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Love in the Studio (The Wild Diamonds)

Page 2

by Piper Snow

  “But Drew Miller?” I thought out loud. “For my first time? All that heavy metal stuff? He’s just so... hardcore.”

  Jaz and Ella flashed me evil smiles. “Exactly,” they said in unison.

  I imagined again what it might feel like to sleep with him. The thought alone made me tingle with anticipation. I remembered how good his lips felt, how electrifying it was when he touched me, the memory of our brief encounter making me wet, sealing the deal then and there.

  “Okay,” I said, taking a deep breath in. “I’m choosing my heart over my head with this one. I’ll do it.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call it your heart.” Jaz chuckled, and I rolled my eyes at her.

  “Are you sure you’re ready?” Ella asked, and I nodded in reply.

  “Yep, it’s time I finally experience what you two have been talking about. No more living vicariously through you girls. I don’t want to be afraid of it anymore. I just hope Drew can forgive me for being so rude tonight.”

  “Kelly,” Jaz sat up, holding an arm around me. “The way he was looking at you tonight, you don’t have worry about that. Trust me.”

  “Did you get his number?” Ella asked.

  “No, but I invited him and his sister to our show tomorrow night. If I could just find out what hotel he’s staying at, I could have some tickets sent over to him.”

  “Leave it to me,” Jaz said. “I’ll ask Eli to find out from his manager.”

  And with that, it was done. If all went according to plan, and I hoped desperately that it would, I would be seeing Drew tomorrow night, and I would give him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

  * * *

  The next night, I was getting ready in my dressing room, smiling at the thought that I could be losing my virginity in just a matter of hours.

  I’d dreamt about Drew’s ebony eyes all night long, and could hardly keep him off my mind while Jaz and Ella took me lingerie shopping that morning. It was all a bit overwhelming for me, but I was starting to feel confident and very sexy in my blushing pink lace push-up bra and matching panties.

  I looked at myself in the mirror, thinking for the first time in my life that I looked like a woman, with my curves, feminine pink fabric and fantastic cleavage thanks to my new bra. I never knew I could look so sexy.

  I slipped on my outfit for the concert – a turquoise satin dress that really hugged my figure and emphasized my cleavage even more. I admired my reflection as anxious butterflies fluttered in my stomach, but I was determined to push through the fear. I wanted it more than I was afraid of it now, and that was enough to make it happen. Besides, I’d never felt more confident with my body that I did right then, and I couldn’t wait to see Drew’s face when he saw me emerge on stage.

  I looked at the clock on the dressing room wall, knowing he and his sister would be taking their places in the front row by now – if he came, that is. I’d had the VIP passes sent to his room earlier that day, along with a note that read: ‘Hope to see you tonight. Looking forward to meeting Lacey. Kelly xo.’

  I was slipping my heels on when there was a knock at the door.

  “Hey honey!” Jaz said as I opened the door. “I just wanted to come by and make sure you’re ready to do this tonight, you know, with Drew.”

  “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” I replied. “In fact, I’m pretty excited!”

  Jaz hugged me tight. “Good. But remember, it’s okay to change your mind. Don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I won’t,” I promised. “Besides, if anyone’s going to feel pressured, it’ll be Drew! I won’t let him go until I’ve seduced him tonight.” I chuckled as we started walking down the hall to meet with Ella and Jesse at our designated starting point underneath the stage.

  A few minutes later, I was rising up through the floor of the stage, reveling in the sound of the crowd going wild.

  I grabbed the microphone and began our introduction, while subtly scanning the faces in the front row, trying to locate Drew. My eyes landed on him, and my heart skipped a beat to see his eyes locked on me, and he smiled. He was even dreamier than I’d remembered.

  He broke our gaze when the young brunette girl next to him embraced him in a hug, a wide smile spread across her face. I could tell from her resemblance to Drew that it was Lacey. She had long pitch-dark hair just like he did, but her eyes were lighter. She looked adorable in her Wild Diamonds t-shirt and carried a homemade sign that read: I’m WILD for the Wild Diamonds!

  I tore my eyes away from them, bringing my focus back to the music so I could give my all to the fans who had come to see our show. But knowing he was there, watching me as I danced and moved across the stage, was already turning me on. Tonight, I decided, I would let go of my inhibitions. I would be wild. On and off the stage.

  Chapter Three


  The curtains of the concert hall drew to a close, and I was surprised that I’d actually enjoyed the performance. Those Wild Diamonds really knew how to put on a good show. I’d hardly taken my gaze off of Kelly all night, my eyes had been glued to her lips, her breasts, her long, sexy legs. She looked amazingly hot in that tight dress, and by the way she kept swinging her hips, I could have sworn she was dancing just for me.

  But maybe that was just wishful thinking. After the way she freaked out the night before, I was sure she wasn’t interested in me. Although that kiss gave me a completely different message, it was sizzling hot and extremely intense.

  Lacey turned and hugged me for what must have been the fiftieth time that night. I’d never seen her so happy before, and I loved seeing her eyes light up like they had been ever since I told her we were coming to the Wild Diamonds concert. She deserved all the happiness in the world, especially after what she’d been through. She took losing Mom and Dad much harder than I did, because she was so much younger and closer to them than I was. After seeing her in so much pain for such a long time, I was relieved to see her smiling again.

  “Wow! That was so totally awesome!” she squealed, jumping up and down in excitement. “Thank you so much, Drew!

  “You’re welcome, Lacey. I’m glad you had fun.”

  “Speaking of fun,” she said, pointing her index finger at me. “I know you want to go out tonight, so just drop me back at the hotel so you can go have fun. You need to have fun, okay? You’ve been babysitting me too much. I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “You will when I tell you that your surprise isn’t over yet.” I smiled at her mischievously.

  “Huh?” Her nose creased up in confusion.

  “We’re going backstage. You’re gonna meet the band!”

  I squeezed my eyes shut as she shrieked frantically, the high-pitched sound echoing throughout the almost empty concert hall. Suddenly, she was hugging me again, the force of her almost knocking me backwards.

  “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  “Excuse me, Drew and Lacey?” I opened my eyes to see a short red-headed woman standing in front of us. “I’m Janice, I’m here to escort you backstage. If you’ll follow me.” She turned and began power walking away from us, so we quickly followed behind.

  We tried to keep up with her quick pace, zig-zagging through hallways and down staircases until we reached a large dressing room, where the Wild Diamonds were celebrating their show.

  “You must be Lacey!” Kelly smiled welcomingly as she hugged my sister, whose jaw dropped when she realized they knew her name. She just nodded, awe-struck, and seeing her speechless like that made me chuckle.

  I stood back by the doorway so that Lacey could have her moment to shine with her idols. I was grateful to Kelly for inviting us backstage, she had no idea how happy she had made Lacey, and me for that matter.

  I watched quietly as they chatted with my sister like they were old friends, taking selfies with her, signing copies of their CDs for her, treating her like royalty. She deserved that. I’d been trying to give her everything she needed ever since
our parents died, working hard to make sure she was taken care of. I wanted more than anything to be a good brother to her, to be a good man, like our father was. I hoped they would be proud of me. Before they died, all I’d done was get into trouble. I hoped somehow they knew that I’d turned my life around, for Lacey’s sake. I wished they could see me now, with my band finally hitting the big time and my dreams coming true. Lacey and I were doing great, for the first time in years, we were going to be alright. Better than alright, I would see to that.

  “Thanks for coming, Drew,” Kelly said as she walked towards me and invited me to join her on the couch, away from the rest of the group. I thought I saw something in her eyes that looked like desire, but I couldn’t be sure.

  “Thanks for inviting us,” I replied as I took a seat, making sure I was a good distance from her. The last thing I wanted to do was offend her again. “This is a dream come true for Lacey. I really can’t thank you enough. You’ve just ensured her happiness for the rest of the year, at least. If there’s anyway I can repay you, just let me know.”

  Something flashed in her eyes again, and this time I was sure it was desire. She edged closer to me on the couch, and the corners of her mouth turned up into a bold smile, making me wonder what was going on in her mind.

  “I’m sure I can think of something,” she said as she licked her lips, just as she had done the night before on the dance floor. It drove me wild, but I restrained myself, pretending I didn’t notice even though it was burned into my memory.

  I cleared my throat nervously. “I don’t know if Jaz or Ella told you, but I’m really sorry if I did something to offend you last night. I tried to find you after you left, but...”

  “I’m the one who should be apologizing,” she said. “It was very rude of me to run out on you like that. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you, I just... You just took me by surprise, that’s all.”

  I cringed. “Sorry, I guess I was a bit too intense. I’m not usually so forward, but...” I moved into a whisper, making sure Lacey couldn’t hear. “It was that kiss. I guess I just got lost in it a little too much. I swear I don’t normally go around inviting myself up to girls’ hotel rooms.”

  Her eyebrows rose in surprise. I’d seen that look before. Girls were always surprised to find out I don’t sleep around, probably because the image I portray on stage is very different from who I really am. I’d turned down so many girls because they were only interested in me for one night, so my request to go back to Kelly’s room the night before took me by surprise, too. I just wanted her so badly, I couldn’t resist.

  “I’m not usually like that, either,” she said. “But I’d like to change that. Starting tonight.”

  Fire danced in her eyes, and there was something about the way she was looking at me that made my heart skip a beat. What was she saying?

  “Change it how?” I asked, edging closer to her without even realizing.

  Her blazing eyes looked at me from under her long, dark lashes, her long blonde hair falling down into her sexy cleavage as she leaned in close to whisper: “I want to be wild with you. Just for one night.”

  My jaw dropped, not knowing what to say. Her voice and eyes oozed confidence and certainty, but I could see her fingers shaking lightly as they traced along the skin on my arm.

  “I’m staying at the Grand, room 2206. I’ll be waiting for you.” She winked before standing up, giving me ample view down her dress. My cock hardened as I caught a glimpse of pink lace hugging her creamy skin. I watched her as she walked over to Lacey and hugged her goodbye, wondering what the hell just happened.

  I sat staring out the window of the car as Lacey rambled on about how awesome it was to meet them, not even pausing to take a breath. All I could think about was Kelly, how her luscious rosy lips moved as she invited me to spend the night with her.

  It wasn’t like I hand’t heard those kinds of offers before, I’d heard plenty. But I’d never wanted to act on them before. Now, not only did I want to accept her invitation, I needed to. My body was aching to move with hers, skin on skin, sweaty and breathless and wild. I’d lose my mind if I said no.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with me heading back out for a while?” I asked Lacey. I knew she’d be safe here, this whole floor of the hotel was reserved for my band and our entourage, including security. But if she wanted me to stay, I would.

  “Drew, I’ll be fine. I’ll just watch some TV and go to sleep. I’ll call you if I need you. Now go have fun, you deserve to chill out. We’re going home in the morning, now’s your last chance to live it up in L.A.”

  “Okay, don’t stay up too late. I’ll see you later.”

  I closed the door of the hotel room and practically ran to the elevator, wanting to get to the Grand – to Kelly – as soon as possible. The image of her pink lace underwear haunted my memory, and I couldn’t wait to rip it off of her.

  Chapter Four


  I was sipping on my cosmopolitan when there was a knock at the door. After being so bold with Drew backstage after the concert, my confidence was at an all new high, but I needed a drink to ease my still-jittering nerves. But I wasn’t going to let myself drink too much, after all, this was an important night, I wanted to be able to remember every last detail.

  I put the drink down on the entrance table, adjusted my dress and pushed my breasts together before opening the door.

  “Hi,” he smiled, his lips just begging to be kissed. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulled him inside and crushed my mouth to his, slamming the door shut behind him.

  At first, he didn’t kiss me back, stunned by my very forward welcome, but within seconds his kiss reached the same sense of urgency as my own.

  He pushed my back against the wall, his hands on both sides of my face as he pressed his lips against my own. I felt something hard bulging against my stomach, and a whimper escaped my lips the moment I realized what it was.

  His hands moved down over my dress, tracing the curves of my body before moving back up to caress my breasts, sending pleasure zapping through my entire body.

  I felt so turned on, being pinned between the wall and his solid, powerful body. He pressed himself against me harder, and I didn’t even care that my body was shaking with nerves. I was having too much of a good time to care about being afraid anymore.

  He gently bit my bottom lip and his hands squeezed my breasts just hard enough that I gasped, but it all felt so good. So, spectacularly good.

  His kisses moved over my jaw and down to my neck, where he began licking and sucking me until I moaned in pleasure.

  I couldn’t handle it anymore, so I pushed him down onto the bed. He sat there, staring up at me with wild desire in his eyes, and I licked my lips, which only seemed to make him even hotter for me.

  Slowly, I reached behind me, tugging gently on the zipper of my dress. I stood frozen in front of him as the fabric fell to the floor, noticing my skin become hypersensitive under his wandering gaze. I felt his eyes burning into me as I moved closer to him, until my breasts were just inches away from his face.

  “You want a wild night, huh?” He grinned, something devilish glinting in his eyes. “You have no idea what you’ve got yourself into.”

  He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it over to the other side of the room, never taking his eyes off me the entire time. He looked so dangerous, his arms and chest covered in tattoos, his midnight eyes glaring at me as though he was a lion and I was his prey. I loved how he made me feel, desired and reckless and innocent all at once. I wanted him to take me, to devour me, to corrupt me.

  My breath caught in my throat as he reached a hand behind me and unhooked my bra, while the other hand awaited the release of my nipples. He pinched my left nipple between his thumb and forefinger, sending lightening bolts of ecstasy down my spine and all the way into my clitoris. He took my other nipple into his eager mouth, making me gasp. I closed my eyes as his tongue ravished my hard nipple, arching my back inst
inctively to propel it deeper into his mouth.

  “Oh, Drew,” I said, in more of a plea than anything else, and a low growl rumbled in the back of his throat, as though I’d just ignited a fire somewhere deep within him.

  Suddenly, his hands were on either side of my waist, and he was flipping me onto the bed with such force that I bounced off it a little before landing softly on the pillows. Now, that was a turn on.

  I watched as he crawled towards me on the bed, hovering over my thighs. He leaned down, and I inhaled sharply as I felt his teeth against my skin. Hi bit lightly as he began to pull my panties down with his teeth, making my heart burst out of my chest in anticipation.

  He stood at the end of the bed, my panties still captured between his teeth, and admired my naked body. A wicked smile formed on his lips, and I shuddered, wondering what he would do to me next.

  Dropping my underwear to the floor, he crawled back over me, pausing again at my thighs. Placing his palms on my knees, he slowly spread my legs apart before leaning in towards my mound. I let out a cry the moment his tongue made contact with my soaking pussy. My hands grabbed hold of the sheets as he made out with my sex, licking and sucking me into oblivion. I’d never felt anything like it in my entire life. The heat, the slick feel of his tongue as it lapped me up, dipping in and out, devouring every inch of me. It was mind-blowing.

  I was already bursting at the seams when he slid a finger inside me, stroking me into ecstasy from the inside. He teased me with his tongue and his finger again and again, and I could feel my euphoria building until it was too much to bear. I cried out as a wave of release washed over me, making my hips buck and my legs shake uncontrollably, but he didn’t stop, not until my cries faded and my body stilled.

  He moved on top of me, kissing me until all I could taste were my own explosive juices. It drove me wild. I wrapped my legs around his waist, his hard-on even bigger now as it pressed against my wetness through his jeans.


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