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The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2

Page 49

by J. R. R. Tolkien

  Britain 294, 301, 305, 309

  Brithonin Invaders of Tol Eressëa. 294

  Brittany 285

  Brodda Lord of men in Hisilómë. 89–90, 93, 126–8

  Bronweg Gnomish form of Voronwë. 144–5, 148–9, 156–7, 160, 197–8, 228, 256. See Voronwë.

  Brook of Glass Near Tavrobel. 287

  Brown Elves See Green Elves.

  Buckland 328

  Cabed-en-Aras ‘The Deer’s Leap’, ravine in the Teiglin. 134–5

  Caergwâr, Caer Gwâr Name of Kortirion in Welsh. 292, 307

  Carcaras See Karkaras.

  Carcharoth 58–9, 68; ‘the Red Maw’ 68

  Carpenter, Humphrey 69; J. R. R. Tolkien, A Biography, 146, 267, 271, 273, 277, 300

  Celebros Stream in Brethil, tributary of the Teiglin. 130, 132–3, 135, 140

  Celegorm Son of Fëanor. 54, 56–7, 241, 250

  Charlemagne 330

  Children (of the Cottage of Lost Play) 284

  Children of the Gods 8 (daughter of the Gods 10, 43); Children of the Valar 216

  Cirith Ninniach ‘Rainbow Cleft’. 204. See Cris Ilbranteloth, Glorfalc, Teld Quing Ilon.

  Cirith Thoronath ‘Eagles’ Cleft’. 213. See Cristhorn.

  City of Present Sorrow, The (poem) 295–8

  City of Seven Names Gondolin. 158

  City of Stone (Gondobar), Gondolin. 77, 157–8, 161. City of the Dwellers in Stone (Gondothlimbar), Gondolin. 158

  Cleft of Eagles In the Encircling Mountains about Gondolin. 168, 174, 189, 201; Eagles’ Cleft 191, 196, 210, 213–14. See Cristhorn.

  Constantinople 330. See Mikligarðr.

  Cópas Alqalunten ‘Haven of the Swanships’. 82. See Kópas, Swanhaven.

  Cottage of Lost Play (not including references to the Tale) 7, 258, 292, 302, 326–7. See Mar Vanwa Tyaliéva.

  Cranthor Son of Fëanor (later Cranthir). 241–2, 250

  Cris Ilbranteloth ‘Gully of the Rainbow Roof’, by which Tuor came to the Sea (later Cirith Ninniach). 150, 202; Ilbranteloth 263. See Glorfalc, Golden Cleft, Teld Quing Ilon.

  Cristhorn, Cris Thorn ‘Eagles’ Cleft’, in the Encircling Mountains about Gondolin. 174, 189, 191–3, 201, 203, 214, 216, 267. See Cirith Thoronath, Cleft of Eagles.

  Crossings of Teiglin 127, 130, 132

  Cuilwarthon See I·Cuilwarthon.

  Cûm an-Idrisaith ‘The Mound of Avarice’ in Artanor. 223, 251

  Curufin Son of Fëanor; called ‘the Crafty’. 54, 56–8, 124, 241–2, 250

  Cúthalion See Beleg.

  Cwén Wife of Ottor Wfre (Eriol). 290–1

  Dagor Bragollach ‘The Battle of Sudden Flame’. 209

  Daimord Son of Beren and Tinúvial (="Dior)." 139, 259. See Damrod (1)

  Dairon Minstrel of Artanor, brother of Tinúviel. 10–13, 17–21, 30, 36–7, 43, 46–7, 49–50, 52, 59, 62, 65. Later from Daeron 52. See Kapalen, Tifanto.

  Damrod (1) Son of Beren and Tinúviel (="Dior)." 72, 139. (2) Damrod the Gnome, apparently a name of Beren’s father (="Egnor)." 186, 139–40. (3) Son of Fëanor (later Amrod). 241–2, 251

  Danes See East Danes; Dani 306

  Danigwiel A form of the Gnomish name of Taniquetil. 202

  Dark Elves 64, 141

  Denmark 323; Danish peninsula 294

  Déor (1) Father of Ælfwine. 313–14, 323, 330, 334. (2) The Old English poem Déor, and Déor the Minstrel. 323

  Dhrauthodavros In bo-Dhrauthodavros (changed from go-Dhrauthodauros) ‘son of the weary forest’, name given to himself by Túrin. 89. See Rúsitaurion.

  Dhuilin = Duilin (1) in prefixed (patronymic) forms.

  Dimbar 214

  Dimrost The falls of Celebros in Brethil. 130

  Dinithel (?Durithel) Son of Fëanor. 241, 245, 251. (Replaced ?Mailweg 241, 244–5). See Díriel.

  Dior Son of Beren and Tinúviel, father of Elwing; called ‘the Fair’. 139, 214–15, 240–1, 244, 246, 249, 251. See Ausir (1), Daimor, Damrod (1).

  Díriel Son of Fëanor. 251. (Replaced Dinithel/Durithel; later Amras.)

  Door of Night 255, 259, 265, 268, 273, 325; dragon-headed door(s) 272–5; mouth of night 276

  Dor Athro ‘The Land Beyond’. 41, 61. See Artanor, Doriath, Land(s) Beyond.

  Dor Daedeloth The land of Morgoth. 328

  Doriath 41, 52–3, 57–8, 61, 64, 122, 126–8, 130, 137, 247, 250–1; Doriath beyond Sirion (Nivrim) 249. See Artanor, Dor Athro, Land(s) Beyond.

  Dorlas Companion of Turambar in the attack on Glaurung. 132–4

  Dor Lómin, Dor-lómin 11, 43, 50–2, 61, 65–6, 71–2, 87, 120, 122, 126, 128, 149, 152–4, 202, 204, 215, 219, 250, 256, 279. See Aryador, Hisilómë, Hithlum, Land of Shadow(s), Mathusdor.

  Dor-na-Dhaideloth (Battle of) 287; for the name see 328. See Lodwen-na-Dhaideloth, Heath of the Sky-roof.

  Dor-nu-Fauglith 62. See Anfauglith.

  Dorthonion ‘Land of Pines’. 62. See Forest of Night, Taurfuin, Taur-nu-Fuin.

  Dragons Selected references (including drakes, worms): concerning dragons 85, 96–7, 125, 142–3; the ‘dragons’ that came against Gondolin (called also monsters, serpents, snakes) 169–70, 172, 174, 176, 178–89, 195, 210, 213. See Foalókë, Glorund.

  Dramborleg The axe of Tuor. 164, 181, 203, 213; rejected form Drambor 203

  Draugluin 55–8, 68

  Dry River The entrance to Gondolin. 207

  Duilin (1) Father of Flinding. 79, 119; with patronymic prefix go-> bo-Dhuilin ‘son of Duilin’ 78, 82, 119. (2) Lord of the people of the Swallow in Gondolin. 173, 175, 178, 203; rejected form Duliglin 203

  Dwarves (including Dwarf-folk) 68, 136, 223–30, 232, 234–9, 241, 243, 245–51, 283, 328; adjective dwarven 227, dwarfen 238. See especially 223–4, 247–8, and see Indrafangs, Nauglath, Nauglafring.

  Éadgifu (Old English) (1) Ælfwine’s wife, Elf of Tol Eressëa. 290. See Naimi. (2) Déor’s wife, mother of Ælfwine. 313–14, 323, 330–1.

  Eagles 58, 193, 211; King of Eagles, see Ramandur, Sorontur, Thorndor; People of the Eagles, see Thornhoth; Eagles’ Cleft, see Cleft of Eagles; Eagle-stream, see Thorn Sir; the Eagle as emblem, 193, 267

  Éalá Éarendel engla beorhtast (poem) 266–9, 271, 277

  Eärámë ‘Eaglepinion’, Eärendel’s first ship. 253–4, 261, 265, 267. Earum 260–1, 276, Earam 276. See Earnhama, Eärrámë.

  Eärendel 130, 144–5, 149, 165, 167, 169–71, 174, 177–8, 185, 187–93, 196, 199–201, 213, 215–17, 219, 221, 242, 252–70, 272, 274, 276, 278, 281, 286, 290, 302, 304, 306–10; unnamed, in Ulmo’s words to Tuor, 155, 205. See especially 266–7. Lay of Eärendel 270. Later form Eärendil 212, 265–6; Earendl 267

  Eärendilyon ‘Son of Eärendel’, mariner, 264

  Earnhama (Old English) ‘Eagle-dress’, see 276

  Eärrámë ‘Sea-wing’, Tuor’s ship. 265. See Alqarámë, Eärámë.

  East Danes 305; East-Denum (Old English, dative case) 305

  Easterling Men, Easterlings 120, 126, 204. See Incomers.

  Ecthelion (1) Lord of the people of the Fountain in Gondolin; called Ecthelion of the Fountain, Lord of the Fountain(s). 173, 175, 180–4, 191, 200, 211–13, 215–16. (2) Name of two Stewards of Gondor. 212

  Edain 266

  Edda (Old Norse) 125

  Egalmoth (1) Lord of the people of the Heavenly Arch in Gondolin. 173, 175, 183, 192, 212, 215, 258, 278–9. (2) Steward of Gondor. 211

  Eglamar =Eldamar. 262, 265, 272

  Eglavain Elfinesse (?). 320, 325

  Egnor Father of Beren; called ‘the forester’, ‘the huntsman of the Elves, of the Gnomes’, ‘Elf of the greenwood’. 11, 15, 22–3, 28, 43–5, 49, 51–2, 61, 65–6, 71–2, 116, 139–40, 242, 248. Egnor bo-Rimion (> go-Rimion) ‘son of Rimion’ 22, 51. See Rog (1).

  Eithel Ivrin 123; Ivrin 124

  Elbenil Littleheart. 202. (Replaced by Elwenil.)

  Eldairon Elvish name of Ælfwine: Eldairon of Lúthien, replacing Lúthien of Luthany. 313

  Eldalië 9, 42–3, 115, 130, 136, 165, 167, 180, 199,
215, 219, 224, 241, 265

  Eldamar ‘Elfhome’. 261–2, 272, 287. See Eglamar.

  Eldar Selected references: used of all Elves including Dark Elves 9, 64, 82; in reference to Noldoli 95, 149; distinct from Noldoli 153, 165, 178, 215, 218, 289. References to the language of the Eldar (as opposed to Gnomish) 8, 70, 85, 148–9, 169, 192, 199, 215–16 (see Eldarissa, Elfin); Eldar as adjective referring to the language 148. See Elves.

  Eldarissa The language of the Eldar, as distinct from Noldorissa. 148–9, 280

  Eldaros = Ælfhâm, Elfhome. 301. Eldos 302

  Elder Days 324

  Elenwë Wife of Turgon. 209

  Elf-friend 141 (of Úrin), 313 (of Déor Ælfwine’s father).

  Elfin References only to use as name of the language of the ‘Eldar’ (as distinct from Gnomish). 42, 49, 149, 202, 267; probably used in general sense 304. See Eldar, Eldarissa.

  Elfinesse 21, 38, 43, 47, 59, 130, 240, 313, 321, 323, 325; children of Elfinesse 159, 326, daughter of Elfinesse 164, 215

  Elf-march The expedition of the Elves of Kôr for the rescue of the Gnomes in the Great Lands. 144, 221, 252; March of the Elves 253, 257–8, 278–80, 303–4, 307–8, March of the Inwir and Teleri 255, 278, March of Liberation 279. See Faring Forth.

  Elfriniel Littleheart. 148, 201, 214–16. (Replaced by Elfrith.) Elfriniol 50, 201. (Replaced by Ilfiniol.) See Ilfiniol, Ilfrin.

  Elfrith Littleheart. 148, 201–2, 216. (Replaced Elfriniel.) See Ilfrith.

  Ellon A (Gnomish) name of Tinwelint. 69, 116. See Tinto’ellon, Tinthellon.

  Ellu (1) Name of Tinwelint in Eldarissa. 49–50, 69. (2) Lord of the Solosimpi in Tinwelint’s place (later Olwë). 50

  Elmavoitë ‘One-handed’, name of Beren ‘in the language of the Lonely Isle.’ 34. See Ermabwed.

  Elmir One of the two first Men (with Ermon). 305

  Eltas Teller of the Tale of Turambar. 69–70, 112, 116, 118–19, 135–7, 144–5, 242–3; see especially 119.

  Elu Thingol 50

  Elvenfolk 286, 297. Elvenland 272

  Elves Selected references (see also Eldar, Fairies). Used to include Gnomes 22, 26, 35, 38, etc.; distinct from Gnomes 8, 45, 48–9, 216–17. Fate of the Elves 60, 250; stature of Elves and Men 73, 80, 142, 159, 198, 220, 281, 283, 326–7; references to ‘fading’ 240, 242, 250, 281, 283, 285–9, 293–4, 301, 304, 306, 312–14, 323, 326–7; union with mortals, see Men; feud with the Dwarves 230; tongues of 4, 148, 163; written characters 163; and Old English 301–2, 304, 309.

  Wild Elves 77, 95, 113, 128, 243. See Brown, Dark, Green, Grey-, Island-, Lost, Elves; for Hidden, Secret, Wood(land) Elves see Woodland Elves.

  Elwë Singollo Thingol. 50

  Elwenil Littleheart. 202. (Replaced Elbenil.)

  Elwenildo Littleheart. 201. (Replaced by Ilverin.)

  Elwing 139, 214–15, 240–2, 251–6, 258–61, 264–5, 276, 279, 303, 307–8

  Eneadur The island of the Ythlings. 319–20, 322, 325

  Eneathrim The Ythlings. 331, 334. See Shipmen of the West.

  Enchanted Isles 324–5

  Encircling Mountains, Encircling Hills The mountains encircling the plain of Gondolin. 163, 166, 169–71, 175–6, 189, 193, 201, 207, 211, 213–14. See especially 207, and see Heborodin.

  England 285, 291, 293–4, 301, 303–4, 308–9, 311–12, 314, 316, 319, 323, 327, 330–1, 333–4; Englaland (Old English) 291, 301–2. See Luthany, Lúthien (3), Leithian.

  Engle (Old English) The English people. 290–1. See Angolcynn, English.

  English (both people and language) 291–3, 301–2, 304–5, 308–9, 313, 320, 322–3, 327–8; Englisc 292. See Anglo-Saxon(s), Old English.

  Eoh Father of Ottor Wfre (Eriol). 290–1, 294. (Replaced by Déor (1).)

  Eöl Father of Meglin (Maeglin). 165, 168, 199, 220, 248

  Ephel Brandir 135

  Ered Gorgoroth The Mountains of Terror. 63

  Ered Wethrin The Mountains of Shadow. 62, 132, 217

  Erenol ‘Iron Cliffs’, ‘Coast of Iron’, Lionesse. 334. (Replaced by Evadrien.)

  Eriol 3–9, 21, 40–2, 49, 145, 148–9, 209, 258, 264, 278–9, 283–4, 286–7, 289–95, 300–1, 303, 311, 323, 326, 329–30. ‘The Eriol story’ 293–4, 300, 303, 310–11, 323, 329–30. Song of Eriol (poem) 298–300. See Melinon.

  Ermabwed ‘One-handed’, (Gnomish) name of Beren. 34, 36, 71–2, 116, 137, 144–5, 242. See Elmavoitë.

  Ermon One of the two first Men (with Elmir). 305

  Eruman 68 (the giant of Eruman). Erumáni 264; Battle of Erumáni 285–6

  Esgalduin 63

  Europe 261

  Euti Jutes. 306

  Evadrien ‘Coast of Iron’, Lionesse. 313, 334. (Replaced Erenol.)

  Evening Star 267–8

  Evranin The nurse of Elwing. 241

  Exeter Book (of Old English poetry) 323

  Exeter College, Oxford 147, 199, 273, 277; 329

  Faelivrin Name given to Finduilas, daughter of Orodreth of Nargothrond. 124. See Failivrin, Finduilas.

  Faëry, Faërie 321; Bay of Faëry 260, 313, 316, 324–5; Lamp of Faëry (the Silmaril) 238; shores of Faëry 271–2; The Shores of Faëry (poem) 271–3, prose preface 262, 265

  Fafnir The dragon slain by Sigurd. 125

  Faiglindra See Airin.

  Failivrin Daughter of Galweg of the Rodothlim. 82–7, 102, 124–5, 138. See Faelivrin.

  Fairies Synonymous with Elves. 10, 23–4, 26, 28, 31, 35, 41, 113, 223, 240, 242, 249, 252, 257, 261, 264, 270, 274, and very frequently in Chapter VI; distinguished from Gnomes 113

  Fairyland 316

  Falasquil Tuor’s dwelling in a cove of the sea-coast. 152, 202, 204–5, 217, 253–6, 260–1, 263–4, 276

  Falmaríni Spirits of the sea-foam. 276

  Fangluin ‘Bluebeard’, Dwarf of Nogrod. 229–30

  Faring Forth (1) The March of the Elves of Kôr. 302–4, 307–8. (2) The expedition from Tol Eressëa. 255, 276, 283–7, 289, 293–4, 301, 303, 305, 307–8

  Faskalan, Faskala-númen ‘Bath of the Setting Sun’. 138. See Fauri, Fôs’Almir, Tanyasalpë.

  Fauri Earlier name of Fôs’Almir. 138

  Fay(s) 10, 13, 29, 32, 43, 54, 64, 71, 76–7, 96, 233, 263, 274

  Fëanor 13, 129, 137, 204, 216, 228, 240–1, 259, 321; Lamp of Fëanor (the Silmaril) 238. See Sons of Fëanor.

  Fëanorians 246, 250–1, 265

  Felagund 53–6, 123–4, 126; ‘Lord of Caves’ 123. See Finrod.

  Fellowship of the Ring, The 214, 327. See also Lord of the Rings.

  Fell Winter, The 126, 205, 208

  Finarfin 123

  Finduilas 124–5; Mound of Finduilas 127, 130. See Faelivrin, Haudh-en-Elleth.

  Fingolma Name of Finwë Nólemë. 220

  Fingon 216

  Finrod 246; Finrod Felagund 123. See Felagund.

  Finwë Nólemë 200, 220; Nólemë 208. See Fingolma.

  Fionwë, Fionwë-Úrion Son of Manwë and Varda. 116, 281–3

  Fiord of the Mermaid 254, 256, 263

  Firilanda See Airin.

  First Age 66, 208–9

  Flinding Gnome of the Rodothlim, companion of Túrin (later Gwindor of Nargothrond). 62, 78–82, 84–5, 116, 118–19, 123–4, 141–2. See Duilin (1), Gwindor.

  Flower of the Plain Gondolin. 158, 184. See Lothengriol.

  Fluithuin An ogress, mother of Gothmog son of Melko. 216. See Ulbandi.

  Foalókë The dragon Glorund. 70, 91, 94–9, 103, 105–6, 108, 129, 131, 138; lókë 102. See Fuithlug.

  Foamriders ‘Elves of the Sea-marge’. 314

  Forest of Night Taurfuin, the great pine-forest on the Mountains of Night (afterwards Dorthonion, Taur-nu-Fuin). 21, 47, 62, 78. See Taurfuin.

  Forodwaith The Men of the North (Vikings). 313–14, 317–18, 323, 330, 334. (Replaced Forwaith.) See Gwasgonin, Men of the North, Men of the Sea, Winged Helms.

  Forwaith Earlier form for Forodwaith. 334

  Fôs’Almir The Bath of Flame. 115, 138. (Replaced Fauri.) See Faskalan, Tanyasalpë. />
  Fountains of the South In Gondolin. 186. The king’s fountain in Gondolin: see Square of the Palace.

  Fountain, The Name of one of the kindreds of the Gondothlim (Fountain of the South 181). 173, 180–2, 215. See Ecthelion.

  Franks 330

  Frisians 306. See Firisandi.

  Fui Death-goddess (Nienna). 115

  Fuithlug Gnomish form for Foalókë. 70, 118; earlier forms Fothlug, Fothlog 118

  Galdor Lord of the people of the Tree in Gondolin; called Galdor of the Tree. 173–6, 181–2, 185, 189, 191–3, 215–16, 258, 278–9. See Nos Galdon.

  Galweg Gnome of the Rodothlim, father of Failivrin. 82, 84–5, 114, 124

  Gamgee, Sam 333

  Gamil Zirak Dwarf smith, master of Telchar of Nogrod. 129

  Gar Ainion ‘The Place of the Gods’ in Gondolin. 164, 186, 199, 202, 218; rejected form Gar Ainon 202. See Place of the Gods.

  Gar Furion Earlier form for Gar Thurion. 202

  Garsecg (Old English) The Great Sea. 312–13, 315–17, 326, 329; Garsedge 329, 332

  Gar Thurion ‘The Secret Place’, one of the Seven Names of Gondolin. 158, 202. (Replaced Gar Furion.)

  Gate of the Noldor 123, 204

  Gates of Summer Great festival in Gondolin. 172, 201, 211. See Tarnin Austa.

  Gelimer Earlier name for Ælfheah. 332, 334. (Replaced Helgor.)

  Gelion 249

  Gelmir See Arminas. 123, 125, 204

  Gereth Gnome who aided the flight of Elwing from Artanor. 241

  Gil = Ingil. 281–2, 328

  Gilfanon of Tavrobel (not including references to his Tale) 69, 145, 281, 283–4, 286, 288–9, 292, 294, 326. (Replaced Ailios.)

  Gilim A Giant (‘Winter’?) 19, 46, 67–8

  Gimli A Gnome, captive in the castle of Tevildo. 29, 55, 214

  Glamhoth ‘Folk of dreadful hate’, Gnomish name for Ores. 160, 219

  Glaurung 68, 125–6, 129, 131–2, 134–5, 143, 213. See Glorund.

  Glend The sword of the giant Nan. 67

  Glingol ‘Singing-gold’, the Tree of Gondolin with golden blossom. 160, 184–6, 207, 216. Later form Glingal (Tree of Gondolin made of gold by Turgon) 207

  Gloomweaver The Great Spider. 160. See Wirilómë, Ungweliant(ë).

  Glorfalc ‘Golden Cleft’, by which Tuor came to the Sea. 150, 202. See Cris Ilbranteloth, Golden Cleft, Teld Quing Ilon.

  Glorfindel Lord of the people of the Golden Flower in Gondolin; called Glorfindel of the golden hair, golden Glorfindel, Goldtress (216). 173, 175, 182–3, 186, 192–4, 196, 211–12, 216, 243, 260


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