Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 2 (Roman Crime Family)

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Fallen Angel: A Mafia Romance - Part 2 (Roman Crime Family) Page 3

by Anderson, Alisa

  “I don’t take orders from you, Connie.”

  “How about my father, Nick? Do you take orders from him?” She smiled. “Don’t embarrass me again. I promise you will-”

  Without warning he grabbed her by the arms, slamming her against the wall. Hard enough for her head to bounce off of it.

  Connie bit back a shriek.

  “What the hell are you-”

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, bitch? Don’t ever fucking threaten me again. Ever. Or I promise, it will be the last thing you do. You understand?” He grabbed her by the face, squeezing it roughly until she cried out in pain. “Do. You. Understand?”

  “Yes, damn you.” Her voice was raspy as he relaxed his grip. She pushed past him, rubbing her face. Glaring at him hatefully.

  “I despise you.”

  Nick grabbed a bottle of scotch from his desk, pouring into a shot glass. He took a large gulp, swallowing as he felt the familiar liquid burn down his throat.

  “The feeling’s mutual.”

  “You surprise me, Nickolas.” Connie leaned over the desk, pouring a glass for herself. “All this for some Midwestern trash?” She downed her glass as well.

  “Is her pussy worth that much?”

  Nick was silent.

  She realized he wasn’t taking the bait and continued. “You know…it occurs to me I’m not looking at this appropriately. I’m not giving my husband his proper respect, am I?”

  She sat in the chair facing him, eyeing her fingernails.

  “Maybe I’ll have that sweet little pussy of hers carved out and hand delivered to you. A gift. For the great and powerful Nick Roman. Since you crave it so much.”

  She smiled at him sweetly. “How does that sound? I can make the call anytime, love.”

  Nick’s hand tightened around his glass. “It sounds like you’d be dead before you even made the call. What I do is my business not yours. If I want to fuck every girl in this club while you watch I will. And you will never open your mouth to utter one word in defiance. You knew the agreement when you married me.”

  “I will not be cast aside and ignored, Nick.” Connie gritted out between her teeth. “I will not be disrespected like some common tramp. I am your wife, you bastard. Your wife. You would be wise to remember that.”

  “And you’d be wise to remember I don’t take kindly to threats or tantrums.”

  “I know this girl is stealing you from me. Me. I’m the mother of your child for Christ’s sake. I’m the one who takes care of our family and our home, not that whore!”

  “Do you really have the nerve to call someone else a whore, given your past, Connie?”

  She slapped him across the face.

  He slapped her back, without thinking, busting her lip. Shocking them both. He’d never struck her before. Even when she got violent with him. She got a napkin, wiping the blood from her lip.

  “So this is new.”

  “I’m sorry.” His voice was low, strained.

  “Don’t be.” Connie chuckled. “I guess I kind of asked for that, didn’t I?”

  “You did. I shouldn’t have risen to the bait.”

  “I would say I’m sorry, but let’s be honest. I’m not. I wanted to provoke you. Make you angry.” She shrugged. “Looks like it worked.”

  “I don’t have time for this shit.”

  “Make time, you bastard. I’m you’re wife.”

  “Like I could ever forget. You will never speak of her again.”

  “Struck a nerve, did I, Nickolas?” Connie smiled bitterly. “This one is different. I can tell.”

  He looked at her in disgust. He was so fucking tired of her and her dramatics. But he knew he was expected to do as told and stay married to her. No matter what.


  “Let it go, Nick. I so rarely get the chance to one up you these days.” She walked to the door.

  “I meant what I said. We’re family. We’re always going to be family.” She blew him a kiss.

  “Family comes first, Nickolas. Above everything.”


  Fleeing the club, she hoped she wasn’t seen. She was so mad at him for putting her in this situation, refusing to see her part in any of this. It was much more fun to blame him.

  She drove, not quite sure where to go, deciding to go to the only place she could.

  Back to Eric.

  Pulling up to the studio at Liquid she saw his jeep was there. Owned by a friend of Eric’s, it was his favorite place to play. The groupies giving it up on the regular, was certainly an added bonus.

  She knew tonight he was working with friends on a collaboration, and second to his own studio, this was his recording studio and club of choice. You never knew who you were going to run into.

  She opened the studio door, seeing a bunch of guys, but not Eric. Her eyes continued scanning the room, finding him running sound with his back to her.

  She strolled up, wrapping her arms around his neck. He turned, smiling when he saw her.

  “Hey...What are you doing here? I thought you had a modeling shoot tonight.”

  “It finished early.” She didn’t know why she lied.

  Oh yeah. The whole fucking Nick thing.

  “You look amazing in that dress. Come here.” He pulled her down onto his lap. Kissing her he ran his hands up her legs. She stopped him, jerkily getting off his lap. She hadn’t had a chance to shower yet. Nick was still all over her thighs.

  “Jess? Is that you?”

  “Oh my god…Jaxon?” She about peed her pants.

  “How the fuck are you, girl?” He grabbed her, hugging her so hard he lifted her off the floor.

  “I’m good.” She giggled, trying to catch her breath.

  Jaxon James. Of all people. Here. Tonight?

  What the fuck?

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Visiting some friends, doing press for the upcoming tour. Our publicity people have so much shit booked for us, we won’t be sleeping for the next two weeks. At least.”

  Eric shot them both a look she knew was pure jealousy. It was the first time she’d ever seen him this way. Over anything. Or anyone.

  She should probably be a little worried.

  She’d deal with it later.

  “You know him?” He smiled at her. Obviously fake.

  “Um, Eric? Yeah, of course I know him. We used to date.”

  “Date?” Disbelief in his voice.

  “Yeah, date.” Jaxon broke in. “You know…dinner…dancing…fucking?”

  “Jaxon.” Jess felt herself turning red.

  Jaxon ignored her and continued. “We met in Kansas a few years back, when we were touring.” He took a swig from his beer, winking at her. “Definitely something I will never forget.”

  Jaxon was the lead guitarist of Retribution. Only the hottest fucking group on the planet right now. Everything Eric wished he could be. The news obviously had him completely shook.

  “So let me get this straight. You dated my girlfriend, and I’m finding out about it now?”

  Jess began to truly feel uneasy. “Eric, it was before I even met you. And remember, I did tell you. Numerous times in fact. I’ve dated rockers before.”

  Eric refused to remove his gaze from Jaxon. Currently…and blatantly, snubbing him.

  “Jesus, girl. You are nothing but a damn stick.”

  “Modeling. You know, the whole walking coat hanger thing.”

  “You look gorgeous, but you’re getting too damn thin. Hell, if you turned sideways, I might lose you.” His green eyes twinkled at her.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” She smiled, cocking her head to the side, assessing him.

  Over six feet of pure sex. Shockingly white hair. And those killer green eyes. They always managed to do her in.

  Eric had seen enough.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, pulling her to him. Jaxon finally acknowledged him, taking another swig of his beer. Carefully eyeing Er
ic and where his hands were. Eric smiled in challenge.

  She rolled her eyes, effectively breaking the pissing contest by asking Eric to get her a beer. He reluctantly agreed, leaving for the bar. They both watched him walk away.

  “So. You and him, huh?”

  “Me and him.”

  “Yeah. Ok. Listen, I’m staying at the Four Seasons in my usual room. I’ll have a key left for you at the front desk.”

  She smiled, shaking her head. “Not this time. I won’t be needing that key, dearest. I’m with Eric. And I am very happy.”

  “Tell that lie to someone else.”

  “It’s not a lie.” At least not completely.

  “Then perhaps you should wash the other man’s scent from your pussy, next time. I can smell you from here, sweetheart.”

  Jess gasped in shock.

  “You do not. Jaxon James. I can’t believe you said that to me.”

  “No worries. Your secret is safe with me.” Jaxon leaned forward conspiratorially.

  “So who’s the lucky guy?”

  She stood there dumbfounded at his complete arrogance.

  And accuracy.

  “Excuse me. I’m looking for Jess.”

  “Hey, man. She’s over here.” Eric replied without turning around.


  He looked up seeing Nick, recognizing him.

  “You’re her boss, right?”

  “Yeah. Her boss.”

  “I’m Eric.” He held out his hand. Nick scrutinized him, saying nothing. After a very long and awkward silence, he finally shook it. “Nice to meet you.”

  Eric led Nick over to where Jess was standing with Jaxon. She watched them both approach, with the slight shake of her head. It seemed almost perfect, the two of them being together. Especially after seeing Connie. She had to laugh a little that Jaxon was there as well.

  Hearing Joe’s voice reminding her about how karma worked, she frowned and made a mental note to smack him later.

  “Whoa ho ho ho...Uncle Nicky?” Jaxon laughed, clapping Nick on the back.

  “Jaxon?” Nick grabbed Jaxon in a big bear hug as Jess and Eric stood stunned. Looking even more confused. Talk about a small world.

  “Uncle Nicky? Oh good lord. Don’t tell me Nick’s your uncle?” Jess eyed Nick feeling the tiniest bit nauseous.

  “Hell no, kid. I do know this asshole, though. He practically grew up with Danny and Ty.”

  “And this has anything to do with you knowing Jaxon…how?” Jess stared at him blankly, failing to make the connection.

  “They’re friends of my niece, Lena. It’s her firm that manages Retribution.”

  “Sweet Jeebus. You gotta be fucking kidding me.”

  “I never kid about fucking.” Eric and Jess both eyed him sharply.

  Don’t do this tonight, Nick, she silently begged. Please behave.

  Jaxon observed the dynamics between them silently. Something told her he’d put two and two together. Nick grinned at Jaxon, ordering a drink as well.

  “So. How’s my niece treating you? She busting your balls?”

  “Everything is good. And if it wasn’t, I would say it was.”

  Jaxon and Nick laughed together, the easy comradery plain to see.

  Nick gazed at Jess, warmth in his eyes evident.

  “And how do you know this one?”

  “Well, thing is-”

  “No, no. Let me.” Jess smiled, syrupy sweet at Nick. “We used to date.”

  Nick choked on his drink.

  “You used to…what?”

  “You heard me. Date.” She patted Eric’s arm. “Apparently, my life didn’t begin till I moved here. Eric seemed shocked too.”

  Jaxon seemed to have enough sense to know when to stay silent. Eric wasn’t quite sure what the fuck was going on. And he couldn’t put his finger on it, but something didn’t seem right with Nick. He seemed to care a little too much about Jess’s love life. But he needed to get back to work.

  “Babe. I gotta go. I’ll get with you later tonight, ok?” He kissed her cheek.

  “You’re leaving now?” Jess stared at Eric, who looked nonplussed.

  “I have work to do, babe. C’mon. You know that.” He tweaked her nose. Like she was a kid, needing tending.

  “Drinks are on me.”

  You mean on me, bastard.

  He settled up at the bar, chatting with the bartender for a bit.

  Jess was trapped under Nick’s gaze. Jaxon watched everything going on with amusement. She wanted to wring each of their necks.

  “So…you’ve been busy, huh kid?” Nick’s voice was deceptively calm. His eyes, however, told an entirely different story. He was furious.

  “Ohhhhh…..I guess we all do our fair share of sinning, don’t we Nick?” Jess laughed softly, tracing a pattern on a napkin. “Saints and sinners…it’s all we are.”

  “I need to talk to you. Now”

  “Talk away.” Jaxon looked up with interest, glancing back and forth at them.

  “In private, please?”

  She glanced at Eric. “It’s cool babe. I have to get back to the sound board anyway. Why don’t you guys go downstairs?”


  “Yeah, I was going to surprise you with the furniture I bought.” He looked very proud of himself. Jess frowned at Nick because she knew exactly what he was thinking. Eric didn’t have as much money as Nick did. He wasn’t good enough.

  She almost felt embarrassed Eric seemed so proud. Especially since they all knew it was her money that paid for all of it.

  “Nice to finally meet you, man.”

  Eric leaned over, kissing her again. He took off back to the other end of the club where the studio was. He didn’t have time for her work shit. Or…whatever this was.

  “Yeah. You too.”

  Nick appeared like he wanted to punch him in the fucking face for touching her.

  Jaxon, who had been standing there the whole time, mouthed the words behind Nick’s head, “Oh my god.” Pointing towards her, then Nick, making inappropriate gestures with his hips.

  Dear lord in heaven. Could she die now?

  “Bye, Jaxon.”

  “Oh. Yeah. I’ll catch you guys later. Count on it.” He grinned at Jess, who scowled as they were leaving. Nick gave him a nod. “Jaxon.”

  She motioned toward the door, following him down the wooden stairs.

  Like the ones he had in Jersey…

  She lost her train of thought, almost tripping over a step.

  “Careful, now. We don’t want you to fall.” Nick sounded amused.

  She chose not to speak until she closed the door.

  “What in the fucking hell are you doing here?”

  “I had to make sure you were ok. But you seem to be fine. Reminiscing about the good old days?”

  “Don’t go there, Nick. Don’t even. You don’t have the right. And I’m fine as you can see. Now leave.” Her voice firm.

  “You’re mine.”

  “I’m nobody’s.”

  “You are mine, Jess.” His voice broke no argument.

  “Nick, I can’t do this anymore. I’m losing my mind over you. I am falling head over heels right now all by myself. I am on a one way trip to fucked up ville. All by myself. Tonight was a reminder of all the shit I’m doing wrong.” She angrily wiped the tears escaping from her eyes.

  “And I’m tired of crying, dammit.” She sniffed. “How’s Connie?”

  “She’s ok. For now. She doesn’t know it’s you though.”

  Blatant lie. Connie knew exactly who she was. She’d stake her life on it.

  “I said I wouldn’t see the girl again.”

  “Well, I guess that’s one thing that’s not a lie. You won’t be seeing me anymore.”

  “You didn’t do this alone, kid. I realized tonight I have deeper feelings for you than I thought. I want you Jess…I need you. But I can’t love you. I hurt people I love.”

  “Let’s be honest. You hurt peop
le you don’t love too, Nick. That’s who you are, isn’t it?”

  “All my life, kid.” Nick laughed harshly. “All my life.”

  He hurt his father by not being the son he wanted him to be. He broke his mother’s heart by going into the business. He’d killed more people than he’d cared to admit. Jesus, he’d really fucked up his life.

  She could tell her statement hit a nerve but didn’t care. “I think we have a rather large problem, Nickolas. You told me not three hours ago you loved me now you’re standing here saying you can’t. So, which is it?”

  “You know what, Jess? You’re not the only one with a past. You’re not the only one with demons chasing you.”

  “Oh I get it, you love me. But you’re a fucking martyr, that can’t allow himself to feel it, right? The guy hiding behind a wife he doesn’t love, but stays with anyway. The one using his broken marriage as a shield.”

  He stood in silence, refusing to respond.

  “Well that’s not who I am, Nick. I’m not the girl standing in the shadows playing second to anyone, anymore. I’m the one that deserves to be standing out front. And before you ask no, you’ve never deliberately made me feel that way. But I’m not fucking first in your life, and we both know it. I knew that going into this. I thought I would be ok, but I’m not. I’m just not.”

  Her voice was quiet. Broken. Raw.

  “You made me feel safe. Loved. For the first time in my life. Now I have to walk away knowing I’m not going to find this feeling again.”

  She collapsed down into a chair, allowing the tears to fall in earnest. Looking like a child. A frail, defeated child. He bent on his knees in front of her.

  “Kid, if you want me to walk out of here I’ll do it. I won’t look back. You’re right. About everything you said. I won’t try to deny it. This is me and is always going to be me. But you have to say it. Jess, is that what you want? Do you want me out of your life?”

  She looked into his dark eyes seeing his moisten as well.

  Her anger started to dissipate. “No, of course not.”

  He yanked her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

  “But honestly, Nick. What can we do at this point? I’m not happy being second anymore.”

  She felt his heartbeat quicken against her chest. He actually seemed scared she was going to leave him.


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