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Ice Dragon Tales

Page 14

by Hurri Cosmo

  Gods. He had not wanted that. But the thought of this treasure simply walking away from him sent him into an emotional tailspin--something he had no idea how to handle. Maybe it was time to close his mouth and figure out why Joron wanted to go home. He closed his eyes for a moment, tamping down his fear at realizing he may not be able to actually keep him. Joron was right. Not only was he a prince, he was a human being. If the young man was going to belong to him, Aric would have to allow Joron to choose it for himself. He took a cleansing breath.

  "Please tell me why."

  " kingdom...our people are not as wealthy as you." Joron hiccupped.

  Aric could not help but think it was incredibly adorable. He found himself reaching for Joron, stopping himself before he touched him. Damn. It was all he had thought about the entire morning--touching this young man. Now all he could think about was stripping those too big clothes off and pinning him to the bed.

  Joron suddenly turned. Clearly he no longer cared if Aric saw the tears. But he still felt sick because he was causing them. When Joron spoke this time, his voice was shaky. "My people have been served by a very selfish king for as long as I can remember. My father was never anything more than a bumbling fool who bounced as many women through his bedroom as he could. Even when he was dying. Even then."

  He closed his eyes, obviously thinking something unpleasant as a tear escaped and ran down his face unheeded. He opened them again and Aric nearly groaned. Those beautiful green eyes were bright with tears.

  "Do you know my father was, in fact, trying to make a sex deal with the father of a young girl in trade for medicine in order to save his other daughter's life, and my father was dying? At that very moment in time, not a day would pass and he would be dead, lying in state and even then he was thinking with his...his penis." He looked back up at Aric. "For years I have been the only one who has stood between my people and the wolf that would eat them alive--me and the incredible help of my castle servants." He sighed heavily. "Even a day I am not there to fix the wrongs my family consistently hands out to our people can mean the difference between life and death. Please understand I am needed. Please let me go. I never thought you were serious. Too many people's lives are at stake. I was told you are a good man, a good king. Only then would you understand what a bad king for many years can do. Help me to help them. Let me go."

  Chapter 11

  Aric stood in shock, though he tried hard to not let it show. Joron kept surprising him. He never desired anything or anyone this much in his entire life. He wanted to take him and make mad passionate love.

  Love? Could it be?

  All he knew for sure was he could not let this young man slip from his sight. The thought he did what he did within his own kingdom, reversing the damage done every day by his family was amazing. It was uplifting to him to hear Joron agreed with the assessment, knowing he also bore the name and had the same blood running through his own veins. So his one and only desire was to help his people? Aric liked making desires reality for the people who came to his bed. During times of high passion, he found he would give his partner nearly anything they would want--jewels, furs, gold, even titles. He had the power and the wealth and he loved making his sex partners happy. Of course the desires he was used to hearing and granting were always items for themselves and Aric had never questioned it before, simply understanding it as something normal and natural. This would be the first time he would do anything like he was thinking now.

  "Fine. But I won't let you go. If I do, you won't come back. I..." Damn it. He was choking up. He cleared his throat. "However, I will help. With my money and power, we will make things happen faster and better, together, for your people. I will send some of my people to your assistant, I trust you have one, to learn what you may have missed the days you've been gone. How often does the king hold his sessions?"

  Joron only stared at him for a moment, clearly confused and uncertain of what to do. But obediently he answered the question. "Umm, well, usually once every two weeks, depending on the crowds. My father just held one. But my brother, as the new king... I would assume he would want to have one soon."

  "Fine. My men will wait to receive instruction from your servants. When they return, we will gather everything you need and set out like you have always done, except we will set out from here, use resources from here."

  Joron's eyes widened in shock. "Thank... thank you, but... that won't work..."

  "Why?" Aric bristled. No one usually opposed him. They certainly never told him he was wrong.

  "I'm truly thankful you would want to help but the journey back to Blade Rain now, this time of day, because it can't be early, is at least four days, including today. Then they have to come back and organize what's needed, which unfortunately will take more time, especially since your servants are not aware of what it is we do. Then there would be the trip back yet again. Some of my people won't be able to wait for that kind of time. I'm sorry they're so needy. I honestly am embarrassed by this."

  The king nodded. He understood. Of course, it would be far too much time to take.

  "No, please, do not be. I'm sorry to have put you in a position where you would need to explain such things to me. We will come up with another solution. I'll still send a detail out to gather the necessary information. In the meantime, you can go through our storehouses and choose those things that are to be of help. I'll make an assumption the needs are uniform, as they are here. We'll load a wagon--or several if you deem it necessary--with everything you think we can use. There are a number of things I'll need to do first, like have a session with my people as well, but as soon as we can, we'll head out. We will obviously leave prior to my men arriving back, but we'll meet them and if we're missing anything, it can be sent for at that point. Does that seem more reasonable?"

  "Yes...yes, it" Joron looked as amazed as he looked uncertain, but it quickly morphed into excitement. "You must have magnificent storehouses. I want to see how you organize them. Maybe I could learn and teach our own people. Yes, I would like to see that. Thank you. Would you show me... Could I see your infirmary? Do you make your medicines there?"

  Aric laughed heartily at the innocent delight. "I have no idea. I'm not sure I know exactly where the infirmary is but, yes, you can see anything you want. I will open every door to you. You only have to point to it."

  Aric marveled as much at Joron's excitement over something so mundane as viewing the organization of a warehouse as he did when he saw the burning fire of passion in those eyes. His childlike response to being offered the opportunity to see more of the working of Claymoor Doom even excited Aric. The actual running of the castle, the basic things that had to be done for everything else to function properly, was not something Aric had thought about. Now even he was interested in seeing how it worked, especially if it was with Joron, through Joron's eyes. He walked quickly to the door and opened it, leaning out. Joron heard him murmur something to whomever was on the other side of the door, then he came back in, shutting the door behind him.

  "Done. Seems my assistant is a bit ahead of me and was already choosing a detail. Do you have a message for your assistant, one that would identify the party I'm sending as people to trust?"

  "I can't believe you're doing this."

  "Of course! What good is wealth and influence if it can't help a worthy cause? What did you think I would do? Send you off all by yourself? Or did you actually think I would be cruel enough to keep you and let your people suffer any more than they already have under your father?" He walked toward Joron and put his arms around him, pulling him close. "As soon as possible, as early as day after tomorrow, we will go back to your kingdom together. But in the meantime, what message can be given as proof it came from you?"

  * * * *

  Joron allowed himself to be pulled into the king's embrace. His heart thrilled at his touch. He looked up into the king's dark eyes, feeling himself becoming lost in them once again, his whole body shivering in anticipa
tion of what could come next.

  "I...the only thing..." Yes, the only thing would be to tell Kinnabe his mission to save the princess was accomplished. He would leave out details of how. He was still not sure himself all of the rules he now needed to follow or if he even would. But no one other than Kinnabe and himself knew what he was doing and where he was. It would be enough.

  "Ask for Kinnabe and tell him my sister has been released...from the obligation she was under." Joron looked down, wondering what it was Aric thought. Joron was still not sure what the reason was behind the desperate offer for his sister's hand. Maybe he had seen her from a distance and fell in love, but if that was the case then why had he allowed for this trade to take place? If he wanted her that much why not put up more of a fight? What did this man really think, not only of his sister, but also of him? That was the real question. What did Aric think of him? He heard the king chuckle and he looked back up at his smirk. "What?"

  The king was silent for a moment as if he were thinking about something profound and whether or not he should share it. Then he gave Joron a quick hug, pulling his head into his shoulder. "Nothing," he said softly, laying his head on the top of Joron's. "Someday I may tell you but not right now."

  It felt good being wrapped in this man's arms, being held by him, hearing his heartbeat, feeling his warmth. Joron sighed.

  "So have my people tell this Kinnabe your sister is safe from me, is that correct?"

  Joron stiffened in his arms and started to push him away. "That's not what I meant."

  Aric chuckled again, holding him tight. "I know. But that is what to say. He will understand and know the message is truly from you?"


  "Please don't be concerned. They will be diplomatic. After all, I would imagine King Diagus will not be happy his decree was ignored. I will have to have a talk..."

  This time Joron was able to push the king back and away. "Wait! You can't tell my brother... I mean...he can't know..."

  Aric was able to hold on to Joron's arms as he tried to escape him. "I know, I know. You've done this all on your own without any of the royal family knowing. I understand that. They still don't need to know. But it'll only be a matter of time before your brother finds out your sister is not going to be my wife. There might be some hell to pay where that's concerned. The sooner we face it, the better. However, I believe I am prepared to stand against it. Plus, if I haven't missed my guess, I would say no one knows where you went except this Kinnabe, am I correct? I think it's important your family knows you're safe."

  "Please, King Aric, don't let your people contact my brother. He can't...he can't know where I am." Joron looked down. How did he explain this?

  Joron felt the king stiffen when he used the honorific. For some reason it must have hit some sort of nerve and made Aric wince.

  "Why?" Aric kept his voice low but it closely resembled a growl.

  Joron stopped struggling. He was not going to escape anyway so he looked up into those black eyes. "I would rather...not tell you." He lowered his eyes and allowed himself to be pulled back into the king's tight embrace.

  Joron heard the exasperated exclamation come out of Aric as if he couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. He had a feeling the man did not tolerate defiance.

  "Tell me why! Tell me why you're hiding from your brother." This time his voice was commanding, allowing for no disobedience.

  Joron still hesitated. How did he tell this man his fears? How did he tell him what his brother and the queen intended to do?

  "Tell me." He gave a small shake to Joron's shoulders.

  "Two reasons," Joron finally blurted out, looking away, pushing away again and slipping out of Aric's arms. He stepped back feeling relieved Aric allowed the distance. "Two reasons," he said again, softer this time, quieter. "One is she intends to kill me." Joron gave a pathetic laugh.

  "She?" Joron watched as one of Aric's eyebrows went up.

  Joron sighed. "The...the queen. Seems the only way the ownership of the pass will return to the king is upon my death. My father, in his infinite wisdom, believed he was doing me a favor, giving me something important of the kingdom because I'm sure the queen didn't make it a secret, even to him, she intended to kick me out of the castle altogether when he died." He turned away and walked a couple more steps from Aric, his stomach turning as he contemplated what to tell and not to tell this man.

  Joron knew he had incredible privilege growing up and had no real right to complain. He had love on some level even if it was from servants who were employed to give that very thing. But his family blood was tainted.


  His stepmother was not only foul, she was evil. Though he had thought about it from time to time, it had never been as much as he did now, this very minute. He hated that he was an Amar knowing coming from that castle reflected his life, his upbringing...


  If he could have the choice of running and hiding all of this from this man, he would. He wasn't sure why it concerned him what Aric thought of him. Aric was only playing with him right now, there was absolutely no commitment, no love between them.

  What a stupid thought. What a very, very stupid thing to think. It was simply lust Aric had for him. Lust would eventually cool and cool quickly with these winds of insanity.

  But to Joron...

  Oh yes.

  To Joron, it mattered.

  * * * *

  Aric allowed Joron to take a few steps away. The young man was suddenly very distressed. Two reasons? Of course Joron's death would result in a change of ownership of the ever-so-important pass and it only made sense the queen would seek that. Actually, it made more sense that Diagus would and hence, his fear of his brother. Aric, though, would protect Joron now with his very life. He would also have to make sure there was a circle of guards around him at all times in order to guarantee his safety, since though Aric desired to have Joron by his side every minute, it couldn't happen. However, he had an idea Joron had fended for himself most of his life, so having someone else step in and try to shield him wouldn't be met with open arms. Still, he could handle this particular problem.

  But that was not what Joron had said. He had said the queen was out to kill him, not Diagus.

  There was another reason, a different reason, Joron was afraid and that was what Aric was aggravated about. He tried hard not to assume what the reason was, tried hard to hear it from Joron. He could be wrong about it. But his thoughts would not calm down. He knew.

  "You said two reasons, Joron. What's the second?"

  He saw the boy cringe. Certainly having your stepmother out to kill you was enough to make anyone leave home for good, and Aric would not have questioned his motives any further, but there was another reason. A slip of the tongue Joron was now obviously regretting he had made. And it looked as if Joron was going to try the silent treatment. Aric heard him sigh but he remained facing away, refusing to answer.

  "Damn it, Joron." Aric walked up to Joron, grabbed his shoulders and forced him to turn around to face him. "Why are you hiding specifically from your brother?"

  * * * *

  Joron looked up into Aric's dark deep eyes. He wanted to cry. He didn't want all this horribleness he had to live with to be exposed. His heart hurt when he realized if he allowed Aric to know all of this information--all of this ridiculousness that was his flesh and blood--he would be turned away. Aric would be disgusted at what he took to his bed last night. Joron would finally be humiliated beyond a point even he could come back from.

  Joron himself lived with this knowledge on an everyday basis and though he knew all families had issues, after his brother's return, his was especially foul. For him to expose it to this nearly perfect man was unthinkable. He could not get his mouth to say it. Life was unfair. He always did his best to hide all the bad things his father did--or more importantly, what he didn't do. It was obviously part of the reason he worked so hard to make things right. And he was thankful his brother had left
, since he didn't have to deal with him during those years. But he needed to deal with his brother's lust toward him and who had to do that? What brother would even have those feelings, much less act on them? How did he tell this man any of that?

  * * * *

  Aric waited for the answer but truly no longer needed it. What the hell was it he was feeling? Was this jealousy? He was feeling jealous? Again, this was a first for him. So, it was the brother who had made those kiss marks. The damn pervert. He closed his eyes for a moment in thankfulness Joron had escaped that castle before he had actually been violated.

  "Fine." He growled. "I understand. I know what the bastard is after. Did he already touch you? Hurt you in any way?"

  Joron looked up at the king, shocked again.

  "Yes! Yes, damn it, I know. Now answer the question."

  Joron shook his head. "No...not really. He didn't get far but..."

  Hot emotions ran through Aric's brain and body. He steeled himself before he lost control. What the hell did this man do to him?

  "I will not allow it! Do you hear me?"

  Aric was totally amazed at the rage he was feeling. He had never felt this possessive before. He pulled Joron into a violent kiss, thrusting his tongue as deep as he could get it, reaching for something--anything--that could capture this man's heart, keep him in his arms. Aric felt desperate again, like somehow Joron was slipping from his grasp. He squeezed him closer.

  He suddenly needed Joron under him. He needed to be inside of him. He let go of Joron as he strode quickly to the door. He opened it and stepped out, closing it behind him. He grabbed a guard and told him everything to tell the group leaving for Blade Rain. If he didn't do it at this moment, it had the chance of not getting done at all. He had to do some heavy thinking about the immediate future because he was sure now it would become volatile. He had a difficult time understanding a man having these types of feelings toward his own brother, but he knew how lost he himself had become in this young prince. He could hardly blame anyone.


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