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Ice Dragon Tales

Page 4

by Hurri Cosmo

  After he waved to Hawklin and the man disappeared around the first turn of the pass, Joron kicked his horse into a gallop. It took about an hour before Joron noticed he was still feeling a presence. He shrugged it off since it was obvious whoever it was would not show himself. He found he was actually glad for the company.

  Joron arrived back at the castle before dinner. He quickly stole into his rooms and shut the door. He hurried into his bedroom, intending to change out of his dusty clothes and head down to the dining room. He was shocked to see Diagus lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

  "Where have you been?" Diagus asked, not bothering to look at him or sit up.

  Joron gasped. It had been Diagus's men. Still, he was going to have to lie. "Nowhere."

  "Liar!" This time Diagus did sit up. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and glared at Joron. "You've been gone all day. In fact, I came here last night looking for you and you weren't here then either."

  "I didn't sleep here last night. My life is no longer worth much within these walls."

  Diagus snickered. "Don't worry, little brother. I'll protect you--for a price."

  Judging from the look in Diagus's eyes, Joron did not want to know what the price would be. "No thanks. I can protect myself."

  "Can you now?" He slowly slipped off the bed and took a few steps toward Joron. "Can you protect yourself from me?" He continued to come forward.

  Joron started to back away. "What are you doing? Stay away."

  "No, I will not. I want to know where you were."

  "And I told you, nowhere."

  Suddenly the anger on Diagus's face softened. "Look at you. Who knew how beautiful you would become while I was gone?"

  "Beautiful... What the--"

  "Have you been taken yet? Are you still a virgin?"

  "What...what kind of questions are those coming from my brother?" Joron kept backing away as his brother kept advancing.

  "Valid ones. I want to know, as your brother and your king."

  "You're not king yet. The ceremony hasn't happened."

  "A formality. You know that. It means nothing. Come here. I command you, as your king."

  "No. You can't do that."

  "Do you want to bet? As king, I can do anything--and anyone--I want."

  "No! Are you crazy? I'm a man and your brother."

  "You know my preferences, Joron. You've always known."

  "Stay back," he shouted.

  "Where were you, Joron? Do you have a lover?"

  "What?" Joron looked at him with shock. How could he think that? Joron turned and ran, intending to escape. Diagus grabbed and shoved him up against the wall before Joron could reach the door.

  Diagus held Joron to the wall with one hand against his chest. "I would be very disappointed if you took a lover, Joron, especially if your lover is a man. Now, answer my question. Do you have a lover?"

  Joron pushed back, trying to move him back. "What are you talking about? Get away from me."

  Diagus easily overpowered Joron, grabbing his wrists and pinning him firmly against the wall. He quickly leaned in and kissed Joron hard, forcing Joron's mouth open so he could plunge his tongue in. Joron tried to scream for help but nothing escaped. He tried to bite Diagus's tongue again but Diagus would only allow that once. He pulled out, released one of Joron's wrists and with his now free hand grabbed Joron's chin and slammed his head on the wall.

  "Bite me again and I swear to you, you will regret it." Maintaining his hold on Joron's chin, he kissed him again, forcing his tongue in. He released Joron's other wrist and found his way to Joron's member, starting to rub it from outside of Joron's pants. "See? You're responding quite well--"

  Joron cried out the second Diagus released his mouth. He grabbed at Diagus's hand that fondled him and tried to pull it away. "Stop it, you bastard!"

  Diagus used his body to push Joron back up to the wall. He quickly took his belt, grabbed Joron's wrists and tied them together.

  Joron fought him the second he realized what he was doing. "No! Stop."

  Diagus forced Joron to turn and face the wall, his tied hands pushed up over his head, making them useless to Joron since he couldn't move them now. Holding him against the wall with one hand on the back of Joron's head, he pulled on Joron's shirt and started to bite his neck, leaving marks, rubbing his own swollen member still inside his trousers, against Joron's buttocks. Joron cried out again, louder this time, trying to call for help. Growling, Diagus slapped a hand over his mouth, cutting off any more noises.

  "You need to be quiet, little brother. We don't want to attract any attention, now do we?" Joron's muffled screams and useless squirming only seemed to encourage Diagus. "Joron, I have wanted to do this ever since I saw you when I got back. This tight ass is going to be mine...all mine." He rubbed Joron's cheeks and as he was pulling at Joron's pants, there was a knock on the door. Joron heard their sister, Liarta, calling out loudly to him.

  "Joron? Are you there? May I come in?"

  The hand over Joron's mouth tightened. "Shut up. If you make any noise, you'll be sorry." He continued to cup Joron's ass, squeezing and caressing, moaning into Joron's hair from behind.

  "Joron? I...I know you're in there. Let me in."

  Diagus growled. "She isn't going to go away." He stepped away from Joron, taking his hand away from his mouth. He reached up and untied Joron's wrists as well.

  Joron called out to Liarta, quickly pulling his shirt back into place. "Ho-hold on." His voice sounded broken and weak.

  Diagus swore under his breath but then he grabbed Joron's chin and pulled up until he was looking into his eyes. "Look, Joron...I...I didn't mean to... I'm sorry I...was so angry that..." He closed his eyes. "If you say anything to her..."

  Joron pulled back, looking away. "I understand. You think I would tell her anything you did just now?" It was a whisper as Joron blushed deeply, which seemed to make Diagus very happy. He pulled Joron back hard against him, hugging him.

  "I got carried are mine, Joron. Do you understand? You will submit to me." Then he released him and pushed him away.

  One more time there was a bang on the door. "Joron. I'm coming in." Liarta opened the heavy door and swept into the room. She stopped short when she saw Diagus. "Di-Diagus. What are you doing here?"

  Diagus cleared his throat. "What else? I'm visiting our dear brother." He grabbed Joron around the neck with his arm and once again pulled him close. He put his lips next to Joron's ear and whispered, "We will continue this tonight." He pulled away, releasing him, and gave Liarta a weak smile. "I'll be leaving now. See the both of you later at the crowning ceremony." With one more glance at Joron, he walked out the door.

  Shaking, Joron followed to the door and shut it when he was gone. He laid his head against it and sighed. "Thank you, Liarta. Did...did you...know?"

  "I heard. I wasn't sure what I could do but... Well, he's gone so..."

  Joron turned around to Liarta's reddened face. "I'm sorry you had to witness that." He walked the few steps to give her a hug. She was older than Joron but shorter. Her beautiful black hair fell in shiny cascades around her small, pretty face. Thin, she wore a burgundy gown that touched her burgundy slippered feet. Very simple, but on her it was elegant. She, too, had those stark blue eyes, nearly the same as Diagus's, but where Diagus's were sharp, Liarta's were warm.

  Liarta sighed, hugging him back, and then released him. "Yes, our illustrious brother is back. You've heard the stories, haven't you? Well...I've heard some of the stories. Seems he's very well liked. So much so, he obviously has this illusion anyone will fall at his feet." She smirked. "I've seen evidence he's right."

  "Because he's the king now and unmarried. Of course they chase him."

  "Well, he is rather good-looking. You have to admit that."

  Joron looked at Liarta with a pained expression. "I don't care, Liarta. All I know is that now, more than ever, I'm not safe here." There was another knock on the door. Joron jerked
in fear but quickly realized if it had been Diagus again, he would have simply burst in. "Who is it?"

  "Prince Joron, it's me," Kinnabe said through the door.

  Joron quickly walked to the door and opened it. He looked around, making sure there was no one else with him.

  "Don't worry, my prince. I'm alone." Kinnabe turned and shut the door behind him. "I have bad news. I'm sorry, but the medicine you were sent with for Kalen last night was not the right medicine." He handed him another bottle full of a brown liquid. "This is what you should have taken."

  "What? What is it that I gave Hawklin?"

  "Don't worry, it won't hurt her. It's a simple headache remedy, but it won't help either. Someone will have to go all the way to Ghost Pines Parrish to bring this to them."

  "How did this happen?"

  "We were in a hurry... I grabbed... I'm sorry. I'll...I'll go..." Kinnabe looked down to his feet.

  "No, no. We've been through this countless times, Kinnabe. It has to be me, only me." Joron put his hand on Kinnabe's shoulder. "Fear not, it's fine. Mistakes happen. I am glad what we did give them won't hurt Kalen. The only problem now is that it looks like I'm being watched."


  "Diagus. He had me followed last night. I believe. At the very least, he knew I was gone and he will watch for me now."

  "You fear not, brother." Liarta snaked her arm around her brother's waist. "I believe there is a remedy."


  "You are very beautiful, Joron. I can dress you up as a woman and you could fool everyone. You can come and go as you want and no one will ever know who you are."

  Joron laughed. "Me? A woman? Hilarious."

  "You think I'm jesting? I'm not. Joron, if it weren't for the way you dress, I think you would be mistaken for a woman all the time."

  Joron cringed. "That's not good to hear." Kinnabe was laughing under his breath. Joron turned to him, fire in his eyes. "I am not amused, Kinnabe." Kinnabe tried hard to smother the sounds, wiping tears from his eyes.

  "Trust me, Joron," his sister pressed her point. "You could easily pass as a woman if you have a gown on and we do your hair a little different. I could put rouge on your cheeks and redden your lips, so even up close you would never be questioned."

  "I don't think..."

  "Prince Joron, let me deliver the medicine this time," Kinnabe pleaded again. "It's too big of a risk for you now that your brother is home. If you're found out..."

  "You cannot. If you're caught, you'll be executed. You would be labeled a thief first and probably charged with treason as well. You wouldn't even be given a trial and being attached to me would hurt more than help. I have to be the one to go. We've always known that, right from the beginning of when we started doing all of this."

  "Joron, this is a good idea," his sister tried again. "If you don't approve when I'm finished, I'll never mention it again."

  Joron looked at her, seeing those persistent eyes. Being disguised as a woman would protect him from his brother. Diagus wasn't interested in women at all. And it was also very important Kalen had the right medicine. He had no other real choices. He hung his head in defeat. "All right. I'll try it. But I will hold you to your word. If I don't like it or I think it won't work, I won't do it and you will not talk about it again. Understand?"

  Liarta jumped up and down. "Of course. Oh, Joron. You will not be disappointed. I have wanted to do this forever."

  "Excuse me?"

  "Yes. You are so pretty, Joron." She reached up and cupped Joron's face in her hands. "I have always wanted to dress you up like a life-sized doll."

  "That's...intolerable! I simply won't."

  Laughing, Liarta pulled on his arm. "Wait. I'm sorry."

  "Your highness, I think she is right." Kinnabe grabbed his other arm. "Think of Kalen." Kinnabe seemed way too excited to see Joron dressed like a woman.

  Joron sighed. "Fine, but no jests. I hear one witticism--one--I won't go through with it. Do you both understand?"

  "Yes, my prince."

  "Agreed, my brother."

  Joron smiled a weak smile. "I still have the small matter of having no safe dwelling. I can't sleep here tonight."

  "Wait." Liarta grabbed his arm again. "One of my attendants recently moved in with her sister to help with her growing family. Her room is unoccupied at the moment, totally empty. You could stay there."

  Joron thought for a minute. "Maybe. No one would think to look for me in the servant's quarters."

  "Even if they did, the servants are in a labyrinth of rooms, Joron. They would never find you. Come. Put some things together and I'll show it to you."

  Chapter 4

  Prior to the crowning ceremony, both Liarta and Joron had gone to the room where the king's body lay in state. There had been a line of people filing by slowly and silently all day. It was a time when the citizens were supposed to pay respect to their dead king, but Joron thought most of them were more likely cursing him rather than praying for his soul. If he felt bad at all for the death of his father, it was at that moment. His father's life had been wasted on sex and power, and now, when he would be facing his God, he would have little to nothing good to say about his life. He found himself hoping the kindness he was told the king had shown to Joron's mother would not be ignored. He closed his eyes and offered a prayer, if only for that alone.

  They would be burying him soon, maybe by the end of the week. Opening his eyes again and standing in front of the casket looking down at his father's face, his cheeks sunken from the loss of weight and death, he realized he didn't even recognize him. Suddenly needing to be gone from him, gone from this wasted body and life, he took his sister's hand, turned, and walked away.

  Later that evening at the crowning of the new king, neither Joron nor Liarta sat with the queen. It was an unforgivable offense but she didn't seem to notice. Joron watched her beaming for her son as he allowed the crown to be placed on his head. As Joron watched from his vantage point, he did think Diagus looked regal and right as the new king.

  During one of the prayers, Joron saw Diagus scanning the crowd. He seemed to be looking for someone. When their eyes met, Diagus smiled. Joron's heart skipped a beat when he realized Diagus looked relieved. Did he think because he was not sitting with the queen he wasn't there at all? He understood then, too, Diagus had the same abandonment issues Joron did, being raised by anyone other than their parents. His heart went out to him, along with a personal prayer, that he was able to find happiness as the new king. He smiled back and nodded. The last thing he wanted to do was to encourage the behavior he had been victim of earlier, but at that moment he wanted Diagus to know he supported his becoming the new leader of their kingdom.

  When it was over, everyone was invited to a reception. Joron didn't want to go but Liarta dragged him into the lavishly decorated hall anyway. Since Diagus was the center of attention, after an initial greeting and a quick hug, he left Joron alone. At one point in the evening, Joron noticed Diagus headed down a dark hallway with a young servant in tow. He let out a breath and thought this was the best time to escape to his new temporary bedroom for the night. He captured Liarta's attention. Knowing the signal, since they had worked it out earlier, she left the hall, Joron following her a few minutes behind, not wanting to make it obvious they were leaving together.

  It had been a strange day, and the night had not been normal either. Not only was a king dead and a new one crowned, but another king, Aric Tamusi of Claymoor Doom, had also arrived. Obviously his intent was to meet with Oxys. Now he would have to instead conduct his business with Diagus. But of course, he had to wait until after the crowning ceremony when Diagus was officially able to speak for the kingdom. Joron didn't know what King Aric was here to discuss, but he didn't much care. He didn't see him at the ceremony but knew he would make an appearance at the reception.

  * * * *

  Aric normally tied his hair back but tonight he let it hang loose, letting the dark blond strands flow like bu
rnished gold to his shoulders. He wore a very modest, thin gold band on his head, the only thing signifying his rank. He worked hard to maintain his lean frame. The close fitting black tunic he wore showed that off quite well. He would not be taken down easily. He was also a tall man, so it was no surprise when he entered the hall, many heads turned in his direction. Being a young widower made him highly sought after as a potential husband as well, so it was also no surprise he heard a few gasps from the women. He stopped inside the room and slowly scanned the crowd.

  That was when Aric's gaze found the young servant from the previous day, and his heart leaped. He wondered yet again what it was that affected him so. He watched the young man as he chatted freely and easily with people, his smile effortless and light. Aric started to move toward him, eyes riveted to him, the lust building as he looked up and down his small, slim frame. He was perfect in every way. If he could reach him, talk to him, offer him a position in his own kingdom, it might prove to be quite easy to take him away. But Aric quickly realized he was not going to be able to move as people started to press in on him.

  His status as the King of Claymoor Doom, the largest, richest kingdom in the land, made him nearly a celebrity and there were far too many people of all ranks who would think befriending him was their one and only goal that evening. It was not his intent, since this should have been King Diagus Amar's big night and most attention, if not all, should be lavished on him. It was the reason he refused to attend the crowning ceremony, feigning a headache and his need to lie down for a few hours. But he would not be able to avoid the reception.

  He needed to offer not only his condolences and congratulations to the new king, but also offer his support publicly. Aric grinned as he thought how incredibly perfect the timing had been for the new king. Who better to have at your crowning reception than the "high" king from Claymoor Doom? In offering his support, it would quiet any disruption the old king's death might create. Though Aric did not mind making that claim--it certainly was important to him the kingdom who controlled the pass stayed stable--he was still perplexed. He had never liked the family Amar. He only knew them to be greedy and petty in their alliances. He kept a tight watch on them, if only to make sure no one else decided to overthrow the kingdom of Blade Rain.


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