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Ice Dragon Tales

Page 38

by Hurri Cosmo

  They all three rode, chatting at first aimlessly, but then the conversation edged toward other more important things, like Aric's bid to combine the kingdoms. Surprisingly Diagus was open to letting Aric make his argument to being the high king. A single look at Joron, with a relaxed smile on his face, told him he was seriously considering it as well.

  When the conversation turned to Joron's dreams, he was so incredibly shocked he was speechless. "Really? You both think it will work?"

  Aric smiled widely. "Absolutely, Joron. I always thought so, from the moment you first told me. It follows in the same direction as my plans."

  "I agree." Diagus nodded. "Obviously I haven't had the same kind of time to think about it as Aric, but it sounds like a great idea to me, too." Diagus turned to Joron with a twinkle in his eye. "I remember the drawings. I came into your room once and saw them lying there on your table. I was pretty impressed, even back then."

  " saw them?" Joron paled slightly. He would have only expected ridicule from his brother at that time. He was moved Diagus was actually impressed.

  "Yes, I did. Joron, you are very talented. It is one of the reasons I still believe you would make a great leader."

  Joron shook his head quickly. "No, no. Not me. I could never do what either one of you do. But I like that you were impressed, Diagus. It...means a lot to me." The blush rose up and took over his face and he turned away. Not before Joron saw, though. A blush rose on his own face and he turned away as well. Joron noticed his mood changed, too. It became lighter, more jovial.

  "So"--Aric boomed out, sneaking his horse up between Diagus and Joron--"we all agree. Joron, when we return to Blade Rain, go get your drawings of your medical buildings and we will see what can be done right away and what will have to wait. We will get a team working on it immediately."

  "And"--Diagus pulled his horse back and shoved himself between Joron and Aric--"we'll make those decisions tonight over dinner, just the... Well, I guess the three of us."

  "The four of us. Taiyo, too." Joron looked past Diagus to Aric's scowling face. "Please? I promised him."

  Aric's expression immediately softened when he met Joron's eyes. "Of course," he mumbled. "Speaking of which, I think I will check on him." He shot a warning look at Diagus, then pulled back on his horse again, allowing Diagus and Joron to ride out ahead.

  Diagus reached over and grabbed Joron's reins, pulling him closer. Joron smiled.

  "Thank you, Joron. Thank you for saving me. I've been wanting to tell you that since last night but have never had a moment alone with you."

  "Saving you? I didn't do that. In fact, I think I have to thank you for saving me. I didn't know you were the one who found me with Erora's guards. It was you who killed that man who was going to..."

  Diagus huffed. "Yeah, you were pretty one-minded at that moment."

  Joron saw the pain cross over Diagus's face. "I'm...sorry."

  "Don't be." He turned to face Joron. "I have to admit I always thought you would rule by my side, though. It's very hard for me to know I have to face being a king without you there. But with what Aric wants to do, with what you want to do, I may be able to have some of that time back. I look forward to it. But you did save me, Joron. From the beginning, you have always saved me. Your beautiful and positive presence in that dark place always allowed me to face the next day. You gave me the strength you seem to think I have. The three years I spent away was an attempt on my part to get over you. I knew I had an unhealthy obsession. I still do. But because I love you, I also, need for you to be happy. I can finally give you something that will make you smile. But beyond that, you believe in me when you have no reason to, when even I have my doubts. Thank you, Joron."

  Joron was blushing again, harder than before. He looked away from those expressive blue eyes. He loved Aric but was suddenly feeling a stirring of warmth and happiness that Diagus would continue to love him, despite it all. "You're welcome," he said, emotion flowing from his voice. "You're very welcome." He heard Diagus chuckle beside him, then sigh.

  "Hey," Diagus suddenly said. "Race you."

  Joron jerked his head to look at him. Diagus winked, then kicked his horse into an immediate gallop. "Wait. That's not fair." Joron shouted after him. He didn't have his own horse, had no idea what this horse could do, but would not let the challenge go unanswered. He kicked into a gallop as well.

  Chapter 12

  "Why are you so mad? What the hell did I do?"

  Both Aric and Joron were in the rooms assigned to them at Blade Rain while they were waiting for the burial of the Blade Rain queen. They were quite a bit larger than Joron's rooms, meant for the visiting top royalty, which is what Aric always was. Most important, the bed was large and comfortable and the place where they spent most of their time.

  They had all returned a few days prior and would wait as the rest of the surrounding towns and kingdoms arrived or sent representatives for the burial event. Like with the king, many were most likely cursing the dead queen rather than praying for her soul. Joron looked forward to the whole thing being over with, although he did not look forward to telling the people that right afterward he was leaving again with Aric. The rumors had run through the entire castle, about what the relationship between them was, so that would not be a shock. But he knew it would still be a blow to his people that he would not be there to help his brother govern.

  The one and only kingly duty he had--changing the bloodlines in the books, witnessed and signed into law the day they returned--was done. He also reassigned the pass back to Diagus. Since the ownership had never left the king, it made it quite simple to have it remain there. It also made Joron secretly wonder if Oxys knew more than anyone thought.

  Now he only had to wait out the time until they could once again return to Claymoor Doom, this time for good.

  At present, though, Joron was allowing his sudden possessiveness of Aric to turn into fierce jealousy. He had walked into a scene where Aric was laughing with a couple of male servants, going as far as to pull one into an embrace. Yes, it was simply an arm around a shoulder, pull, hug, release. His brain saw that. But what his heart saw was it was the man, the servant, Aric had been seeking the night before Joron had ventured out the door as a woman. It had also brought up the very painful memory of watching his sister, who had returned for the queen's burial as well, apologizing for her betrayal of the betrothal Aric had negotiated for so passionately. Aric did not seem moved at all, forgiving with a bow and kiss to her hand, Liarta blushing profusely while her husband, Kurk, the Duke of the Provence of the Moon, stood beside her, scowling at Aric. But Joron knew Aric had to be disappointed when he saw her again, his heart once again making up all kinds of reasons the king would have wanted his sister in the first place.

  "I'm not." Oh, how he didn't want to be so jealous. He had no right to forbid the king anything, although he would make it clear as time went on that he would never share this man with anyone. But he first needed to get this crazy, out of hand emotion under control.

  "You won't even talk decent to me. Why? What the hell did I do?"

  Joron turned to Aric. "Fine! You want to know? I'll tell you. That...that man you hugged. Who is he? Is he the servant you were after the night of my brother's coronation? Is he?"

  Aric looked at Joron with wide eyes. "What?" he asked quietly. "I don't understand."

  "The servant." He was not going to get away with pretending he didn't understand. "How do you know him? Why were you hugging him?" Oh! Did his voice crack like he was going to cry? He suddenly could feel hot stinging tears fill his eyes.

  "The servant? I don't know... Oh! Wait!" Realization hit those impossibly dark eyes. "You mean you think I... You think that servant..." He threw his head back and laughed.

  "Oh sure. So funny for you. I'm telling you right now, Aric Tamusi, I won't share you either. You understand? I will not." It was no use. The tears were falling now and there would be no stopping them. He was amazed at how stron
g his emotions were. First, fierce uncontrollable happiness at finally being able to be with Aric, then as fiercely uncontrollable rage at the possibility he wouldn't be alone with him in their bed.

  Aric took the few steps necessary to envelope Joron in his large, strong arms, still chuckling. Joron allowed himself to be taken into the embrace. Nothing could calm him faster. "Oh, Joron. Let me tell you a story."

  Aric pushed Joron away and continued to push him backward until he sat in a chair. Aric squatted down in front of Joron, wiping tears away from his own face, but they were tears of laughter. He reached up and wiped Joron's as well. "Are you willing to hear the story, Joron? I probably should have told you sooner but..."

  "What?" He would listen. He wouldn't like it, he was sure of that, but he would listen.

  Aric laughed again but then knelt in front of Joron, placing his large hands on Joron's thighs. Joron's cock immediately responded. Aric leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on the growing bulge, then looked up into Joron's eyes. "As much as I would like for the story to wait while I take care of that...problem, I think you need to hear the story first."

  Joron sniffled.

  Aric squeezed Joron's thighs and began. "Once upon a time there was a very beautiful prince who thought dressing up as a servant and running all over the countryside giving out needed medicines was a good idea."

  Joron's eyebrows lifted in surprise.

  "Yes. He did. I know it's hard to believe, but twice I saw that same green-eyed servant. Once, over a year ago, when I was here to negotiate the Ice Dragon Pass, and again when I arrived to the news of King Oxys's death. He stirred my every fantasy both times. Imagine my surprise when I learned he was indeed a prince and not a servant at all."

  Joron looked down and covered the hands on his thighs with his own, opening his mouth to respond.

  "Wait. I'm not finished."

  Joron looked up, startled.

  "That same prince also thought it was a good idea to go gallivanting off by himself into the forest dressed as a princess. He is lucky kings tend to rise early and go in search of dragons to slay, because I am quite afraid virtues are lost when such foolishness as stupid bravery is allowed to make decisions."

  Joron was more than shocked. " knew?"

  "About you being the servant? Not until you came to Claymoor Doom that first time. It was the reason I had you brought to my private quarters. But it wasn't until we were--negotiating--that I finally figured out you were also the princess. The damage had already been done at that point. I had already demanded to have your sister's hand, thinking she was you. So I did the only thing I could--the only thing my body was going to allow me to do with you right there in the room with me. I made you mine." He moved his hands higher, rubbing and kneading as he went.

  The immediate affect it had on Joron was mind numbing. "You...thought..."

  "I thought you were the princess. I hadn't met either one of you at that point, you or your sister, so I had no idea. The only thing I knew was thrice you had me wanting to possess you completely, as a servant, as a stunningly beautiful woman, and one more time as a prince, sitting in my bedroom with a very large bulge in his pants. I never had a chance." The last sentence he whispered, as he rubbed a strong thumb across the same large bulge. "I never do when I am faced with this..."

  Joron had been wrong the whole time. This man had only ever wanted him. His jealousy was for himself! He grabbed the back of Aric's neck with both of his hands and hauled him up for a deep kiss. Breathless after a few minutes, he broke the kiss, knowing now what he wanted. He pushed Aric back and rose from the chair Aric had pressed him into. He took Aric by the hand, led him into the bedroom, and shoved him onto the bed. Looking down at him, he realized he was the luckiest man in the world. He had come through so much to find and claim this amazing man who lay on the bed looking up at him with love in his eyes. Happiness could never come close to explaining what he was feeling. He slowly undressed Aric, kissing and fondling him. He then undressed himself, watching Aric's cock jump again and again in anticipation. This time, Joron grabbed the lotion as he climbed up and straddled the king's hips. After pouring some lotion on his hand, he reached around and pushed his fingers into his own opening, moaning as he did. Aric widened his eyes and choked as he reached around, touching the fingers moving in and out of his ass. Aric pushed one of his own large fingers in alongside of Joron's, grunting as he moved with the tempo Joron was using. He closed his eyes and added another, grunting every time he pushed in.

  "Joron..." His hoarse voice reached Joron's ears, full of need. He withdrew his fingers and a reluctant king also removed his.

  Joron lifted himself above that huge, now-weeping staff, sticking straight up from a blond mess of hair, and slowly lowered himself onto it. Aric cried out as he slowly became engulfed by Joron's hot entrance and tight muscles. Finally he took Joron's hips and pulled down, as he lifted his hips up off the bed, impaling Joron in a swift movement. This time, Joron cried out. They both panted through the tightness, then Joron raised up on his knees, pulling away from Aric, then moved back down, taking him fully in again. He continued to move up, then down, agonizingly slowly, unbearably slowly. Hands on his hips, Aric started to help with the up and down, only he moved him faster, farther, deeper. Soon Aric simply flipped Joron to the bed and pummeled into him, until Aric finally reached release, shuddering and shaking with the intensity. He pulled out immediately to take Joron's dripping member into his mouth, swallowing in one movement, sending Joron over the edge, and Joron emptied into Aric's greedy mouth and throat.

  Spent, they collapsed onto the bed in each other's arms, legs tangled.

  The sun would set soon and they would have to go down to the formal dinner Diagus was having with all the dukes and kings in attendance, since the queen would be buried tomorrow and everyone would finally be headed home. They might even have the first of the announcements that King Aric was finally a taken man. No one would be surprised. There would be some who would be offended, some who would object--especially those kingdoms who still had eligible princesses, maybe even a few with eligible princes as well. But none of it would matter. The two most important kings in the land, King Aric Tamusi and King Diagus Amar, were in agreement, and the power behind that would quell any issues that might come up. Joron pulled himself closer.

  Oh, he didn't fool himself over much. He knew there would be problems. There might even be battles, wars. Diagus made it clear he had heard many things in his travels, things that would make, he was sure, Aric rethink some of his tactics going forward. But they would work those issues out, together.

  However, in this perfect moment, right before things became crazy again, he would lie here in the strong arms of the man who had saved him, the strong arms of the man who loved him. A love that would eventually settle into something he could handle, if for the moment it was overwhelming.

  In the darkening room, Joron felt Aric's large hand take his own, wrap fingers around his, and squeeze, calming him again, as if Aric could hear Joron's jumbled thoughts.

  Ah, yes. Perhaps he can. Joron closed his eyes and smiled. Perhaps he really can.

  About The Author

  Hurri Cosmo lives in Minnesota where she holds tight to the idea that there, where it's cold a good part of the year, she won't age as fast. Yep, she avoids the truth as much as she avoids mirrors. But one of the reasons she loves writing is reality doesn't always offer up a "happily ever after" and being able to take control of that is a powerful lure. Being a happy ending junkie, writing just makes them easier to find. Oh, she doesn't mind "real life" and she does try to at least keep it in mind when she writes her stories, but she truly loves creating a wonderful couple, knowing they will fall in love and have their HEA. Every - single - time. And, of course, that is exactly the reason she loves reading this genre, too. Give her a glass of red wine, some dark chocolate, and her computer, whether she is reading or writing, and she will entertain herself for hours. The
fact she actually gets paid to do it is Snickers bars on the frosting on the cake.

  To learn more about Hurri and her writing, please visit her website at:

  * * * *

  Don't miss How West Was Won, by Hurri Cosmo,

  available at!

  Jake is on a much-needed vacation when he receives a desperate call from Alan, his former boyfriend. Against his better judgment, Jake comes to Alan's aid. But when the men get stranded in the middle of nowhere, Alan is determined to get to town before the sun sets rather than spend the night in the car. Unfortunately, they have to cut across private property to do it. Since it's trespassing, they could get arrested--or surrounded by a bunch of cowboys hell bent on teaching the trespassers a lesson.

  Thankfully, a muscular, stunning cowboy named Colton shows up to save the day. But he's not about to let Jake off easy. It seems there are still a few lessons to be learned, and it looks like they might involve leather, some handcuffs, and a suspiciously high, padded trunk...

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