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Breaking Even (The Sterling Shore Series #5)

Page 4

by C. M. Owens

  The donut swells, and I take the tube out to move on to the next.

  “Are you using a calk gun to do that?” he asks through a snicker.

  “I didn't exactly have anything else on hand.” I shrug, glancing around my office like that should be obvious, and then I look back down to resume the task at hand.

  “So the girl puts a dirty movie on the side of your house and blows up a bottle of ketchup in your kitchen, and your idea of revenge is to give her gross donuts?” he asks, shaking his head in disappointment. “Weak.”

  He doesn’t even know about the glitter explosion.

  The donut idea is weak. But I need time to fully form something massive.

  “The donuts are just part of the prank,” I lie, trying to save face. “There's more to come. What are you doing here?”

  I look up from my sad donuts that now don’t feel good enough for the war. Damn him for ruining this for me.

  “Just walked out on the blind date from hell. I love Tria and Ash for trying to get me back in the game, but I swear they are terrible at picking girls. Besides, I'm not really ready to date yet.”

  Considering his ex-wife screwed his brother, I get that. What I don't understand is why he married her if he couldn't get past it.

  “Better get a date for the weekend. Ash will have several girls at their party to set you up with otherwise. She does it to me every time, and she's terrible at picking girls. The last chick she set me up was smoking hot.”

  I pause as I move a donut around, and Wren assumes that's the end of my statement. “Sounds brutal,” he mutters.

  I laugh while getting back on track with filling all twelve of the surprise desserts.

  “Her looks weren't the problem. The girl had a voice like she was on helium, and if I said something that sounded like the line of a song, she'd sing the whole song. This happened about every ten minutes. I was drunk and still couldn't tolerate it.”

  Wren snickers while sitting down in front of me, and I close the lid on the pathetic prank. I’ll come up with something better when I have more time.

  “Well, she keeps setting me up with nice girls. It doesn't matter how they look as long as they're nice. I'm not shallow by any means, but I don't want to go out on a date with a girl who has more muscle than I do no matter how nice she is. This last girl could have bench-pressed me.”

  I burst out laughing while leaning back in my chair, and he continues. “The girl before that had an issue with the number four. I don't know why either. But she'd count her steps and jump over the fourth step as though there was an invisible hole in the way. And I couldn't say four words or words that had only four letters. That did it for me, because if I want to say fuck, then I'm going to say fuck. Oddly enough, she told me it wouldn’t work between us because my name only had four letters. Yes, I was dumped by her.”

  My laughter grows while he smiles. Ash is a sweet girl with a real big heart. She just tries too hard to make us find what she and Tag have. She keeps having faith in me when no one else does. It's sweet, but she's crazy if she thinks the love they have is for everyone.

  What they have would give most people hope. But I’ve seen the nasty side of love, the dark side most people don’t even whisper about. Love isn’t something I want or need in my life.

  Besides, my life is good—no rules, no drama, no problems. I can get what I need when I need it, but I don't have to have someone in my house all the time.

  “Which is why I'm here,” Wren says, confusing me as I pull out of my silent reverie.

  “What?” I ask, showing him how puzzled I am. What were we even talking about?

  He blows out a breath while propping his elbows on his knees.

  “I'm supposed to go out with another nice girl tonight, but I can't. I have something else that I really need to take care of. Something big. But you know how Ash is. She'll ask a thousand questions if I call and cancel, because they're planning to meet me at Silk in thirty minutes. Sorry for the short notice, but I need to take care of this, so I need you to go in my place.”

  The humor that was in his face earlier has been washed away by something else. He looks tense, and he's a little pale.

  “What's going on?” I ask, all my humor fleeing as well.

  “Something I don’t feel like talking about. Will you go on the date in my place? I'll fill you in later if anything comes of this. Ash will let me off the hook a little easier if you're there.”

  I nod as he stands, and I stand, too.

  “You know you can call if you need me,” I say lamely.

  Wren didn't even look this defeated when he and Erica got divorced. It has me worried.

  “I know. And I will call. But only after I have details. Try to have fun. Maybe this girl allows four-lettered words,” he says, forcing a smile.

  I puff out a laugh as he walks out, and then I dial Tag.

  “You'd better not have fucked up my wife's car,” he says distractedly, the keys of a laptop rattling in the background.

  “Your wife's car is still getting fucked up as we speak,” I say mildly, earning a small laugh from him. “Looks like I'm filling in for Wren tonight.”

  The keyboard rattling stops, and Tag lets out a sigh that tells me he knows more than I do. That sucks. I know they're closer, but Wren and I are close enough for him to trust me with this. I’ve trusted him with all my fucked-up shit, and there’s nothing he could tell me that would even come close to what he knows about me.

  “He said he was going to get someone to take his place because he doesn't want Ash knowing anything is going on. I don't think this girl is really your type, so you'll have to work hard to play nice.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” I ask, closing the door to my office.

  At least I was able to shower the glitter off me—mostly. I'm thankful the locker rooms I had installed have awesome showers. And I'm also glad that I had a few changes of clothes on hand for the sake of an emergency.

  This girl will have to deal with jeans and a T-shirt. I don't have time to go home and change.

  “Here,” I say, handing Jessica—my assistant—the donuts. “Take these to the house across the street from me and leave them with a girl named Maggie.”

  She nods as she walks away, and I return my attention Tag. “Well,” I prompt when he still doesn't answer.

  “Sorry. I was trying to get this email typed and sent before leaving. What I meant was, this girl isn't a Victoria's Secret supermodel.”

  Ah. “So she's a dog.”

  He chuckles as I climb in my car. I have it cranked and moving down the road as he instructs his workers about what to do next. The suspense is killing me. At this rate, I'll be at Silk before he can answer.

  “No,” he says at last. He's closer to Dane's famous club than I am. It’s too early to be at a damn club. It’ll be hard to give the girl the slip when she gets on my nerves if the club is empty.

  “Care to elaborate?” I ask as he talks business a second longer.

  “Sorry. It's crazy this week. But she's not a dog. She's cute, but that's it. She's sweet and possibly too nice for you.”

  Too nice for me? I play that over in my head, trying to decide if I should be offended or not.

  “What the hell does that mean?” I growl, deciding to be offended.

  “That means you like the wild ones, and this girl is the definition of... well, sweet. She's not the kind of girl who is going to tie you up and steal your wallet in the middle of the night. She's going to make you breakfast in bed. Ash thought she was perfect for Wren.”

  So Wren gets the sweet girls with a good heart, and I get the crazy girls with a banging bod.

  “Maybe I like breakfast in bed,” I mumble like a sulking baby.

  His laughter pisses me off as I pull up at the club, and seconds later, I see his Mercedes pulling up. He talks to me on the phone, even though I can see him.

  “She's not the porn-star babe you normally go for,” he says. “That's all I'm say

  I put my phone down as we near each other before I say, “You have no room to talk. Your wife looks like every guy's fantasy.”

  He glares at me as he decides how to answer, and then he shrugs. “True. But she's also pretty fucking incredible. She's more than a pretty face.”

  Fucking dick. He gets it all, but I'm shallow for expecting as much of my dates?

  “Sounds like a double standard,” I grumble, following him into the loud club.

  He just laughs as we make our way through the crowded bodies. It's only eight at night, but you'd think it was midnight with this many people crowding the place.

  “Why are there so many people here?” I yell, letting my voice carry over the music.

  I didn't notice that many cars parked out front. Then I hear him—Tag's cousin. Base Masters is jamming away on the stage, and I shake my head as to say never mind when Tag turns to answer.

  Base's group, The Fallen, are always a big draw for this area.

  “Hey,” Rain Sterling, the sexiest blonde I know, says as she comes closer.

  Dane Sterling is an ass for having her, but she comes with drama tattooed on her forehead. “Hey,” I say as Tag walks off, leaving me behind.

  “Ash said you were coming. I'm surprised she thinks you and Brin will be a good match, but I'm proud of you for getting your head out of your ass and wanting a real woman instead of one the shallow girls you've been dating.”

  Glad her opinion of me is so high.

  “Thanks,” I mutter dryly, not bothering to mention that I'm merely standing in for Wren.

  “She's so sweet and so pretty,” she says, and that makes me cringe.

  Girls only call other girls pretty when they're ugly as hell. Wren owes me for this.

  “We're taking a break. You guys are awesome,” Base Masters says into the microphone, waving at his crazed fans as he hops down from the stage. I can't believe Tag didn't tell me his cousin was in town.

  “There they are,” Rain says, guiding me toward the group standing at the bar as Dane talks to them.

  Dane eyes me when he sees Rain's hand on my arm, and I do what I can to move away from her grip. Rain Sterling—who used to be Rain Noles—is one girl I've never tried getting with because of that dick. Even when we were kids I knew better. Ethan—her cousin—always told me she and Dane would end up married.

  The only body in our group that I don't know is the one with her back turned. Her waist is hugged by a semi-tight dress. It stops mid-thigh to show her short, lightly tanned legs. But it’s her perky ass that gives me the most hope.

  Her hair is down and shoulder-length. It's a light brown that I don't normally care for, but I can play nice for a night.

  “Wren had something to do,” Ash says to the girl as the club DJ prepares to play music and kill the silence. “But Rye is cool.”

  I'm cool. Wow. That's like saying they see no hope in this going anywhere. Not that I'm looking for a relationship, but I'd like for Ash to build me up a little better than that.

  Tag walks over and hands me a Corona, and I take a long sip, reaching for the ability to bite my tongue.

  “Rye,” Ash says with a smile.

  The girl beside her turns around, and my beer spews from my lips, soaking Tag who curses me. You've got to be fucking kidding me.



  Ah, hell. What did I do in a past life for karma to punish me so brutally?

  Staring at Mr. Sexy who is just as shocked as I am, I almost cry. I should have known better than to think someone like Wren Prize wanted to go out on a date with me. But I had no idea he'd be affiliated with someone like Mr. Sexy—er, I mean, Rye.

  Rye? What the hell kind of name is that? Is this the same Rye I’ve heard them talking about?

  Of course it is. It’s highly unlikely this group knows two guys named Rye.

  “You two look... shocked,” Tag says, smiling with mild amusement. “Do you know each other?”

  Rye wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, still somewhat coughing on the drink that strangled him when he saw my face.

  “Yeah,” he says dryly. “She's my neighbor.”

  Tag looks from me to him several times, and then suddenly his laughter pours out just before Dane Sterling joins in, his laughter roaring out as well.

  “The guy who put a spider in your room?” Ash asks, her lips curled in amusement, at the same time that Dane asks, “The girl who left you the ketchup bomb?”

  “Yes,” Rye and I say in unison, glaring at each other like the war is about to take place here and now.

  “Fucking unbelievable.” Tag laughs harder, doubling over. “So the girl who turned you into Tinker Bell is Brin? Sweet little Brin Waters?”

  It's doubtful Mr. Sexy even knew my name. I didn't know he was Rye Clanton. Hell, I've heard them talk about him numerous times, and never had a clue it was the same guy who lived across the street from me.

  “She's not sweet,” Rye growls, his eyes narrowing on me as everyone else joins in on the heckling.

  Apparently they think I'm this sweet little girl who couldn't possibly break into a guy's house, steal his keys, and blow glitter through a hose and into his air vents. That took hours to do, by the way, and I still have glitter tickling the back of my throat when I inhaled by accident.

  It looks like he got rid of most of it, but every so often the light hits his hair just right to show a few shimmers are still in there.

  “Need a drink?” Rain asks me, moving her perfect blonde hair out of her face.

  “I need a really strong drink,” I mumble, moving past her to get it myself.

  I feel so stupid. It was bad enough before he showed up. Now Rye knows Wren didn't want to go on a date with me. The last thing I need is my enemy knowing I can't even get a date when it's set up for me.

  “Vodka. Straight up,” I say to the bartender, hoping I'm saying it right.

  I never drink liquor very often, so I have no idea what to order. The guy works quickly, considering there are a slew of people calling out orders. He hands me mine, and I reach for my purse.

  “Put it on my tab,” a deep, familiar voice says over my shoulder.

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Clanton,” the bartender says with a nod.

  I turn to see Rye just as I take a sip of my vodka. Oh wow. This is the good stuff. I still make a face, but usually I spit alcohol back out.

  “I can pay for my own drinks,” I say to the man who is studying me too hard.

  “You're supposed to be my date,” he replies with a shrug.

  He motions for me to walk in front of him, and I take another sip, praying it drowns out the humiliation. I need less attractive and less rich friends. Maybe then something like this wouldn't happen because I'd be on my own playing field.

  “I'm supposed to be Wren Prize's date. I guess he sent you to deal with the riffraff.”

  I aim for casual, but I sound wounded. Shit. Show no weakness, Brin.

  “Wren had shit to take care of. Though he didn't feel as though he could confide in me. I'm here because he didn't want you to feel stood up. How the hell do you know everybody?”

  He continues studying me, and I take a deep breath. I got as dressed up as I felt comfortable with for this date, trying to look like I belonged in this crowd. I wish I had my jeans and T-shirt on right now. He looks so casual and at ease, and I'm wearing a black dress I borrowed from Maggie.

  It's hard to be me when I'm dressed like someone else. I really need to buy new clothes. Since my divorce, I've lost a good deal of weight, and now all of my clothes are too big—as Mr. Jerk Face pointed out.

  “I met Tria a while back, and she sort of introduced me around. I don't really know their men very well, but I know the girls.”

  I look around just as the music dies down, and the band takes the stage once again. The lead singer is young, but incredibly sexy.

  “Too young for you,” Rye says, drawing my attention.

  He motions toward the
stage with his beer to let me know what he's talking about. One look at the guy all the girls are screaming over, and I laugh.

  “I realize that, but I'm not exactly old.” Even though I feel forty. Then I turn to face him better.

  “You don't have to hang out with me. You had no idea your date was going to be the troll across the road. Go have fun. I'm about to sneak out.”

  Just as I drink down my last few sips, he tugs my elbow.

  “Nope. You're not going to go play Ms. Hermit. You're staying because Ash will think I said something to piss you off.”

  Great. He thinks I'm a hermit. He'd be horrified if I told him my favorite part of the day has become our pranks.

  “Don't be nice. It makes me feel pathetic.”

  He laughs as he drops his arm over my shoulders.

  “It's a temporary truce. You loaned me your shower; now I'm making you have fun. Besides, you made me eat alone after you promised you'd have dinner with me.”

  I would have killed for one of those burgers, but the second the lights came on, I stood there feeling awkward, and he said nothing. I just excused myself to make things more comfortable.

  Is he trying to be my friend right now? Or is he just being friendly?

  I hate my life.

  “Rye Clanton,” a girl purrs from somewhere close by.

  I turn to see her just as her chest is jutted in my face. She has a good five inches on me, making her at least 5'8.

  Rye grins while facing her as well, his eyes flicking down to her chest to see her very exposed cleavage. She's got me beat there, too. I'm lucky to fill out a handful. As if she needs anymore perfection, her hair is as long and shiny blonde as it can be.

  I hate her already.

  “Cassandra,” he drawls, running his eyes over her body.

  I almost gag. I so don't have to be here for this.

  I start to walk away when she scoffs, “It's Cassie.”

  That makes me stifle a smile. He's about to get a drink thrown in his face. Just to watch the show, I turn back around.

  “I thought Cassie was just short for Cassandra,” he says, recovering from his slip as though it's effortless.


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