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Fake Bride: A Billionaire Boss Fake Marriage Romance

Page 13

by Cassandra Bloom

  “Hey you,” he says to me. “How’s things?”

  “She’s been really worried,” says Zima. “We both have.”

  “Do you know what they did with the bullet?” says Conrad. “Tell me it wasn’t a clean exit wound. I really wanted that bullet. I could make it into an earring, or gauge my ears and wear it as a warning to all of my enemies.”

  Zima takes her cue and leaves, promising to be back soon.

  “How are you feeling?” I say.

  “This wasn’t part of the experiment,” he says. “But I think I know what I needed to learn. I think I learned it.”

  “Conrad,” I say, taking his hand. My voice is shaking. “You probably saved my life.”

  “Think it might be worth writing about?” he says.

  “How do you feel about it, tough guy?”

  “I feel a little bummed out that we’re going to have to end the experiment early,” he says. “We were supposed to have ten more days out there at the cabin.”

  “Who says we can’t? The doctor says that you’ll be able to go home soon. I’m sure you could pay a bunch of hot nurses to come tend to you out there.”

  “I don’t want a bunch of hot nurses and there’s no point to testing it out for another ten days.”

  “Why not?” Maybe I’ve been wrong about everything. Maybe what we felt was temporary, or imaginary.

  Conrad rises up in his bed like a macho idiot. “I feel like I didn’t need two weeks to fall in love with you. I didn’t need those videos either. Or the research. I just needed to have you around. Will you stick around?”

  Maybe I just don’t know myself as well as I thought. Or him. Not many things are as exciting as not knowing what’s going to happen next, provided that you’re with the right person. This is a shared moment.

  I lean down and kiss him. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  This is a moment that belongs to us. There will be other experiments we can try. Together.


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  Copyright 2017 Cassandra Bloom; All Rights Reserved

  Baby for Christmas

  Chapter 1 (Tanya)

  As I walked through the luxury shops, Christmas music was playing all around me. It was cheerful and merry, lifting my spirits despite the long day spent at the office, running from one errand to the next.

  I worked at Walton Incorporated, a large investment firm that managed billions and billions of dollars. Hugo Walton had started the company in the early 70s, riding the economic boom until he came out on top. Now, he was known as an old shark. He still had a ferocious bite but lacked the energy required to keep the company up and running.

  So, his son, Everett, had taken over, proving himself worthy of the throne, nearly tripling profits within five years. The man was a genius.

  The man was my boss.

  And he sure knew how to work me to the bone.

  I sighed, walking into Men’s Express, a high-end suit shop. Everett never did any of his shopping. He always left that to me. I had memorized his measurements and knew exactly what he liked.

  Chestnuts roasting…

  The familiar song was playing. It was one of my favorites. I hummed the tune as I walked to the counter, holding out my garment tag.

  “Picking up?” The attendant asked with a friendly smile.

  “Yes, please. For a Mr. Walton.”

  She nodded, quickly disappearing into the back. As I waited for her to return, I started to browse a nearby rack. This was the kind of store where everything was so expensive that they didn’t even bother with price tags.

  I guess it didn’t matter to Everett Walton. He had more money than he could ever know what to do with.

  Must be nice.

  Meanwhile, I was still trying to deal with the student debt I had accumulated, foolishly pursuing my passion for art. I should have known it would never work out, but I had naively followed my heart, thinking it would take me in the right direction.

  It didn’t. It never did.

  So here I was, the lowly assistant of some CEO who barely knew I existed.

  Not that it mattered.

  Everett was handsome – painstakingly handsome – but he’d never go for a girl like me. I saw the women he picked up at parties. Thin. Blonde. Beautiful.

  And that sure as hell wasn’t me.

  I was just the curvy girl who handled his schedule and redirected his phone calls.

  Nothing less. Nothing more.

  I sighed.

  “Hey! What are you doing here?” Suddenly someone grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me around, pulling me into a hug.

  The strong scent of cologne hit me immediately. It was suffocating. Cheap. Nothing like the stuff Everett wore. Now that was intoxicating.

  Finally, the grasp eased, and I could breathe once again. Looking up, I saw a familiar face.


  He was one of the executives who worked hand in hand with Everett to make sure all the business transactions went as smoothly as possible. For a few months, we had exchanged glances, hidden touches, and the occasional flirtatious laugh in the break room. It wasn’t anything serious, but I could tell he was into me.

  But I just didn’t feel the same way.

  If I were smart, I probably would have gone for him, but something was holding me back.


  Even though it would never happen, there was still an inkling of hope nestled inside my head that thought maybe, just maybe, one day he would finally notice me.

  “What are you doing here?” He asked with a grin, hand still on my shoulder. “It’s so good to see you outside the office, but I never expected to run into you at a suit shop.”

  “I’m picking up a suit for Mr. Everett.”

  “Let me guess, the Christmas Ball?”

  I nodded.

  “Same reason I’m here.” He explained. “You know… I don’t have a plus one –”

  He was suddenly interrupted by my ringtone.

  “Sorry…” I mumbled, quickly fishing it out of my bag.

  It was Everett.


  “Tanya.” His deep, husky voice came through the line, making my knees weak. Even though I had been working for Everett for almost five years now, his voice still took me by surprise every time I heard it. With a timbre low in pitch and as smooth as honey, it was hard to resist his every demand. Countless times, I had tried to imagine what it would be like to hear him whisper sweet nothings in my ear as he rocked my world all night long.

  “I’m sorry… sir?” I answered, my wandering thoughts making it hard to concentrate on his words. “What was that?”

  “Have you picked up the suit?”

  “I’m waiting for it now.”

  “Good. I want you to bring it back to the office. Tonight.”

  “Sir? I thought we agreed on tomorrow morning.”

  “Tonight!” He repeated, voice firm and unwavering. I knew there would be no point trying to argue with him. When Everett wanted something – he got it.

  “Yes, sir,” I answered.

  Without another word, he hung up on me.

  Just once, I wish he would say ‘thank you.’

  “Everett?” Mack guessed, leaning against a nearby wall like a model posing for a picture.

  “Yeah. He wants me to bring back the suit to the office right now.”

  “This late?”

  I shrugged. “You know how he is.”

  Mack stepped forward, placing a finger under my chin, tilting my face upwards to meet his. He looked at me with this intense gaze, blue eyes shining as if I were the only thing in the world he could see. “You know, I see the way he treats you…” He started as he leaned into me, lips getting closer and closer. “… and it just isn’t right. A girl like you deserves much more…”
He was just about to close the gap between us when I pulled away.

  “I’m sorry… I can’t.” I looked away, unable to meet his eye, cheeks already burning with a blush. “Nothing against you –”

  “Ma’am.” The attendant arrived, holding Walton’s suit. “Here you are. It has already been paid for, so you’re all set.” She said with a small nod.

  “Thank you.” Carefully, I laid the suit over my arm. The outfit alone was more than I made in a year.

  “Take care and happy holidays!” She smiled brightly before walking over to Mack, placing a hand on his elbow, and towing him toward the fitting room.

  He looked over his shoulder at me, his eyes longing.

  I tried to look apologetic, feeling bad that I could never give him what he wanted. He was handsome, sure, but he was no Everett Walton.

  So, I walked out of the store without a second thought, catching a cab outside.

  Throughout the ride, I peered out the window. Everything was decorated for the holidays. Storefronts. Street lights. Even car bumpers.

  Christmas trees were everywhere.

  And don’t even get me started on Santa Claus.

  Ho, ho, ho.

  If I heard those words one more time, I swear, I was going to have a fit.

  I guess you could say that I wasn’t much of a Christmas person. Then again, it’s hard to feel excited when you have no one to share the holidays with. What was the point of putting up a tree if there were no presents to be opened? What was the point of decorating the fireplace, if the stockings would remain empty?

  Most years, I just tried to ignore it, however hard it was.

  And this year would be no different.

  Unless, of course, I magically found a boyfriend overnight. Yeah, right. Fat chance of that happening.

  When was the last time I had been in a committed relationship?

  God, I couldn’t remember. There was that drunken hookup that had lasted a couple of weeks, but I didn’t even remember his name at this point. Chad? Or Brad maybe? Whatever, it didn’t matter.

  Being alone wasn’t all that bad.

  At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.

  Finally, the taxi pulled up to Headquarters. It was a looming skyscraper that blended into the New York infrastructure.

  I swiped into the building and made my way up to the top floor. During those few moments in the elevator, I adjusted my outfit. Not that it mattered, but on the off-chance that Everett did notice me, I wanted to look nice. So, I smoothed the wrinkles out of my skirt and tucked in my blouse so it looked a little neater. My fingers lingered on the top button, contemplating.

  No. I didn’t want to be like those skimpy interns who waltzed into his office expecting to use their bodies to their advantage.


  I stepped out of the elevator with confidence. Sure, I was on the thicker side, but I was comfortable with my body. There were plenty of men that liked a girl with a little something to hold onto. I had seen them staring at my voluptuous ass and the sway of my hips. Sometimes, they nearly drooled at the sight of my chest. But not Everett. Guess he wasn’t interested. He seemed more of the fashion model-type anyway.


  Why did I even try?

  Chapter 2 (Everett)

  I looked at my watch.

  It was already 6:30. I should probably head home and grab something to eat, but there was still so much to do: documents needed to be signed, emails needed to be sent out, and memos to be written. The life of a CEO is never contained in the nine-to-five stereotype.

  It’s not always easy.

  Sure, the money is good, but is it worth the stress and sleeplessness?

  Suddenly, my phone buzzed on my desk. I flipped it over to see my mother’s name flashing across the screen.

  I thought about ignoring the call, but guilt quickly forced me to answer.


  “Everett! I’m so glad you answered.” As usual, my mother’s voice was chipper and full of life. She had always been charismatic, making everything seem larger than life. It was probably why she was such a good businesswoman and why my father had married her in the first place. Their relationship had never been one of love, but more of pragmatism. It seemed to work. After all, I turned out alright.

  “Is there a reason you called?” I asked. I hated small talk and the faster she got to the point, the faster I could get back to the tasks I needed to complete. And the faster I did that, the faster I could get home to my bottle of whiskey. God knew I needed a glass right about now.

  It had been a long day.

  “I just cooked dinner. Your favorite. What do you say you drop by? It’s been a while since your father and I last saw you.”

  “Mother, you know how busy I am.”

  “It’s the holidays; you shouldn’t work so hard. You need to enjoy the moment before it passes you by.”

  Every year, she would always give me the same spiel. I think it bothered her that I rather spend my Christmas alone than with company.

  “I’m just doing what needs to be done.”


  I could practically see her frowning on the other end.

  “Can you please try to make it tonight? I’ll keep a plate warm for you.”

  “Mom, don’t bother. I know I won’t be able to make it.”

  “Everett. You need to make time for family.” She protested.

  “Maybe later in the week. I need to go now.” Before she could nag me any further, I hung up the phone.

  I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes.


  I had always wanted one but had never found the right woman. Every time I thought I got the one, she would stab me in the back. In the end, I just stopped trying.

  But I still needed a way to continue my legacy. I needed a son. And for that, I needed a woman who’d be willing to give me one.


  She was perfect for the task. Loyal, hardworking, and healthy. Plus, she had wide, child-bearing hips. I had no doubt that she’d handle the pregnancy with ease, all while keeping things platonic. I could pay her a generous lump sum for it, and no one would be the wiser for it.

  I grinned, imagining what it would feel like to plunge myself between those thick thighs. I won’t lie, Tanya had turned me on from the first time I saw her. She had the sort of body that made me want to sink my teeth into her – to grab her by the hips and make her scream. But I had managed to keep things professional. I didn’t think it would be wise to fuck my assistant and get myself into trouble.

  That’s why I would be doing this the smart way – with a contract.

  The last thing I needed was a messy lawsuit on my hands.

  Knock. Knock.

  “Come in,” I answered, knowing it was her. Even though she had worked for me for five years now, we had seldom been together in the same room after hours. Usually, she went home as soon as the clock struck 5:00 PM. I didn’t mind. She was efficient and organized about her job, and there was rarely a reason for her to stay behind.

  She stepped inside.


  Almost instantly, there was a rush of blood from my head to my cock as it twitched to life at the sight of her. It didn’t help that she was wearing the pencil skirt I loved so much – the one that hugged her curves to perfection. Plus, her white blouse was somewhat see-through, giving me a hint of the purple lace bra hiding underneath.

  Sometimes, I wondered whether she dressed like that so that she could tease me.

  “Here you are, sir.”

  I nearly smirked. I had always loved the way the word ‘sir’ just rolled off her tongue. That word just sounded so right coming from her lips. I loved it. If only I could hear her screaming it at the top of her lungs, as I pounded into her all night long.

  Maybe, soon enough, that would no longer need to be a fantasy.

  But I knew I’d have to build up to that point.

  After all, I couldn’t just abrup
tly ask her to be the mother of my child. She would surely think I was a madman, no matter how much money I threw her way.

  “Thank you,” I answered, getting up and taking the suit from her, hanging it up in the back. “I appreciate it.”


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