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Your Sacred Self

Page 32

by Wayne W. Dyer

  and doubts, 112–14, 155

  and fears, 236–37, 247, 250

  giving permission for, 168

  and knowing, 156, 158, 165, 171

  and love, 164, 246

  and peace, 155–58, 166, 207–8, 210, 219

  and the pond metaphor, 159–66, 168, 171

  and purity, 317–18, 335–36, 340–41

  and striving, 287

  suggestions for shutting down the, 168–73

  and synthesis, 161–62, 169

  and truth, 167, 169, 234, 237

  and witnessing, 161, 165, 168, 172

  See also chatter

  insanity, 187, 358–59

  instant awakening, 41

  intelligence, 7, 8–10, 27, 28, 253

  intimacy, 305–6, 307, 308, 312. See also relationships

  intuition, 62

  irritations, minor, 338

  isolation, 104, 148. See also loneliness

  Jen, 316

  Jesus Christ, 70, 254, 270, 312, 353

  Joplin, Janis, 23

  journals, 197


  and appearances, 260–61, 265, 270, 272

  and doubts, 116

  and the ego, 198–99

  and fears, 103, 104, 249

  and freedom, 31, 32–33

  and inner dialogue, 161, 170, 171

  and judging yourself, 270

  and kindness, 147

  and learning, 74–75

  and love, 33, 133, 218, 255

  and peace, 220

  and petty tyrants, 74–75

  and physical exclusivity, 66

  and purity, 318–19, 320–21, 323, 327, 328, 334–35, 336, 337

  and realism, 62–63

  and self-awareness, 19

  and solving problems, 30–31

  and striving, 282, 283, 287

  and tolerance, 298, 301, 306, 307, 312

  and victimization, 76–77

  and witnessing, 133, 140, 141, 148, 149

  Jung, Carl, 19

  Kant, Immanuel, 3

  Katha, Upanishad, 89

  Keller, Helen, 65–66

  Kierkegaard, Søren, 355

  killing, 353, 355

  kindness, 147, 216–17, 218–19, 253, 261, 304, 329, 358


  and authentic lives, 18–19

  and beliefs, 94–102, 155

  and the collective spirit, 351, 359

  and conflict, 199

  dependability of, 95–96

  and detachment, 136

  and doubts, 94–102, 112, 113–14

  and dreams, 83

  as empowering, 98–99

  as eternal, 100–102

  and fears, 247

  and freedom, 4, 192–93

  and inner dialogue, 156, 158, 165, 171

  and the knower, 102, 114

  and love, 247

  metaphysical nature of, 99–102

  origins of, 97–98

  as physical exercises, 97–99

  the purpose of your life, 165

  and self awareness, 18–19

  and striving, 277–78, 285, 290

  and transcending the ego, 193–99

  and the unified field, 164

  and witnessing, 126–27, 129–30, 136, 140, 147

  your divinity, 27

  Lao-tzu, 153, 157, 158

  Late for the Sky (song), 38

  leadership, and the collective spirit, 350–51

  Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 252–53

  letting things be, 297–300

  Levinson, Frank, 21

  Lewis, C. S., 273

  libido, 319–22


  goals in, 290–91

  interference with, 79–80

  love as the essence of, 248

  purpose in, 39, 81, 237, 251, 265, 271

  purpose of, 10–12

  as a series of examinations, 37

  unique look at your, 7–10

  Life and Teaching of The Master of the Far East, The, 249

  listening, 18, 195, 238, 282, 290, 332

  and tolerance, 299, 301–303, 309, 311

  loneliness, 76, 104


  and appearances, 261, 271

  authentic vs. counterfeit, 243, 244, 252

  avoidance of, 248–49

  and beliefs, 251

  as central point of existence, 243

  and the collective spirit, 348, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358

  and doubts, 119, 251, 254, 256

  as the essence of life, 248

  and fears, 119, 242, 243–49, 253–54

  focusing on, 245–49

  and freedom, 26, 27, 30, 33, 190, 256

  as the greatest force in the universe, 360

  and hate, 242

  ideas for bringing, into your life, 252–56

  infinite, 164

  and inner dialogue, 165, 246

  and peace, 213–14, 217, 219–20

  and power, 13–14, 120

  and purity, 325, 329, 331, 334, 336, 339, 340

  receiving, 27, 278, 325

  of self, 119, 216, 243–44, 325, 330

  sending, 27, 120, 261, 278, 330, 336, 339

  skepticism about, 252

  and striving, 278, 279, 290, 291

  and tolerance, 298, 301, 302, 303, 304, 311, 312

  and truth, 229, 235–36, 237

  and witnessing, 123, 129, 133, 140–41

  lucid dreams, 84, 86

  Maharaj, Nisargadatta

  on appearances, 259

  on the existence of God, 43

  and knowing the knower, 102

  on the mind, 45

  on purity, 330

  on resisting old habits, 195–96

  on the sacred self, 43, 45, 49

  on spiritual principles, 360

  and witnessing, 124, 125, 134, 136, 140

  Maharshi, Ramana, 53

  manifested world, 8–12, 273. See also physical bodies; physical world; reality

  Man’s Eternal Quest (Yogananda), 313

  mantra, 292

  martial arts, 170

  Maslow, Abraham, 140

  Matus, Nagual don Juan, 183

  May, Rollo, 248


  and blame, 59

  and the collective spirit, 355

  and competition, 171

  and connectedness, 196

  and doing your best, 82–83

  and the ego, 195–96

  and freedom, 28–29

  and inner dialogue, 156–57, 165, 171

  and love, 245

  and the more-is-better beliefs, 55

  and peace, 210

  and reality, 63–64

  and self–awareness, 18

  and striving, 287, 290

  timing of, 291

  and tolerance, 297, 301, 305, 313

  transcendental, 170–71

  See also prayer; silence

  Meditation (Easwaran), 359

  Mello, Anthony de, 301–2

  Melville, Herman, 17, 156

  Merton, Thomas, 230

  Michelangelo, 223


  and appearances, 262

  discipline of the, 238–39

  as judgmental, 62

  ownership of the, 45–46

  retraining of the, 116–17

  and the space between thoughts, 165, 169–71

  and Who Are You?, 44–45

  and witnessing, 133–37, 142–43

  See also mind-body relationship

  mind-body relationship, 136, 328–31

  minerals, 8

  more-is-better belief, 53–56, 182, 357. See also possessions

  Morgan, Marlo, 71, 269

  Muktananda, Swami, 6, 117

  Mutant Message Down Under (Morgan), 71, 269

  The Mystery of Light ( Aivanhov), 55

  The Mystery of the Mind (Muktananda), 6, 117

  Naguals, 137

  Namaste, 319, 339

  names, 4

  nationalism, 48, 351

  near-death experiences, 157

  Niebuhr, Reinhold, 282

  nothingness, 278–79, 285, 288, 290

  noticing, and witnessing, 123, 142–43

  Nouwen, Henri J.M., x


  categories of, 131–42

  of dreams, 86

  and freedom, 28–29

  the life energy, 137–39

  the mind, 133–37

  physical bodies, 131–33

  and the process of creation, 23–26

  and reality, 127

  and solving problems, 30

  and witnessing, 126, 131, 148–49

  the world around you, 140

  See also witnessing

  occupations, 46

  offense, 183–85, 195, 197, 217–18, 247, 254, 354

  openness, 66

  Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics (Sinetar), 172

  out-of-body experiences, 130

  outer energy, 6–10

  paranoia, 326


  and freedom, 38

  and the influence of early caretakers, 37

  letting go of the, 37–49, 86, 256, 280–81

  and peace, 213, 216–17

  and purity, 337

  and the repetition of debilitating patterns, 37

  and striving, 279, 288

  and tolerance, 311

  and Who Are You?, 43–49

  See also beliefs

  patience, 284–85, 287, 290, 292, 358


  and appearances, 259, 262, 263

  and avoidance behaviors, 207–11

  and beliefs, 205, 207–13, 216

  characteristics of, 155

  and the collective spirit, 348, 355, 358

  and doubts, 206

  and fears, 213–14, 216–17

  and freedom, 190–91

  and inner dialogue, 155–58, 165, 207–8, 210, 219

  and love, 213–14, 216, 218

  need for, 219

  offering/teaching of, 215–16

  and the past, 213, 216

  and purity, 326, 329, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338

  replacing turmoil with, 205–6

  some ideas for putting, in your life, 215–20

  and striving, 279, 282, 283, 292

  and tolerance, 298, 301, 311, 312

  and truth, 218, 235–36

  and witnessing, 128, 129

  Peace Pilgrim, 56

  pebble dropping. See pond metaphor

  petty tyrants, 74–76, 354

  physical abuse, 76

  physical bodies

  and abuse, 76

  and appearances, 266, 267

  and authentic lives, 32

  beliefs about, 64–67

  and the collective spirit, 350

  and divine energy, 5–6

  and doubts, 115

  and energy, 64–65

  and freedom, 28–29

  as miracles, 284

  ownership of, 44–45

  and physical exclusivity, 64–65

  and purity, 320, 335

  purpose of, 64

  and striving, 288

  and Who Are You?, 44–45

  and witnessing, 131–33, 142, 145–48, 151

  See also mind-body relationship

  physical energy. See outer energy

  physical exclusivity, 64–65

  physical world

  categories of the, 8–10

  and fears, 249–50

  major focus in the, 258

  observing the, 140–41

  and peace, 212

  and self awareness, 12–13

  See also appearances; manifested world; physical bodies; realism

  physics, 23–26

  pleasure, 170, 191, 224–25, 322–23, 324, 331, 333, 336

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 262

  pond metaphor, 159–66, 168, 171


  and appearances, 258, 259–62, 264, 265, 268, 271, 273

  and the collective spirit, 357–58

  and energy, 186

  and fears, 247

  and freedom, 32–33, 181, 182, 186, 191–92

  and love, 186

  and the more-is-better belief, 53–56, 183, 357

  and peace, 185–86, 207–8, 210, 213, 260

  and specialness, 182–83

  and striving, 288, 289

  and success, 208, 210

  and tolerance, 312

  power, 13–14, 16–17, 119, 356, 357

  The Power of Silence (Castaneda), 146, 184

  prayer, 17, 55, 58, 75, 166–68, 171–72, 219, 359–60

  “The Prayer of Saint Francis,” 359–60

  prejudice, 318–19, 334–35

  prisoners, 148–49


  dissipating, 127–28

  and freedom, 31

  learning from, 214

  and self-awareness, 17–18, 30–31

  spiritual solutions to, 17–18, 30–31

  and witnessing, 126–29, 137, 143, 145

  See also conflicts/confrontations; irritations, minor


  and addictions, 322–24, 331–34, 335

  and appearances, 320–22, 327, 328, 337

  and behavior, 331–34, 337

  and beliefs, 318

  and the collective spirit, 357

  and comparisons, 325–28

  and doubts, 317–18, 330

  and ego rewards, 334–36

  and the emotions, 328–30

  and fears, 330

  and inner dialogue, 317–18, 334–35, 340

  and the libido, 319–22

  and love, 325, 329, 330, 334, 336, 338, 339

  and the past, 338

  and peace, 325, 329, 333, 335, 336, 337, 338

  and striving, 323

  and thinking, 317–28, 330–35, 337, 340

  and ways of being pure, 336–41

  and witnessing, 316–17, 319, 323

  Quantum Consciousness (Wolinsky), 23–24, 128, 170

  Quantum Reality (Herbert), 127

  The Quest (Brown), 354

  race issues, 48–49

  Real Magic (Dyer), 37, 63, 227

  realism, 60–63. See also physical world


  and beliefs, 52

  creating, 63

  and dreams, 27–28, 83–86

  and energy, 61

  experimenting with, 63

  and freedom, 28–29

  and impossible things, 62–63

  and meditation, 63

  and observing, 127

  and the past, 38–40

  and the process of creation, 23–26

  and self-awareness, 15–16

  and witnessing, 151

  recapitulation, 138–39, 144, 149–50, 226

  reform. See improvements/reform

  Reinhart, Mary, 110, 111

  relapses, x–xii, 337, 340


  failures in, 47–48

  and fears, 244–45, 246, 249, 252, 256

  and love, 244–45, 246, 252, 256

  and the past, 47–48

  and purity, 319–22

  and sexual matters, 319–22

  and tolerance, 310, 311

  and Who Are You?, 47–48


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