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Dangerously His: 4 (Loving Dangerously)

Page 19

by A. M. Griffin

Olo’s hands balled into tight fists. “You will regret this day!”

  As he stomped in her direction, she tensed, readying herself for the next strike. She’d suffered blow after blow since he’d returned from meeting Taio and Ranuit Pi. Her body had long since become numb, but her spirit soared.

  Saia was free of him.

  Just before the kick to her stomach landed, she smiled. He would never control Saia again.

  The force of the kick made the food in her stomach shoot up her throat and erupt from her mouth, spilling on the floor in front of her.

  Too tired to move, she lay where she was and let the vomit drip from her mouth, down the side of her face.

  “You are worthless, just as she is,” he seethed.

  “You…” Fainia sputtered.

  “Step away from my mother.”

  “T…T…” She tried to call Taio’s name, to beg him to look away. She didn’t want her son to see her like this.

  Olo whirled around, ready to fight. “Do you dare give me commands?”

  Taio advanced slowly, with a predatory gait. “Eva and Ship just told me what you’ve been doing to my mother and sister. I couldn’t believe my ears. I had to come ask her myself.” His eyes narrowed on Olo. “And to catch you in the act? Under my roof? You will pay for this.”

  The lights flickered on and off.

  “Ship,” Taio said. “I will take care of him.”

  Olo puffed out his chest. “There is nothing you or your pet can do to me.”

  A low hum began. Fainia felt her hair rise. Energy surged through her body.

  “Ship, calm down. You will hurt us all. Contact the healers and have my mother transported to the medical center.”

  “She’s not going anywhere!” Olo stabbed a finger in her direction. “She will suffer her punishment as the whore that she is!”

  He spat in her face, where it landed hot and wet on her cheek.

  In a heartbeat, Taio crossed the floor, his heavy steps crashing through the room. Olo lowered and tried to brace himself, readying for the fight that had been building since Taio was born.

  Olo didn’t stand a chance.

  Taio tackled him, lifting him off his feet. He yelled out as he threw Olo to the ground, landing on top of him.

  Fainia had never wanted Taio to fight his father, but on this day, she welcomed it. Olo had put her through so much. She tried to pull herself away from them as they threw punches and rolled around.

  Olo grunted while Taio yelled. She thought she wouldn’t be able to watch anymore as the cracking of Taio’s fist on Olo’s face competed with the ringing in her ears. She heard hurried commands and the sounds of rushing feet down the hall. Rasha and Deru ran through the door with Eva on their heels.

  Rasha rushed to the fighting pair. “Taio, get off him.” He grabbed Taio by the arms and pulled.

  “Oh my God!” Eva rushed to Fainia’s side. “What did that bastard do to you?”

  Fainia reached out and grabbed Eva’s arms.

  “No, no, stay still. I need to assess you.”

  “Taio! There are other ways to handle this,” Rasha shouted as he struggled to get Taio away from his father.

  Olo rolled to a sitting position and wiped blood off his face. “I’ll see you and this moon obliterated for this!”

  “Rasha, I don’t want to hurt you. Let me go.”

  “No. We can bring charges against him.”

  King Xochis spit out blood and laughed. He lumbered to his feet and pointed at Fainia. “Because of her, I’ll have to answer to the Zumagala! They’re expecting me to triple the number of guards. They’re also petitioning the Galactic Council to withhold the gold they promised me in return. All because of this whore, and the daughter who’s determined to follow in her footsteps.”

  “Do not speak of my mother or sister like that!” Taio growled.

  “What? Don’t speak the truth? Saia is just like her mother.” King Xochis adjusted his clothes. “I should have killed them both when Saia was born. It is only out of the goodness of my heart that they have been allowed to live this long.” He turned to her, and she held her chin high. “Is this how you repay me?”

  “Death would have been better than living a life with you,” she spat.

  Olo took a step toward her.

  Eva bounced low, planting her feet firmly. “There isn’t a connection between us. I’ll kill you without remorse.”

  Olo threw a glance at Taio. “Make your human slave stand down,” he demanded.

  Before Fainia’s eyes, Eva transformed into something she’d never seen. A female warrior—feral and ready for battle.

  Olo moved nearer. Eva leaned back on one leg. “I’m warning you. Take one step closer to me or Fainia and I’ll be forced to end your miserable existence.”

  “Miserable?” Olo sneered. “You have no idea how miserable I’ve been. I’ve lived with a mate who’s nothing more than a common whore, and my daughter,” he laughed and threw back his head, “does not have a drop of Xochis blood in her!”

  Fainia inhaled sharply.

  Taio glared at him. “What are you talking about?”

  Olo laughed wildly again. “Why do you think she is contracted with the Zumagala and not a prestigious clan? Because when Ranuit Pi finds out she’s not a Xochis by blood, he won’t renege on our contract. All he cares about are the royal guards for his ongoing war. I couldn’t contract her to any respectable family! Not with her bloodline.”

  The room stilled.

  “You lie,” Taio whispered.

  “Go ahead. Tell him, my queen.”

  Fainia coughed as she cleared the blood from her throat. “I don’t understand…”

  “Oh right, you thought I didn’t know. I had Saia tested when she was born. She is not mine.” He stared at her coldly. “Should I tell them? Hmm?”

  She could do nothing but stare at him in complete shock.

  “Rasha, you are not an only child. Your father had been fucking my wife, his queen, until the day he died. My only regret is that I didn’t get a chance to kill him myself!” He glared at Rasha. “Fate robbed me of my vengeance—until now.”

  “Saia isn’t your daughter?” Rasha asked in disbelief.

  “No. I’m owed something for the credits wasted on her care and upbringing. I was finally going to be compensated adequately. You’re all fools. All of you! I’ll most likely have to take a pay cut for those heathens to take her now!”

  “No, you won’t,” Rasha said.

  “Idiot! Tainted blood or not, Ranuit Pi will still take her.”

  “King Xochis, Saia is no longer your concern. As Saia’s oldest male relative, I assume responsibility as her legal guardian.”

  Fainia put a hand over her mouth. She could have gotten Saia away from him sooner, if only she had known. “Rasha, thank you,” she sobbed.

  Rasha continued. “Ship, please record my proclamation. King Xochis, you are now formally relieved of guardianship of Saia Xochis. By the laws of both Drazlan and Sonis, I hereby proclaim myself as her guardian and protector.”

  Olo sputtered. “I forbid it! She is mine! I have a contract with the Zumagala.”

  “Which is hereby voided,” Rasha said.

  Taio moved to stand by Rasha’s side. “Ship, please tell Mazel to inform Ranuit Pi that any contract he has with King Xochis regarding Saia Xochis is void, and any repercussions they feel are warranted can be taken up directly with King Xochis.”

  “Yes, Taio,” Ship replied.

  “You can’t do that! I should have blown up this rock ages ago! You were getting too comfortable with yourself, thinking you were better than the home planet.”

  “Mother, you are staying here. Your life with King Xochis is no more.”

  “You cannot steal my mate!”

  “Mother? I’ll leave the decision up to you,” Taio said.

  She looked around the room. She would gladly give up everything to be free of Olo. “S-stay,” she replied.

kill you!” Olo bellowed as he ran at her, hands outstretched.

  The swish of Taio’s jango cut through the air.

  The room stilled as what just happened sank in. Taio watched as his father’s head tumbled to the floor and bumped against his boot. His impulse to kick it was calmed by Rasha’s hand on his arm.

  “Respect the dead.”

  “Even though the dead doesn’t deserve it?”

  “Regardless, he is your father and the king. What’s done is done. It’s over.”

  Rasha was right. Taio picked up the head and gave it to one of his waiting guards. “Transport my mother to the medical center. Eva, I would appreciate it if you went with her.”

  Eva looked at him with wide, shocked eyes. “I should stay with you.”

  “No. My mother needs you more.”

  She nodded and stood as a guard gathered his mother in his arms. She cried softly as she was carried out of the room. Taio didn’t know if she cried for the loss of her mate or because his reign of terror had finally been put to an end.

  As Eva passed, she placed a gentle hand on his forearm and gave him one caressing stroke. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “You will need to claim your spot as the new king of Drazlan immediately,” Rasha said.

  Taio took a hard breath. “I know.” He lifted his com-link to his mouth. “Mazel, the king of Drazlan is no more. I hereby proclaim my rightful place as the king. Arrange for a public message for both Drazlan and Sonis residents.”

  “Yes, Taio. Shall I also send the announcement to the Galactic Council and our allies?”


  “Deru, remove the king’s body and prepare it for the burial ceremony,” Rasha said.

  Taio stood motionless, staring at Olo’s body.

  “This had to be done,” Rasha said.

  Taio nodded. It had been coming for quite some time. His father had abused his powers in more ways than one. Abusing females was inexcusable. Abusing his mother was punishable by death.

  “Ship, can you please connect me with Kiehle? I need to tell him that I’ve killed our father.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Saia? Did you hear what I said?” Rasha asked her.

  She stood leaning against the wall of the Rikerian club Justin had brought her too. When she left the bathroom, she’d run straight into Jess and Rasha. Her first thought had been to run away, get Justin and hide. But when she turned to do just that, Jess was on her, pinning her against the wall.

  Saia had expected them to say a lot of things. Like, “You must return to Drazlan” or “Your father is going to kill you.” But she never expected to hear what Rasha actually said.

  “I don’t think I heard you right,” Saia responded.

  “Rasha’s your brother and King Xochis is dead,” Jess said.

  She looked from Rasha to Jess. “Brother? But…I don’t understand.”

  Rasha glared at Jess. “I should have told her.”

  Jess shrugged. “Honey, I’m sorry, but it was taking too long.”

  When Rasha continued to scowl at her, Jess shooed him with her hands. “Go ahead. Start from the beginning.”

  He rolled his eyes and looked at Saia. “Well, it turns out Queen Xochis and my father…uh, had, uh, a relationship.” He wiped his hands on his legs.

  “A special relationship,” Jess interjected.

  He gave Jess an irritated glance. “Jess, will you please let me tell the story?”

  She put a hand over her mouth. “Not another peep out of me,” she said, her words muffled.

  Rasha took a deep breath. “As I was saying, um…” He ran a hand through his hair. “Um…”

  Jess was right. This was taking too long. “Your mother and your father had an affair,” Saia offered.

  “Thank goodness,” Jess said. “I thought I was going to have to spell it out for him.”

  “It’s not an easy subject to discuss,” he said, clearly upset. “I don’t feel comfortable talking about this.”

  Saia understood his difficulty. She considered her mother the epitome of grace.

  “After my mother died, Queen Xochis and my father rekindled a love they shared before she’d bonded with the king.”

  Rasha is my brother…

  She widened her eyes. “King Xochis isn’t my father?”

  “No. He knew all along you weren’t his.”

  She closed her eyes. He’d never wanted her to call him father. He’d never wanted her to do anything that would bring shame to “his” family name.

  No wonder he didn’t love me.

  “I don’t feel guilty anymore,” she said.

  “Honey, why should you feel guilty? He’s never done right by you since the day you were born,” Jess said.

  “I never loved him. I couldn’t bring myself to even pretend to love anything about him. I thought he could feel it, and that’s why he never loved me in return. Even now, knowing that he’s dead, I don’t care. I don’t wish to know who did it. How it was done. Or even if he felt any pain in the end.” She shrugged. “Is that bad?”

  “I think not.” Jess used a thumb to wipe her cheeks. “He’s put you through a lot.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Rasha said under his breath.

  “So I have three older brothers. Taio, Kiehle and now you.”

  He shook his head. “The order is me, Taio and Kiehle. I’m the oldest.”

  “Oh.” Rasha is the oldest. He takes the place of my fath— “Oh!” she said again with more excitement. “My bond with Justin?”

  “Is legal,” he stated.

  Saia launched herself into his arms. “Thank you, Rasha!”

  He rubbed the back of her head. “My only regret is that I didn’t know sooner. I would have taken care of you.”

  She pulled back to look at him. He’d always shown her love and compassion. “I know.”

  “I think my—our father had an idea that you were his child.”

  “He did?” She’d only seen him a handful of times. But he’d always had a smile on his face when she looked his way.

  “He always told me to watch over you as though you were my sister. But he didn’t need to tell me that. It was only natural for me to care for you. You were my best friend’s little sister. Thinking on it now, I remember the longing in his eyes whenever he saw you.”

  “Why didn’t he get me tested? He could have taken me away.”

  He shook his head. “It wouldn’t have been that easy. Doing so would have brought disgrace to him, you and Queen Xochis. But if he’d known how the king treated you and your mother, I’m sure he would have thrown all that aside and claimed you as his own.”

  “My mother and I were very good at hiding it. We didn’t want anyone to know what was going on.”

  “So I hear,” he said.

  “I can’t believe this is really over.”

  “Not yet. There’s still the matter of Ranuit Pi and the Zumagala. They have gone to the Galactic Council.”

  “You can’t mean he’s still trying to bond with me? You said my bond with Justin is legal.”

  “I said I honor your bond as a legal one. Going through the Galactic Council is a mere formality. The Zumagala are stubborn and don’t know when to give up.”

  “I don’t care what they say. I’m bonded with Justin.”

  “I have every confidence the council will side with us. King Xochis knew you weren’t his and didn’t have the authority to contract you. As your oldest male protector, I should have that authority—no one else. The Galactic Council will terminate the contract. I have no doubt.”

  “And then our bond will be legally honored?” she asked.

  * * * * *

  “I could strangle Rasha right now!” Taio roared so loudly that the statues on his shelf shook. His hands gripped the hard surface of his desk. It was the only thing keeping him from grabbing the first object he found and throwing it at the wall.

  “Why?” Ship asked.

jerked his head up and looked around the room. If Eva were here, she could point out exactly where Ship was so Taio could throw something in his direction. So what if the object would only whiz right through him? The satisfaction he was sure he’d feel would be well worth it. “Why?”

  “Yes, why?” Ship’s voice was calm and controlled. Another reason Taio’s blood boiled.

  “He…he’s given Saia to JB.” Taio took two slow breaths before continuing. “He’ll probably—”

  “Make her happy.”

  “What?” Taio ground out.

  “She was happy with him. It was the happiest I’ve ever seen her.”

  He shook his head. “I know JB. He has other things on his mind than making my sister happy.” Every muscle in his body flexed. He needed to release his anger. If JB were here, he’d release it on him. Punch after punch.

  “When was the last time you saw Saia smile or laugh?”

  He took a deep breath, trying to relax himself, and thought on it. “I can’t remember.”

  “I saw her laughing when they were swimming in the Singha Ocean. That should account for something, right?”

  “Uh, no…maybe.”

  “JB has brought happiness to a woman who had lost all hope. When she arrived on Sonis, she was listless, depressed and severely injured from Olo’s abuse.”

  That cooled Taio’s anger considerably. “Really?”

  “That is the truth. Saia’s fate was not a good one. She has found love. I thought you of all people would understand what it is to love, and to risk tradition to gain it.”

  Taio shook his head. “But…I don’t like him.”

  “Your sister loves him.”

  “Ugh. I can’t imagine my sister with someone who’s not a warrior. Someone who can’t take care of her like I can.”

  “You think you know your sister so well?”

  “Of course.”

  “What does she want most out of life?”

  That’s easy. “She wants to marry a warrior and have children.”

  “That’s what you want for her. She wants to travel the galaxy—to explore.”

  Taio frowned, remembering how much time she would spend looking at the holograms of distant planets and galaxies. “I thought she gave up those ideas when she was a child.”


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