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Paper Dolls

Page 10

by Sienna Mynx

  “I don’t understand, how is this deal any different?” Max asked.

  “It’s the only deal on the table unless you’re prepared to walk, because I can let you out of your contract with no problem. Think about it, Max, Liza’s trying to start over. When is it best to work a new client and help mold them? Making them into your own?”

  “How long do we work like this?” Max asked.

  “Again that’s up to you and Kevin. But I will say one screw up, Max, one wrong picture or misquote, and you’re out of here. For good! That’s your reward and punishment for Sticky Nipple.”

  Max stood. He looked from Raven to Kevin and a slow smile split his face. There were only six top clients at Paper Dolls that brought in the big payoffs. Liza-Rayne was the most coveted one for a slime-ball like him. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. Grabbing Raven by the arms he kissed her with a wet smack on the lips.

  Raven, caught by surprise, stumbled back, and Kevin grabbed Max by the collar. “Have you lost your fucking mind?” he shouted. He nearly lifted Max off his feet by gripping his throat.

  “Sorry, boss, I’m sorry! I’m just so fucking stoked!” He shook loose of Kevin and pointed at her. “You won’t regret this!” he literally jumped up and down. “I swear it! I swear it!” he said straightening his suit. He turned and walked out of the office.

  “Oh God! Ick! Yuck!” she said wiping her mouth and smearing her lipstick. “I’m going to be sick!”

  Kevin shook his head. He went to the office door and closed it. “Why did you do that?”

  “I’m serious, I want to throw up,” Raven continued to wipe at her mouth.

  “Why did you do that?” he asked again.

  “Do what?”

  “Give him that opportunity?”

  “He had a point. Sticky Nipple was near impossible to obtain, it was his boozing, partying, and kissing up that got Crash in that chair right there.”

  “Yes, and he nearly cost us the account by fucking the dude’s kid sister,” Kevin reminded her.

  Raven nodded. “Either way, he needs maturing. You could mentor him.”

  “Me? Oh, Raven, sweetheart you’ve jumped the beam on this one.”

  Raven laughed. “You’re smooth, Ace. I know for a fact two of our clients, including Liza-Rayne’s mom, have a crush on you. You handle it well. Show him how to be like you.”

  “So you have jokes?” Kevin asked.

  She laughed. “Okay, in truth we need some cover. Let him chase his tail and get in front of the cameras. He’s flashy and a quick talker, the media will eat it up. Max can deal with Liza’s mom while we take on the bigger issue.”

  “Keeping her away from the meeting with Disney?” he asked.

  “Bingo,” she said. She put her hand to her forehead and groaned.

  “Another headache?” he asked.

  “Yes, I can’t seem to shake them lately,” she said. She sat down on her sofa.

  “Be right back.”

  Raven fell back into the sofa cushions and stared up at the ceiling. The taunting inner voice in her head once again reminded her that Alexander hadn’t called her, not once since she threw him out of her condo. Of course it was over, but if he were so damn determined to have her back wouldn’t he have called? Begged? Pleaded his case a little more? Something?

  “Here, take this.” Kevin returned. He handed her two capsules and a paper cone of cool water. She sat up with a deep sigh. The cool water helped her down the pills and she prayed they worked quickly. Kevin sat next to her on the sofa. His concern was in his voice. “Talk to me, Rae. The last time we tried you ran out of here as if the devil were after you.”

  “I was a hysterical mess, huh?” she asked.

  “It’s not like you to be off your game. For two days you’ve been in combat mode. But I can see it. No matter how much you try to hide it from me, something is up. And the Raven I know and love isn’t into giving fuck ups like Max Steele second chances. I think the fool got the benefit of forgiveness because you really want to offer it to someone else. Am I wrong?” he asked.

  “Alexander,” she admitted.

  “You never told me about dinner.” he said.

  “That’s because it’s none of your business,” she gave a nervous chuckle.

  “We’re friends. Good friends. Talk to me. How was it seeing him again?”

  “Hard. And then it wasn’t. It all came back, Kevin. Me and my husband definitely have issues.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

  “Why? It’s par for the course right? I mean divorce is never easy. I should have dealt with him then and ended things amicably. Instead I let my anger get in the way. Now we’re just trying to find a way to part as friends.”

  “So it’s really over?” Kevin asked.

  Raven crumbled the paper cone in her hand. “Yes. Yes. He’s gone. It’s over. I haven’t spoken to him since that night.”

  “I truly am sorry, babe. Not that he’s gone, because I think from what you told me it’s for the best. I’m sorry that even now he makes you sad,” he said.

  “That’s sweet, Kevin. Thank you.”

  “You deserve to be happy, Rae.”

  “I know that. I know. I will be. Someday,” she forced a smile.

  “Tell you what, forget Disney.”

  “Huh?” she double blinked.

  “Come go for a ride with me. I need your help with a big decision I’m facing. We can grab some lunch and blow off steam,” he said.

  “We have work to do,” she reminded him.

  “Things are too tense right now. Let’s just get out of here and clear our heads. We’ll get better ideas that way. Make Disney wait a little. You taught me to keep them waiting.”

  Raven liked his style. “I’d like to clear my head.”

  “Then it’s settled. Let me cancel a few meetings. I’ll be right back.” He headed for the door.

  “Kevin?” she called out to him.


  “Thanks, for being my friend,” she blew him a kiss.

  He smiled. “You’ve made me a pretty rich man, friendship is the least I could offer.”

  She threw her paper cup at him and he laughed. He walked out. She sat up from her sofa and sucked in a deep breath. She exhaled slowly. The anxiety twisting her gut into a pretzel unwound. She felt better. On her desk, her iPhone screen showed a missed call. Now it flashed that she had a message. Checking the missed call she saw that it was Alexander. She’d put the phone on silent and forgotten. He called? The irony stung. She was sitting there tending hurt feelings thinking he didn’t.

  What did he want? To tell her goodbye. Again? She acted like such an idiot the other morning. Hysterical. She didn’t want him to think she was a walking pulsating nerve of uncontrollable emotions. The phone vibrated in her hand. Raven sat at her desk. She saw his name come up on the display. She sucked in a deep breath for courage then answered.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hi, love.”

  “Hi,” she said. What else should she say? Should she apologize? Explain to him that she didn’t think he got her drunk on purpose? Tell him she’s fine, and that she wishes him well? What should she say?

  “About the other night—”

  “I’m sorry I upset you—”

  They spoke at once. Something they used to do when they first started dating. Back then her youth and his guarded approach, made the initial conversations sweetly awkward.

  Raven smiled. “You go first.”

  “No, it’s okay. You go first,” Alexander said.

  “Oh, hmm. I was just going to say, so, uh, you’re in Australia now?”

  “I’m in the lobby, now,” he replied.

  “Say what?”

  “Have lunch with me,” he said.


  “Because you’re busy? Or you just don’t want to?”

  “Why did you come here? People will see you and think… I mean. Today of all days. I got Liza-Rayne and—”

  “Think what, Raven? That your husband is back? He is. That he’s still in love with you? After the night we shared you know I am. I can’t stop thinking about you. You know me, sweetheart. I’m done with the games. I want my wife back. That’s why I’m coming up.”

  “Wait!” she put her head in her hand. “Just slow down, you’re going too fast.”

  “This has to stop. You can’t keep running from me. You’re going to have to deal with us,” he said sternly.

  “Well it’s too late. The other night was just uhm… it was residual stuff. You know the after effects of wine and memories. It was nothing real,” she told him.

  Alexander dropped his head and smiled. He paced in front of the guard’s station with his hand in his pocket parting his suit jacket. It was his fucking building. Hell he owned three more on the same street. If he wanted to he could lock them all inside for some fabricated emergency drill and steal her away. He had a mind to do just that.

  “So when I touched you, you felt nothing?” he asked.


  “When I held you, and you slept in my arms that was all fake?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “When I made love to you over and over again I’m supposed to forget the things we said to each other?”


  “All of it was alcohol and memories? It had nothing to do with how you feel for me?”

  She nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “If that’s true, then have lunch with me and tell me to my face.” Alexander added.

  “Don’t make me do it. Don’t make me do this. I don’t want us to keep hurting each other,” she pleaded.

  “You should have never kissed me, Raven. You gave me hope. You still love me. I don’t know how it was possible after the way I treated you, but you love me. How am I supposed to give up? I would never let go of someone I love just because it’s hard.”

  “You signed away our life on those divorce papers pretty quickly.” She snapped.

  “I couldn’t face myself, let alone the one person in this world I never meant to hurt. Not after what I did.”

  “What’s changed? You’re still an adulterer. That hasn’t changed, Alexander.” She wiped her eyes as Kevin came back in. Raven put up her index finger for him to stay back. She turned her chair to face the view of Miami beyond her window and lowered her voice. “I can’t do this now. I have Liza-Rayne’s press conference, I mean I had it, and I got some other stuff to do. So I need some um, some time, and then maybe.”

  “Then when?” he asked.

  “Will you just leave?” she pleaded.

  “Tell me when we will deal with each other. When can I see you again?” he insisted.

  “Alexander, Christ!” she squeezed her eyes shut. “Fine. When are you heading back to Australia?”

  “I’ve already told you. I’m not.”

  Raven covered her eyes with her hand. She was in deep. Why did she do it? Now she would be forced to break up with him all over again. She didn’t know if she could manage that. Once was more than enough.

  “Raven?” he said.

  “I’ll call you, okay? Tomorrow sometime. I just got a lot going on and I don’t feel good today. It’s not the right time. I don’t want to fight.”

  Alexander watched the business people in their conservative suits walk in and out of the rotating doors, like drones. The security guard that he knew personally would let him upstairs if he blinked. But he wouldn’t force it on her. He knew his Raven. He had to play this carefully. She wouldn’t respond to him by being pushed. It only gave her an excuse to push back. She was softening to him and that was a start. But his patience was short.

  “Okay, I won’t rush it, love. Call me tomorrow. I’ll wait.”

  Raven hung up. She felt Kevin’s shadow over her as he hovered, concerned. “Hey you okay?”

  “Can I take a rain check? I really don’t feel like—”


  “No?” she asked.

  He picked up her purse. Taking her hand he forced her to stand. “We’re leaving.”

  Raven smiled. “You giving me orders?”

  “Damn right. Cancel your meetings for the rest of the day. I’ll wait. Then you’re coming with me.”

  It was rare that Kevin put his foot down with her. And even more rare that she’d tolerate it. But that damn smile of his could convince a hooker to become a nun.

  “Now, Raven,” he said.

  “Okay. I mean, yes sir.”


  Alexander visited a friend in the building. He was disappointed to find his business associate wasn’t in his office. So he decided to respect Raven’s wishes and leave. He stepped off the elevator ten minutes later. He decided to head back to his hotel. As he walked toward the front atrium, he spotted her. She came off the elevator laughing. A man he didn’t know put his arm around her shoulder and whispered in her ear. She again laughed at whatever he said, and playfully hit him. She wore white. His wife always looked good in white. It was one of his favorite colors on her. And of course he loved the way she walked in her shoes. She headed away from him as she always seemed to do lately. That hurt badly.

  With no other choice he watched as she went. She didn’t look torn or confused. She sure as hell didn’t look as miserable as he felt. In fact she looked happy. He let go a deep sigh as she passed through the spinning doors and stepped out beyond his sight.

  He thought the man looked familiar but couldn’t place him.

  “Enrique?” he said. He walked over to the guard station.

  “Yes sir, Mr. Katz? What can I do for you?”

  “That was Mrs. Katz? Did I just miss her?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir.” The guard nodded.

  “And the man she was with?”

  “Mr. Kevin Fairfield, sir. Many people call him ‘Ace’.”

  “Fairfield? A client?”

  “No sir, he works for her. They’re partners now I believe.”

  Alexander looked back to the door. “Thanks, Enrique, have a good day.” He stepped away from the guard with his hands in his pockets. The guy was at least twenty-four, or twenty-five. Partners? Alexander walked out of the building. On the sidewalk he looked for them but they were gone.

  “Mr. Katz, sir?” The driver tipped his hat and opened the door to his private car. Seeing Raven with another man confused him. When did she take on a partner? He was so torn over their split he barely kept up with Paper Dolls. That was a mistake. He walked over to the car and got in.


  “I love this jeep!” she shouted to the wind with her hair in her face. The freedom was different than her convertible. It was very masculine in comfort with its elevated ride, thanks to its big mag-wheels. She could look down into the other cars exhilarated.

  “Then why don’t you let me drive more often?” he asked, his sunglasses covered his eyes. She could tell he was staring at her thighs. She tugged on the sides of her dress to pull down the hem. The wind blew at her hard, making it difficult to speak at times.

  “I’m too old,” she yelled over the wind. “And a sister can’t keep a hairdo with all this wind tangling it up!”

  “Old?” he laughed. “Rae, you’re only four years older than me. Your hair looks fine, I like it wind tossed. It’s called bedroom hair. Sexy! Besides, you drive a convertible,” he yelled back.

  “I’ll be thirty in two weeks. My convertible isn’t as windy as this jeep.”

  “That’s right, we’re throwing you one helluva party,” he said.

  Raven smiled. “It’ll be work, as usual, clients, and us pleasing them.”

  “Not this year, Rae-baby. Not this year!” he laughed. He switched gears and the jeep sped along Biscayne Blvd. Raven cut her gaze to him. She slipped on her sunglasses. Alexander was still freshly on her mind. Listening to the radio she closed her eyes. She could remember their dancing. More importantly she loved the memory of their first kiss. How right it felt. And just as she slipped i
nto the warmth of that memory, she saw Asia’s face. Saw her in her husband’s shirt and no panties. The bitch had seduced him in his office suite. Raven caught her fixing herself a drink. She saw Alexander walk out of the bedroom with nothing but his pants on.

  The look of guilt in his eyes paralyzed her at first.

  The look of triumph in Asia’s eyes broke her spirit. It’s one thing to have another woman sleep with your husband. It’s a whole other pain to have to walk in on them. God help her, she would never forget that day for as long as she lived. And because of that she’d never have her husband back.

  Kevin looked over at her. Her sunglasses covered her eyes. He sensed they were closed by the way her head rested back on the headrest. It gave him the liberty to stare at her under the cloudy sky. Dark clouds moving in from the shore threatened a quick flash rain to cool off the afternoon. South Florida was notorious for sudden rainstorms. He could imagine Raven wet. The dress was already killing a brother. If he got a glimpse of her body beneath, he’d break. It wasn’t just her physical beauty. Though the separation of her breasts in the low cut V of the sundress she wore did tease him relentlessly. It was her strength. How smart, yet humble she was. She should have fired Max’s ass, but she didn’t. She saw an opportunity to use the snake and seized it. He’d learned so much the past year working for her.

  “How about we have an early dinner instead, after my surprise of course.”

  Raven’s head lifted. “Dinner? Oh I can’t. The girls and I are having dinner.”

  “Oh, you cooking?” he asked.

  “You crazy?” she answered.

  He laughed, knowing how bad her cooking was. She always said she would take classes before she became a mother.

  “Raven?” he said, and lowered the volume on the radio. They were at a traffic light. His engine rumbled.

  “Huh?” she answered.

  “I asked you if you told Valentina about the press conference?”

  Lost in thought she didn’t hear him speak again. “Yes, I did. She’s okay. Everything will be okay,” Raven answered.


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