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Smith's Monthly #8

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by Smith, Dean Wesley


  Smith’s Monthly Issue #8

  All Contents copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith

  Published by WMG Publishing

  Cover and interior design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing

  Cover art copyright © by Evenaners/

  “Introduction: New Life” copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith

  “A Pinch of How Rosie Lived” copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith, cover design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing, cover illustration by Bekes/

  “In Case of Emergency” copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith, cover design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing, cover art by Anna Pavlova/

  The Life and Times of Buffalo Jimmy copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith, cover design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing, cover art by Searead/

  “The 13th Floor Problem” copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith, cover design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing, cover art by Stokkete/

  The Adventures of Hawk copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith, cover design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing, cover photo by Wisconsinart/

  “A Pathetic Fallacy” copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith, cover design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing, cover art by Pixattitude/

  “The Mouth that Walked” copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith, cover design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing, cover art by Derevianko/

  Life of a Dream: An Earth Protection League Novel copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith, cover design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing, cover art by Kevin Garden/

  Poems: “Little Death,” “Button, and “Cold Buttered Feelings” copyright © 2014 Dean Wesley Smith, header design copyright © 2014 WMG Publishing, header illustration by Mariagrazia Orlandini/

  Smashwords Edition

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in the fiction in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.

  Introduction: New Life

  A Pinch of How Rosie Lived

  In Case of Emergency

  The Life and Times of Buffalo Jimmy: Chapters 22-24

  Little Death

  The 13th Floor Problem: A Poker Boy Story

  The Adventures of Hawk: Chapters 22-24

  A Pathetic Fallacy

  The Mouth that Walked

  Life of a Dream: An Earth Protection League Novel

  Table of Contents

  About the Author

  Smith’s Monthly

  Copyright Information



  A SHORT STORY used to have a very short lifespan. That always bothered me about short stories in the old world of publishing. I would sell a short story to a magazine or an anthology, make a few hundred dollars, and the story would be on the shelf for a week and vanish.


  No one ever had a chance to see it again. The paper version of the story would go in my file and the electronic file, if there was one, would get dated and become impossible to open.

  About one story in a hundred would have some luck and get picked up for reprint anthologies, but that was it. The few hundred (or few thousand) people who saw the story in the short time it appeared were the story’s only audience, and they soon forgot it.

  Then along comes this new world of publishing.

  I spent last year writing new stories and getting some of my older stories out into stand-alone form. I not only published them in electronic, but in paper. Some of the books were only 30 pages long, but each one had only the short story in it.

  I loved that. I have over eighty of those books on my shelf.

  I felt the stories deserved their own covers and a new life. Not just a spot on a table of contents of a molding old magazine.

  So when I started Smith’s Monthly Magazine eight issues ago now, I did a cover for each story in the magazine with the intent of putting the stories out as stand-alone books later. And I will be doing that for the stories in the first issues, starting shortly.

  But in the meantime, I started thinking about all the stories that were lost in my files, and about different ways of getting those stories to see print, not only in this magazine, but in stand-alone form.

  I had four short stories I had published in various places in what (at the time) was called my “Captain Brian Saber” stories. And I had started a novel, but it had gone nowhere.

  So as I was thinking about how to bring stories forward and give them new life, it dawned on me that those four Captain Brian Saber short stories, with some fixing and merging and transition material, would be a great start to a novel.

  So I started working over the stories and making the four of them meld together. Then I went from where they left off and created the novel that is in this volume, Life of a Dream.

  The stories are still out there in their original form, but in the novel they take on a new life in a very altered state.

  Then, with that success under my belt, I tried to figure out a way to get old files that my computer would not open to open. With the help of some readers on my blog and Google, I figured out how to get to many of those old stories.

  One of those stories is called “The Mouth That Walked” in this issue.

  It was first published in Amazing Stories in 1989. So no one under the age of forty would have had a chance to read that story, and only a few thousand read it in 1989, since Amazing Stories at that point was a dying magazine.

  So as an extra bonus story in this issue, I’m going to bring the “Mouth That Walked” to 2014. A twenty-five year time travel jump, which sort of fits the subject of the novel in this issue as well.

  Life of a Dream is about second chances and being young again.

  As the months go by, I’m going to give some of my older stories second chances at times in this magazine. And then they will go on to be their own book for readers to find.

  Some of my stories from twenty or thirty years ago deserve a new life. Not all of them, but some.

  I hope you enjoy the five stories in this volume, one from Fiction River: Hex in the City that is still very much in print, one getting a new life from a 1989 issue of Amazing Stories that is long out of print, and the other three seeing life for the first time right here.

  And I hope you enjoy the novel with the theme of new starts that gives four other short stories a new life in novel form.


  Dean Wesley Smith

  April 8, 2014,

  Lincoln City, Oregon

  USA Today bestselling writer, Dean Wesley Smith, dives back into one of his favorite topics with this touching tale of being trapped and finding out how to escape.

  Rosie lived to bake in her own kitchen, even when he old body wouldn’t allow her to do so. But Dot wasn’t living for anything.

  She learned that from Rosie.

  A heart-warming story of the dreams in all of us.



  THEY SAY THAT when you get old, you lose your sense of smell. For me, I sometimes wish that had been the case. But I suppose if it had, I would have never met Rosie.

  Actually, the day my son dumped me into the Shady View Rest Home was the day I most wished someone would have plugged up my old nose. The odor of disinfectant seemed to cling to everything, as if that was the rule of the place and nothing could come in unless it smelled like it came out of a blue bottle.

  But there were other smells. The old nurse who tried to smile as she f
illed out my forms, but didn’t really care, smelled of garlic and hand lotion.

  The young orderly who wheeled me, with my son walking along beside me, down the wide hall toward my new room smelled of sweat and dried vomit.

  And my new room smelled what I imagined death smelled like. I didn’t have to be told that the person who had the bed before me had died. It was the way of these places.

  Someone would move in the day after I died, too.

  But for the moment I sat in the little room and just hated the smell, almost more than I hated my son for forcing me into this place.

  “I’ve got to be going, mom,” he said, a fake smile on his face. But I knew the skinny little bastard I had to call a son didn’t have anywhere important to go. He didn’t want to be here any more than I did. He wanted to be home with that new wife, sitting in his favorite chair, watching his favorite programs, pretending he had done his duty as a son.

  I also wanted to be home, in the house I had lived in for almost fifty years. But I’d gotten sick a few months back, a bad case of my stomach fighting with the lower part of my body. And by the time I was out of the hospital, my son had exercised his power of attorney and sold my house. Then, thinking I was going to die at any minute, arranged that I move into this rest home for my final few days.

  Well dying wasn’t in my immediate plans. He said, after I stopped yelling at him, that it would be easier and better for me to go ahead and stay at Shady Hills Home.

  Easier for him was more like it. This way he didn’t have to bother with his old mother. Bother with me was the last thing he wanted to do. And at the moment it was the last thing I wanted him to do. He’d bothered with me right out of my home and I was never going to forgive him for that.

  “I’ll be fine,” I said, letting him hear what he wanted to hear because it would be the easiest and quickest way to get rid of him. “You go along now, and let me get settled.”

  The little shit patted my hand and said “I’ll talk to you soon.” Then he almost ran from the room.

  Even the young orderly who had wheeled me down the hall gave me a puzzled, eyebrow-up look.

  I waved my hand and climbed out of the wheelchair, moving over to check out the television on the nightstand. “Don’t mind him,” I said. “Some parents dump their children. Some children dump their parents. I just wasn’t smart enough to do it first, when I had the chance.”

  The orderly laughed. “I hear you there, lady. You want me to come back and get you for dinner?”

  I turned and stared at the nice young man who stood, half smiling, still holding onto the back of the wheelchair. He had stringy black hair that hung down next to his right eye, a nice, friendly smile, and some light in his eyes. I knew right off I’d enjoy being around him.

  “No, thanks,” I said. “I can still put some miles on these old legs. Just point me in the right direction and tell me the time.”

  He glanced at his watch. “Dinner starts at five, in about two hours. Just go to the right down the hall and when you see the big double doors on the left, you’re there.”

  “Service, or do I have to cook my own.”

  This time he really laughed and his laugh lightened my mood a little. “Full service. But no candles or wine.”

  “So I don’t have to make a reservation, huh?”

  “Already got yours in,” he said. He turned and headed out the door. “Call me if you need anything. Your bags are in the closet.”

  “Thanks,” I managed to say before he disappeared to the right down the hall.

  I moved over and sat down on the bed and glanced around the tiny little room, with its hospital bed, dresser, nightstand, television, and single chair. “So this is where I get to die. Just wonderful.”


  THE NEW SMELL overwhelmed me in the hall just inside the back door. Dinner had turned out to be overcooked green beans, mashed potatoes, and something that appeared to be chicken, but tasted more like the potatoes. With the express purpose of walking off the food I had managed to choke down, I decided to explore.

  The Home, as one blonde nurse’s aide so lovingly called it, was a large rectangle. Each side of the rectangle was called a wing. Two nurse’s stations anchored opposite corners of the rectangle so that no square foot of the home’s halls would be left unobserved from at least two directions. Guess they figured that way none of us inmates could escape.

  The back door was a set of air-lock double doors leading out to a small parking lot near the lunchroom. Obviously that parking lot was used only for staff parking and loading supplies.

  I had been standing near the back door, staring out at the lot, when the smell hit me. Not the smell of death, or of antiseptic. This smell was of apple cinnamon, mixed with a little spice. And as it drifted over me, I actually felt warm, as if I were in a wonderful kitchen somewhere and apple pies were just coming out of the oven.

  I turned around, but there was no one beyond the few residents sitting outside their rooms in their wheelchairs. It seemed that a home policy was to wheel the residents who couldn’t walk back to their door after eating, but not inside. Then a while later someone else would come along and put them away.

  I suppose the theory being that at least the view in the hall would help break the boredom for the residents. From the looks of most of the residents sitting outside their doors, boredom was the least of their problems.

  The wonderful fresh smell of warm cinnamon stayed with me.

  With my nose in the air sniffing like a tracking dog, I moved a few steps back into the hall, trying to trace where that wonderful scent was coming from.

  When I turned to the right the smell almost vanished, so I quickly moved back and into the left hall. The smell seemed to get stronger and stronger as I moved until finally it surrounded me and a little, shriveled woman sitting in a wheelchair outside her room’s door. The sign next to the door on the wall said Rosie Manning,

  I walked a few steps past her, but the smell started to fade so I moved back and stood in front of her. She was the source of the smell. Of that there was no doubt, but I couldn’t really believe it.

  Rosie Manning was a woman of maybe seventy pounds, her back bent over so much that her chin barely stayed above her lap. She seemed to be shaking slightly as she slowly took shallow breaths.

  I bent down in front of her and was even more startled. The remains of her dinner covered the bib in her lap and she seemed to be drooling.

  And her eyes were blank.

  Totally blank.

  It was clear that whoever Rosie Manning had been was now long since gone. Only her body was hanging around until something in it decided to stop.

  I stood as the nice young orderly who had wheeled me to my room approached.

  “I see you’ve met Rosie,” he said, moving around behind her chair. “Afraid she’s not real talkative, though. In fact, in the ten years she’s been here she’s never said a word.

  Ten years? I was shocked. “It was her smell,” I said, “that made me stop.” The thick odor of apples and cinnamon still filled the air like a grandmother’s kitchen in the fall.

  The young guy wrinkled his nose and took a deep sniff. “I don’t smell anything different.” He bent over Rosie. “Rosie, did you have an accident in your diaper?”

  He shrugged to me as he stood and pushed her into her room. “Guess the nurse’s aide will have to check.”

  I stared after him for a moment, wondering if he had just been pulling my leg. After a few moments the smell started to fade, so reluctantly I headed back for my room, my new home, for my first night’s sleep in my new and final bed.


  THE SMELL CAME back to me in my dream, seemingly stronger than it had been earlier.

  I found myself, in my dream, walking back down the hall of the home, again following the smell. And it led me right back to Rosie’s room.

  Only this time, her room wasn’t the normal nursing home room like mine, but instead was a huge old kitchen full
of hanging pans, large pots on the stove, and green trees outside the window over the double sink.

  Apples filled a bushel basket on the wooden table and two large pies were cooling on the counter. A small, straight-backed woman worked at the stove, her back to the door as I stared in.

  After a moment she turned and smiled. “Come in, my dear,” she said. “The pie will be cool enough to eat in a few minutes.”

  Even knowing it was a dream, I felt hesitant. But the smell was so wonderful that I couldn’t stay out in the stark hallway one moment longer. I stepped through the door and was instantly surrounded by warmth and the wonderful smells of cooking. I had never felt so safe and comfortable before.

  The woman smiled, wiping her hands on her apron. “I’m Rosie,” she said. “Rosie Manning.”

  She extended her hand and I took it, feeling the firm warm skin in my palm.

  “Dorothy,” I said, as I shook her hand. “Dorothy McDonald. Dot to my friends.”

  Rosie smiled. “Rest your feet, Dot.” She pointed to an open kitchen chair and I moved to it while she checked on the pies. The door into the kitchen still led back into the hallway of the nursing home and down the hall I could see one of the night nurses working near a cart. But I couldn’t hear the nurse.

  I would have never recognized that the woman who stood in front of me now in my dream was the same woman who had been a dead hulk in a wheelchair earlier.

  “This is a wonderful dream,” I said, feeling the top of the wooden table. This kitchen reminded me so much of my own kitchen in my own house. The house my son had sold out from under me.

  “Isn’t it?” Rosie said as she slid one of the fresh pies onto the table in front of me.

  She retreated to the counter and pulled out two plates, a knife, a pie server, and two napkins


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