ready to delve that deeply.

  Not yet.

  While Eric was oblivious to Jess’s behavior, Connie noticed Nick’s. He was spending more and more nights away from home, a point he was always able to cover due to his job. What she couldn’t shake and he couldn’t cover was the smell of perfume and sex when he would come home in the wee hours of the morning.


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