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Targeting Dart (Satan's Devils MC #4)

Page 22

by Manda Mellett

  If Grumbler is straight, he’d be a good man to have on our side.

  “Even if there’s still question marks over the others, I’d stake my life on Grumbler and Smoker being loyal.” After he’s answered the question I didn’t ask aloud, he breaks off and clears his throat, and I wonder whether he’s thinking that just a few minutes earlier he’d have trusted his other brothers too. At last he begins to speak again. “What your drivin’ is a club truck, won’t be no surprise to anyone it turnin’ up. Park around the back and we’ll go in the same way as it seems you were taken out. I’ll go in and distract any of the other fuckers we’ve got doubts about if Grumbler doesn’t manage to get them all out.” He pauses and wipes at his eyes.

  I step forward, half to thank him, half to warn him. “Ain’t no doubt in my mind, Lost.”

  “Shit.” He looks at me sadly, correctly reading I’ve every belief in what I’d been told. He then takes out his phone and places a call, not giving details, just asks Grumbler to arrange for Shark and DJ to investigate another reported sighting of Fang up in Escondido. Even though they’ll be laughing their heads off, thinking they know exactly where to find the rogue demon, it will get them out of the club. Then that will just leave Poke we’ll need to avoid.

  That settled, Lost passes out his smokes to give some time for them to get gone.

  At last we’re able to go get Alex’s boy.

  Last time I was in the San Diego clubhouse I thought I was surrounded by likeminded brothers who all bought into the same cause as me. This time I feel enveloped in betrayal, a feeling I never expected in any Satan’s Devils club. Feeling sick to my stomach as I walk in through the doors, I nod at Lost as he goes to run interference and leaves us to our search.

  “Drum said he was hidin’ under Alex’s bed in the room she was stayin’ in. Let’s get there first.”

  We make our way up the stairs, weapons drawn, not knowing what we’ll be walking into. I’m hoping I don’t have a need to fire on any man that, up to now, I’ve happily called a brother.

  There’s no one around as we reach Alex’s room. Hardly daring to breath, I fold to my knees, then lie on my side to look under the bed. There’s no one there. Fuck! Have they found him? Where could he be? For a second I envisage returning to Alex without her son in tow, and then realise there’s no way I can return without him.

  As I jump to my feet, shaking my head, my expression showing how gutted I am, an unwelcome voice intrudes.

  “Dart! You’re back. Come with me.”

  Narrowing my eyes at Eva, I give a short laugh and shake my head. “Not hangin’ with you darlin’. Been there, done that. Caused enough fuckin’ aggro.”

  She looks taken aback. “No, no. I’m not suggesting we fuck.” She pauses to toss her hair back over her shoulder. “You weren’t that special, Dart.” She looks at Slick and Mouse, and then lowers her voice and adds conspiratorially, “It’s the kid. He’s in my room.”

  What? Stepping forward I put my hands on her shoulders, my fingers biting into her skin. “What you talkin’ about? Why’s he with you?”

  “I’m not stupid, Dart. Alex and Tyler went downstairs and didn’t come back. Found Tyler under her bed. He was shaking and crying, obviously scared. He thought Snake was coming for him. If that was true, this room would be the first place he’d have looked. Not so much mine. So I took him to be safe. Gave him my phone to use when he asked. ”She studies our faces for a moment. “I don’t like Snake. And lately he’s been acting real strange.” And with that she shows she’s more perceptive than some of the brothers here.

  If it wouldn’t cause yet more problems with Alex, I’d kiss her. Instead, I resort to thanking her profusely. Just as I’m turning my thoughts to how to sneak Tyler out of the clubhouse, she puts her hand on my arm.

  “Alex needs to know. He had an episode, probably brought on by being so scared. I got him through it okay, but I don’t know if she’s keeping track of them.”

  I wipe my hand over my eyes. Poor kid. And thank fuck it was Eva who found him. Being a nurse, she’d have known what to do. “I’ll tell Alex. And, Eva…”

  “It’s alright, Dart. I’m just glad I was there and able to help.”

  Footsteps sound on the landing outside. Mouse glances quickly around the door and gives the all clear just as Lost appears. “Found the kid?” When I nod he continues, “Poke’s with a club girl. Knowin’ him, he’ll take his time. Grumbler got rid of the other two. I’ll keep an eye out if you want to sneak the kid out the back.”

  “I’ll get him.” Eva’s not asking questions. That, and the fact she looked out for him makes her go up in my estimation.

  Lost is looking tired, and older than I’ve seen him. “You’ll keep me informed, Dart?”

  “Prez will want to speak to ya.” I don’t need to clarify it will be our prez not his. He’s unlikely to ever see Snake again. “Lost. Club will need its VP when this all gets out.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” he mumbles.

  “Keep our route free, then you and Grumbler better come with us. Drummer’s on his way.” I don’t explain he’s ready and waiting.

  Lost nods at me sadly.

  “Dart!” Tyler runs in and hugs my legs. Without thinking I swing him up into my arms, knowing I’m almost as pleased as Alex is going to be to find him safe and unharmed. The brave kid clings to me as we start to make our way out. We meet Grumbler guarding the foot of the stairs. He gives me a sharp look as I pass, doubts that anything could be amiss in his club written in his eyes, but also a promise of retribution for those he finds that have done wrong.

  The return journey to the warehouse is uneventful, and I stand to the side watching as Alex has a tearful reunion with her son.

  As she gazes adoringly at Tyler, refusing to let him go, I wish she’d have even one tenth of that emotion in her eyes when she looks at me.

  Chapter 21


  I’ve already seen how they question men who’ve gone against them, so when Road leads me away, I’m more than happy I won’t have to watch what they do to Snake. I’m still stunned that he’s turned against his own club, but what do I know about the dynamics of an MC? Perhaps it’s not so unusual for them.

  “Here, darlin’. Take a load off and sit before you fall down. You’ve been through a lot today.”

  Yeah, a lot over the past few days. Kidnapped twice in a week must be a record for anyone. I’ve been hurt and left for dead, threatened with rape, and lost my son for a second time. It all catches up with me, and before I know it I’m bent double as I sob. Each indrawn breath pulling at my newly healing scars. A strong arm comes around me and gently draws me into a leather clad chest.

  “I got ya, darlin’. Just let it all out. Dart will find yer boy for ya.” He pauses and rubs his hand up and down my back. “Soon this will be over, you’ll come home to Tucson, and be back at the Satan’s Topless Angels before you know it.”

  Wiping my tears away with the back of my hand, I turn to him incredulously and scoff. “Well that’s not going to happen.”

  “Why not? The customers are missing you.”

  It’s then I realise that as he’s just a prospect he probably doesn’t know. It almost hurts as much to explain as it did when I received the wounds, but it’s not something I can hide. “Ron, my ex, well, he cut me up, Road. There’s no way anyone will ever want to see my body again. He’s scarred me for life.”

  Road looks shocked. He lets me go and paces away. By the rigid set of his shoulders, it looks like he’s trying to get himself under control. I don’t bother watching him, I’ve already accepted I’ve got no job and no way of earning money to put aside for Tyler’s treatment. And if I’m no longer an employee, will the club still want to offer me help? I’m nothing to them now, just a damaged woman. And I’ve lost any connection to Dart.

  Lost in my thoughts, I don’t realise Road’s come back until he clears his throat. When I look up it’s to see this huge man standing in f
ront of me, studying me closely. Then he sinks to his heels. “You’ve got blood on yer top.”

  Glancing down I see that he’s right. “I think my stitches have pulled open.”

  “Can I see?”

  As I nod, he carefully lifts up my tee. Looking down I see blood seeping through the dressings.

  “Don’t want to touch this, but fuck that must hurt. We’ll get someone to look at this as soon as we can. Hold on a minute.” He goes to his bike and gets something out of one of his saddle bags. When he comes back he’s holding out a bottle of water and a couple of tablets. “Here. They’re Tramadol.” As I raise my eyes he says, “I’ve got them from when I last came off my bike.”

  I’ve taken them before, the first time Ron had hurt me, so thanking him I swallow them down with the water, hoping they’ll soon take effect. Simply to pass the time I ask, “Last time? Do you make a habit of falling off?”

  He grins. “I race trial bikes. Comes with the territory to take a few spills.”

  There’s a short period of silence, then I can’t help myself asking, “How long do you think before Dart is back?”

  “It’s hard to say. He’s meeting with Lost, the VP first. Depends on how that goes.”

  I presume he means if he’s turned traitor too. And if he is, how will Dart know? What if he makes the wrong call? Now I’m worrying about him as well as my son. Road can’t give me the answers I want. Slowly the Tramadol starts to take effect. Tired with the stress of the last few hours combined with the pain having drained my strength from me, despite my worry, I close my eyes and doze off, only to be woken by the sound of bikes and the truck entering the parking lot. Woken with a start, I pull myself straight and gaze across, hardly daring to breathe.

  The doors open, and oh my God! There’s Tyler! Dart’s spotted where I am, and has pointed me out. Tyler comes running over and throws himself into my arms. I don’t want to let him go, but as I hold him so tightly I can’t smother my gasp of pain. Dart’s there and pulling him off gently.

  “Careful, young man. Yer momma’s still hurt, remember?”

  This time he’s more careful. Tears are once again running down my face, but this time they’re happy ones, not sad.

  Dart looks at Road. “Drummer inside?”

  “Yeah. I’ll stay with Alex and the boy if you’re going to join them.”

  “Thanks, Brother.” Dart runs his hand over my hair, gives my shoulder a squeeze, then disappears with Slick and Mouse, and two other men who’ve turned up on bikes.

  I’ve got my son in my arms and that’s all I need. Tyler’s updating me on what he’d done, and I’m so proud of my boy and how he summoned help. I get a blast of envy when he tells me it was Eva who looked after him and lent him the phone, but if I ever see her again, know I’ll have to bury my jealousy and thank her. Tyler’s exhausted, and after talking himself out, drifts off in my arms in the warmth of the sun. I’m content to just sit here and hold him.

  Sometime later men wander out of the warehouse. They’re not particularly quiet, so I can hear every word that they say.

  “We’ll take him back to Tucson. Deal with him there. Want the presidents from our other chapters in on this to see what happens when one of our own fuckin’ turns on us.”

  “Still can’t believe this shit.”

  “Should have expected somethin’ when he dumped that cocky fucker Buster on us. Reckon he was placed as a spy.”

  “What about Marvel? I like the man, but…”

  “Yeah, Wraith. Hate to say it, but we need to be suspicious about any fucker who comes from this chapter.”

  A man coughs.

  “Yeah, Lost, Grumbler. I reckon you’re straight. Not that I have much trust in the fucker, but Snake confirmed you weren’t a part of what was goin’ on.”

  “Here’s Snake’s phone.”

  “Thanks, Dart. Right. I’ll send them all a text, get them here. We deal with them once and for all, then get Snake—fuckin’ lived up to his name, hasn’t he?—back home. We’ll take Poke along too. He being another officer, he deserves more than a bullet to the head.”

  “What about her?”

  My ears prick up even more as I assume they’re talking about me. I am the only female here after all.

  “I’ll come and talk to her.”

  As footsteps approach, I turn my face and try to pretend I hadn’t been listening at all.

  “Alex.” Drummer raises his chin in greeting. I nod back. He lifts his leg and plants it on a crate and then leans forwards with his hands clasped over his knee. “Fuck, Alex, I’m so sorry you got dragged into our business. Specially after what happened to you.”

  There’s no point in me ranting and raving about what can’t be undone. At least I’m alive and haven’t been raped, and Tyler’s unharmed. I sigh, unable to bear any animosity. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be breathing. “It’s all good, Drummer. Scary while it was goin’ on. But it’s behind me now. And I owe you a debt. It was your club who rescued me from the cabin.”

  His eyes seem to narrow as I remind him. He glances down to my bloodstained t-shirt. “How you feelin’, darlin’?”

  “A bit sore. Better after the painkillers Road gave me.”

  “I’m going to be sendin’ you and Tyler back to Tucson. You’ll be stayin’ on the compound for a while, where you’ll be safe.”

  Now it’s my turn to frown as I brush back the hair on my son’s now wide-awake face. “Tyler’s got school. And after the past few days, getting back to normality would do him good.”

  But Drummer shakes his head. “Too easy for Thompson to try to take you again. Both you and he need to stay somewhere secure. Can you tell the school he’s unwell or somethin’?”

  “You really think Ron will try again?”

  “Thompson was with the cops in the club. He’s lookin’ for the boy.” Drum rolls back his head and then fixes his stare on me again. “Apparently Fang fucked up by takin’ the boy. He should have left him locked up in the panic room for Snake to find and hand him over to his dad.” His eyes grow cold. “We’ll be sortin’ yer problems out on a permanent basis. But you need to give us a while to get somethin’ arranged.”

  I don’t want to know what they’re intending to do, but expect the worst. I can’t bring myself to care. Ron left me for dead, I’ve no difficulty with anything they plan. And if it’s only for a short time, Tyler can stay off school. It’s the thought of Ron getting his hands on him which fills me with dread. “Okay, we’ll stay on the compound.”

  “Good.” I watch as he smooths his hand over his beard. “Before you go, there’s a favour we want to ask of you.”

  I cock my head to one side in question, unsure of what I can do for them.

  “Mouse’s fingerprints were found at your old house. There’s an APB out for him in connection with your disappearance.”

  Oh no. They’d been trying to find me, and Mouse has got into trouble because of it. I can’t allow that. I’m sore, hurting, and really have had more than one woman should have to take. But I pull my shoulders back straight, they returned my son to me, unharmed. If there’s anything to help, I must do it. “Drum, what can I do?”

  He nods in approval at my quick offer to help. “You and Mouse go to a police station. The story will be you and he met in Tucson and got together. You came back to get some of your clothes.”

  My face falls. “The place was smashed up. All my clothes cut to pieces. That story won’t fly.”

  He’s quiet for a moment, thinking. “Just tell the truth. The house was like that when you arrived. As it had been vandalised, you moved on. You decided to stay a couple of days in the city to show your new boyfriend the sights. Mouse is makin’ sure you, he, and the boy have been booked in to the Holiday Inn for a few nights. He’s workin’ on that now.”

  How can he do that? Leaving it aside, I wonder aloud, “Should I suggest Ron trashed the house?”

  “I wouldn’t go there unless you are pressed. Thompson’s
a cop, his colleagues will have his back. Don’t make accusations with nothin’ to back it up. You’re just reportin’ in to let them know you’ve not been kidnapped or harmed by Mouse. Put him in the clear. We’ve enough to watch out for over our shoulders, don’t want that on us too.”

  I look down at my bloody t-shirt, and Drum follows the path of my eyes. “Road?” As the prospect jumps to attention, he continues, “Go buy a new top for Alex, will you?”

  Open mouthed, I watch the prospect run over to his bike. He hasn’t even asked my size.

  “What about Tyler?”

  “Take him with you. Hey, kid. You think you can pretend Mouse is yer Mom’s boyfriend?”

  Tyler looks at him, then at me. At my nod of encouragement, he grins. “Sure can, sir.”

  “Good lad,” Drum praises, and Tyler gives him a chin lift. Then the prez looks at me again, his steely eyes softening. “We’re sortin’ out your attire, but what about your pain? You mustn’t give away yer hurtin’. Think you can hide it?”

  “If I have another of Road’s Tramadol I’ll be able to.” I’ll have to. These men stopped at nothing to find me and rescue me. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be here today.

  “The records show you’ve been listed as missin’. Strangely, Tyler has not—I’m presuming Thompson altered any record made of your sister’s report. Snake was gonna give him to Thompson. When Snake assumed Fang and Gator had taken him, he told Thompson he’d be getting’ him soon.”

  I shiver. Going back to Tucson under the protection of the Satan’s Devils does seem the safest option. Being a cop, Ron’s got too much power.

  It doesn’t seem long before Road’s back. He’s bought me a couple of plain tees in two different sizes. The first one’s a bit small and shows the outline of my bandages, but the other is fine, and I grin as he smiles shyly and hands me something else. I nod my permission for him to give it to Tyler.


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