Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 2 (Roman Crime Family)

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Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 2 (Roman Crime Family) Page 2

by Anderson, Alisa

  She was a “good” Italian wife, never questioning. Knowing full well how the game was played, and what was expected of her. She knew her husband was no saint. Up until now, she didn’t care. He kept her and their son, in the best money could buy.

  Even she had to admit, she had a pretty good set up.

  She also knew from time to time she even managed to have her own...dalliances. Discretion of course, always key. They never lasted very long, knowing Nick would kill her if he ever found out. She made sure that never happened.

  This time however, something was different. Whoever Nick was seeing, he was falling for her. Connie had never seen him behave this way. He almost seemed…happy.

  She felt him slipping away right before her eyes. That was something she would not allow. She needed to find the girl threatening her “happy” home and take care of her before she could do anymore damage.

  Her life depended on it.

  “So what do you think, Joe. Versace or Chanel tonight?” Jess stood in the mirror, flipping dresses in front of her.

  “Girl, that boy keeps you in the good shit, don’t he? Wear the black Chanel and the black heels. It’ll drive him insane.”

  “He does spoil me so, doesn’t he?”

  “Yeah, and if I were Eric I would question where the hell all of this came from.” Joe flung the clothes lying on the bed.

  “Yeah, well. He doesn’t question jack shit. When I bring home five thousand on a good night, that fucker has nothing to say.”

  She kissed him on the cheek.

  “Well, I guess there is that. If you need me to take any of them off your hands for a night, let me know.”

  “Hey, now. You know I don’t share.”

  “Oh, bitch. Stop the madness. You sharing both of them with other women, why the hell not me? I’m the queen. Hell, they might like dick too. You nev’a know.”

  Jess laughed with him, but his words stung like a brand. The truth was, he was right. She was sharing both of them, and found the more she was with Nick, the more she was not ok with that fact.

  “I know I share him, Joe.” She spoke quietly.

  “Do you ever think about how she’d feel if she found out?”

  “Sometimes. Most of the time I feel petty, resentful and jealous of her life.”

  “Mm hmm. What you need to be worrying about is Eric, and what the fuck he’ll do if he ever finds out, princess. Remember, the universe doesn’t always play fair. Karma has a way of biting you in the ass when you least expect it.”

  She remained quiet as she considered his words. He was right. As usual.

  She hated him for that.

  Jess slipped into the short Chanel dress, underneath she put on his favorite red and black lingerie set. Sitting as Joe did her makeup. When finished, he turned her around to face the mirror. “You are….a vision. Take a look, mama.”

  Jess looked up and gasped, putting her hands to her face. For the first time in her life, she felt stunningly beautiful. A siren ready to make men fall at her feet with her call.

  What a rush.

  She couldn’t wait to see him tonight. They made plans to meet at the club and have dinner with some of his friends, something she always enjoyed. She liked listening to them tell their stories, feeling like she was a part of his world.

  It made her feel closer to him, almost like they were family. It made the pang of loss and loneliness she felt for her own a little less painful.

  Nick Roman made her feel a lot of things.

  He made her feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. Fucking her senseless every opportunity he got.

  He had her climbing the walls, finding every sensitive spot on her body and teasing, tormenting, kissing, licking, sucking and fondling her to so many orgasms she lost count.

  He was the only man who ever managed to make her feel this way.

  He made her dream about a better life. One with her, and him.

  No Eric, threatening to kill her if she ever left him. No Connie around, reminding Nick of previous commitments, made before he knew he could be happy.

  Thinking about them having a life like that put a silly grin on her face.


  Pulling into Takers, she sighed ruefully.

  Time for the real world.

  From the looks of it, there was going to be a big crowd. Never a bad thing, since that always meant more money for those dancing.

  She walked in not noticing Angel, who grabbed her arm dragging her back outside.

  “What the hell, Angel?” She glared at him.

  “Jess…Connie is here with Nick.”


  She never planned on coming face to face with the woman whose husband she was fucking. Stupid, she knew. Real life dictated what an idiotic thought that was. Angrily she wiped the tears welling up in her eyes.

  “Nick said play it cool. We’re together if anyone asks.” He brushed a tear that found a way to escape from her cheek. “Follow my lead. I’ll help get you through this.”

  Jess took a deep breath, nodding.

  This is what you get when you choose this kind of life.

  Oh, shut up.

  “I’m so sorry, bambino.” Angel kissed her cheek.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he escorted her into the club. Immediately she saw Nick, Connie and a few other couples sitting at his table in the back.

  Seeing her next to him, holding his hand. Touching him. It was as if someone stabbed her in the gut. Her heart dropped, a stone, right in the pit of her stomach.

  She knew what was expected next. Angel hadn’t been inside, and was required to walk over to Nick’s table showing respect to him, and the others sitting there.

  Breathe, Jess. You can do this.

  Arriving at the table, Angel tightened his grip on her waist, trying to be supportive. Also, to help her stand.

  “Ciao.” He greeted everyone as Jess stood, zombie-like as the men hugged, exchanging kisses on the cheek. Seeing her legs shake, he immediately placed his arms back around her waist when finished.

  She smiled up at him gratefully. Always her knight in shining armor.

  “Does everyone know my lady, Jess?”

  Several of the men knew exactly who she was, watching for her reaction.

  One slip, and Jess was dead.

  She would see to it.

  Jess wondered if instinctively, Connie already knew.

  She looked directly at Jess shrewdly, her smile never quite reaching her eyes. No need to wonder, Connie knew exactly who she was.

  This fucked up situation right here.

  It was unreal, surreal…shit just got real.

  All of that.

  Knowing she had to respond in a reasonable manner. Conveying her ability to form complete sentences, she forced herself to smile, extending her hand.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met. You must be Nick’s wife. I’m Jess. It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you as well. Jess, is it?”

  “You are correct.”

  Connie smirked at her sudden formality.

  “Is that short for Jessica?”

  “No. It’s Jess.”

  “Oh. You must be a dancer here too.” Jess looked around, seeing all the wives at the table giving her dirty looks. She never felt so cheap in her life.

  Angel once again saved her.

  “She’s a professional dancer, Connie. And a model. She’s walking in a show next week at Fashion Week. This gig is until she makes it big. You know. Like on Broadway.”

  “Well…isn’t that convenient.” One of Connie’s friends snickered.

  Nick caught her eye, trying his hardest to console her without being caught.

  Jess felt sick. She knew she had to escape before she sobbed hysterically, vomited or both.

  Plastering a false smile on her face, gripping Angel’s hand tightly, she straightened her spine.

  Yeah, she was fucking her husband. But no way was
she going to let her degrade her any further.

  “Pleasure meeting you all. If you’ll excuse me, I need to run to the back to get something I left.”

  “Of course, dear. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” Connie smiled faintly, absently rubbing her hand on Nick’s thigh.

  Count on it, her eyes told Jess.

  Jess pretended not to notice. “Angel, you’ll wait for me?” She looked at him, eyes begging him to get her the fuck out of there. Now.

  Damn Nick for this. Damn him for everything.

  “Of course, bambino. I’ll meet you by the bar.”

  Leaning over, she kissed him on the lips. Using her tongue to trace an outline around his mouth. Angel stood immobile, looking like he didn’t know quite what to do.

  The men at the table fantasized for one brief moment about having those delectable, luscious lips on any part of their body, even for a second. You could almost hear every pair of pants tighten in solidarity, as cocks stood to immediate attention.

  Nick sat, looking furious.

  Jess broke the kiss. Giving Angel a squeeze on his thigh, before sauntering away. She turned, speaking to Angel but maintaining eye contact only with Nick.

  “Don’t keep me waiting.”

  It was the one measure of satisfaction she got heading out.

  That, and the look on those bitches faces as she walked away.

  Take that, assholes.

  She made a beeline to his office. Slipping inside, she barely got the door shut before sinking to the floor breaking down into tears.

  How could she be so stupid? Why would she subject herself to this type of humiliation? Hadn’t she learned the hard way about shit like this?

  He was married. At some point, she knew this was bound to happen.

  Why act hurt about it now?

  Angel knocked on the door a short time later. “Jess?”

  “Yeah. Come on in, Angel.” She composed herself as he opened the door, poking his head in.

  “Nick said to come out and leave with me. I’m supposed to bring you back inside through the back door. He’s going to excuse himself and meet you in here.”

  She sighed heavily, still trying to gain composure. “Whatever.”

  Getting up, she checked her make-up in the mirror before walking out with Angel. Like the good little puppy she was, obedient to the end. Doing exactly what Nick instructed, coming inside through the back door, into his office.

  It was only a short while before Nick opened the door. Standing in the frame, he held it open for a moment before shutting it. He looked as if he wasn’t completely sure of what to say, and was buying time.

  Damn him for putting her in this situation.

  “Kid. I’m sorry about all of this. I didn’t plan on her wanting to come out tonight.”

  “No explanations needed. She is your wife, after all.” She refused to look at him.

  Do not cry. Do not let him see your weakness.

  She started crying anyway.

  “Kid…” His voice was low, soft. Laced with sorrow at having caused her anguish.

  She didn’t want to be moved. As usual, he was impossible to resist.

  “What do you want from me, Nick? You want me to yell and scream at you? Trust me, I will. I swear I will.”

  She began sobbing. Deep racking sobs, shaking her so hard the words would not come out. “I can’t…d-d-do t-th-this anymore-”

  He walked over, trying to take her into his arms. She jerked, pulling away. Knowing her resistance was making him panic. She never pulled away from him.

  “Kid, please don’t.” He continued caressing her back.

  Feeling her reluctantly relax further into him, he knew this was his only chance. Bending at the knees he slowly lifted her, wrapping her thighs around him. Carrying her over to his desk, kissing her gently.

  Sitting her on the edge before stepping back to look at her. He had fallen for her. He knew it right then.

  So what the fuck was he going to do now? He’d have to figure that one out later.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “You can’t do what, kid?”

  “Sleep with two people. Be your whore.”

  “You’re not my whore. Stop saying that shit.”

  “Married men don’t leave their wives. I have a man that loves me. You have a wife that loves you.”

  “I have a hateful, spiteful, bitch of a wife who I haven’t touched in years. You my darling, have a man who treats you like shit and fucks real whores on the regular. Remember him?”

  Jess slapped him. Hard. She went to slap him again, and he grabbed her hand. The last woman who slapped him and lived was his mother.

  She truly had no fear of him.

  He had to get her under control.

  “Stop it. We both know it’s not me you’re mad at. And don’t talk about them like they’re saints. We both know they aren’t.”

  She fought against him, using her fists to hit his chest. “It’s still wrong. Dammit, let me go.”

  “No. Not until you calm down.”

  “Jesus, Nick. You can’t fuck up my life like this.”

  “The way I see it, kid, there’s two people doing the fucking. Let’s not play victim here.”

  “Meaning?” Jess glared at him accusingly.

  “Meaning this.” He moved forward, pressing his lips to hers hungrily. Leisurely, but deliberately sliding his thumbs up her inner thighs. She unzipped his pants, eager and desperate to get to his cock.

  When it released from the confines of his pants, she grabbed his hips pulling him closer. Wild with need, guiding his rigid hardness into her folds. She was dripping, wet and ready as she always was for him.

  She wrapped her legs around him, pushing him deeper into her pussy with her legs. This was where he belonged. Inside her. Forever and ever.

  Jess tried to stay quiet, but her moans and cries of pleasure grew louder, more intense the harder he thrust. She buried her face into his shoulder to muffle the sounds. He pulled out, so only the very tip of his cock was still inside, before slamming forcefully forward against her.

  He didn’t give a fuck if they got caught. All that mattered at the moment was the feeling of her tight pussy against his dick. He thrust, sliding against her harder and harder, until he was sure he bruised her.

  Jess kissed his lips as he felt her tighten around him, vaginal walls slick with moisture as she reached her climax. Her screams and shouts of pleasure swallowed into his mouth.

  Nick followed after her, thrusting with a hoarse shout against her lips, releasing, hot, velvety semen inside of her. Not caring about anything else at that point but her sweet pussy, taking everything he had to give.

  He could die coming inside of her, he knew.

  Probably would, given his luck.

  Nick returned to earth, and somewhere in the background heard a knock at the door. At first, he thought it was a figment of his imagination.

  Then he heard Connie’s voice.

  “Nickolas? Are you in there?”

  For the next several minutes they stood, motionless with their bodies locked together. Neither one of them wanting to come back to reality and deal with any of this.

  Another knock this time louder.


  Jess’s heart started racing. She had to get out of there but how?

  Climb out the fucking window?

  Wait. Nick didn’t have windows.


  She anxiously pushed him out of her. Sliding off the desk, yanking her dress down. She was absolutely horrified. Torn between sinking through the floor, and kicking his ass.

  “Why do I let you get me into this shit?”

  Nick glared at her again. “Jess. Not now, ok? Just…don’t.”

  He pulled up his pants, walking over to the wall separating his office from the club. He moved the painting, hitting a switch. A door opened that led her into Mike’s DJ booth.

  “Get out this way. I’ll deal with thi

  She looked at him in shock. What the hell? An escape door?

  The man was full of surprises.

  “Kid, will you go the fuck on? I’ll take care of Connie.”

  “Fine. I’m going. But mark my words. This shit? Will not be happening again.”

  She started through the door and found Mike, leaning down to help her through. She wondered if this is how Alice felt going down the rabbit hole.


  She turned, looking at him once more.

  “What, Nick.”

  “I love you.”

  She paused, noticing the doorknob turning and opening, but still not moving.

  “What did you just say?”

  “I said I love you.” He grinned at her. “Now get the fuck out.”

  Mike yanked her though, closing the door so she wasn’t seen.


  “Who do you love?” Connie asked him.

  He turned to look at her, furious at her barging in his office without being told to come in.

  “I hung up with my mother.” He lied smoothly, without batting an eye.

  Lying to her came so easy now. He wished he cared more about that.

  He didn’t.

  “Really? I wish you had waited. I wanted to ask her something.”

  She looked at him, daring him to object.

  “Did you need the phone? I’m sure you can still catch her if you hurry.” He arched an eyebrow sardonically, holding out the phone to her. Two could play that game.

  “No need. I’ll call her later. Sorry for coming into your office without knocking. Thought I heard you moaning. I was concerned you were hurt.”

  “Jammed my foot. Nothing to worry about though.”

  Oh…he was moaning alright. And the fucker was shitty he couldn’t keep screwing his little slut. She could still smell sex in the air, and knew someone recently bid a hasty retreat. Where was the whore though?

  “I’m fine, Connie. Now can you leave, so I can finish up business?”

  “Of course Nickolas. Oh, and by the way. Next time you decide to fuck your goomar while I’m with you, think twice.”


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