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Tree: A Young Adult Fringe Reality Romance

Page 19

by T. Nixon

  He reluctantly released my hand and left. My hand was still emanating his warmth. I listened to each of his steps on the wood floor, until they were gone.


  The next few days were chaotic. Cherry took me to the ER where I was given a CT scan and diagnosed with a concussion. The doctor told me that symptoms could flare up for weeks, but he thought I would be ok long term. I was given a brace for my sprained ankle. He commended my friends and I for solving a 10-year-old mystery.

  Chester Harris had been notified the remains of his brother had been found. Hours later he showed up at the farm. I didn’t see it, but I heard he had hugged Cherry for ages and cried on her shoulder. Truthfully, I think they cried together. The story had been heard on police scanners and made local news. It was then picked up by bigger outlets in San Francisco and connected to my parent’s disappearance, which brought a flood of reporters to the farm.

  All the while, I stayed in. I wanted nothing to do with reporters asking questions about my parents or Brad. Both Simon and AJ came to see me often, each telling me their own version of what was happening. Simon mostly focused on details about James and the media while AJ had much different stories. He made a point of visiting with me when Simon was not around. About 4 nights after the ordeal, AJ came to the house just minutes after Simon had left. After making small talk with Cherry, he came into the living room where I was laying on the couch with an ice pack on my ankle.

  “Hey,” he said as he pulled an armchair closer to me. Before he spoke again, he glanced up to see if Cherry was nearby. I could hear dishes clanging in the kitchen, she was cleaning up after dinner.

  He cleared his throat. “So, what do you know about Simon?” Again, he glanced around as if he was making sure no one was listening.

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” I responded truthfully.

  “I mean, how much do you know about him? Like, where does he go when he leaves here?”

  “He stays with his uncle, Chester Harris,” I said matter of flatly. This detail had been quite uncomfortable given the history between Chester and my family, so I never brought it up. It certainly explained why Simon was secretive.

  “Hmm,” AJ responded and looked off.

  “What?” I asked. He looked into my eyes for several seconds, as if he was debating on telling me something. “What?” I asked again, more insistently.

  He sat back in his chair and rubbed both palms along his thighs. Just when I was about to angry that he was keeping me on the hook he spoke. “Are you sure about that?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, annoyed. “Why?”

  “It’s just that,” he looked up to check on Cherry again, “I saw him and Chester, yesterday, and it really didn’t seem like he had seen Simon in a long time.” His eyes were direct, and I knew, without a doubt, he was being honest with me.

  “I don’t understand,” I said, feeling a dull throb begin in my head.

  “It sort of seemed to me Simon was trying to avoid him, he was leaving the house and heading toward the barn. Chester had pulled in and parked about 30 seconds before and he was still in his car. I don’t think Simon knew he was there- well, I’m sure he didn’t know Chester was there. Chester got out of the car really fast and called out to him. I’m sorry but, Chester was surprised to see him.”

  I looked at AJ quizzically. So far, it didn’t mean much. “Chester might not have expected to see Simon on the farm,” I posited.

  “Yeah, except he was really surprised. Simon turned around when he heard his name and when old man Harris saw his face he went running towards him. He didn’t even close his car door. And Simon… well, he didn’t look happy to see Chester. He looked a little bit like a deer caught in a hunter’s scope. He looked worried, Vic.” He paused, his eyes searching mine to see if I believed him. I said nothing. He licked his lips and went on.

  “I couldn’t hear everything they said, but I do know that Chester asked him what he was doing here. He didn’t give Simon time to answer him, he just kept on. ‘Do you know what you’ve gotten yourself into?’ he asked. He was almost shouting. Simon said, ‘I want answers, just like you,’ and then they hugged. Chester insisted Simon go home with him so they could talk there. And I-“ he cut himself off.

  “Why would he lie?” I asked. It was a question for the ether. If he wasn’t staying with Chester Harris like he had said, then where was he staying?

  “Listen, I know you like the guy, I’m not trying to cause trouble, I just… It’s weird, you know? I just want you to be careful.” He took my left hand and held it carefully, all the while looking into my eyes. I blinked several times, finding his gaze difficult. “I care about you,” he said quietly.

  Seeing him vulnerable was so unusual that I automatically reacted. I leaned up and gave him a hug. He leaned in, wrapping both his arms around me, strong yet tentative.

  “Thank you for saving my life,” I whispered. He leaned back and looked at me with clouded eyes. Without a word he tilted his head and gently placed his lips on mine.


  This work took me more years to complete than I care to remember. No writer does things 100% on their own, so I would be remiss if I didn't thank those who helped me along the way.

  First, to my aunt, Susan Nixon, who gave the idea that sparked this series, and who was also the first reader.

  To Elizabeth Albert, Jeffery Albert and Matthew Dennison who allowed me into their search for the perfect property in the Santa Cruz Mountains which became the location for this series. The farm in this book is fabricated though it is based on a real property. E, J, and M allowed me to tag along with them which gave me a massive amount of inspiration.

  To Linda Albert for her hospitality and conversation during my many visits.

  To the Universe, without whom I might never have finished this book.

  Other acknowledgements: Lauren "the Wizard" Hayes, Liz Waller, Virna Nakagawa, Amanda Fenton, and the countless bloggers whose articles helped me get this to your screen.

  Finally, to you, dear reader, without whom none of this matters.

  About The Author

  T. Nixon

  T. Nixon has been writing all her life. As a freelance writer she wrote grants, blogs, copy, and content. She started her first novel at 14. With a penchant for the fringe sciences it was always her goal to write 3 dimensional characters in a multidimensional world. Her dream is to have her own farm and live with her kids, horses, and Scottish Fold cats.




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