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Ice Dragon Tales

Page 6

by Hurri Cosmo

  "Good," the god said in a low voice that vibrated Joron's very bones. "I'm glad to hear it. So is this man, since he would have died by my hand if you were injured in the slightest way." He pulled again on the other's arm and the man screamed in pain.

  "Let me go, you asshole."

  Joron's rescuer slammed his prisoner face-first into the trunk of a nearby tree. "Watch your mouth. There is a lady present."

  Joron's attacker whimpered but stopped fighting completely.

  * * * *

  Aric turned to the woman he'd rescued. When he did, he was struck hard by her beauty, to the point his member stirred and tried to come to life. Aric was shocked, since this was the second time after arriving in Blade Rain he had this kind of a reaction to one of its citizens--or he thought she was a citizen. He looked into the young woman's beautiful green eyes and realized he could have drowned in them. He found himself wanting to push her to the forest floor himself, but the young lady looked absolutely terrified. The last thing in the world he wanted to have happen was for her to bolt off into the woods with him still hanging onto her attacker. There would be no way to stop her. If he engaged her in conversation, she might calm down.

  "May I ask your name, my lady?" His voice was surprisingly weak and gravelly. He cleared his throat, trying to cover his obvious reaction.

  "Mo...Momisa. My name is Momisa."

  "Momisa." He tried the odd name on his tongue.

  "May I ask yours?" Her voice sounded amazing to him. Somehow the tone, low, like the purring of a cat, went straight to his rising cock. Was he simply losing his mind? But then, he realized with her question, she had absolutely no idea who he was. Suddenly he didn't want her to know either. He was totally mesmerized by her and he was thinking he wanted to find out if she would have him before she knew who he was. What would she say to a marriage proposal from a man with no wealth or power?


  He had no idea who this woman was and he was thinking marriage?

  Suddenly they all heard horse hooves on the road. They looked up to see a guard on horseback come into view. Aric held up his hand and the man on horseback stopped. The newcomer was quickly taking in the scene.

  "You. Guard." Aric recognized his main guard, Nochi, the second he saw him. He had obviously followed Aric out of Castle Blade Rain that early morning in order to make sure of his safety. Aric now had to make Nochi understand quickly not to give away the fact they knew each other. "Please take this criminal and his horse back to Blade Rain castle. He attacked this beautiful young lady." He pulled the man off of the tree and shoved him in the direction of the guard.

  The guard dismounted to comply but Aric knew the man was totally confused.

  "Yes, sir. Of course." He turned to Joron. "Are you all right, my lady?"

  * * * *

  Joron would never become used to being addressed as a lady. That was fine, though, since this was never going to happen again. "Yes. Thank you." To Joron, his voice sounded like a dead giveaway but though the newcomer eyed him closely, he didn't seem to notice. The guard took a hold of his attacker's arm and waited. It was the first time Joron had a chance to see his attacker's face after he was slammed into the tree. It looked like he had a broken nose for sure. It was hard to see through the blood. How hard do you have to shove someone into the trunk of a tree in order to do that? Joron swallowed hard. Once angered, his rescuer seemed to have no problem in doling out heavy punishment. Joron couldn't help but wonder how angry the man would be if he found out he was fooled into thinking someone was a helpless female and he was really a man.

  He turned back to his rescuer. The man was walking toward him.

  "Where are you headed, my lady? To the castle of Blade Rain?"

  The god-like man was standing in front of him now, looking intently at him. Could he tell he wasn't a woman? Joron's heart was beating so wildly he could hardly breathe. Fortunately his rescuer seemed to think his distress was due to the aftermath of being attacked.

  * * * *

  "Please, my lady, he's no longer a threat to you." Aric however, could not say the same thing about himself. He looked into this woman's big green eyes and was totally lost. He wanted to take her and ravish her right here on the spot. Other than with the young man he had not gotten this close to, he had never felt this way before. Yes, it had been a long time since he had allowed himself the pleasure of sex. It had been an even longer time since he had sex with a woman. Standing here, this close to her, smelling her essence, seeing her beauty and obvious need to be under someone's protection, he had no idea why. "Where are you headed? You should not be traveling alone."

  Fear still seemed to make the beautiful woman skittish. Aric sensed it was not something this wildcat experienced often. Was there something more she was afraid of than the scoundrel who had attacked her?

  "I'm...headed to Ghost Pines," she said. "I...just left the castle." She turned to look down the road then turned back to Aric, the ribbons, fabric, and hair all moving with her. There was a slight fragrance that hit him then. He breathed deeply. "Thank you again." She continued. "How can I repay you for your kindness and chivalry?"

  "No need, my lady." Aric inclined his head to her, being too close to actually bow. "I am only happy I arrived in time. Again, I need to stress you should not be out here alone."

  "I...know that. Thank you for your concern."

  Although Aric forced his eyes to remain riveted to hers, he could see she was wringing her hands in obvious distress. He could also see the flutter of her heartbeat above the fabric she wore around her throat and it told him her heart was beating madly. Was she anxious at the fact Aric was standing so close in front of her? He definitely was close, so close Aric could feel her warm breath, feel the heat of her body, and he could look deep into those fathomless eyes. There was something about those eyes. He could also see her luscious lips, slightly wet as she darted her tongue over them.

  "I would like to offer you a reward." Her sudden nervous voice brought Aric's attention back. "I have the ability to do that. Tell me what I can do."

  Aric chuckled. "You have the ability to do that? A reward? Then how about a kiss?" It simply came out. He was thinking about those lips so close in front of him and he couldn't help but say it. Loss of control of his words had never happened before. He was a king, not some foolish child. And besides, gentlemen, noblemen, and kings, for sure, did not propose accosting fine young ladies in the forest, especially ones who were this regal and unaccompanied.

  He should never have suggested it, because now he was thinking about it in earnest. He was not sure he would be able to stop with just a kiss if this exquisite creature allowed it. However, his body seemed to be acting on its own, his own lips first with such a proposition and then his legs when he stepped forward, closer to her.

  He watched her eyes fly wide and her mouth open. "A kiss? No. I mean..."

  Aric leaned closer still, forcing her to back into the trunk of a tree. He marveled at the fact he wasn't going to be able to stop himself, because after making such a request he needed to obtain a positive answer before he stepped forward. He knew it wasn't proper to kiss a fair maiden especially when she just told you no. But he reached out to her anyway, put one hand behind her neck the other around her small waist, and he pulled her into his embrace and his lips.

  Her lips seared him. Her shock at his betrayal of her made her docile, like she melted into his arms, like she belonged there. He gained access to the inside of her sweet mouth. He plunged in--exploring, reaching, claiming. She seemed to dissolve into the kiss, returning it for only a second, letting out a small moan. Those hands, which had landed on Aric's chest, had quit pushing. Did her fingers just curl into the fabric of his tunic? He deepened the kiss, not being able to control himself for the first time in his life. He pulled her closer, moving his hand down and over her plump curve, cupping the cheek of her nether region and pulling up. He always was an ass man and this one was amazing. His manhood hardened painfu

  She suddenly turned into the wildcat he had seen when he first rode up. She started pushing on his chest to make him break his kiss. He didn't want to. He really didn't want to. In fact, her resisting now was only making it harder to stop. But he finally took hold of himself and released her from that mind-bending kiss. He still held her close, still cupping her cheeks, squeezing and kneading the flesh, feeling its roundness through all of the fabric. He looked down into her wild green eyes, breathing heavily. HeHHH"I'm sorry, my lady. I acted hastily. Forgive me," he whispered, lips hovering over hers.

  She was also breathing heavily, her breath washing over Aric's face. "Please, sir, take your hand off of my ass," she said breathlessly and wide-eyed. It didn't sound like a command. In fact, it sounded seductive as hell.

  Aric's heart tumbled. He actually felt it go. He couldn't believe how amazingly adorable he found this creature he still held firmly in his arms. He chuckled and released her. "I will consider that kiss reward enough." Although he was thinking it was absolutely nowhere near enough. He stepped back and bowed, his voice once again labored and hoarse. He had every intention of accompanying her to Ghost Pines. He knew the parish, but he could no longer trust himself alone in her presence. Besides, he had an appointment with a new king to keep.

  He walked quickly over to his guard and took charge of the woman's attacker already seated on his own horse, his hands tied. The guard held the other end of the rope. Aric looked at the confused man as he took the rope from him. "Please accompany this young lady until she is safely back at home. Protect her with your life." Leaning close he quickly whispered, "Find out who she is and do not let her know who I am. And I am serious. Protect her with your life."

  "Wait," the woman called out, fear showing up on her face again. "I'll be fine on my own. I don't need to have anyone with me."

  "Nonsense. I have now vowed to protect you, my lady, and I will do just that." Taking the end of the rope that bound the attacker, Aric pulled the man and his mount toward his horse, and tied it onto his saddle horn. He watched intently as Nochi helped the young lady back up onto her horse, then he turned and mounted up. Looking back at her, Aric said, "Forgive me for not accompanying you myself but you will be safe with my...this guard. Farewell, my lady, 'til we meet again. And make no mistake. We will meet again." With that he turned his horse and headed back to the castle.

  He needed quick relief from the pain he was in. Under normal circumstances, he would simply choose from a flock of men and women willing to relieve those carnal desires. But being so strongly attracted to first a young man who he had never met and so far had been unable to find, then so strongly attracted to this mystery woman, "just someone" would no longer do. Relief was going to be a long way off. But then the anticipation--and his fantasies--were going to make the final true goal that much more enjoyable.

  Chapter 5

  Joron had no choice. He had to accept the company of the young soldier. Things were certainly not working as planned. The shocking attack of the stable hand he would deal with upon his return, a simple matter. But...that kiss. His heart beat so hard it actually hurt. How could a kiss make his brain melt? It was the only way he could explain it. To have those strong arms around him, pulling him against that hard body... Oh, but the man was beautiful. His presence was overwhelming and... He sighed. He never got his name.

  But what could it matter? He would never see him again as a woman. And now he was going to have to deal with being in the company of a guard he didn't know when all he truly wanted to do was to strip these clothes off and go back to being a man. This had been a huge mistake.

  The two traveled at first in silence, the kiss being the only thing on Joron's mind, to the point his cock was actually becoming sore from being so hard, something he had never experienced before.

  He was so confused.

  He had not thought much about his status of being alone. Most of the women in his own castle had given up on him and he usually was too busy to attend many functions for outsiders of the kingdom. In the past, it became habit to decline their invitations, telling them gently he didn't have time for a relationship, which he truly believed was the reason. Now he was thinking that maybe wasn't the reason at all. He honestly thought he was in great control of his emotions. As it turned out, considering how they raged at the moment, that certainly wasn't the case either.

  Because now all he could think about were those piercing dark eyes, the man's large body, and how he had physically pushed Joron up against a tree and forced him to a kiss. How that tongue delved inside and... Oh. The man held his ass, caressed it as if he intended to do more, and... How Joron would have loved... What?

  He ached.

  What was it his body wanted the man to do? Then there was that look in his eyes. There was such...lust. Heat. Animal-like shock waves rolling off of him. Joron had never in his life felt so aroused and by a man's kiss. But how could it be? Certainly he didn't have that reaction to the stable hand that had attacked him. He only felt that way with his rescuer.

  And maybe that was all it was. Grateful feelings were becoming confused in his head. Yes. That had to be it. He looked up at the guard, who rode slightly ahead of him. Could he imagine feeling that way toward him? He was a large man, but Joron thought the possibility existed he appeared large because of his expanse of muscles. He seemed to be overly gifted with them. His hair was dark and short, cut close to his scalp. The man was beautiful in his own way, perhaps forgetting to shave this morning, the dark growth of stubble made him look fierce. His eyes were also dark, like his rescuer's.

  Suddenly the guard turned to him, as if he heard Joron's thoughts. Joron, shocked to be caught staring and thinking what he was thinking--as if the man could tell--blushed hard and lowered his eyes but quickly looked back up. "Excuse me, may I know your name?" Joron asked softly.

  "Ahhh... of... of course, my lady, forgive me for not introducing myself," the man stammered. "My name is Nochi." He inclined his head slightly as he said it. "Excuse me, but I did not catch yours."

  "My name is Momisa." Joron cleared his throat. "You...didn't seem to know the man who saved me...and he failed to give me his name." Joron sighed. He couldn't even articulate a sentence. He was thrown completely off balance over the fact he had allowed himself to be kissed by a man in the first place but more to be so affected by it. No, not just affected, lost in it.

  Becoming hard when his sex was touched and fondled, like what his brother had done to him, was one thing. But to become hard from a kiss was something else entirely. He sighed again. "But of course, you didn't know him."

  The guard remained silent.

  Joron looked up, suddenly curious now about this man. "Who is it you work for? I have never seen you either and I think I know most of the guards at the castle." He winced slightly, knowing he gave away too much information. He had no idea whether or not the young maiden he was pretending to be would have any opportunity at all to know the guards. Of course, being the prince, that was a given. But the man didn't seem to notice or care what he had implied.

  "I work for King Aric Tamusi of Claymoor Doom. I am his main personal guard and the head of his army."

  Joron noticed immediately the way the man puffed out his chest at being able to say that. It was obvious he loved his charge and king. Envy overcame him. He wished he could remotely feel that way about his former king and father. He doubted he would ever feel that way about his brother either, no matter what kind of king he made. Joron still wondered, though, what the reason was for this guard to be out this early and so willing to accompany him for what would be an overnight trip.

  "Is it all right you are doing this? I mean, you will definitely be missed. Being you are from Claymoor Doom, you know the distance to Ghost Pines. Is this all right?"

  Joron thought it odd the guard paled. "Please do not concern yourself, my lady. He will not miss me."

  "Oh...I see." Joron cursed in silence. The guard was not going to tell him more. Was
it on purpose? But why would that be? It was true he didn't know how to play the part of a commoner but he knew enough that he was not to ask for more clarification. As a prince and as a man, he would have been free to demand more information if he felt it was necessary. In this case, for some reason, he felt that it was. He was missing something important here and it bothered him. But being a "lady" of no rank he could claim, he was stuck with being satisfied with whatever explanation was offered. And it appeared this guard of Claymoor Doom was not going to offer more.

  Nochi once again turned in his saddle to look back at Joron. "Please forgive my ignorance and forwardness, my lady, but may I ask how you are related to Blade Rain? What is your function in the castle?"

  No! He did not expect to be questioned! But worst of all, he knew he would have to answer. Being a prince, even a lowly one, did have its advantages, and one of them was you could ignore questions you didn't want to answer. Being silent though, in this case, would be considered rude. He believed Nochi was too honorable to do or say anything if he was rude, but it was that same honor that spurned him to speak.

  Well, lying was not honorable either. But telling the truth was not an option.

  He knew his sister had attendants that did all kinds of things for her, like what Kinnabe was to him, so if he told Nochi he was an attendant for the princess he might get away with it. A guard would never dare to continue a line of questions that pried into the private lives of women, much less of royalty. "I...I am in...attendance to the princess..." So then the next natural question will be what am I out here alone if indeed I had direct ties to the princess? It would be a question I, as prince, would ask. I should have simply stayed quiet. Am I an idiot?


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